2nd time's the charm?



  • I'm so happy that you guys got to feel the poke early, that's awesome!!! Now... if AF would just show up for me I can get MY 'poke' from the RE!!! :) hehehe
  • LMAO. Still no AF? It's being a terd I see......
  • Hey Mg and Tommie (howdy neighbor)~

    Tommie - I keep up today on your guys blog and when we text back and forth. Wooty!

    Mgalbn - You'l get a positive. My wife and I just did our first IUI this past Sunday and we keep thinking positive thoughts. Tomi is tired of me rubbing on her belly and saying "mix babies mix and latch on!" As I've told her, I can't go through the stuff she is going through the same way, but by god I'll give my words of encouragement to our little swimmers!

    I hope you get a BFP this time around! If all goes well, we'll both be having August babies!
  • FINALLY had some light spotting this evening, it's picking up a little. Thinkin' day 1 will be tomorrow. I wonder sometimes how much longer God is going to test us...

    You keep up those encouraging words Tomi, the swimmers hear ya!!! I hope my cycle is a go and we both have August babies too!!! Peridot is a beautiful jem...
  • My spotting barely lasted a few hours then stopped. Two days later I'm spotting again. Maybe tomorrow will be day 1? I'm not making anymore assumptions!!!
  • When Tomi was having a hard time getting her period to come, the dr put her on some medicine for a few days. After taking it, she came off of it and then started like 3 days after coming off the medicine. If you keep having issues getting your period on a regular basis, maybe mention it to your Dr and they'll give you something.

    Hopefully you'll get your monthly visitor tomorrow! My fingers are crossed for ya.

    We have been testing, and finally know for sure the hCg is out of her system. We are now just waiting for that negative to switch to a positive.

    I mentioned my blog before, you're more than happy to read it. It's at http://2mommies4me.wordpress.com

    Have a good one!
  • Maggie - have they ever checked you for polyps? Sounds like what Tommie was doing - had a lot of spotting before starting, was due to the polyps.
  • Thanks Tomi, I follow 4 blogs and I'll add yours to the mix! I try to read em at least once a week...

    Natalie, no, I've never been checked. Would they show up on an u/s? The spotting stopped again so day 1 is a no go, maybe tomorrow, I'm not holding my breath. This is very unusual for me. I don't drag it out like this, it's a first. My periods are normally fairly regular. Sometimes they're a little late but usually only by a few days. As I type I feel lefty getting warmer so it's spittin out some kind of hormone I'm sure. I'm hoping for tomorrow.

    How many polyps did she have removed?
  • The fact that you are spotting could mean something. Have you had blood work to confirm that you are in fact not pregnant? The pregnancy test just may not be picking it up.

    It is unusual to spot then not and etc. It's something worth checking into anyways. I would call the Dr's office and explain that you haven't started yet, but your HPT comes back negative but you would like it if they would do some blood work to confirm.
  • Well, it can kinda show up on an US but it can be very very tricky to spot them. She had polyps and a fibroid if i'm not mistaken...they did a complete d/c on her to remove them all. They discovered them on her HSG (the uterine wall looked rigged not smooth like it should)...her periods were regular timing wise maybe a day or so off, but she would spot before and it progressively got worse and worse to the point where she would have very few days she wasn't bleeding!
  • BACK IN IT! AF finally showed her face an hour after I made an appt to see what was going on with me, figures! I'm on day 4 now, 2nd day of Clomid. I've been ok'd to do another hybrid so my shots start tomorrow. We are out of vials for the back to back IUIs which is what we wanna do this time. I feel like everything that I CAN control will be controlled this time. Hybrid cycle, and back to backs, what else can we do right? We've gotta get a donor picked and shipped! This is gonna be IT people!!! IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!!
  • LOL................So happy for ya'll! So you have to pick out a new donor for this cycle? Sheeeeesh......are you going with CCB or another bank? Still taking the same injectables? BABY DUST BABY DUST BABY DUST!
  • Yep, new donor. We're not sure how many vials to order. Considering Fairfax. They have a different pricing scale (not that price is the only factor, but for the 6th IUI, it can't be disregarded for sure). I never got a 100% match with CCB but I do with Fairfax. We haven't ordered yet, will be doing that today! :)

    Same injectables, same schedule but a slightly lower dose of follistim since I jumped the gun last time. I'll still be taking the ganirelix to hold back my ovulation. I have a strong reaction to the follistim (9 follies last time) so we're going a little slower this time. I'm hoping for 4 or 5 really good sized ones this cycle. My first shots start tonight! Man, I hate injecting myself... it's creepy. Hope I never get da betus that's insulin dependant!!! Lefty warmed up after the first dose of clomid already. I'm sure he'll be in overdrive after my shot tonight!

    Thanks for the baby dust Natalie! Tomi, how's it going? So far, so good??
  • Your partner doesn't give you your injectables? Dang, I didn't know you had 9! That's insane!!!!!!
  • Nope.... if anybody is gonna stick me, it's gonna be me!!! LOL I can't wait for wednesday's u/s to see what we've got going this time!!! Swimmers are ordered and on their way to the RE. More injectables ordered and scheduled for delivery tomorrow. The countdown has begun!!! I'm feeling really positive and happy this cycle so I think that will help ;)

    Good luck and I hope everything is good to go for you guys. We had AF show up too, so it is a big negative for us as well.

