Two Week Wait!



  • leiat:
    Good luck, girl... did you switch donors?
  • We have officially joined the club!!!!!! We had our first IUI this morning at 1030 am!!!!! The IUI itself was no big deal a little unconfortable but not bad. I knew when she put the goods in cause it got all warm. Weird!!!! Slight cramping on the way home. Cramping increaed a little when we got home and small amount of spotting. Called nurse and she said this is normal from her opening the cervix. My cervix is really sensitive anytime the gyn has done anything to it it cramps up and spots. So no biggie!!! The TWW is going to drive me insane!!!! But we are going out of town next week all week to the inlaws. Then we come back and fly out the next day for California for my twin neice and nephew (IVF babies) baptism. We will get back home on June 15th so we should be able to test then. Nurse said to test on the 16th. Hopefully all this traveling will make the TWW fly by.
    Baby Dust to everyone!!!!
  • sounds like you'll be plenty busy during your TWW! I'm glad things went well with your IUI and now we'll be waiting for your BFP!
  • Congrats vic! Way to keep yourself busy in this trying time.

    Thanks for the info MistyandCarla. This board has been a great resource for me to see others going through the same thing.

    I called my re and let them know that my blood draw showed I was pregnant and they told me to recheck it today to make sure it triples.

    Did you have to have blood drawn every few days when you first found out you were pregnant? Not quite sure that I believe that this could have worked on the first try.
  • Jessilynn how are you doing? Hope you are doing well! Sending baby dust you're way.
  • welcome to the club vic! how exciting!

    hoping: I am hanging in there!!!

    I am really in a weird place though. Part of me thinks I am having pregnancy symptoms, part of me thinks its in my head. LOL! Make up my mind, right?
    I really had no idea how much can go through my head in a week (today is day 7), now we have one more week to go...

    hey, anyone...what do the "B" and the "F" stand for in BFP/BFN? I think I have caught up on the rest of the ttc lingo, finally. :)
  • Big Fat Positive

    Big Fat Negative

  • I've joined the club (12dpIUI-May 22)--broke down and took a HPT last night (BFN) but wasn't really expecting anything yet. I'll keep using the HPTs and go in for a blood test on Sunday. Keeping my fingers crossed. I've had sore boobs and an atomic nipple constantly since day 4!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • caliseastar...Welcome to the "club". :) Wow, you're already 12 dpiui!

    Don't get discouraged yet...I had a BFN on 11 dpiui and then got a BFP on 12 dpiui. So, it can all change overnight!

    Good luck and KUP!
  • Jessilynn I went to the movies to try to keep my mind off the dreaded wait. It also helped to go to the mall and just walk. I had my iui over the memorial day weekend. This past weekend was really difficult-felt like crawling out of my skin. It was difficult to wait and take an hpt. I started testing on day 10--target sells the 1st response for $9 a 3 pack .

    I will tell you though that target makes a generic which i also picked up and and i think the blue line showed up much better than the pink.
  • Caliseastar, hang in there. That BFP could still be in sight, depending on how long it takes to implant. I've read anywhere from 6-12 days post ovulation. I also had s/s since insemination. Thankfully i have a really short cycle of 24-26 days so i was able to start testing day10.

    Hey vic kup on how everything is going.

    Extra prayers heading out to all.
  • Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I had another BFN this morning (day 13), but I'm still hopeful.

    Hoping--my RE said I'd go in for a blood test on Sunday and, if positive, again a few days later to ensure the HCG levels are increasing appropriately. I think I read somewhere that the HCG amounts double every two days in early pregnancy.
  • mistyandcarla-
    thanks for the tip on the gives me hope, since I have some of the early pregnancy signs.

    the wait goes on...I am trying to hold out until at least day 10 to test, the doc prefers for me to wait until day 12, at the very earliest. we'll see how i hold out. :)
  • Day 14... another BFN. No sign of AF, however, so I'm still hopeful.

    Jesselynn, like you said on another post, I am convinced I'm pregnant, but it's hard not knowing for sure!
  • Good luck girls...I am so excited for you all!
  • caliseastar: i have been reading that lots of women dont get BFPs until past days 14 up to 17,18,19-ish, so keep your hopes up!

    hopingntrying: aren't you due for a blood test today???? what'd they say? :)

    all's quiet here...still resisting the urge to test! my wife keeps telling me that she thinks i am pregnant and is even talking to my abdomen (talking to the "sticky bean") everyday. lol. cute. :)
  • Blood test was 219-I'm pregnant!!! Still in shock-go back on 6/8. Labs now every other day until hcg reaches 1800-then us.

    caliseastar--hang in there it is still too early to say. I'll keep my fingers crossed---sending prayers your way.

    jesselynn hang in there almost entering the second week.
  • ok so day three of the tww wait is coming to an end. And It is driving me insane!!!!I have some cramping on my left side which is the side I am pretty sure I ovulated on. I am feeling bloated and believe it or not my BBs feel full and are a little tender. But I had my BBs enlarged a couple years ago so it is hard to tell if that is what it is cause the feelings in them have been weird ever since the surgery. Honestly I feel like it worked but I dont want to start thinking to positive and then be really let down if I get a BFN. You know what I mean? oh and the other thing is I have had to go pee ALOT!!! But all of these signs seem way to early but then again I wasnt watching for signs with my other pregnancies they just kind of happened and I didnt really pay attention until after bfp. So who knows. Anyway This wait is killing me and I dont know how I am going to last until June 16th to test.

    hopingntrying- OMG CONGRATS!!!!!! I am soooo happy for you!!!!! It is so awesome to see it working for others it gives me such hope for a bfp!!!!! Enjoy it sweetie!!!!!!!
  • hopingntrying...

