
TWW, baby dust alive!!



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    Ok, This is my rant Livvy! I know a number of people have the theory of 6 tries then you have a problem, but I really think that these people are unable to distinguish between a straight couple ttc who have a constant supply of fresh sperm and a lesbian couple who only have access (not always as well timed as we hope and try for) to it once a month (and lets face it, our vials don't even contain one complete "deposit" so we get even less of a chance) The medical profession and people in general just can't seem to adjust their thinking to accommodate us - I was even looking at the Stork thing online while considering trying at home, and even that (which looks totally like it was pretty much designed for us) is completely marketed for straight couples. If another baby center board tells me to baby dance one more time, I'm going to scream!!

    Obviously IVF is great if you decide to go that way, but if you have no major problems don't let some PA pressure you into that expense because she or he doesn't get that our chances are just lower than those of straight couples. We do have washed mini samples of sperm to contend with, so maybe they need to come up with other ways to help those sperm meet that egg and stop trying to make you feel like you have a problem!! Personally I think if March is a bust for me (number 6) I'm going to start insisting on a trigger shot or I may look at getting 2 iuis plus 1 ici to do at home when I feel myself ovulate. I don't care if that sounds like a waste or if the Dr says its not going to help. If I think it will help, i'm doing it.

    End of rant ;-)
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    Wow I'm so sorry for the bfn :/
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    Julie, thank you for your rant! I have heard your statement echoed by a few different people this past week and it has made me feel MUCH better. I never knew frozen sperm was less viable than fresh and that that would impact how many average IUIs a woman needs to get a BFP. My mother is also convinced these hospitals want to make a quick buck and be able to say they get women pregnant in a short period of time--I mean, duh.

    Glad we are all here for each other:) GOOD LUCK!
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    Best of luck to everyone during the process. congratulations on the BFP. I had my first IUI today. TWW will be longest period ever. Praying for a BFP .
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    Welcome to the board TARCHE! Baby dust to you with your IUI. It is a long period to wait. Hopefully you find ways to make it go by fast.

    Thanks for the rant on IVF! It is actually covered under our insurance and we may consider it if three medicated cycles does not get us pregnant. That would be three unmedicated and three medicated. Sperm is not cheap and we can't afford this process too much longer so we may have to go that route. Not by choice but we want a kid and if that is the only way to get a kid it may be worth it. So those are my thoughts on IVF for my family.

    I am still in the raw stage of us not getting pregnant. It has been a really rough week for me emotionally. We are not trying for the month of March or April so we can go on a spring break trip to Jamaica. Taking some time off will be good for us but sad too. Abby's period started yesterday which is generally a time of excitement and it was not this time. It was just another way the body is screwing us over by not being pregnant. I guess you can say I am still angry and disappointed with our negative. We made an appointment with our RE on April 4th. So we will see what the revised plan is.
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    Absolutely Cari, Sometimes I wonder if IVF might just be a faster way to a BFP too and if it is covered by insurance then that is WONDERFUL! I think IVF is a very personal choice, I guess my rant was more about the fact that some people pressure us into it.
    Livvy, I'm sadly with your mother on that theory! My wife is convinced that it is in the best interests of our RE office for us to go back again and again for failed IUIs as it makes them more money! This process can make you cynical!

    Good luck Tarche, I hope the TWW is not to agonizing!
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    I agree prbs that nobody should push you into IVF. And that it is a personal choice that has to be made. And it is so freaking expensive so it is hard. And its just unprofessional for someone to say that you are wasting your money. I think that if you continue to have unsuccessful IUIs the doctors office needs to evaluate what the heck they are doing to not get you pregnant. Their end goal so SHOULD be to get you knocked up!! So month after month after IUIs with no pregnancy is the doctors screw up and not yours. The plan clearly isn't effective. Have you thought about switching donors? I read some research that sometimes we don't get pregnant because the donor and our eggs are just generally a match that will never work together. Our brother and sister in law are actually going through that right now. They can't get pregnant and the doctors don't think they ever will because of a mismatch between sperm and egg. Just a thought. I know we are switching it up donor wise.

    Anyways, who is in their TWW and do we have any more BFPs to announce? This board is supposed to be luckier then the last.
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    Thanks for the suggestion Cari, We actually have only 3 vials left of this particular donor, so that will probably be our next step. At this stage I'm ready to try anything!

