
Where are all of the Single Mothers???



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    Hello to all,
    I'm 38 years old, and the 12th of August will be my first attempt. i hope that I have as much good luck and you ladies have had. I'm a little scared but very excited at the same time. My prayers are with you all.. Can't wait to hear the good news from you all that you have concieved..

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    We'll be waiting to hear from you too!! :) You just inherited a LOT of sisters here!! Don't be a stranger, ok?
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    Chris...welcome to the boards! I'm 36 years old and pregnant with our first child from one unmedicated IUI...we're due in about 7 weeks! Good luck on your first IUI and may it be successful for you!

    Good luck and KUP!
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    Hi! nice to hear about other single moms!!! I'm a sinlg mom of a 21 month old son and am just starting the IUI path. I had my first son the "old fashion" way. But I'm not with his father and I dont want my son to be an only child. And I don't want my kids further than 3 years apart, so I can't wait for "mr right" because he's already late, and I'm 36 years old, so I've decided to carry on without him! =) I haven't picked out my sperm donor yet, though... so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hi Chris and Vegaschic! Welcome and baby blessings on your journey! It is very exciting and nerve racking!

    UalTigger- How are you doing?

    Misty- 7 weeks! OMG! The time flies!
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    Samsmom: Driving Mark crazy on heifer watch... AF should show up on the 5th... TWO more days to go!! I haven't looked forward to AF this much since I had my first IUI. Tummy is starting to cramp a little bit... that's been happening for the past few months since I've been getting myself in better condition for my BFP next month. How're you doing?

    How's everybody else doing??
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    vegaschic - I could have written your post, seriously! The how and the why! The only difference is that I am 40 and my son is 22 months! Oh, and I have the sperm... planning my first IUI for Sept!

    everyone else - WOW, one post at the start, next time I check there are FOUR PAGES to read through! From now on I'll have to sign on more often :)
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    A follow-up :-)

    So, having chosen a donor, I had my first IUI exactly 1 week ago. We (well, my doctor and I ) are starting out au naturel :-)

    The best part of the procedure was my doctor cooing over the donor's spermcount. She says they like to see at least 8k, and that my little vial held over 34k swimmers ready for the egg. The horrible part was that everyone told me how easy the procedure is... and I am very tilted, my cervix is tough to find, AND it also turns out that I am "bent" or "curved". Poor doctor was whipping out "clamps" and a super-catheter while I laid there, spread-eagled, involuntarily cramping up - nobody prepped me for that.

    I sat around for a short bit listening to the ipod mix I'd prepared. I've not been able to stop singing the Beatles' "Across the Universe" since that procedure :)

    Will be doing my first test on Thursday (10 days post-IUI)! I've waited so long to be a mommy!


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    Addition - any single moms-to-be in the SF Bay Area? Wanna do lunch sometime, or coffee? Or look at baby shoes? :-)
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    brunella...sorry for the experience, but once you get that BFP, none of that will matter! Have you had any symptoms yet?
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    Thank you for all the warm welcomes.. I have started taking Clomed ( correct spelling? ) Today I picked my donor and ordered my vials. Sop the count down begins.

    Have any of you ever taken the clomed? If so, what should I expect if anything?

    Brunella - Thank you for letting me know what to expect on the 12th. I do believe that it will all be worth the end result. I will charge my MP3 player and take it with me.. I think the Gap band will be suitable. I live in Santa Barbara, but if we were closer I would gladly meet you for lunch..

    Stay strong and positive sisters..

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    Well... heifer is here!! Just... well... might be sitting this out for the FOURTH time. Seems one of my fibroids is 3" in diameter and might be pressing into my uterine cavity... which increases the chance for miscarriage... so being tentatively scheduled for surgery on the 24th... a week after I should surge. Got the films from my proceedures and having them looked at for a second and third opinion as to if I really need this or not...

    I really want to have my IUI but, if there's a chance of me miscarrying because I didn't do something about this, I'd be beyond crushed... like that song says... if it ain't one thing, it's another...
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    Ualtigger- That's too bad! I was excited for you. Well better to get it taken care of now. KUP.

