
2nd time's the charm?



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    I didn't see your post the other day MGALBN-no I didn't have back to back and I do notice that's when they usually do 24hrs after trigger that's why I'm not sure why mine was that early. But I guess I'll see wut happens when I test on Mon (my 14piui) If it doesn't work, I guess I'll insist to dr to push next one to the standard 36hrs and we're really considering doing back to backs this next time if we have a next time. But I'm gonna hope for the best. Well good luck to you this Sat..I'm hoping the best for you. I did injectibles and didn't have any side effects. I think the only side effects I got was from trigger shot-I got really sore nips for a week and from suppostories-I got one hot flash and cramping..or don't know if that was something that actually happening inside my body this past weekend. We'll shall see.
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    Hey M! (That is how we refer to you guys...."Honey, has M wrote you back yet?" lol) Natalie usually writes but today its actually Tommie! Looks like you US went really well....we are so happy to hear it. Twins would be so nice....more bang for the buck, right? The next time we have a cycle, we are going to do the combination of clomid and injectables. It really increases the cost. Adding 4 FSH injectables after 5 days of clomid will add $240.00. Blah! We are going to do it though....our dr said it doubles our chances. Good luck to you on Saturday!! Then the dreaded TWW......
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    This is Natalie now, hey M we are so excited for you!!!!!! Our fingers and toes will be crossed as we are throwing tons of baby dust your way!

    Gsalsa - did you get a BFP????
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    No unfortunately AF came today. :( My wife and are are going to skip this cycle and start again in Aug. We are going to do back to back next time. What is the ideal timeframe for timed insemination?
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    Our RE does our IUI 37 hrs after trigger but ends up being around 39 hours after because they are always running late!!! But i've heard others say their RE did 36-42hrs after and they've gotten prego twice. So hopefully that works for us too!

    That sucks AF came, sorry to hear that. This whole process is so frustrating, but it will all be worth it in the end!
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    Gsalsa, sorry about your BFN :( I don’t know if it’s the best time line but it appears that the most common for back to back IUIs is 1 @ 12 hours after surge and another 24 hours after the surge. At least that’s what I’ve read so far. I’m sure it’s slightly different for every cycle and every RE.

    I had a different RE do the IUI Saturday, a different one from the last Saturday. Both of these other REs did not make me cry out in pain while doing the IUI :) LOL. This one scraped me pretty good with the tip of the syringe tho and now I’m spotting. I spotted red IUI day and now I’m lightly spotting brown so I think its coming to an end. I feel crampy still. Crampy and a warming sensation on my left side (where my eggs were this cycle) Hope that clears up quick. Just in time for the trigger shot side effects to start kicking in, YAY, not…

    Last cycle the RE made a comment about my cervical mucus. He had to use a swab to clear it out of the way and proceed (TMI, I know…) THIS cycle, I had lots of cm the night BEFORE the IUI. Hope that means my ovulation is timed better, we shall see! I said last time that it’s a crap shoot and it’s gonna be this time too. I’m going to disregard all symptoms unless I toss my cookies! LOL I had new symptoms show up last cycle which meant nothing in the scheme of things so I don’t trust myself anymore to read symptoms!!! I’m gonna take it really easy for my TWW, stay positive, say many prayers and hope for the best! Any available baby dust would be greatly appreciated! :)
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    MGALBN - I had my IUI Friday 07/08, looks like we are in the 2WW together. SUCH a long wait!!! This is our 5th attempt, after 2 surgeries and sitting out we finally got to try again. It's been since October so my partner and I are very excited!

    We used Clomid and injectables along with the trigger shot. Man, that shot gave me the WORST headache ever! I was miserable but feeling better finally today. Also on progesterone supp. We had 6 follies which measured out at 17, 22, 23, 18, & 14. I'm really hoping once sticks! Wouldn't mind twins either, get it all done so we don't have to go thru this again!

    The doctor actually asked me if we wanted to cancel the cycle since we had so many mature follies, I was quick to say no since they have already told me I have a low ovarian reserve, I wasn't about to stop something that might work! Oh and I had no side affects form the injectables at all, just the trigger shot gave me a headache.