    Yes - where are the TWWs? I want some people to be rooting for! Bring on the lucky board!
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    Hey all! Quick update: we are headed for our IUI at noon today! I will give a lover update later! Yay! Fingers crossed!

    Baby dust to all!
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    Yes! Good luck Rebecca! Masses of baby dust to you, keeping everything crossed that this is your month!
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    Good luck!!! Hoping this month is the month for you!! Keeping things crossed on this end.
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    Hey all, we are starting the TWW today. I've got one IUI tonight and another very early tomorrow morning. Crossing fingers!!

    I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts on changing donors. I love our donor and can't imagine picking anyone else! Was it hard to switch?
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    Hey all! So glad to see everyone back posting on the board! Looks like there will be a few of us waiting out these 2 weeks together! Welcome TARCHE, glad to have you here! 2mamas, good luck today!

    Julie and Cari - Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It meant so much to see your messages while we were on the way home from the RE office yesterday. I appreciate having all of you to go through this with me!

    As for us, things have been crazy, but good. I went to the RE office 4 times in 7 days, so that's a lot, but I think we have good timing this month. Definitely the best since my daughter was born. My doctor recommended Femera for me, in hopes that my body would not have a premature surge, as it has the last couple of months. That way, the trigger shot could be effective and help with timing. Luckily, it worked for me. I had a great follicle at 20mm with a couple of smaller ones, my body hadn't started to surge on its own, so we triggered and then had the iui the next afternoon. I feel really good about it, so hopefully everything else will fall in line.

    The way the RE explained the differences in the meds is that Clomid blocks the estrogen receptors, fooling your body into promoting more follicle growth by releasing Lh and fsh but Femara actually blocks the estrogen production therefore stimulating those hormones to release and help follicle growth. With the Clomid, my estrogen levels were still regular, so when I stopped taking them I started surging early, which has definitely been our issue the last couple of tries. Anyway, hopefully it will work. Our doc has been really good at trying to figure out what will work best for my body. If it doesn't work soon though, we will probably look more seriously at the IVF option.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Baby dust,
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    Good luck everyone.
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    Hi ladies,

    My fiancé and I just tried our first round of at home insemination with donor 14233. It was an interesting process but we really bonded afterwards and are both really hopeful it worked. Did any of you guys try doing at home first? I love hearing about all the successful BFP's and can't wait until I can say the same!!! Now I'm in the TWW and it's the first day...I'm very positive and optimistic and have slight cramps but not any other symptoms yet.

    Sending positive vibes to everyone!
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    Hi ladies,

    My fiancé and I just tried our first round of at home insemination with donor 14233. It was an interesting process but we really bonded afterwards and are both really hopeful it worked. Did any of you guys try doing at home first? I love hearing about all the successful BFP's and can't wait until I can say the same!!! Now I'm in the TWW and it's the first day...I'm very positive and optimistic and have slight cramps but not any other symptoms yet.

    Sending positive vibes to everyone!
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    Welcome RJ Baby. Cramping is normal. Not familiar with the home process as we have only done things at the clinic but best of luck to you. We will be rooting for your BFP!!! Baby dust to you.
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    Thank you, EllieJoe! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time! I'm just trying to act as if there's a baby already in there.

    Have any of you done the thing where you fertilize your partner's egg and then implant it in the other woman? I know a couple who was successful on their first try! I would love to do that but I heard it costs around $32,000 and we can't afford that right now.
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    Hey girls-

    Good to see all these messages and know we are all in this together. Rebecca, how are you feeling? Welcome, newbies!

    I haven't tried in-home insemination but traditionally I have heard it's not quite as effective as IUI. Then again, some women do IUI, and when that doesn't work, they switch to ICI and it does work! So good luck and lots of baby dust:)

    Someone was asking about switching donors. I haven't done it and we've gotten so attached to ours! I know that's dangerous...but he's just too perfect. I guess if it was absolutely necessary we'd move on, but methinks he'll be ok.

    I am 12 dpo and no, we are not testing at home. I go in for a blood test on MONDAY. This cycle we used Femara and a trigger and I have had a few symptoms, but you never can tell.

    <3 Livvy
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    Hey Livvy - You have loads and loads of willpower! Way more than me! I get the no testing at home, because we have done that too...but waiting until Monday, I would explode! Heck, I might explode just waiting to hear your news! I really hope this is your month! Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!