    It's funny how every month you dread the red man coming except the month of the IUI- when you are ready to throw her a party!
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    Hello everyone,

    It has been inspiring reading all of your stories! As for me, I am 25 and my son just turned 5. I have been divorced from his father for 3 years now and have not found "Mr. Right" (if he does exist) within that time frame. When we were still married, I wanted to try for our second child, but he told me he was not ready. Six months later we were separated and I found out his new girlfriend was pregnant!!! I felt betrayed and frustrated. What's even more frustrating is that I live in American Samoa and they do not perform fertility treatments here =( So I've decided to take matters into my own hands and am moving to Hawaii in January with my son to start IUI treatments. I've already bought vials of donor 11687, and have an RE picked out already. Now all I need to do is make the move. I wish you all the BEST of luck in undergoing this process as I know it can be filled with mixed emotions! Take care =)
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    tjmoors: Aloha, sister!! Glad to hear that you're getting on with your life. Hug your son for me... hoping things will be better for you in HI... where are you coming to? O'ahu, Maui, Big Island??
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    tjmoors...wow...you've got it all planned out! That's great! Good luck with your move and KUP on your journey!
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    ualtigger: Thank you for the kind words :) We are moving to Oahu. My son was actually born in Oahu and his father is also from Oahu. I hope everything works out for you and I wish you the best of luck :)

    MistyandCarla: Thank you for the encouragement! I am so excited and anxious to get started :) It is so awesome to hear that you are now expecting your first child very soon. Congratulations and best of luck!
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    brunella - sorry about the bad experience, but hopefully you won't have to go through it again! unfortunately I just left Sausalito last fall...

    Chris G - I took Clomid for the challenge. I had two days of wicked headaches, but no other side effects.

    ualtigger - sorry about the news, but I think you are wise to have it taken care of!

    tjmoors - congrats on moving onward and upward! what an exciting journey.

    Any single moms in Portland, OR?
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    Thank you :) I am so excited about beginning this journey! A little sad that I have to wait until January, but I will use this time preparing my body and being in the best health possible. Good luck to you :)
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    I read an older post from you, and I see you have high BP? Is this a result of being pregnant? When I was pregnant with my son in 2003, I was diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension. It was a tough pregnancy and I had to go for check ups just about every week. I went to one of my appointments when I was 36 1/2 weeks along, and they ended up inducing me because my BP was dangerously high. After giving birth, my BP went back to normal. I hope the second time around it doesn't happen again. Well, I am so excited for your little one's impending arrival! God bless and take care =)
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    I've had high BP for many years now...it's something that runs in my family. The strange thing is that once I was pregnant, my BP went down to a normal level. Even before my BFP, I was on 3 different BP meds and it still didn't really regulate it at a normal level. Right before TTC, my doctor changed one of my meds because it wasn't a safe drug for pregnancy...Then at 18 weeks the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor took me off of the water pill completely and then about 5 weeks ago they took me off of the atenolol. Now I just take Aldomet twice a day. My BP has been going back up, just as they expected it would...they are watching me extremely close, we're going in twice a week now for Non-Stress Tests and my doctor told me that we'll probably induce at 38 weeks because of it. She also said that I should be prepared to deliver any day because like you said, you were induced at 36 1/2 weeks...she said it can go from high BP to pre-elcampsia overnight. As long as Reece is okay, we're fine with her coming any day now. :)

    Thanks for asking about us!

    Misty and Carla
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    i am a single mom of a 5 year old from a previous marriage. now i want to have a sibling for my child and am single and doing it alone.......and nervous about handling all the injections on my own......i hope i can do it without getting confused. i am having a tough time picking a donor and am going for a mixed race. i can't get a concept of what he looks like. but, i do hope he matches my first child in some way.

    the hsg is normal. the clomid challenge test is normal. but, i am almost 40 (in 4 months).

    it will be my first ivf cycle in october and i can't get a grip of how i can predict my chance of success being older but, havin a good clomid challenge test.

