
  • Aloha ladies!

    Sorry I've been MIA. I have been waiting a stressing for AF to come after the CP. I FINALLY started this past Saturday!!! I have never been so excited for AF to show herself! My wife had a happy dance that I will never forget. Geez, it sure did feel like forever for AF though! I started Clomid 150mg, which is a 50mg more than our first round, on Monday and took my last dose today. Hoping that I have BIG, possibly multiple, follies when we go in for my US. We have an appt this Tuesday for our US. If things go right and I have some mature follies, we will be looking at triggering either Wednesday or Thursday and IUI #2 on Friday or Saturday. Friday is St. Patty's Day, hoping we get some good luck with this month! I feel really good about this cycle! It was a tough round #1 for us and having the CP, but we are both so ready for this round!

    @ans17 - CONGRATS to you and your wife!! What exciting news!! Sending good vibes to the both of you for a healthy sticky bean!! Hearing y'alls story, it has given me so much hope after my CP.

    @Firttimetxmoms - Staying busy is always good! You're more than half way through your TWW! We are sending good vibes and baby dust your way for a BFP!!!

    Well ladies, I will keep you updated on how well the appt goes on Tuesday for us! Last round, I only had one follicle that measured at 16mm and had the IUI two days later. Maybe it wasn't mature enough and the doctor still went ahead and did the IUI because it was a holiday weekend. Who knows. No reason for us to keep trying to figure it out.

    Good vibes sent out!!!
  • I will say this afternoon I had little flutters or twinges on my left side, about an inch inside myleft hip... ever so slight but definitely there. Hoping it's out little bean burrowing their way in there!!
  • @WestFamBam I know it feels like forever when you're waiting for AF to show up again and especially after dealing with a loss. I will say the Dr was right on though about being more fertile so I hope you get your BFP next cycle. We certainly have had you both in our thoughts. Let us know how Tuesday goes...

    @Kim that feeling is exactly what we have had and I really really hope this is the one for you. I feel like we have been through this journey together since the beginning since you guys were the first people we started talking too. I will def be thinking of you guys Weds...

    My wife goes back on Tuesday which ironically is 9 weeks for us. Hoping everything is gonna be ok.
  • Hopefully this is a great week for all of us!!!
  • @Jami Are you guys going to be able to make it to your appointment tomorrow?? I saw that there is supposed to be a terrible snow storm moving in. Be safe and I hope everything goes well.

    @WestFamBam Hope your Tuesday goes great as well. Keep that chin up. I know how exhausting it can be.

    As for me... two more sleeps until I find out. I don't know if I am or not. I don't really "Feel" like I am, it's fairly common to not feel any symptoms until 6 weeks or so. I am tired. I napped a lot yesterday. And today I feel like I'm falling asleep at my desk. Can't wait to go home and relax.
  • Oh! Also, Saturday I felt like AF was coming.... mild cramps and just over all blah feeling. But... still nothing.
  • @Kim our appointment was already cancelled for tomorrow. We're supposed to get about a foot of snow. My wife has to go next Tuesday now. I hope everything works out on Weds. We've been thinking about you.
  • @Jami Are you guys staying warm up there???!!

    Testing tomorrow... I'm pretty nervous.
  • @Kim I went to work today and the weather was a little overrated. We didn't get much up here.

    I'm sure you're nervous. Sending you some positive vibes. Let us know how everything goes tomorrow.
  • That's how things are here usually, except with rain bc it NEVER snows.
    Less than 12 hours to go!! My lower back is killing me for some weird reason so I'm taking it easy tonight
  • Went to my appt today. So I am CD11 and I had one follicle at 15mm along with 3 smaller ones. I will be triggering on Friday, St. Patricks Day, and IUI will be done Saturday. Then the TWW will begin. Trying to plan things now to keep myself busy. We will be able to take a pregnancy test on April Fools Day.

    @Firsttimetxmoms - Good luck testing tomorrow! Can't wait to hear the results! This month has been a good month!
  • @WestFamBam Good luck with everything!!! How funny to find out on April Fools! :)

    I just got two BFP!!! I'm so excited!!!!
  • @WestFamBam glad everything is progressing for you guys.

    @Kim YAY!!!!!!!!! We're so happy for you guys. The back pain is def a sign and just try to take it easy and get plenty of rest. When is your due date?
  • @Jami Not sure yet... going to the Dr for bloodwork today. But by MY calculations O think it will be right after Thanksgiving
  • Still no due date (at least not official) but the nurse called back and said my hcg was 186!! Great number! I go back on Friday to make sure the number is doubling. Then we'll schedule the first ultrasound
  • Kim, that is a great number. We're so happy for you. I know its been a long journey for you. Do you think it maybe multiples?
  • @Firttimetxmoms - CONGRATS!!! That is AWESOME news!! So happy and excited for the two of you!! What a GREAT day today is! It seriously has been a GREAT month for a lot of ladies!! Gives me more and more hope and positive energy when I see such wonderful news!!

