2nd time's the charm?



  • With the shots and without heck...they should grow 1-2mm a day! So they had 4 more days to grow, that means ATLEAST 4mm each...like I said, add follistem AND the trigger! They surely grew more than 4! So the 12's were 16's and the 17's were 21's....

    Your cycle sounds more and more like ours!!!!!!
    Anyways, what day are you testing? After the whole TWW? Are you forgetting about the TWW? Trying not to think about the symptoms etc?
  • I've been only counting 3 days for addtional growth since they stop growing when they ovulate and I am guestimating that I ovulated the evening before my IUI on cd13. I could be wrong of course but either way, 2 jumped up 6mm between saturday morning and monday morning thanks to the follistim! I'm betting 2 more shots prolly helped out a LOT in 3 days!!! My left ovary sure was burnin'! We're more hopeful than we've ever been... I just know this is it, I just know it.

    We've held out on testing sucessfully with all the other cycles so I'm going to hold on till cd14. We'll prolly test the morning of not this coming friday, but next. Unless I develop some undeniable symptoms before then, we just don't wanna see the 'not pregnant' over and over again when it may not even matter, ya know? After 5 IUIs I don't want ANYTHING discouraging us! Positive thoughts all the way!!!

    PS. it's kinda nice eating a handful of doritos @ 10:00pm with no guilt! Hehehe!
  • I don't think I can wait that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

    We go in for a check up tomorrow and they are going to do an US for us to see if we can find out the sex. We are so excited!!!!
  • I know, right? It's only been 4 days but when I get undressed, my boobies are sore!!! I've been soooo exhausted since the IUI too. I know that's too early, and prolly all the drugs I've been taking for sure but I still like to think that the symptoms are early b/c we're gonna have triplets! LOL

    Soooooo? What's the verdict? What the heck are you havin'??? BTW... that giraffe IS the bomb!!!! I got so excited for you guys when I saw it!
  • Its a...................BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so freaking excited!!!

    Oh and don't worry about symptoms! Just try to fly through the two weeks and hurry up and tell us your preggers!
  • OMG! That's fan-freakin'-tastic!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!
  • Thanks!

    Tommie kinda scared me yesterday, apparently she took the ultrasound pic with her and was analyzing it alllllll day! Well she comes home and tells me she has a concern and that I need to look at something. Well there is a line (it's a black straight line inbetween white areas) that she was like "this could be the bun! This could be a girl"....I was like...........ummmm isn't that the booty cheecks??????????

    Lol, but still makes you worry! You can totally see a peter and probably the booty!
  • Awww... girls aren't so scary! I'm hopin' for one of each!!!

    I've got a handful of symptoms going on right now but, as usual, it's hard to tell anything for sure this early. Especially since this is my first cycle with injectables. It's getting closer to testing day and I'm starting to get nervous. Did the hybrid work? Was our timing just right this time? Did my swimmers get lucky? ...and Will we have to shell out a ton more money to try again? After 5 trys I could worry myself sick with all these unanswered questions... we just want what everyone else wants, happiness and success.
  • We are praying this works! Stastically it should work!

    We have been talking past few days about trying again for a girl. We need to call the bank and ask if our donor has some in holding...to see if we want to buy now or later. I think we will buy 1 more vial - have 2 total to try again.

    This is totally gonna work!
  • I'm in disbelief, I'm spotting. It picked up this afternoon to where I believe tomorrow will be my new day 1. The RE mentioned that injectables tend to shorten cycles by 3 or 4 days and he was right.

    We are right back to square 1 again. We have 1 vial left and have decided already to try again with a hybrid cycle except this time we'll try back to back IUIs. OF COURSE our donor is sold out AGAIN. We may have to do a back to back with different donors. Big decisions to make AGAIN. We really think it was a timing issue this time. I had to take shots to stop from surging/ovulating and I think when I stopped those and took the trigger my ovaries were like POW spit them out now! And I O'd too soon. We're hoping back to back IUIs will cover the ENTIRE available time frame for the little eggs.