    Anyway, I'm sending baby dust your way and hoping for the best for the both of us! It's been a long road for the both of us so here's to getting our BFP! :)
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    Thanks TommieWartick, it is frustrating and kinda hard to remain 100% hopeful. Good luck and lots of baby dust to you MGALBN with all those great follies!

    When you say and I've also read the same that back to back IUIs is 1 @ 12 hours after surge and another 24 hours after the surge...Does this mean the 12th hr and 24th hr after surge/trigger or 12th hr and 36th hr after surge/trigger??

    I'm very bummed and confused why Kaiser's protocol is 24-36 hrs after trigger on one IUI which I had my done at the 27th hr. I hope this isn't why I came up BFN. :( I even asked about this. I'm pushing to have the norm next time. But I wanted to clarification on back to backs as this is what we're doing next cycle.
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    SSJP - WOW that's awesome! Was the 6th follicle as big as the other 5? Did your RE say you had a great chance of getting prego??? Which donor are you using?

    Gsala - I am so sorry. Ugh, I know how heart breaking it is to get those BFN. When do you start your next cycle? How many IUI's have you done?

    M - Stop thinking about it all. Just forget it and don't look or think into things! We did that too and it just added stress to us! And talking about it added stress too...ugh!
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    SSJP - So jealous!!! Those follies sound great! I was joking around about having triplets with 3 good follies but you've got me beat hands down! You're gonna have a litter!!! LOL :)

    gsalsa - I believe its 12 hrs after surge then again 24 hrs after that, which would be 36 hours after the trigger. You take the trigger shot, but don't get your LH surge right away and I think back to backs are timed from the surge. I haven't had one, so don't quote me, but that seems to be the common schedule of what I've read online...

    Now it's time for me to go back to what I was doing... drumming my fingers on the table waiting for at least day 14 to take a test! I try to block everything out but then I've got a little baby cramp or a twinge or something and it gets me thinking and wondering again. I know that many have gone thru much more than me so I must sound weak, but I almost feel beat down, emotionally speaking. I used to say 'these highs and lows' but lately, its just lows with no highs. I think it's going to be a cruel joke on us if this doesn't take!!! Please please please please please please please let a precious healthy baby STICK this time!!!!
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    I don't know how people can stay positive on say IUI 8, or 11 or something even higher! I feel ya!!!! After just two its stressful and heartbreaking and everything else...The worst part is that EVERYONE around us is getting pregnant! Including my brother/sister-n-law! Infact, they get prego their first month of trying! Every time!!! This is prego number 4, they miscarried last month and are prego again! Not jealous, just envious...sigh...

    It's like we just don't get it...how can something so perfectly planned not work? How can we shell out big bucks and it not work? Yet ppl can get pregnant at 13, who are homeless, malnurished, etc....all get pregnant...and here we are...perfect situation...STRUGGLING!!!!!!

    Anyways, are you really waiting till day 14? That is so hard, we said we were going to do that last time...lol needless to say we didn't make it! However we tested WAY less than we tested the first time!

    M we are definitely sending baby dust your way....number 4 is it for ya'll!
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    Tommie - the 6th follicle measured at 13, guess I forgot to add that one! And I feel your pain on how everyone else gets prego. In the group I work with there are 3 girls (including myself) and 2 guys. Well the girls know that I have been trying to get prego for over a year now. I heard them talking one day about how they both were stopping their birth control and going to try and get pregnant. Well, last week I came into work and one of them tells me she is 8 weeks pregnant. It wouldn't bother me so much if she wouldn't have sat here and repeatedly said that pregnant people disgust her and that it's gross to have a baby growing in their stomach. She would go on and on and on about, now EVERY DAY I have to hear that she's pregnant, and how she feels and blah blah blah..... What a hypocrite! It is sooooooooo frustrating! And then she had the nerve to tell me yesterday, "Don't get your hopes up too high for it to work", how dare her!!!!! OH, and I'm using 12128, it was our last vial and he is no longer available.

