
Where are all of the Single Mothers???



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    Everything went well. They decided to take me off of another BP pill and see how I do. Before pregnancy, I was taking three pills a day for chronic hypertension. At about 18 weeks they ditched one and I've done great. So, now I'm only taking one pill a day. That all sounds nice, but my doctor says that I will walk a fine line of having my normal high BP return and getting pre-eclampsia. So, we are just monitoring my BP 3 x's a day to keep a close eye on it. My doctor said its normal for pregnancy to lower BP in the first and second trimester, but it usually returns in the third...So, we're just waiting for it. :)

    We go back on the 16th for another U/S and can't wait to see little Reece.

    Oh, and she said that right now we're on target for a 6 or 7 pounder...which is fine by me! :)

    How are things going for you?
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    That's great! I had a friend with pre-clampsia and she was on bed rest pretty much her entire pregnancy.

    I have a doctor's appointment on the 16th also- my 14 week.

    Actually, I am doing well. The nauseous is sorta subsiding, not as bad as before. I am showing- which is cool. I love to see my body change and know Sam's in there growing.

    They grow like weeds once they are out! My sister says that's the perfect weight. She had a 6lb and a 9lb- preferred the 6lber!

    I'll let you know how my appoinment goes on Tuesday.
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    I know what you mean about your changing body...I love to watch mine change too. It's such a miracle!

    By all means, KUP!
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    Hey, how's everybody doing?

    Okay... TMI alert... and LOTS of it.

    Had my U/S yesterday and I'm being scheduled for a "tubal recanalization"... long words for a HSG with a catheter inserted to clear blockages from my tubes if possible.

    Bert, my RE, said it looks like my left tube is open since there appeared to be spillage from it but nothing on the right side. I told him that I want to make SURE that my tubes are open before I do another IUI, so, hence, this... when?? Dunno... AF is due on the 10th so I should LH on or about the 23rd so, might be sitting out for round three now...

    Do have several fibroids but they're small ones... have been od'ing on Vitex for the last month so the bulge that I DID have in my pubic area when they tried to do the HSG last month has shrunk to where I can't see it when I pull the skin tight there anymore... and Bert is lucky that I LIKE him otherwise he'd have two size eight footprints upside his head today... cramps my a**... that HURT!!

    So... hoping to get back to kiddie making in August unless we can get this proceedure done before I LH in about two weeks.
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    Well just back from my 8 week us and checking in with everyone. This week you could actually make out the baby. I'm hoping to be released to my ob in the next couple of weeks. Until then it is weekly us, which I love seeing the baby grow. Less than one month to go on the progesterone, I can't wait to stop that stuff.
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    Hey, hoping... was hoping you were doing okay :) hadn't heard from you in a while. So you stay with your RE for the first trimester? Just trying to get info so I'll know what to expect.
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    hoping...isn't it amazing how many changes the baby makes in such a short time? I'm glad things are going so well.

    Please KUP.
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    I'm 35 years old, I hope to be a first time mom! Assuming all goes according to plan, I'll have my first IUI in a couple weeks. I'm anovulatory and I have short cycles. Good news, the HSG was clear. My RE originally told me I would have to go four cycles before using Clomid, but when all my diagnostic tests came back she told me she wants to start me on Clomid with the first IUI. So here I go! I'm feeling more anxious than nervous, I just hope & pray this works!
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    shorevm...Welcome to the boards and congratulations on beginning this journey! It's bound to be filled with many different emotions! Glad to hear you've already had an HSG and it was CLEAR! That's great! Also, you're going straight to Clomid...hopefully this will bring you that much closer to your goal...a BFP!

    Good luck and KUP!

    Oh, by the way...I was 35 when I got pregnant too and just turned 36 last month and I am 28 weeks pregnant from an unmedicated IUI! We are expecting a little girl on 10/2/09.
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    Had my 14 week ob visit. Heard the heartbeat today! Started to cry. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm pregnant. The heartbeat was 150 per minute. All my tests came back good. I am super excited now!
    US on 8/10!