    All that being said, we are so sad. Sad and disappointed. I can't tell you all how many times I've fought back tears or completely broken down today. This will be #6, I mean, really, #6? I have no known health issues and I shouldn't have miscarried on #1. We were supposed to be DUE on Thanksgiving Day next month not STILL TRYING. We felt so confident about this cycle. Even more so than the 1st try because we knew the stats. I haven't called in my day 1 yet but I know we're taking a rest cycle. My left ovary was burnin in overdrive with the follistim. We are just beside ourselves.

    For those of you who were successful on the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd try, I truly hope you know how lucky and blessed you really are.
  • I was hoping for one less complication but can't seem to catch a break. Our donor is currently pulled to only offer vials if you already have children from him. We were considering going back to the first donor since we liked him the best but it turns out he's dropped out too. Ugh! Can't a girl and her uterus catch a break around here??? I'm gonna need to publish a book not just a blog when THIS is all said and done!!! I think I need a large glass of wine and a hot bubble bath but I'm so emotionally drained today I know I'll get neither...
  • Maggie...hey girl...not sure if you remember me? I was the one who had the early miscarriage/ chemical at the exact time you did earlier this year. I have been checking in on you randomly hoping that you had good news to share. I am sorry that this is sooo tough for you. I am in the exact same boat. I am 11dpo and just know it didn't work. The vial quality was sooo poor that I am eligible for a refund with a negative pregnancy test. I, like you, have no known issues. My cycles are like clockwork, my hormones are perfect, my lining is always great and my RE is stumped and just says....well just keep trying. This process can be so overwhelming and like a freakin roller coaster. Soooo excited, then sooo sad!!! Although the pregnancy only lasted 5 1/2 weeks, I am sad that what would have been my due date is also approaching (November 13). I just wanted to chime in to say I completly understand you and that I AM ROOTING FOR US!!!!! I hope that you are able to relax and enjoy your rest cycle. Get all the little stuff done because I hope the next try YOU NAIL IT!!!!
  • Are you kidding me?!?!?!? Did you take a pregnancy test just to make sure????????????????????????????????????? Ugh, I am so sad for you guys, this is just crazy! Our cycles weren't shortened but we did bravelle

    I am so sorry Maggie, but keep us updated.
  • Well I won't say that misery loves company shunah, because I wouldn't wish this sadness, helplessness, anger or confusion on my worst enemy. If you haven't started yet and only 11dpo, there's def still hope for your cycle. I pray it was a sticky follie for you.

    Nat, I took a test on 12dpo and it was negative. It was the same day that I began to spot lightly. This cycle is a bust. I'm 'heavy spotting' now, not a full flow yet. Not enough to consider it my day 1.

    This week has officially turned to s**t.
  • I feel sadness helplessness anger and confusion for you!

    All I gotta say is that you do the hybrid cycle and based on my research it should work! We did 200mg clomid day 4/5 150mg days 6/7/8 then bravelle day 9/10/11/12 (we might have started on day 3, can't remember - it's a strong possibility!) We did estradiol starting day 6 also.

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRR you better have a talk with your little ovaries and uterus! This is ridiculous already!
  • Whatever slim chance of hope we had today vanished as day 1 officially arrived. :( I feel different about THIS rest cycle. I want it...

    shunah, any hope for you???? Did you test again?
  • I'm feelin' a little better after a few days of letting it sink in. We NEED to move on...If I start on time it should be about mid December when we get an answer to the (hopefully LAST) tww. The follistim made me start early this cycle so I'm not sure AGAIN when I'll start with day 1 again. I'm back in the waiting game, but I'm not as anxious to get back in it, at least not right now. A few weeks from now I'm sure I'll feel differently. We're going out of town for a bit for our anniversary in November. It will be a great opportunity for us to relax and refresh.