    Welcome RJBaby! I wish you and your fiancé all the best during your TWW. Do the best to make the time pass! And try not to overanalyze everything...easier said then done, I know. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with ICI or at home inseminations, but I do know they can work! So fingers crossed!

    As for me, I am trying to stay positive. And am actually feeling pretty good about this one! Just started my progesterone last night,,so it is really hard to pinpoint symptoms that are real and those that are medicine related...doesn't mean I won't be noticing everything though! Lol!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
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    First ultrasound today. Twins!!!
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    Hi Livvy, SO much willpower. I just can't even imagine holding out!! I'm really keeping everything crossed for you, I hope this is your month!
    Rebecca, Keeping it all crossed for you too, this is your month, I'm totally convinced!!
    Welcome RJ, hope your TWW goes by quickly.
    Congratulations Mrg, twins! You are so lucky!! Could they tell if they are identical or fraternal at this stage? Were you on any medication or was it all natural? I hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy.

    As for me, I'm on CD1, I'm excited to start this cycle!
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    Wow! Congratulations! Are you excited, terrified or both? I truly hope you have a happy and healthy (at least close to) 9 months!
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    Twins?! Omg I'm so happy and excited for you!!! I've always wanted twins but it already skipped 2 generations in my family so idk if I still have a chance. Thank you for the warm welcome, I am so happy that we all can lift each other up and support each other with positive thoughts and good vibes!

    My friend was trying ici at home inseminations with donor sperm but after 4 months she ended up finding a good friend to donate his fresh sperm to her and she got pregnant that first try using fresh sperm with the diy ici at home method! So we are very hopeful that it will work for us too!

    As for this TWW ordeal... I am definitely more intune with anything and everything my body does now...and then I google it to see if it's a symptom! Most of the things can go either way from being pre-pregnancy signs or pre-menstrual signs! But I did notice I've had 2 vivid crazy dreams in the last 3 nights and that's out of the ordinary for me. Now I'm just praying for my boobs to hurt and for me to throw up next week haha so I can have some typical signs!

    Do any of you test before the 14 days...like on day 10?
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    There is two different sacs. I'm excited but also terrified BUT we are getting our money's worth lol.
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    Mrg that is excellent!!! So excited for you! Congrats. I am hoping for a healthy nine months.

    I am glad everyone's spirits are up. Hoping we see some more positives on this board including ours. We are taking a few months off and its torturous! But a much needed break. Nobody warns you that trying to get pregnant is such an emotional rollercoaster. Hoping and praying for some more big fat positives!
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    Mrg I am so excited for you!!! Twins sounds amazing--yes, exhausting and all of that, but how cool! Hope you stay in touch with us as your pregnancy progresses:)

    Rebecca, hang in there. Progesterone didn't do anything bad to me, but it does delay my period. I'm sure you know it will do that--I did not, so I was convinced my late period was due to a BFP. Thanks, nurse!!

    Julie, I"m glad you're back in the waiting game w/ us:)

    So I caved and called my dr's office and they said they could actually do blood work tomorrow morning (Friday). Woo-hoo! No more waiting for Monday. I'll let you know how it goes...

    <3 Livvy
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    Mrg - Congratulations!!!, I wish you a healthy pregnancy.
    Good luck everyone, stay positive.

    TWW is crazy. I have been desperate and I'm only 6dpo. During the first 3 days I experienced a lot of light cramps and felt blooded. I now feel perfect. I hear so much the different type of signs and side effects from the meds that I'm opting for not paying mind to those side affects. I usually get a lot of cramps and various symptoms about 10 days prior my AF therefor it is hard to tell. I read about others who experienced no signs at all and got a BFP.

    As Livvy I am trying to wait until the blood test. It is so hard. I would be so disappointed to get a BFN. I hope you give us the good news soon.
    praying for the best outcome for all of us.
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    Livvy I am dying to know what your results were. Please update us!!! I hope everyone is keeping busy in their TWW. I'm so bummed we are off. But rooting all of you on.
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    Sorry, guys, BFN. I got the call at work and knew by the tone of the very first word the nurse said. I was devastated, b/c I had mid-wait cramps, insomnia, and this really constant wet feeling (sorry for the (TMI). I really thought it happened! Now I think it was Femara side effects. Anyway...very best of luck to you ladies!
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