    Shorevm, Welcome and baby blessings! I turned 36 last month also.
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    Woo-hoo! That's great news! It really is emotional hearing that little heartbeat, isn't it! I still get emotional everytime I hear it and I have a doppler at home! It's truely a miracle! We are so blessed.
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    Cool! How is Reece? I hope you are felling better!
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    My last update a couple of months ago I was planning an at home insemination. Well I just completed my tests for MIS, FSH and HSG last week. Everything came back good, so I did my 1st ICI at home and I plan to do another one tomorrow (these are my fertile days), it so happens a friend decided to be a donor, so I figure I go with the turkey baster approach (using a needless syringe) for a couple of months before I schedule my IUI. Wish me luck.
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    My last update a couple of months ago I was planning an at home insemination. Well I just completed my tests for MIS, FSH and HSG last week. Everything came back good, so I did my 1st ICI at home and I plan to do another one tomorrow (these are my fertile days), it so happens a friend decided to be a donor, so I figure I go with the turkey baster approach (using a needless syringe) for a couple of months before I schedule my IUI. Wish me luck.
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    I didn't start this process out as a single Mother, but my wife left me at 18 weeks. I'm 20 weeks pregnant now, and just trying to get my head around the fact that I'll be doing this alone.
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    There you are, girlfriend... we're all here... you're not alone... okay?
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    samsmom...Reece is doing well...kicking away as I type! Bloodwork and urine all came back clear, so they aren't sure where the blood is coming from. I go back to the doctor tomorrow.

    Angelina...I hope the ICI gives you a BFP! Congratulations on all of your tests coming back negative...that's great news! Good luck!

    slcoyle...I agree with tigger...glad you're back! How's Lorraine?
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    Thanks.. It took me a while to switch from same sex couple, to single parent mode. But Lorraine seems to be doing pretty good. I didn't get a sonogram today, but got to hear her heartbeat and it was a good pace. I'll know more next week when I do the level 2 sonogram on the 26th.
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    slcoyle...I'm glad to hear that Lorraine is doing well. Hearing the heartbeat is amazing! May I ask why you are having a level II U/S? I had to have one too, but it was because of my age.
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    I'm not really sure why I'm having it. My new doctor asked me the same question. She asked why my other doctor had me scheduled for one. I really don't know, I assumed it was part of being pregnant. But apparently its not. But my new doctor said she'd go ahead and order it to have it, since the other doctor already ordered it.
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    Interesting...it's nice to see the baby again, but just let me warn you...these things are so sensitive that many times they find things that really aren't anything to worry about. This happened to us. During the U/S they told us they found a CPC (cyst) on the brain and that it was a sign of Trisomy 18 which is fatal. We were devastated! We cried for days! Only to find out 6 days later that this was something that all babies may have and it goes away on it's own. After getting our lab results back that they combine with the level II, our chance of Trisomy 18 was like 1/30,000!!! I forget the exact number right now, but it was something like that. At our next U/S the cyst was gone, thank God and our baby has been perfect ever since. I've also know others who's been told that they are having a DS baby or a baby with Spina Bifida and it ended up being wrong. The only sure way of knowing is by amnio! If I get pregnant again, I will decline all of this unecessary testing! It causes un-needed stress and heartache.

    I'm not trying to scare you out of it...just know going in to it that these are just prescreening tests...nothing more.

    Let us know how it goes.
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    I'm new to all of this.

    I'm an accomplished single gal whose career prevented me from "getting out there" in the dating realm. I've tried, but working a hellish job at a large firm really kicked romance out the door.

    So, I decided to preserve my fertility when I was 34 w/oocyte cyropreservation.

    Now starting at 38 coming down the tubes, I returned to ask her how I was doing. The verdict: I ought to start trying now, naturally, and hopefully we won't have to move to IVF.

    So, here I am looking for a donor.
    I hate this process.
    Every time I find someone who sounds great, I find some big warning sign in their file. Like the SAT genius w/a a genetic propensity for a horribly traumatic birth defect and a 4 year pot habit. Or the short profile that tells you a guy did great on his math score on the GRE, and then you pay $17 to learn the rest of his scores *stink*. Oh, and as though the staff comments are helpful - please. They're all so handsome, good for the program, etc. etc. C'mon - isn't there someone who can give us *more*?
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    Wow - I sound cranky in that post.

    I am cranky. I spent the past 6 hours looking over 93 potential donors. I'm now down to 11 from which to whittle down, and only 1 of them is an open donor. And I ordered 2 long profiles, my treat at the end of a long, long day of working hard on this... and the system is down.

    So, hi. I'm soon to be a single mom. And I'm cranky tonight. I promise not to be cranky all the time. But tonight I'm feeling super-cranky about this website and the apparent dearth of quality open donors herein.
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    I too am new to this and trying to figure out the best way to search for and sort through the donors. If anyone has any advice - it would be greatly appreciated.

    Also - does anyone know where all the acronyms are posted? It is all greek to me right now.

