
  • @Jami - I am assuming that two follicles dropped. I mean the only ultrasound I had was the one the day before my IUI.

    I am really hoping that this is my month. I haven't had any symptoms which is strange because the last IUIs I had some kind of symptoms... Obviously they were false though because I'm not pregnant. Lol. I actually am starting to have a headache now and I am 8dpiui.

    Did both of you ladies say that there were absolutely no symptoms for y'all for you BFP? What days did y'all test and get you BFP?

    I cannot wait to test. I just wanna know now. Everything seemed so perfect, minus my wife not being with me. I had two nice sized follies and 18mil swimmers. Never has happened!

    I'm glad to hear that you ladies are doing well!!!
  • @Jami I'm feeling MUCH better, thanks for asking. I feel normal again. I bought several outfits, but my wife wants me to pump the brakes a bit. lol We still have a long time before she gets here. We started adding stuff to the registry, but just a little at a time. We'll probably have our shower at the end of September.

    @Shauna I didn't really have ANY symptoms before my BFP. I remember around 9dpiui i felt this weird pinch on right side. It wasn't a pain, or a cramp... but it felt like someone was poking my kind of hard for a few mins and then it would go away... and then repeat. I'm guessing that's when she was implanting. Maybe no symptoms is a good sign for you! I don't know how I held out, but I didn't test until 14dpiui. I took two tests at one time to make sure. :)
  • @Shauna we didn't have any symptoms when we get pregnant expect for the pinch that Kim had talked about. As a matter of fact when my wife had symptoms like the cramping and sore breasts we were negative. I'm hoping that this is your month and who knows maybe twins...That would be exciting!

    @Kim I'm glad you're feeling better. Yeah we actually have to stop buying also because we have a shower coming up in August and we maybe moving lol. I don't know if you noticed but there's a lot of toxic baby products out there. It's kinda scary.

    Hope you both have a great weekend!
  • Today is 12dpiui, tested this morning and it was a BFN. Been cramping a little here and there and last night the side of my boobs began to start hurting. Not really sure how to feel right now. Trying to remain positive, but told myself that I will not test again until Thursday. AF should start on or around 18JUN.
  • Maybe its still a little early. Do your boobs normally hurt during AF? Mine usually do, but this was a different kind of hurt. They were EXTRA sensitive.

    Hang in there.. a few more days!
  • @Shauna Any news? We tested early and got the BFN as well so try to stay positive. How are you feeling? We're thinking about you.

    @Kim how are you feeling? Any strange food cravings? My wife keeps wanting strawberry's and she normally hates them. She also likes pizza and pasta which really isn't things she likes either. So strange with the cravings. We're almost at 23 weeks...

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • @Shauna I've been thinking about you. Hoping you get your BFP.
    @Jami Nothing too crazy. I've been wanting sweets, but still trying to limit that. I have been pretty level,too, but the past couple of days, random little things make me cry. I feel crazy. Haha I'm 17 weeks and 3days today
  • @Kim my wife has been having chocolate covered strawberries and made us funnel cake last night hahaha. The emotional part is normal. I think your hormones are just getting you ready. You're almost halfway there now.

    @Shauna hope you're doing ok. We have been thinking about you.

    We're 23 1/2 weeks now and it's starting to move quickly. We're so excited and can't wait for him to be here. Hope you ladies enjoy your weekend.
  • Pretty sure I felt baby girl moving for the first time today!! :) I am 19weeks exactly. I expected to feel her sooner, but at the ultrasound last week the dr said the placenta is on the anterior side (front) so it is acting as an extra cushion so those smaller movements will probably be harder for me to feel.

    How is everyone doing??
  • @Kim that's the most amazing feeling. How are you doing?

    @Shauna hoping you're doing ok.

    Hope you both are having a wonderful weekend! We just came back from the beach. My wife didn't really enjoy it but did it for me lol
  • I'm doing great! Been trying to work on our registry little by little.

    It's nice to take a trip and get away. My wife and I are going to Sedona,AZ for a few days at the end of Aug. I'll be 27 weeks. Wanted to take a trip before 30 weeks (Dr said I would be fine to do so up to 35 weeks but that sounds too risky to me).

    @Shauna hope things are well.... haven't heard from you for a bit.
  • Good morning ladies!

    So sorry for being MIA for a bit. We have had so much going on. Last IUI was another fail. It's starting to get harder and harder to deal with. We were originally going to take a break... We then thought of maybe trying a natural cycle. When we went in for a follicle check, I had nothing. So the doctor decided to put me on Gonal F and see what would happen. The next apt I had, the doctor saw that Is ovulating! So he sent me for bloodwork to verify for sure that I was and then we did an IUI the following day. No trigger shot needed. With that being said, I am currently 3dpiui.

    Aside of all that, we are scheduled for IVF this December, if I do not become pregnant before then.

