
Where are all of the Single Mothers???



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    one last question...has anyone taken an MIS test? Mine was 1.32 which the nurse said was very good. Does anyone have more understanding of these numbers? Also the nurse said today tthat they estimate 1 to 3 IUIs for me to get pregnant. How accurate are these predictions?
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    Congrats Jam1120. That's the best news! I'm go Friday for blood work but my progesterone levels were so low this month that my doc is not hopeful. I'll try again in 2 weeks.
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    Hi JanaBNY and welcome!

    My RE recommended 2 vials at a time to save on shipping. I only purchased 1 vial. I didn't want a lot of extra vials just in case I got pregnant the first couple of tries.

    The 1 to 3 IUI attempts is the standard of what most Dr's will tell you. It varies by woman- they probably just want to prepare you so you don't get too worked up. There are women who get pregnant on the 1st attempt, 5th attempt, etc.

    I did not take an MIS test.

    Enjoy this time and many baby blessings to you!
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    Congrats Jam1120.. i'm so excited for you!
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    I'm also in the process of trying to get pregnant. I haven't chosen a donor either and it's also my first time writing here. Til now, I was feeling like I was the only one doing this. It's so wonderful to know that I'm not alone.
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    Hi Emgetc,
    I decided on a donor this weekend and very excited. I'm going to try IUI in about 3 weeks.. very excited and hope it will work on the first try. Good luck to you. When will you do your first IUI?
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    Hi JanaBNY,
    I'm going to purchase 2. My doctor said anywhere from 1-6 is normal but recommended I buy 2 the first time. So hope thats right. Does anyone know how soon before the IUI we should buy the vials?
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    Hi aida402,
    Its so nice reading all these entries. I too was feeling like I was the only one doing this. It's so nice to hear about all the beautiful mothers wanting to have their fist child or have their 2nd and 3rd children. Good luck to you!
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    Thank you JPRANSK. Good luck to you too!!
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    Hi All,

    What a great support system this board is! I went ahead and purchased 6 vials yesterday just to set my mind at ease. I am debating whether to give it a go next month or wait till December. I am not sure how soon to buy the vials before the IUI but I found picking a donor so awkward at first, then fun, then tedious, so I really wanted to get through the process and feel one step closer to baby making :). Because I bought the 6 CCB gave me a year of storage free so I figured it was a good time to order. How great to know we are not alone. Much luck to all!
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    Okay ladies I have a little funny story for those who have worried about how others will respond to their decision to use a donor to get pregnant.

    When I first began my Dad thought I was crazy and not the biggest supporter. I think he was even a little embarrassed to tell people how I got pregnant. After my son was born everything changed. He is the biggest fan.

    Well now that I'm lucky enought to have done it again and become pregnant my dad is even bragging to others about it. He called to tell me that one of his clients is pregnant and he told her about me and she was very impressed that a single woman would have the strength to go for what she really wants.

    So have faith with your decisions and do what is best for you. Others will come around and if they don't - it's their loss.
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    Hi jam1120, wow that was reassuring and came at the right moment for me! My Dad too was a little aprehensive when i first told him about my plans. He said what will I tell people? What will I say when they ask well who the father is and is she gonna marry him?
    I told him to say what he feels he needs to say, but my preference is that this is a private matter, not that i'm ashamed by any means but don't really think its everyone (exspecially not close family and friends) business to know who, when, where and why I got pregnant.
    Anyways.. thanks!
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    Hi jam1120, I agree with JPRANSK. With deciding to do this I've been thinking about what I was going to tell my dad. Thank you for sharing your story.
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    Hi, My Dad wanted me to wait a year. I think he still wants me to meet someone fall in love and go the traditional route. He at one point asked my brother (who is married with 3 kids), "What is she going to do when she wants to go out on on a Friday night?" My brother laughed and said, "Um get a babysitter like we do." I understand he is just concerned and I think I have helped him to come around by including him more. He came with me to my 1st consult and he was able to ask the doctor questions and he also understood the whole process better.
    Has anyone read "Knock Yourself Up"? I think it helped me with some answers as to how to react to peoples reactions.
    I do feel funny talking about sperm vials to my dad and sperm donor, etc. So I just find it's easier for me to leave off the sperm part and just refer to them as vials and donor!
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    I just bought my 1st 2 vials. I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time.
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    Newbie here. I just had my first IUI today! Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
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    I am a single mother of a beautiful baby girl. I decided last year that I wanted to take on the responsiblity of being a single mom. I gave birth in July and I though it's been tough finacially, emotionally, and physically. I don't regret one minute of it and I am more than greatful for the little life I know am forever connected to. I would like to meet more mothers who have made this choice. I feel it would be easier and more of an honest connection.
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    Hi BV,
    So how was the IUI? I've heard that it can be painful and a lot of cramping but then i've also heard it felt like nothing.
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    It was barely noticible. The nurse practitioner did it. The worst part for me was the ever dreaded speculum. She said that sometimes there is cramping, and spotting, because of the catheter, but I didnt have any during the procedure itself. I had a little cramping at home, just twinges, nothing too uncomfortable.
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    JPRANSK - For me the IUI was no big deal - it is basically like your annual but you lay there for a while afterward. During mine, there was one person who did the injection while another nurse had an ultrasound going so we could all watch. No clue what I was looking at - but it was neat to see. We were all joking around and laughing so it was not as cold and impersonal as I was expecting it to be. No one else I know personally has gone about trying to get pregnant in this same way so I don't have any other examples to go by.