    It is really nice to see this message board - being single and deciding to have a baby on my own has been one of the toughest decisions I have made and it is nice to see that other people are going through the same thing and have been successful :)
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    brunella and AimeeMac...welcome to the boards!

    brunella...by all means, this can be a very stressful process and you have the right to be cranky. :) I hope you find the donor you're looking for.

    Aimee...I'm not sure where the acronyms are posted or even if they are, but here's some from another forum that I visit...

    AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
    ACA - Anti-Cardiolopin Antibodies
    ADN - Any Day Now
    AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle
    AH,AZH - Assisted Hatching
    AHI - At-home Insemination
    AI - Artificial Insemination
    AIH - Artificial Insemination from Husband
    AKA - Also Known As
    AO - Anovulation
    AOA,AVA - Anti-ovarian Antibody
    ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology
    ATM - At The Moment
    AWOL - A Woman On Lupron

    B4 - Before
    B4N - Before Now
    BA - Baby Aspirin
    BABYDUST - Good wishes vibe for getting pregnant
    BBL - Be Back Later
    BBT - Basal Body Temperature
    BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts
    B/C - Because
    BC - Birth Control
    BCP - Birth Control Pills
    BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)
    BF - BreastFed, BoyFriend
    BFN - Big Fat Negative (Neg Pregnancy Test)
    BFP - Big Fat Positive! (Positive Pregnancy Test)
    BIL - Brother InLaw

    C# - Cycle Number
    CB - Cycle Buddy
    CD - Cycle Day
    CF - Cervical Fluid
    CM - Cervical Mucus
    CP - Cervical Position
    CNM - CertifiedNurseMidwife

    DA - Dear Angel
    DH - Dear Husband
    DP - Dear Partner
    DD - Dear daughter
    DS - Dear Son
    DSD - Dear Step-Daughter
    DSS - Dear Step-Son
    D&C - Dilation & Curettage
    D&E - Dilation & Evacuation
    DPO - Days Post-Ovulation
    DPC - Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
    DPR - Days Post-Retrieval
    DPT - Days Post-Transfer
    Dx - Diagnosis

    E2 - Estradiol
    EB,EMB - Endometrial Biopsy
    EDD - Estimated Due Date
    ENDO - Endometriosis
    EG - Evil Grin
    EOD - End Of Discussion
    EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
    EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
    ESP - ESPecially
    ET - Embryo Transfer
    EW,EWCM - Eggwhite Cervical Mucus

    FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
    FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
    FIL - Father in law
    FP - Follicular Phase
    FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
    FBOW - For Better Or Worse
    FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All
    FUR - False Unicorn Root
    FV - Fertile Vibes
    FYA - For Your Amusement
    FYI - For Your Information

    G - Grin
    GAFIA - Get Away From It All
    GAL- Get A Life
    GFY - Good For You
    GG- Gotta Go
    GIFT - Gamete Intra-fallopianTransfer
    GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
    GnRH - Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
    GP - General Practitioner

    HAGD - Have A Great Day
    HAND - Have A Nice Day
    hCG,HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
    hMG,HMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
    HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
    HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
    HSC - Hysteroscopy
    HSG - Hysterosalpingogram
    HTH - Hope That Helps
    HUTH - Hang Up The Horns

    IAC - In Any Case
    IAE - In Any Event
    ICI - Intra-cervical Insemination
    ICSI - Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
    ICBW - I Could Be Wrong
    IDTT - I'll Drink To That
    IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
    IM - Instant Message (Instant Messaging)
    IF - Infertility
    IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
    IMBO - In My Biased Opinion
    IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
    IME - In My Experience
    IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
    IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
    IMO - In My Opinion
    INPO - In No Particular Order
    IOW - In Other Words
    IRL - In Real Life
    ITI - Intra-tubal Insemination
    IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination
    IVF - InVitro Fertilization

    JIC - Just In Case
    J/K - Just Kidding
    JMO - Just My Opinion
    JTYWLTK - Just Thought You Would Like To Know

    KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart (Stupid)
    KUP - Keep us posted
    KWIM - Know What I Mean

    LAP - Laparoscopy
    LH - Luteinizing Hormone
    LMP - Last Menstrual Period (startdate)
    LMAO - Laughing My Ankles (A**) Off
    LMBO - Laughing My Butt Off
    LO - Love Olympics (sex)
    LOL - Laugh Out Loud
    LP - Luteal Phase
    LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
    LSP - Low Sperm Count
    LUF,LUFS - Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome

    MC,m/c - Miscarriage
    MF - MaleFactor
    MIFT - Micro Injection Fallopian Transfer
    MIL - Mother in law
    M/S, MS - Morning Sickness

