Two Week Wait!



  • alivin- you're still in it! its still so early for you. i'll keep praying for you!

    I, on the other hand am not pregnant this time around. AF showed up this morning. (4days early which is really strange for me- i am usually like clockwork.)

    its our first try so i am trying not to be so bummed, but in all honesty i am completely heartbroken. it hurts way more than i had anticipated.

    i really hope the rest in the TWW have better luck than me!!! i'll keep checking on you guys.
    lots and lots of baby dust to everyone!

    i'll be back in this thread in 2 weeks if all goes well.
  • Jesse,
    I'm so sorry. I know how heartbroken and devastated you must feel. I know all about "feeling pregnant" and maybe it is because we want this sooooo much. I will be praying for you the next TWW. And yes maybe you are supposed to have a March baby!!

    Thanks for continuing the baby dust flowing in my direction. I'm trying not to think of the 2 BFN i got this morning. I called RE to find out what my progesterone level was. They said it was 11.7 and that I def ovulated. I told them about the BFN and they said its way to soon, and that the bloodtest on Wed will be able to tell for sure.

    Ughhh i hate this waiting. Good luck for all who are in this with me!
    Baby Dust
  • Well, it might be longer than I had hoped before I get back here... did the HSG and found that I have a large uterine fibroid... so large that the dye couldn't reach my tubes... which I will also guess is why I'm having trouble getting pregnant... or keeping one... the little one can't stick to me right now.
  • ualtigger...I'm sorry to hear about the fibroid, but the good things is that now you know and can move forward from here.

    What is your next step? Surgery?
  • Going to be scheduled for the water ultrasound... is that the same as a sonohysterography? I'm pretty sure that surgery is going to be the next step based on the size of what I saw on screen... my RE was surprised how large my uterus appeared on screen. I seem to ovulate but the eggs probably couldn't get out of my tubes to implant or meet with the sperm...

    Probably won't be able to have the U/S this month so I probably won't be ready for my next IUI before August.
  • Hi UalTigger,

    Sorry to hear about the fibroid. :( At least now that you know, hopefully the docs can address it and enhance your chances of getting pregnant in the future. Good luck!
  • Good luck alivin! Keep us posted! I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way!
  • Thanks girls... it's nice to "talk" to people who know EXACTLY what I'm going through!!
  • ualtigger-now at least you know why it wasn't working and can move forward. My re was very aggressive and started with the normal labs, hsg, and sono between day 5-10 of my cycle. I've heard that the hsg and sono could boost fertility slightly. Don't worry about the sono it was a piece of cake as opposed to the hsg. Hang in there.

    alivin any word yet??? Good luck with the bloodwork today!!!

    jesse-sorry about af, treat yourself to something nice and get ready to jump right back at it.

    vic-hope you're hanging in there.
  • OMG I'm freaking out!! Today is the big day, bloodwork in 2 hours. I decided not to take a HPT this morning. The Dr. said that they will have the test results in about 3 hours!! I'm so scared!!!
    Please send me all of your baby dust and prayers!

  • OMG, I'm nervous for you! Please update us as soon as possible!

    Baby Dust, Baby Dust, Baby Dust!
  • alivin, GOOD LUCK!!!! much baby dust to you!

    Ok, i have a question for everyone here. Today was my 5th IUI. Before I went in, the nurse tells me I need to contact CCB because there was only a 1.6 million count this time. All the other times was at least 10 mil except once with a 7.5 mil. I know it only takes one to get the job done, and with any luck it will, but what do I do about this?? I know we can get a credit for the sub-standard vial, but what about the other $3500 we spent on medicine, ultrasounds, and bloodwork?? DH flipped his lid when i told him about the vial count. Any advise on if we should take action, and if so what and when??
  • Thanks Ladies for all of the baby dust. I just got back from the Dr. and should have the results in a hour!! An hour, OMG 60 minutes of waiting at my desk. I can't believe this I cried all morning and in the car. I held my belly there and back talking to what I hope is our little miracle. I can't believe after the TWW it turns into the Hour Wait!!
    I'll post as soon as I know!
    Baby dust!
  • Ok ladies results are in!!!! BFP I'm pregnant. However my beta was low, only a 10 so they are concerned. I'm on day 12 since IUI. I will go back on Friday to make sure beta is increasing. I'm scared to be excited knowing that my beta is so low. What do you guys think. Can low beta's result in a wonderful and healthy pregnancy??