    I am happy to hear you ladies are doing well!!
  • hi ladies, I am 13dpiui and I go tomorrow for blood work some of my symptoms are sore boobs, cramps, and feeling tired all these seem like period symptoms don't want to lose hope just yet I have not had any spotting at all. but my wife and I are praying for a BFP!! please share your stories with me ;-)
  • @Shauna Good to hear from you! Keeping those fingers crossed for you for sure!! Are you going to test next Friday?

    @Drina Welcome! Try not to stress. Spotting isn't always a sign. I didn't have spotting before my BFP (I did around 7 weeks, but everything is fine). We did a total of 9 IUI's am now 21 weeks pregnant with a little girl!

    Best advice is just to keep yourself busy, eat healthy and relax.

  • @Firsttimetxmoms

    hey there lady! thank you this has been the worse I stay on google and I just can't seem to take my mind off of this. I just really feel like my AF is around the corner. This is my first IUI. Congrats to you on your angel ;-)
  • has anyone experienced body temperature changes? I get my bloodwork done tomorrow to see if I am Prego and I told my wife I feel like I am getting sick. runny nose and feeling warm, sneezing. anybody else? also terrible back pain?
  • @drina I didn't really have any symptoms before we found out. I would always get sore boobs and cramping before AF before we were ttc. I will say on 9dpiui I had a weird twinge/pinch on my right side that came and went for an hour or so. I really think that was implantation. It wasn't anything painful...just odd... other than that it was smooth sailing.
    Your BBT will be higher if you are pregnant, but if you haven't been tracking that it's hard to tell. I've heard of stuffy nose and sinus pressure but who knows...each person has different experiences.
  • @Kim I'm so glad you're feeling great and the registry is fun but what a lot of work. It took us so long to get it all done. I'm so happy you guys are going away. Sedona was actually are on list so you will have to tell me how it is.

    @Shauna it's so good to hear from you. We have been thinking about you a lot and please let us know how it goes. When do you test?

    @Drina Welcome to the board. We didn't have symptoms with the BFP except the a cramping during implantation. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  • Hey just wondering how everyone is doing? We had our little guy 19 days early. He was born on September 28th at 7 lbs 3 oz. I hope all of you ladies are doing well.

  • Congrats @ans17!
    - My Wife and I are new to the bulletin but have just been reading everyones stories on here to get a better idea of what to expect or not. We are currently in our 1st TWW. Im honestly just trying to keep cool and calm - hoping for the BEST! #BABYDUST

  • @Lex07 Do the sperm bank offer any type of refund if the sperm count is low? Or is that dependent on how they're thawed?

  • @DosMamis Thank you. How did your TWW go?

  • Does pregnancy get counted differently after IUI/ICI/IVF versus natural hetero pregnancy? I know other pregnancies determine due date based on last period cycle, but does it get bumped up for us using science?

  • @2momsLotsOfLove our cycle was completely the same doing IUI vs natural conception. My wife's cycle is very regular so for us it was easier to figure out ovulation and we didn't even need a trigger shot. Good luck with everything.

  • What is a trigger shot? I’m kinda new to this.
    We tried out 2nd ici on dec 30th!

  • @Jami Hey!!! It's been forever since I've been on here. Congrats on your little guy! We had our little Olivia about a week early. She was born on November 16. So.... her birth was dramatic! Phew. I went in for my 39 week appt and let the Dr know I wasn't feeling her move as frequently. He ordered a non-stress test. He monitored me for about 20 mins and then sent me to the hospital for more monitoring and possibly an ultrasound. Well....they didn't monitor long before they decided to do a c section right away. Her heart rate kept dropping...she needed to come out. Turns out the cord was around her neck twice. She had a bowl movement in the womb and swalloed blood during delivery. ALSO.... my placenta was super small...apparently in the 10th percentile. She was full term but only weighed 4lb4oz. Spent 13 days in the NICU as she wasn't able to digest anything right away and they needed her to gain weight. She will be 2 months on Tuesday and is up to 8lbs now!! Finally the size of a newborn and perfectly healthy.

    How is everyone doing?

  • I did my 3rd IUI on January 3rd...I’m really hoping for a BFP! I go back for a blood test on Wednesday.

  • Fingers crossed for you @cherie2304 Hang in there... We did 9 cycles before our BFP

  • Hi Moms & Moms-to-be,

    Just a friendly reminder to report your child's birth! It only takes a moment to complete the online form:

    I keep seeing posts announcing little ones, but we don't have some of these births on file (only the pregnancies). If you're not sure if you reported a birth, please don't hesitate to contact our Client Services Team at 866-927-9622 or shoot us an email:

    Best wishes,


    California Cryobank

  • On Monday I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Yesterday I took 2 tests and both were a BFP!!!!!! I go for my blood test today! My partner and I are excited and nervous.

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