    MGALBN - How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet? I can't tell if it's the progesterone or what. I keep trying to tell myself that I didn't get inseminated to try and make the days go by faster, UM.... it's not working! I was actually very surprised that I had that many follies since they have told me over and over that I have a low ovarian reserve. Maybe the 5th time will be my charm and 4th for you! If you don't mind me asking how old are you? I'm 33 about to be 34 so I feel like this is my shot at it!!!! I don't want to be 60 when my kid graduates from high school!

    Well, sending baby dust your way, and hoping it works for the both of us.... Keep in touch and I will do the same! Tommie - When are you guys trying again? -Sarah-
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    We just did our 1st attempt in late June. We are trying again in Early Aug.
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    SS, that sucks! Some people take it forgranted and have no empathy for others. This is the worst thing I have ever gone through and I'm not even the one carrying! I can't imagine how much harder it is on Tommie...Well we are praying for you and everyone else for that matter to get BFP's and have the families they've always wanted. A year is a long time....I think you've done your fair share of waiting and enough is enough! Baby dust your way...

    M - how's it going? Getting antsy yet?????? I despise the TWW!
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    Tommie - Thanks for the prayers, I'll take them all! It's just such a long process and this waiting is killing me! I'm now 5dpo and who knows if I'm feeling anything. I know I don't feel good today, kinda dizzy, have cramps but that's probably just from the progesterone.... I'm trying so hard to not read anything into the way I'm feeling.

    M- How are you? So wishing our 2WW was almost over!!!!
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    SS have you had problems with your progesterone being low? If not, you should ask your dr if you can skip taking the progesterone and get a blood test 5-7 days after IUI to check your progesterone level...if it's low then, then you start taking the progesterone.

    Our insurance doesn't cover progesterone but will cover the lab cost. So we do the labwork instead!
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    I think the reason they have me on the progesterone is more for preventative measures than anything. It helps the little one stick and also helps to prevent miscarriages. She told me that if I do get my BFP then I will have to continue to take it for 2 more weeks. No fun, but hey if it's helping then I'm down!!! I got 28 suppositories for $24, I think it went thru my insurance but honestly I have no idea. I'm kind of glad we don't have to do the lab work since our Doctor is an hour and a half away. Saves us the trip!!!
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    Yeah gotcha, guess it doesn't matter if your insurance pays for it. If your natural progesterone level is in a good range you will naturally prevent m/c and helps them stick.

    M - where did you go? How are things going?????? BFP yet!! When are you testing?
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    Where's my 2WW buddy? MGALBN where are you? How are you feeling? I feel like crap to be quite honest, it's got to be the progesterone or hopefully I'm on my way to motherhood!!
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    SS, when are you going to test?
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    I'm still here... hangin' in there. We won't be testing till the 23rd, not this saturday but next. I'm not too antsy this time. I'm blocking everything out. The only thing that I can't seem to shake is a warming sensation that is pretty steady most of the day on my left side. It feels a little more to the center than where I believe my left ovary is. Its not painful or anything. It started up several days ago and hasn't gone away. I don't notice it when I first wake up, but I feel it all day at work and in the evenings. Just wonderin' what's going on down there, ya know? I'm feeling (well my partner has been telling me) pretty moody lately. It all seems to revolve around me feeling tired. I'm just pooped to sum it up.

    I've got a few pregnant women at work that are that 'friendly' reminder of our failures. It stinks. I know exactly what you guys are talking about.

    Sarah, I wish you luck but with those follies I'm not sure you're gonna need it!
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    Now that I think about it, I'd actually be willing to not test at all. Wait for day 16 when I've gotten AF the past 2 cycles and if it doesn't come, THEN maybe pee on a stick! I think I'd rather have the 'what if' than a definite no. I'm just not looking forward to any more disappointment...
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    We've said the same thing...maybe we should just not test at all and wait for AF to get here, that way it's kinda all or nothing...but we were never able to do it, our excitment got the best of us.

    We too have pregnancy all around us and it drives us crazy!!!!!!!! This whole process is filled with an emotional rollercoaster all balled up into a little ball...that just constantly plays with your emotions!