    Baby Dust
  • Congratulations!! We will keep praying everything works out!
  • alivin...CONGRATULATIONS! This is wonderful news!

    I found these another other boards...

    momtoafireteam12-13-2007, 08:53 AM
    Dropping in from another DDC to tell you that my first beta, 12dpiui, was ELEVEN. Freaking 11. And I had had numerous +'s on every test imaginable.
    14dpiui it was 23. I was beside myself and just about gave up, really. I kept going to all these random forums reading about women who considered a "low beta" to be 75. lol. But, I am 23 wks pregnant with a healthy baby girl, and all is well. Your lines are getting darker, and you might have a late implanter or just a plain low beta baby.

    Here's a link for you...just scroll down...


    Good luck and KUP!
  • Alicia~
    WoooHooo!! Congratulations!!
  • Kim thanks for the support!!
    Misty and Carla thank you so much for that information and that positive story. You know we all stress over the TWW and think when it is finally here we will have out answer and stop stressing, but the truth is that now that we are "moms" we never stop stressing.

    Thank you again for all of your support and I will keep you guys posted!
  • Congrats, Alicia! As long as a low beta number rises, you should be good! I'm surprised they did the bloodtest on day 12. My doctor likes to wait a full 14 days. It's nerve racking! I'll keep my fingers crossed for friday's results...
  • alivin,

    In regards to Alysia's RE wouldn't test my BETA until day 16! So, that's a good point to keep in's still really early!
  • alivin:
    YOU GO GIRL!! You're okay... the numbers WILL keep going up.
  • We tested today at 9 days piui and got a faint positive on 3 different test!!!!! Hoping it stickes and our lines get darker!!! i was so sea sick yesterday while fishing I decided to go ahead and test and we got a BFP!!!!!!!! Thats 2 positives for donor 5575 this month!!!!
  • Vicki I'm so happy for you!! i can't believe this, it is amazing!! Keep us all posted!! When do you guys get back and go to RE!!
  • vic75...Yeah! Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

  • Ok ladies, I ask that you pray for us. We just had our bloodwork done to see if hopefully our beta numbers have increased a lot. I will find out in 2 hours. I have never been more nervous or scared about anything. The wait seems like forever. Please pray and send us all the baby dust you have.

  • alivin:
    at work and praying... let us know...
  • alivin- i have been thinking about you and praying since i woke up this morning...

    vic75- CONGRATS!!! all these BFP's!!!! its very encouraging. :)
  • alivin,

    I know what you're feeling...I remember waiting for my second numbers...It took longer than they expected so I freaked out. I cried and cried and told DP that something had to be wrong. I was literally a mess!

    After all of the stress, things were completly fine! I was worried sick for nothing!

    Good luck and let us know as soon as possible!
  • Congratulations, vic and alivin! I hope things continue to go well for your pregnancies!
  • ok so doc appt tomorrow for blood test!!!! They said they would let me know what my numbers were and then monitor us for 8 weeks before releaseing us to OB doc. Tested again tonight when we got back into town cause I saved the clear blue easy digital until the day we were supposed to test so I could see the word PREGNANT on the screen!!!! And it was there so we definitly have the BFP!!!!!! That was like the 20th test I have taken I swear I am obsessed but I will not test anymore after we go to the doc tomorrow!!!!!!
    Truck loads of baby dust to everyone!!!!!!
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