    Unfortunately, I got my first negative pregnancy test this week :( Now I am just waiting... It was only my first try but I am feeling discouraged and am wondering what I can do differently to make it work next time (may also be the hormones - who knows). Hopefully next month will be my lucky month :).

    JPRANSK, best of luck to you. Luck, Baby dust, and blessings to everyone reading this :) Congratulations to everyone who has gotten positive news this month.
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    HI AimeeMac,

    I'm sorry your first IUI wasn't a positive one. Maybe next time. It sounds like a lot of people have to try a few times for it to work.
    You get so ready and so pumped for it to happen on the first time and when it doesn't I bet it can be hard. I will be going in for my first IUI in about 2 weeks. I'm nervous and of course hope it works the first time.

    Best of luck to you next time around.. keep us posted! I love coming on here and talking to people going through the same thing!

    Best of luck to you to AimeeMac.... keep posting your progress and I know one of these posts will be the one that your pregnant!
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    Update: I tested on Wed. Sept. 23 and got a BFP, and Thu. Sep 24 and got a BFP and went to the lab today for blood test and got a BFP.
    I'm still kind of in shock, as they gave me the odds- I'm 39, and this was my first time trying.
    I wish everyone the best of luck and baby dust!
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    Hi DC808,

    I think I should say contratualions?? But i'm unsure of what a BFP means? I know somewhere someone posted what all the abbrievations stood for but I can't find it.

    Are you pregnant? If so that great news.. exspecially on you first try. My first IUI will be in about 2 weeks or so. I hope I have the same luck as you. I'm 30.
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    Hi Everyone!

    I've been off-line for this week and am now trying to catch up.

    JPRANSK, Yeah for your upcoming IUI! I know you asked a bit back when I was doing mine. I did my first on Monday and another on Tuesday.

    Don't remember who was asking if it was painful...I figure it is different for everyone (or not?), but I can say that for me, it was pretty painless. Monday's was a piece of cake. Tuesday, I had a little pinch but not too bad, caught me off guard. I was told I may have some cramping, but I didn't. The only thing for me is that I've caught a cold and don't want to take a thing for it.

    DC808, how exciting and congrats! I'm 38 and this is my first time trying too. I'm feeling positive and good.

    Now, how long till I can take a test or do I just wait for a missed period?
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    Oh, I forgot...

    I really liked the discussion on telling people and our own Dads. I've been talking about this for a couple of years now and while my mom was initially more on board, I think my dad's hesitation came from the "how?". I actually had my parents help me in choosing the donor as this will be their grandbaby. I think they appreciated being part of the process. My mom went with me to one of my appointments, and while it was a bit awkward answering questions about sex in front of her, I just broke the ice by saying "Don't tell my mom, she thinks I'm a virgin!" and it turned out ok.

    I too recommend the book Knock Yourself Up.

    Sorry I'm writing so much, guess I'm feeling chatty. Have a great week!
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    I too took my mom to my appointments, she has been my rock. She went to most of my appointments and throughtout my pregnancy. I had a rough pregnacy, it was hard enough getting pregnant then having complications on top of that made me more attached to my baby. Good luck to all of you out there!!
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    Thank you, everybody! I wish you all baby dust!
    No changes other than slightly sore breasts and large purple veins all over that I don't remember!

    JPRANSK: BFP= Big Fat Positive.

    emgetc: My dr. told me to wait 2 weeks to test.
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    Happy Monday everyone!

    Thanks DC808 for the info, next Monday will be two weeks, and is also when my body, which is always like clockwork, would be doing it's thing, so I guess I can wait till my body tells me.

    This "instant gratification" girl is goingto have to learn some patience....
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    Good luck girls!! And glad to hear about the latest BFP!!

    AFM (As For Me): Have my appt with my new RE tomorrow afternoon. Will see what she says we should do. I'm ready to head into IVF because of my age, however, I've never had a IUI with meds before so...
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    Hey Ladies!!!
    I haven't been on here in a while and I have been trying to catch up on all the posts!! lol

    AWESOME that there have been a couple BFP's recently!!! That is sooo exciting!! Congrats!!

    Best wishes to those of you in your TWW's!!!

    I am cooking right along - had my 2nd sonogram today and the baby is growing so much!! I am so grateful!!

    Tigger - you out there?? How are you girl?! Thinking of you...

    *bAbY*dUsT* to all!!!!
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