    I'm still on for MIDNIGHT trigger on Thursday into Friday and then IUI Saturday @ 0800. We are feeling really good about this cycle.
    I'm not sure about multiples...Does the number and multiple correlate?! I guess I can ask on Friday
  • @WestFamBam we're wishing you lots of luck this weekend.

    @Kim sometimes they say if the numbers are really high it can mean multiples. Ours were as high as twins but we just have one so it's not entirely accurate. Good luck tomorrow.

    We go back on Tuesday and we will also be 10 weeks on that day.
  • @WestFamBam we'll be thinking of you as well. Hoping you'll be joining us soon!

    @Jami at this point of be happy with multiples. NERVOUS but happy. One would still be ideal :) I am anxious to see if the numbers have doubled....hopefully so. I feel good! Do you remember when you guys had your first ultrasound? I can't wait!!
  • 2nd beta just came back... MORE than doubled. I'm thrilled!! The number was 425. I go in on April 3rd for our first ultrasound. Should be around 6 wks 2days
  • @Kim that's wonderful. You may hear the heartbeat at the first ultrasound. Our first ultrasound was emotional more for me lol. I cried a little bit just because I'm more sensitive haha. I get emotional every time we have one pretty much. You also will find out if there's more then one.

    @WestFamBam hoping your IUI went well. You're in our thoughts.
  • @Jami oh I'm sure in going to cry! Haha I'm such a sap. Its hard waiting.. I still don't really have any symptoms or anything to make me feel pregnant other than elevates temps and the obvious no period. I'm sure I'll feel better once I see our little nugget on the screen.

    @WestFamBam How was the IUI? Hope all is well
  • Good morning ladies!!

    IUI went great! Vial had 14mil swimmers. Last IUI there were 15mil. Cramps were definitely worse this time than last. We were at a softball tournament and out of three games we were only able to see 1 full game and half of the second before it was time to go due to the cramps.

    @Firsttimetxmoms - I am still over the top excited for the two of you!! What great numbers! Maybe more than one bean in there!!

    @ans17 - was anything different from the previous pregnancy to this pregnancy now? Like with the symptoms during the TWW?
  • @WestFamBam those are great numbers! I think ours were only 10mil this last time. Higher the better! Try and take it easy these next few weeks. Keep calm (easier said than done I know!!)

    I think waiting these 2 weeks for an ultrasound are even harder than waiting to find out if we were pregnant. Lol
  • @Kim I think it would harder to wait since you may have more then one in there. It's so exciting though when you finally get the BFP.

    @WestFamBam Everything honestly is the same other then my wife having horrible back pain which was our miscarriage the first time. The TWW was the same symptoms which were nothing other then this cramping about a week in which we think was implantation. The cramping lasted about a day. Your numbers were better then ours also so its all good. What is the date you find out?
  • @Jami How was the appointment? I have been thinking about you guys today!

    Yes, I've seen people posting with numbers similar to ours that had twins, but some just had high numbers for one as well... I ordered some cheap tests online for when I'm doubting I'm pregnant since i have no symptoms, I can just take one and see the positive in front of me and not worry any more.

    @WestFamBam My symptoms during the TWW were very similar to Jami's wife. Mild cramping/twinging feeling on my left side on 9dpiui and back pain for a few hours a day or two after that. But that's it. Sore boobs started pretty much on the day I got my BFP. Don't be freaked out if you don't really "feel" anything.
  • @Kim the appointment went well today. We're 10 weeks today and our baby was waving hi on the ultrasound. I didn't go to the Dr with my wife but the pics from the ultrasound were amazing. The only issue is the hematoma came back so we have to take it easy. We were supposed to fly next weekend but we can't now. She goes back next week for another ultrasound and a blood test for gender and genetic testing. How are you feeling?
  • Oh, I bet that make you guys anxious. But take comfort that you are already further along than last time. Hopefully the hematoma resolves itself again.
    How cute with the waiving!!

    I feel great. Sore boobs but that's it. I bought some cheap tests online just to ease my mind until we get to our ultrasound. I know that sounds crazy but sometimes it helps just to see a positive again. This test said to wait 5 mins for results but popped up with a positive in about 8 seconds! Haha so I do feel better
  • @Kim that's funny and we did the same thing in the beginning lol. Do you have to go back soon for blood work? I bet you can't wait till that first ultrasound?
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