
2nd time's the charm?



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    Well hell, can I use your RE's pharmacy? HA HA, my RE's pharmacy was the most expensive I found!

    Natalie - Can't wait to hear the numbers..... keeping my fingers crossed for both of you!!!

    Rebecca - How are you doing?
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    Well, my partner had the D&E yesterday morning. It went very well, and she is feeling only light headed, that's it. It was still extremely, extremely,sad. Still is.
    We meet with our RE again in 3 weeks, which I am very much looking forward to.
    I know he wants us to wait until she has her next natural period, but of course her calendar has been turned upside down, so who knows when that will be.
    Will keep you all posted!
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    M - How much is the follistim? We paid 260 plus whatever the trigger shot was...well after looking it up on my bank account, we paid 299.00 for all four shots and our trigger shot. It's billed under ESI*FREEDOM DRUG 800-660-4283 MA if anyone wants to try them?

    Anyways, I am anxiously waiting for our numbers to come back, we just went in at 11 so it will be a couple hours. I also demanded they draw her Iron level as it was low before we started this whole process....that was before Tommie had some fluid taken out of her lap band though (she couldn't keep anything down it seemed, then she got fluid out so her labs should be better!)

    Red - my sis n law had a miscarriage and they wanted her to wait for her natural cycle too, she got pregnant immediately after her next period. She can just think about getting prego and poooooof...she's pregnant!

    M - I am so excited for you guys, I really think the injections is going to make it work! I am dumping a dumb truck full of baby dust your way!!!!!

    M what the heck is your name anyways????
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    Well HCG is 281! That's great seeing how they want it to double every 2-3 days. It almost doubled in 2! Our progesterone is >45 which is also great! So we go in for our sonogram in 2 weeks from today!!!!! We are super excited (except it doesn't like like the twins I wanted!!!!!)
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    I'm glad to see some positive results with the Bravelle! My partner is doing the Clomid/Bravelle cycle as well this month (it's IUI #4) and is triggering tonight and IUI on Friday. We've done three rounds with increasing doses of Clomid and have moved on to injectables because we've had no luck. Really hoping that this is our month. Congrats to Tommie and baby dust to everyone else! I've been reading this thread from the beginning and lurking. Thought I might just pop in and say hello. :-)

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    Natalie is was $250 for 300 IUs... It would have been much cheaper for Bravelle if I only needed 2 shots of it but my RE is ordering 600IUs total, in 2 shots. I would need 8 shots of the 75IU Bravelle to make up for it which is way more expensive. I checked with freedomdrug and it was $451 per shot totalling $902 for both Follistim. Those numbers sound good! Glad their climbing!!!

    It turns out my darn egg holes are benching me this cycle. LOL Remember when I said that my last 2 follies were good sized and right next to eachother? Well the holes they left behind are whats causing my burning sensation. RE said they are filled with blood and in the process of healing but the holes are still too big to give this cycle a go so I'm sittin' out for now. To be honest with y'all I'm not too upset about sitting out a cycle. Just one. This burning feeling really had me concerned since I've still got it and it's never gone away. I can give myself a quick 'mental rest' as well. Looks like we'll be picking up where we left off in early September.

    I'm so sorry Red. That HAS to be tough.

    Hello Erin! As much as I yak on here I'm surprised anyone else has been following from the beginning!
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    Your HcG number, not the price... LOL
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    BTW... I'm Maggie!
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    Gotcha! Well hello Maggie!

    Wow, that's much cheaper! Crazy how it's cheaper for one person but not another ya know...must be a contract the clinic has or something.

    Well maybe that's all you need, is a little rest, reboot your body and start fresh! Change it up a little.

    Off to work talk to ya'll later!
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    Natalie - Your numbers sounds great! So excited for you guys! Hey what try was this for you guys?

    Maggie - Looks like we are sitting out together, ya know, I wasn't too upset about sitting out either, I needed a break!

    Red - Very sorry to hear that, stay strong and wait for the natural cycle, her body needs it.

    We used Menopur and Clomid with the trigger shot also. What's the difference between Menopur and Bravelle? OR is it the same thing? So we have some sperm shopping to do, so many choices.... Ugh, wish ours hadn't retired!

    -Sarah- :)
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    Tommie - the numbers sound great! Congratulations!

    Since I am out until October at the earliest (money and waiting for my body to get back to normal after losing my monoamniotic twins at 16 weeks) I primarily just lurk here, but I wanted to say congratulations.