    NA (N/A) - Not Applicable, Not Appropriate
    NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
    Newbie - New to the Internet or Bulletin Board
    NFP - Natural Family Planning
    NIPing - Nursing In Public
    NMP - Not My Problem
    NP - No Problem
    NPI - No Pun Intended
    NRN - No Reply Necessary
    NT - No Text

    O - Ovulation, Ovulated
    OB - Obstetrician
    OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
    OC - Oral Contraceptives
    OD - Ovulatory Dysfunction
    OHT - One-Handed Typing
    OP - Other Poster/Original Poster
    OIC - Oh I (C) See
    OMG - Oh My God
    OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
    OPT - Ovulation Predictor Test
    OT - Off Topic
    OTOH - On The Other Hand
    OTS - Off The Subject
    OTC - Over The Counter

    PPAF - Post-Pardom Aunt Flo
    PCO - Polycystic Ovaries
    PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
    PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    PCP - Primary Care Physician
    PCT - Post Coital Test
    PG - Pregnant
    PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome
    POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)
    PPL - PeoPLe
    PTL - Praise The Lord
    PU - That Stinks

    RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
    R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
    RI - Reproductive Immunologist
    Rx - Prescription

    SA - Semen Analysis
    SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
    SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom
    SB - Step-Brother
    SBT - Sad But True
    SD - Step-Daughter / Step-Dad
    SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware
    SF - Step-Father
    SFMP - Sorry For Multiple Posts
    SHG - Sonohysterogram
    SIL - Sister in law
    SITD - Still In The Dark
    SM - Step-Mom (Mother)
    SNS - Supplemental Nursing System
    SMEP - Sperm Meets Egg Plan
    SS - Step-Son / Step-Sister
    SO - Significant Other
    STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease

    TAFT - That's A Frightening Thought
    TAYL - Talk At You Later
    TCOYF -Taking Care of Your Fertility
    TFIC - Tongue Firmly In Cheek
    THX - Thanks
    TIA- Thanks In Advance
    TIC - Tongue In Cheek
    TIME - Tears In My Eyes
    TMI - Too Much Information
    toh - typing one-handed
    TPTB - The Powers That Be
    TTC - Trying To Conceive
    TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now
    TTYL - Talk To You Later
    TTYS - Talk To You Soon
    TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern
    TWW - Two week wait (also 2WW)
    TY - Thank You
    TYVM - Thank You Very Much
    TR - Tubal Reversal
    Tx - Treatment

    UR - Urologist
    U/S - Ultrasound
    UTI - Urinary Tract Infection

    V - Vasectomy
    VR - Vasectomy Reversal

    WAHM - Work-At-Home-Mom
    WB - Welcome Back
    WFM - Works For Me
    WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
    W/O - WithOut
    WNL - Within Normal Limits
    WOHM - Work Out of Home Mom
    WRT - With Regard To
    WTG - Way To Go
    WTH - What The Heck??
    WU? - What's Up?
    WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

    ZIFT - Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer
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    Hi! I'm 38 (and a half!) and am planning my first IUI for the fall. In the process of choosing a donor (open donor, California Cryobank)...not easy as I've always been picky choosing the men I was with and I find it particularly difficult to 'just' pick someone's father without knowing specific personality traits, etc.

    Anyone else has had some difficulty with choosing a donor?
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    Getting this back near the top... anxiously waiting for AF to show so I can have my next IUI... had to have a LOT of things cleared up before I would try again.

    How's everybody else doing??
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    Thanks for the bump ualtigger...

    Dutch Tulip...Hello and welcome to the boards! I think that most of chose a donor by process of elimination. Some things you'll love, some not so much. It's stressful if you let it be...I would suggest to just relax and try to make it fun. Donor or actual person...neither is going to be perfect. Good luck! :)
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    Hi Ualtigger! Baby Blessings to you. Everything is good on my end.
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    Thanks samsmom!! Glad to hear you are alright... now, we need updates on everybody else... hellooo???

    DutchTulip: Cute... so, you have some Dane in you? :) That might help with your choices... unless you live in N.Y. CCB won't ship a Danish (Nordic) donor there...

    As for choosing... I went with what the person said in their profile... and based on that, chose a man who likes animation (anything by pixar or dreamworks and I'm stuck to the seat!!), mathematics, was almost perfect on the SAT, and who now has his bachelors degree. And since they still list him as a student, I'm guessing he's after his Master's degree now. Plus he resembles my other half when he was a baby.
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