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    Hello roary,

    I also have a 5 year old from a previous marriage and am opting for IUI to give him a sibling :) I won't be starting until January, but I would feel nervous about doing my own injections as well. I will not know what route I will need to take as far as meds go. I will be 26 in a couple of weeks and I can already hear the "clock ticking". This will be the only chance I have, so I cannot wait to get started. I wish you all the luck in the world on your upcoming IVF! I have read so many successful stories on here and other websites of 40 plus women having success with IUI's and IVF's. Take care :)
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    OK - first time wasn't the charm.

    Ladies: let me be one of the few to 'fess NO FIRST TIME MIRACLES HERE :-) :-) :-) First time didn't work.

    I'm feeling great about this, however. I kinda felt a little dazed from my initial consult through to that first IUI - anyone know what I mean? All nervous and excited, and with this dreadful small concern and bit of doubt that you dare not tell a single soul about because, of course, being a *single* mom you have to be super-wonder-ultra-girl about going against the grain when it comes to building a family? So don't show your stark terror or those moments of "Holy cow, what am I thinking?" to anyone?


    Well, got over those the first time. And I know with all confidence I'm going back for more.

    My doctor did ask me to take one medication this time - a vaginal suppository to dilate my cervix.

    Worth referencing - I am 100percent fertile from every testing perspective thus far. I froze a batch o' eggs approx. 5 years ago; eggs look great. I took a hormonal test and a hcg test prior to beginning this journey (I have great medical coverage). I'm on leave from work, relaxed, exercise every day. I'm athletic and fit....
    and no, the magic did not happen on the first try. When you get right down to it, baby-making *is* magic, even for the docs. ask any endocrinologist or fertility specialist; we've more myths and fairytales than true science as to *why* things happen. You can pop all the magic herbs and roots you like, eat fresh pineapple core, ask goddess after goddess, and those could be just as strong a factor as standing on your head or listening to a great iPod mix during the IuI process.

    But isn't that the exciting part? THe magic of childhood beginning with this bizarre process to get us knocked up :-)

    Oooh - and Gap Band recommender: AWESOME! :-)
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    Roary: I'm having the *same* problem regarding estimating probability of success. Exact same challenge for me.

    We're lumped in with women w/known fertility troubles, and the most prominent statistic I keep running up against is for fertile 20-somethings. Like, wtf - how tough to get our consent that we be counted anonymously!?

    My insurance covers 6 IUI attempts, and a few IVF attempts. I'm concerned that I'll use all these up on the first child, so have to schedule a call with the insurance coordinator to ask that I be allowed to pay cash outright. If all of my tests look so great, why move to IVF unless I absolutely have to move to IVF?

    I was also concerned that I could be doing this from home... until my own IUI demonstrated just how tough this can be. Not to mention the cost of the semen - gee golly, am I glad to have a woman in the know helping me get that baby-making-magic into the uterus!

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    Well... I'm back in the TWW!! I decided to go with my gut... it's been right on for the last few months.

    How's everybody doing??
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    Yay Tigger! Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Everything is good. Had the 18 week ultrasound and I am having a girl. Almost 20 weeks (Saturday). Can't believe how fast the time is going- trying to remember and enjoy all that I can.
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    Brunella- My same experience!! I am on round 2 now and more sure than I was before this is the right decision for me. But I had those moments where I thought - wtf am I doing?? haha But sooo ready now and feel like I understand the process better too - which is helping me relax! Mine was an unexpected - hey have a baby right now or get a hysterectomy - so everything was moving really fast. But I am feeling more at one with the whole scenario and where my head's at this time!!

    ualtigger - I'm on the TWW too!! So frustrating - but trying to be positive and not think about it too much. Had the IUI Saturday.

    Congrats Samsmom!!

    MistyandCarla- thinking of you!! Hope all is well.
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    Just deciding to enjoy the wait this time... not NEARLY as stressed as before. And maybe my sisters you can help me with something... tracked my BBT for the first time... had a drop followed by a spike upwards, another drop then aa HUGE spike this morning (almost a degree difference from yesterday)... any ideas??
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    I had my IUI on the afternoon of the 17th if that helps...
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