    Did you decide to stay with CCB or did you go to Fairfax for your donor?

    We are waiting for the Dr's office to call us back to get us started on the new set of meds for this cycle. This cycle means that we will be finding out the fate of our future around Christmas and hopefully we'll have a nice Christmas present, the same goes for you. Hopefully the 4 of us will be bringing in the new year with a little extra set of feet coming into the world!
  • You folks mentioned that you are having the injectables ordered and delivered to ya, where are ya guys going for mail order?
  • Sorry 'bout the AF Tomi :(

    I go thru my RE's mail order, it was the cheapest price I could find and the most convenient. They ship it to my local pharmacy for me to pick up (due to the refrigeration & I didn't want it left on my porch) I believe they use Walgreen's Specialty Pharmacy.

    Appointment went GREAT! I've got 6 follies that are great size on cd8. Yay! AND my lining was thicker compared to cd8 last try. I go back on Saturday for another u/s and bloodwork. Won't know today's b/w results till tomorrow but I must be ok because they never called me to change anything. I hope they're @ 20mm by next appointment! Keeping my fingers crossed for the best odds!!!

    Yes, I think all 4 of us are going to get THE best Christmas news/present this year!!!!
  • That's GREAT! Did they tell you the sizes of the follies? The mm of your lining?

    Have you ever had great lining and great follies at the same time????

    Why are they doing so many US? To monitor how much or how little drugs they need to give you? Do you know when about you will inseminate? Trigger?

    We are so excited for you! FINGERS/TOES/ARMS/LEGS crossed for ya'll!
  • Hey Maggie (I believe I saw that was your name!) ~

    We have an appointment for next Wednesday with the RE for our US to find out the size of the follies. Our RE did change things up a little bit this month, instead of taking the injections for 6 days .. he has taking them for 7 days. I am hoping that having an extra day of injections will make a world of difference. We go through Wal-greens as well. If the local pharmacy orders, you get one hell of a discount if you have the Wal-Greens prescriptions savings plan. For example, our injectins for the Menopur (we pay out of pocket), ran us $750 (roughly) this past cycle ... with the savings plan, we saved over $250!!! A huge difference and the great thing is that the savings plan only costs $20 a year! That has been the best $20 investment I have ever made!!!

    I FEEL CONFIDENT TOO about our Christmas present!

    Fingers CROSSED!!

    If all goes well next Wednesday, we will be doing our TWW HPT on Christmas day!!!!!!
  • On my cd8 u/s my lining was @ 6.5 (it was 5.5 last hybrid cycle on cd8) I had 3 follies that were in the 12/13 range and 3 follies that were in the 9/10 range. (last time it was 1 @ 11, 1 @ 12 and the rest were 9's). I started the ganirelix tonight to help me stop jumping the gun on ovulating. They'll all be 'contenders' but I bet the 3 @ 12/13 will be our winners! They've got 4 more follistim shots with 4 more days of growth to consider before I trigger! I believe if I stay on schedule I'll be triggering Sunday and will have my back to backs Monday and Tuesday.

    RE told me they do 3 or sometimes 4 u/s with injectables to keep a close eye on they progress. I'm glad they do, it's mini check ups on my follies! And to answer your question, I've had great sized follies and great lining EVERY time. It just hasn't happened for us yet...
  • Wow! What timing Tomi!!! This is IT!!!!

    I've got the Walgreens savings plan too... it's been soooo worth the $20 for discounts on the things I've had to pay for out of pocket (my insurance has been covering most, but not all)
  • What does your RE want your lining to be? Ours said anything less than 7 was no bueno....preferably wanted it around 10 or 11mm.

    You could have all 6 grow just fine - atleast 5 days left right? And does your injectables help with the lining? I know Bravelle was really good at helping keep the lining nice and thick.
  • Triple stripe lining baby! We're lookin' good! I'm just a little stressed and nervous about this time. Trying my best not to be but it's hard, ya know? I mean it's $1,400 in sperm alone for this ONE back to back IUI. I don't even want to add up all the money we've spent on so many failures. This has been a very long and expensive road... which better be coming to an end for Christmas!!!
  • Well folks, this is it. Tomorrow and Tuesday are back to back IUIs for us, I just triggered a couple hours ago. Any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated :) I prolly won't be on here too much to keep the tww stress down a bit. I'm gonna try to focus on Christmas and getting things done for the holidays. Santa, I believe!!! LOL Can you grant us this gift?
  • Hey MG!

    Best of luck on the back to back IUI's. I know you are anxious to find out the results of this one. If we don't hear from you, we definitely understand wanting to stay as stress free as possible. A little hard to do sometimes around the holidays, cause you always feel rushed!
  • Good luck! And baby dust!
  • Any luck????
  • I'm nervous!!!! I bet Maggie doesn't test till the 18th or 19th ATLEAST......I pray you are preggers!
  • I started this morning, it's over. Santa can take his goodie bag and shove it...
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