    Also - Sarah - My donor (I have a son from that donor) has also retired - I really wish I had bought more. Right now we're leaning towards Tommie's donor. :-) My partner is Mexican, but there's not many at CCB and my partner really likes 12224 even though he's Spanish/Irish and not Mexican. Good luck on your donor search.

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    Peggy! I didn't know you lost twins! That is awful! And at 16 wks!!!! What happened? Ugh that could give me nightmares - who ever said pregnancy was a joy - more like the scariest time of your life!!!!

    Sarah i'm not sure what the difference is, we used bravelle and didn't research anything else, nor was any other injectable offered to us.

    Oh yeah, Peggy, we'll let you know if our baby has curly q's on the sonogram in 2 weeks, lol and if not then we'll check when we find out the sex! Tommie has nightmares that our kid is going to have an afro! lol
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    LOL - Funny about the hair. I don't care about curly hair on a boy (well maybe a little LOL), but a girl... Lydia, my partner keeps saying we'll just keep his hair short. And I keep saying, what if we had a girl??? We have a great niece with super curly hair - it's cute and she's beautiful, but taking care of hair like that is so hard. But like I've said before, if curly hair is the only negative issue about a donor then bring it on. :-)

    As for my loss - they were what is known as monoamniotic twins which is very rare. They shared a sac and unfortunately the danger is that their cords get tangled up and compressed. That's what happened with my twins. It was a cord accident caused by them sharing a sac. Just an unfortuante twist of fate. I had an early miscarriage before that in October 2010 so I know what you mean about pregnancy being a scary time. With my son it was all light and rainbows since he was the first. :-) My next pregnancy -my plan is to be zen since I have no control, but we'll see how well that works.

    So now we're just waiting for my cycles to get back to normal so we can try again. I will be 40 on my next birthday so I don't feel like I have a lot of times. I think we'll try 1 or 2 unmedicated cycles and then move on to an injectables cycle. :-)
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    Curious, why even bother with unmedicated? We didn't even have the option really, and I guess our theory was, if we have to spend a pretty penny only once than a dirty one 10 times....bring on the pretty penny!!!! Less stressful it seems too!

    We can't wait to hear everyone's progress throughout the next several months!
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    My son still breastfeeds so I like to try to avoid medication. I need to wean him but he likes to nurse before bed. I have gotten pregnant 3 times - one was with Clomid and two were unmedicated. But you do raise a good point about the money - why not increase your odds. I will have to think about that. But it's so expensive without even adding in drugs. Clomid is cheap, but injectables start to add up.
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    That's why I chose to do medicated for sure, wanted to up the odds...

    The med differences are kinda gross. Menopur is a FSH and HcG blend while Bravelle is only FSH. From what I've read, Menopur is made from post menopausal urine and Bravelle comes from Chinese hamster ovaries. That sounds totally insane when I read it!!
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    Never mind... they BOTH are! LOL!!! We're gonna be shootin' up pee-pee!!!!

    "Menopur (menotropins for injection, USP) is a preparation of gonadotropins, extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women, which has undergone additional steps for purification."

    "Bravelle® is a product containing a highly purified preparation of human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH) extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women."
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    It was Gonal F that is from the hamsters!!!

    "Gonal-f® RFF (follitropin alfa for injection) is a human follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation of recombinant DNA origin, which consists of two non-covalently linked, non-identical glycoproteins designated as the ?- and ?-subunits. The ?- and ?-subunits have 92 and 111 amino acids, respectively, and their primary and tertiary structure are indistinguishable from those of human follicle stimulating hormone. Recombinant FSH production occurs in genetically modified Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells cultured in bioreactors"
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    Hello all! So much has been going on!! OMGosh! Sorry to those who had bad new... GL to those in the TWW ... and someone has to be in the first half of their cycle with me. lol FYI- ALWAYS pharmacy shop! The walgreens wanted $220 for a trigger! We called 6 pharmacies before we found it for $94.. at the hospital pharmacy of all places!! I gtg .. GL all!

    FYI- I like the name sharing!
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    My Walgreens sells the trigger for $99 but it's $89 thru my RE pharmacy! Wish they woulda told me that 4 cycles ago... I coulda saved $40 bucks!
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    Holy COW!!!!!!!!!! 220 for the trigger?!?!?!? We paid 90 something at walmart and it might have been a buck or two cheaper at US drugs (like walgreens).

    So who all is starting their cycle besides Rebecca? seems like most are taking a break.

