DONOR 14473

Hello everyone. My wife and I are using this donor and would love to keep in touch with anyone who is also using donor 14473. We did a trigger shot last night and tested peak (surge) this morning, so we are just waiting for tomorrow morning 8/4/16 to perform our first IUI.

P.S. I created another topic las night (guess I was half asleep) and had a typo on the donor's ID, put 14437 instead of 14473, sorry for the inconvenience!. Let's keep in touch on this one please.


  • Would love to keep in touch :) Lots of baby dust to you and your wife.
  • Thank you for starting the new thread. Good luck to you and your wife!
  • Had our First IUI this morning!. Will take blood work on 8/15 to find out... We can't wait!. Zamora415 and Prinkee, could you share sperm numbers? This first vial we used was 12.5 million total progressively motile, 44 million/ml concentration and 60% progressive motility.
  • The numbers they told me from the cryobank were 72% motility with a concentration of 51 mil. I will let you know what my fertility center says once they thaw. I'm crossing my fingers for you both!
  • Hi Prinkee and Max we were told 46 million/ml and 70% motility. We are 5dpiui, just experiencing lots of light cramping and the last two evenings my wife has been feeling a lot of pressure in the uterus area when she sits down. Just very tired and uncomfortable feeling. She hasn't had that feeling with the last 6 iui's so we are really praying this is our lucky number 7 :) Lots of praying going on in the Zamora household. Just trying not to stress out and think about it to much.. Thinking about you ladies! Will be praying for you too!
  • Thanks for the updates! I experienced little blood spotting last night, my Dr said is normal and not to alarm about it, also having mild cramps on the ovary where my egg is nested. Any feedback on the do's and don'ts after IUI? Just want to do as much as I can to help getting pregnant. Good vibes to all of us!
  • Hi Everyone. My wife and I also chose Donor 14473 and I had my first ever IUI this morning!! Our vial counts were 11 mil sperm and 61% motility. Now just relaxing and thinking positive thoughts.... and dreading the 2 week wait. Lol. Looking forward to hearing how we all do and excited to be in the same boat with you all :)
  • Hello Janna, best of luck!. Can't wait to hear good news from all of us. So, just to be on the same page, there is 4 of us so far using donor 14473, right?? Max, Janna, Zamora and Prinkee.
  • Hi Max. There is one other person, Yanelia, that I noticed is also using our same donor. She posted in the other chat that had 14473 in the title. I'm gonna send her a message to come join this one.
  • Perfect, thanks Janna. Good luck to all, let's stay in touch
  • Hi Everyone this is so exciting to be able to have a group to talk with. My wife is now 8dpiui and not much to write about, the only thing is that she has been a little bit more irritable then usual and she has had some lower back pain the last two mornings. Then she woke up this morning and said that she didn't sleep at all. So again Im not sure this has anything to do with the iui or not. Still praying lots though. Max and Janna how are things going?
  • For my experience on 5dpiui I can tell you girls that I barely slept last night and woke up 4 times to urinate (usually only go once), my breasts feel really tender and I feel bit more irritable too. Perhaps I am over-reacting to every little change that I am experiencing, but I guess will know for sure on 8/15 with the blood work. Good vibes to all of us!
  • I'm doing great so far but we're only 3dpiui. I had light cramping day 1 and 2 but feel pretty normal other than that. Just excited and counting the days til bloodwork. Ours isn't until 8/22. It can't get here soon enough!!! Baby Dust for everyone :)
  • I'm doing great so far but we're only 3dpiui. I had light cramping day 1 and 2 but feel pretty normal other than that. Just excited and counting the days til bloodwork. Ours isn't until 8/22. It can't get here soon enough!!! Baby Dust for everyone :)
  • Hi Ladies. Just checking in with everyone. We are crossing our finger for you to have positive results tomorrow Max!!! Sending you positive energy :)
    I've been crampy and bloated for several days now but I'm on progesterone pills and apparently this is a normal side effect. Fun! Lol. How is everyone else doing?
  • Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well. My wife got her AF today, we were so sure this was the one... I wish all of you the best. I will look in from time to time to see how everyone is doing and if I can read about some happy news...
  • Hello girls, I should be in bed by now but I feel anxious and nervous about tomorrow. My breasts feel so tender for the last 7 days and I have been crying for pretty much everything, hormones?? Don't know but I can't wait for tomorrow... Will let you know the results, good vibes for all of us! Have a good night... Will try to sleep now.
  • Zamora ... so sorry for your bad news. I'm sure yesterday was a hard day for you both. I know you said this was your wife's 7th IUI. Are yall going to try anymore or possibly IVF?
  • Girls... Blood work results came negative for our first IUI. Will wait for my period for baseline and try round 2 of IUI. Good luck to all of you and keep us posted...
  • Awwww ..... so sorry Max. We are all definitely going through this emotional roller coaster together. I still have 1 more week til my blood work. Trying to be hopeful but also prepared for a negative result. I'm sure I'll cry a few tears and then hop right back into those stirrups and go for round 2 also. Stay positive an keep us updated on your next IUI :)
  • Thanks for your kind words, Janna. Best of luck on your results. It has been a hard day but I am ready for round 2 and my wife and I can't wait to become parents
  • That's the right attitude Max!!! I'm sure it was an emotional and disappointing day but I'm glad to hear you two are gearing up for the next round. Hopefully, 2nd time is the charm!!
  • Any luck with this donor? Doing my first IUI in a few weeks.
  • Hi Benson ... welcome! We don't have a positive just yet in this chatroom but I'm sure we will. I go in for bloodwork this Monday, Aug 22nd, and will update in here. Good luck to you and definitely keep us posted :)
  • I have 2 normal embryos frozen 1 girl 1 boy FET next month.?????????????
  • Hi I have 2 frozen normal embryos 1 girl and 1 boy FET next month.
  • Congrats Yanelia!!!!! That's awesome!! Keep us updated on how it goes next month :)
  • Hello Everyone! I am joining the thread as well to keep in touch. I just purchased Donor 14473 today and IUI tentatively scheduled for Oct.
  • Good Luck Virgogirl, and to all of the other ladies. Cont wait to hear what you find out today Janna :)
  • Hi ladies .... I had my blood drawn at 7am this morning but I won't get the results til sometime after lunch. Anticipation is making me crazy!!! Lol. Thank you Zamora. I'll definitely update in here when I know :)
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