    Our biggest stresser right now is finding a donor. Both #1 and #2 are out of the running now and we have to start from scratch. There are 2 things that we refuse to budge on, blood type and CMV negative status. When we narrow it down from all the donors we end up with only 22. There are several donors that we've considered before out of those 22 but were ruled out, usually for medical history reasons. We may have to consider another bank... the search is on...
  • So you are doing another rest cycle? Are the donors you were using just not available for the moment? I think your original donor became available shortly after you switched didn't he?
  • Yes, we're resting as much as it's possible till next cycle. I didn't bother calling in my day 1 because my ovary was red hot from the follistim this cycle and I know that it wouldn't be ready to jump back into things anyway.

    My original donor is no longer available, period. I called CCB and both the original and our 2nd choice from this cycle (we still have 1 vial) are gone-dy, no longer an option. Choice #2 is only selling to create siblings and choice #1 is sold out not to return.

    I hope this month is nothing but restful in every sense of the word. I feel like we need an emotional detox! I've been sad and disappointed too long...
  • Wow, that's crazy. I feel so sad for you guys. I know this process is an emotional rollercoaster!
  • Gonna spend some time today researching donors. *sigh*

    I hadn't really given it much thought until now but since my ovary was burnin' so much during this cycle, I'm starting to wonder if I'll be sitting out TWO cycles like I did before. I felt the burn during my last rest cycle and the RE said I wasn't ready yet when I went in for cd3 u/s. I didn't feel it at all the next rest cycle and RE said I was ready to get back in it on that cd3 u/s. I will be even more disappointed if we have to wait until January's cycle. That seems SOOO far away :( I have suspicions however, that will be the case.

    Imma need some serious good vibes, ju-ju, prayers, baby dust, ANYTHING yall can throw my way for the next few months!
  • Wonder why your ovaries are doing that? Have they offered up any explanations?

    Doesn't seem like there have been any new donors added lately...but maybe Mr. Right is hiding out somewhere you haven't looked!

    When are you scheduled to start your next cycle?
  • It's just my left ovary that burns when it's active. RE said it was because when the follies exit, the holes they leave behind are not healing as fast as normal and cause irritation which translates to a burning sensation etc.

    I've been looking at CCB but feel like we would be settling if we chose a donor here. My search is pretty specific and there aren't many to choose from. I've got about 2 1/2 weeks till my next day 1. I'm hoping that cycle will be a go so we can get the ball rolling again.

    How's Tommie doing?
  • She's doing really good.

    Have you found other banks you like? We found that other banks had much less of a selection and seemed shady some how or another. What's exactly are you looking for?
  • Soooo?????????? It's about that time!
  • Gettin' close!!! Lefty has been noticable the past 2 days so I believe I'll start soon. I think I'm scheduled for Saturday but the way it feels it may be sooner. The fact that lefty IS noticable worries me. I pray I don't have to sit out another month, only my u/s will tell. I will be crushed if we have to wait until January to try again. If this cycle is a no-go and since we have a lone vial of our donor left right now, wanting now to do back to back IUIs, we are considering a natural cycle with that last vial during the rest cycle. Kinda like we can be trying even when we're not trying!

    We haven't firmed up our decision on another donor but I believe we'll be going to a different bank, the same bank that is also recommended by my RE office. We'll have to decide quick if I'm able to move forward this cycle! We've just given in to what will be will be...
  • Oh, I absolutely LOVED the costume idea you had!!! Too funny!!!
  • Haha thanks! Well I sure hope you can go this month and get you an August baby!!!!!! We are ALL pulling for you guys for sure! Keep us posted!!!!
  • I realize that w/o AF none of us would be able to be doing what we're doing but, that being said, she's a real b**ch!!! It's Sunday now and she hasn't shown up, there goes our convenient work schedule. When you want her, she's fickle and takes her sweet time, when you don't want her, she shows up with a vengance. C'mon now, we deserve a break already!!! I mean, c'mon!!!! Just show up already so I can keep moving forward instead of just hanging in limbo land!!!
  • She's gotta make sure everything is perfect! Atleast in a positive thinking kinda way!
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