    Injectables do add up, but just adding clomid increases your odds.
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    Well, the day after my baseline US was kinda rough. The buring sensation kicked up in high gear. I think from the RE pushing around in there... The day AFTER the day after I didn't feel it at all! I think I'm on the mend! Musta just been irritated by the US. I only feel a mild sensation once in a while in the afternoons now, bearly noticable... Time off for a bit was exactly what my body needed!

    I've been so good about what I eat and drink for so long that it's also nice to treat myself to 1 glass of wine the other night and I had 1 caffienated coffee this morning. I haven't been eating deli meats either and plan on having a bologna sandwich! LOL For the past few years I would always have 1 cup of coffee in the morning just to get myself functioning. It's nice not depending on a coffee to have my day feel normal. I just may give up caffiene entirely instead of just when TTC! I know I won't fall off the wagon so to speak, this is way too important, but after 4 failures, I felt I needed it!

    I'm getting a lot done around the house too that I haven't been able to for around 6 months. While in a TWW my partner wouldn't let me lift anything even remotely heavy, not even bringing in the milk from the car to the house. It's nice an all but I'm totally a 'doer' and it's hard sometimes to not just do things myself.

    Hope the 'break girls' are making the most of it as well and the 'BFP girls' are enjoying every minute of it! And Rebecca, I hope this cycle is as stress-free as possible!!!
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    I think I've already started a blog... it's called '2nd times the charm' LOL!!!
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    LMAO, DID Maggie!!!!

    Wow, your woman takes care of you!!! Don't ask Tommie all that she does around this house....I even made her go to sams and get kitty liter and dog food...she was very mad at me cuz she strained her back lifting it (I think this was in our TWW this time or maybe just before. can't remember).

    Time is going by so slow it seems, although today our baby is a sesame seed - has moved out of the poppy seed phase. My mom comes into town tomorrow so we are super excited!!!

    I'm sure the rest is what some of ya'll needed and M - you don't need to totally cut everything out, Tommie drinks tea and a soda once in awhile. And you can eat deli meats as long as you heat them up. Don't torture yourself - it won't prevent you from getting prego!
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    I used to be a heavy pop drinker years ago but I cut it completely out of my diet about 5 years ago so I at least don't miss that! I mainly only drink decaf tea and water. Occasionally I'll have a decaf coffee, but it's only been a couple of times in the past few months. I do have an addiction to bologna, nasty I know... I don't like lunch meat hot so I just skip it altogether now!

    I'm totally jealous of you guys (Tommalie). I wish I was prego and preparing to tell the family. (I know yours already know your TTC) If we could just get a BFP and safely get thru the 1st trimester we'd be over the moon happy! I'm really hoping that this coming hybrid cycle has a big healthy follie turn out. I'm also really hoping for twins at this point because I'm not sure how much more of this we can go thru after this first go round.

    It's gonna be a long month...
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    About when do ya'll anticipate starting your next cycle? You should get MULTIPLE great sized follies!!!!! And an increased chance of multiples 20% to be exact, with the use of injectables!!!

    Tommie said to heat up your meat (until steaming) and then stick it in the fridge if you want it cold!

    We have faith that the injections will be the key and you will be prego this time!
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    If and I mean IF I start this natural rest cycle on time, we'll be back in it the first week of September. I've been obviously regular clockwork with the meds but I'm usually sporadic with a window of 3 or 4 days of when I think I'll start naturally. Hopefully having 4 cycles in a row on schedule will get me going without the meds. We shall see!

    Can't heat up bologna like that, it's just icky!

    I pray you're right and we'll have great sized follies and we'll be right behind y'all!!! This will give me at least 3 more weeks to get that first time excitement back. I wanna be giddy again like months ago...
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    hahahahaha, you crack me up! I LOVE balogne sammies ONLY if you heat em up! Specially if you grill 'em like grilled cheese. Bread, balogne and some cheese....maybe some mustard...YUMMY!

    Have you researched your injectables? Have you not seen most ppl who have gone to injections either hybrid or all the way, have gotten pregnant their first time??? That's what we were seeing.
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    Nope, not anymore than the initial research. Prolly need to tho...

    I'm really wanting to get back into this process. I'm going thru a TWW X2 if you will... I might back off the 'blog' for a while otherwise I may go insane!!! This last week was a breeze, just gettin' stuff done I normally wouldn't, but now it's all I think about again. Ugh! This would have been so much easier if I didn't lose the first little one :( God has his plan for us I guess...
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    Everything happens for a reason...i truly believe in that. You may not understand why now but when you do get pregnant with that amazing baby...you will understand then.

    Trust we are very anxious for you guys to get started as well!!!
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