    Well hang in there.....this has got to be the time right?
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    It HAS TO BE!

    My warm sensation picked up again today around 10am about an hour after I ate breakfast. I'm starting to wonder if it has to do with my bowels instead of my uterus??? I did search implantation symptoms today and found a post on a blog that stated she felt a burning sensation the day she believed she implanted. I'm just not sure if this is gonna be the same since I've been experiencing it during the day for 4 or 5 days now. I felt a stronger sharp cramp in the same spot without the heat last night, maybe implantation??? I sure am hoping so! I'm even more curious since today I've experienced quite a bit of CM, which is very unusual a full week before I should start AF. Trying to stay positive!
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    MGALBN - Well your symptoms sound promising. I almost feel like I have had a UTI for the past week, and horrible headaches. Can't really tell about my CM since I'm on the progesterone suppositories. I think I'm going to cave in and test on Wednesday, 07/20 which will be 12dpo, and then test again on Friday 07/22.

    I also had some sharp cramps here and there but it's just so hard to tell where it came from and if it's anything of relavance. My boobs are sore around my armpits but my boobs get sore before I start too... I just hate the waiting game and the games that we play in our heads trying to determine if we are prego or not! I pray to God that this is our month and we will both be expecting a little one next March!

    I will for sure keep you updated and hope to hear good news from you!
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    So, I have officially let the 2WW get to me, I have tried to remain strong and not think about it but it had got me down today. Feel like crying, feel like AF could be here any day, have horrible cramps and just want to go back to bed. Tired of hearing about everyone else who is pregnant, especially the girl that sits right next to me at work. UGH.... can't they just talk about something else!!!!

    Trying to stay positive but it's just so damn hard, just want to be pregnant already. As I'm sure everyone else on here does too! Can't it just be Friday already and can't I just be pregnant!

    Sorry to vent, just needed to get that off my chest. How's everyone else feeling?
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    ssjp I've been silently watching this board for weeks now, I know how you feel. I'm short on time so I can't go back and re-read, but did you say where you are from? I'm in VA and my wife and I are on pretty much the same cycle as you all. I wish you the best of luck. I think about all of us who are trying so hard make our dreams come true. It's hard when people get pregnant and don't even plan it .. or ever worse .. don't want it! Stay positive and know that you are not alone. Are you on the facebook CCB friends page? If not search it and request to be part of our group. The girls on there are great and really supportive.
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    RSheakoski - I'm in KS and thank you for your kind words. I thought I was friends on facebook but for some reason I don't think it's the same page that others are on. Are there 2 different pages? I will check and see which one I belong to....

    Well, hoping the 5th time is a charm. When did you get inseminated? My wife has been my support thru all of this but she still doesn't quite understand all the hormones that are running thru my body right now!!! HA HA, bless her heart. She deson't want to carry and I always have so hopefully it will work. If you want to keep in touch here's my email, sss6960@gmail.com, or keep in touch on here!

    Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping it works for you and your wife as well!
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    It is so difficult to stay positive. Especially if you've never been pregnant. You keep looking for signs or symptoms that you are pregnant but from what we've read, they are ALL the same symptoms as if you are about to start AF...and because they are the same you tend to automatically be negative.

    When we are in the TWW and Tommie says she has cramps or starts feeling periodish I always try to stay hopeful, but Tommie automatically thinks negative and gives up pretty much. It is so frustrating...watching your bank account dwindle, lose the excitement of the whole process and get discouraged about the possibility for us to get pregnant. Sometimes I could just scream...really sucks.

    Everyone seems to be on the same cycle!!! Have any of you if this cycle doesn't work, ever thought about totally keeping what you're doing a secret? A secret even on here? How many of you are keeping it a secret, except for on here, already?
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    Symptom spotting is pointless, especially if you are using progesterone! HAHA The money part is really hard. I teach and my wife is an artist so we aren't really rolling in it! Ya know? lol I think a secret can be good! We completed one cycle and told our friends and family. It was hard to tell them .. nope .. didn't happen. Bad part is, now they all keep asking "when will you try again?" LOL That's what we get for not keeping it a secret!
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