    Yes! CONGRATULATIONS! That's fantastic news! Great BETA number too!

    Please KUP!
  • YAY hopingntrying!!!! Congrats!!!

    i broke down and tested 10...BFN but i am not surprised. just getting impatient! LOL!
  • I'm so happy for you hopingntrying!!!
    Vic I know how you feel, the wait is really the worst part. I'm on day 8. I have a funny tummy, slight cramps, but I'm hesitant in even calling them that. I'm eating like crazy and I've already peed 8 times today!!
    I just cant wait to find out!
  • caliseastar-i'm keeping my fingers crossed for yo today-good luck with the bloodwork.

    vic75-i had slight cramping since the 1st day 5/22 and it is still here up to today. I mostly blamed everything on the progesterone suppositories. I sounds good for you. I think that i'm still in shock that it actually worked for me and on the 1st try.

    jesselynn-I think that I got my BFP on day 10 but I ovulated very early on day 11 that probably is the only reason my worked so quickly. I have very short cycles. I recommend the target brand of hpt because the color is blue and showed up much better than the extremely faint pink line of the first response. Also check out

    alivin-hang in there girl! I was crawling out of my skin going into the 2nd week. S/S sound hopeful. Does your cramping feel as though af is coming?
  • Hi All,
    Day 9 here. Cramping is def not AF. I usually only get AF cramps on my 2nd day. AF is not due until the 11th or 13th. My tummy feels just a little upset and crampy but it could be due to all of the crap I have been eating!! I have been peeing alot but Im not sure what that means or if it means anything. I started checking my temp but I have no idea what I'm looking for or what it means!! This morning it was 97.7. I also have a hard time sleeping for atleast 3-4 hours uninterrupted to test. I read that that is how long you should be sleeping in order to get an accurate temp. Either i wake up to pee, the dogs wake me up, or because I'm such a light sleeper I wake up!

    I go in for HCG test on Wednesday morning and will have the results back in a few hours. We decided to not do a HPT due to the possibility of false positive or false negative due to trigger shot. Nurse said to just wait because blood test will confirm it either way.

    The waiting is ridiculous, the 1st few days I really though I was pregnant, then the rest of the 1st week up until day 6 or 7 I thought that I wasn't and began to except it. Now I totally feel and believe that I am pregnant. This is just crazy. I want this so bad and I'm so scared to get my hopes up. It's just so soon, even if you really know your own body. You question everything and I wonder did all of these things happen every month to me, but because I didnt obsessive;y pay attention to them, did i not notice them. WHo knows then I think, I know my body and know that I'm pregnant!!!!

    Ladies this is crazy!! How is everyone else handling it?? All I do is eat all day long and then literally an hour or 2 later I'm hungry!!!

    Baby Dust
  • alivin- i am right there with you! ditto on pretty much everything you said. its day 11 for me, on and off i have had cramps (not really like AF) i am starving all the time, whats been just awful is being so gassy! (TMI) so, some days i "feel" pregnant, some days i think its in my head...just gotta keep waiting i guess.
  • Hey Jess
    i think I'm gonna break down and test!! I cant stand it anymore. I know the results may or may not confirm it, but I feel like i have to!! I just sent the wife to Target to buy there brand and First Response. i want this so bad and really feel it!!!

    The wait is sometimes the worst part!
    How's everyone else doing? It's quiet on here and Facebook. I'm obsessive and on here like 100 times a day!!

    Baby Dust
  • My TWW ended today when AF appeared. :(

    I'm excited for you, hopingntrying!

    Good luck vic and alivin! I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way.

    We'll try again in another two weeks. :) Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words, everyone!
  • caliseastar- i was just looking for your post to see what happened today- I am sooo sorry :(
    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that this next try is it!

    alivin- dont feel bad about testing, i broke down and tested yesterday and again today which is only day 11.(both BFNs)i'll probably just keep testing until i get that BFP!!! :-)

    vic- i have been going crazy since my day one, so i think its pretty normal. its nice to know we're all in it together.

    i will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!
  • Cal-sorry to hear about AF. Extra prayers your way that next time is it.

    Alivin & Jess-I tested everyday from 10dpiui on through 15.
    at least there are coupons in the first response for a dollar off:) I tested 1st thing in the am when hcg is supposed to be higher.

    Vic congrats on making it through the 1st week.

    Baby dust to one and all.
  • Hoping: Congrats, girl... been busy at work and just getting around to the threads... heading for my HSG in a few hours... be back in July... the month I was born in!!
  • Hi All
    So I tested this morning and I got 2 BFN. I'm so depressed and I know that I shouldn't be, because it's only 10dpiui.
    We go in on Wednesday for HCG Bloodtest. I'm just really feeling low right now. I want this so bad....

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