2ww Buddies



  • Well I'm still waiting to ovulate this cycle. I'm hoping that will happen this weekend. This will be my 5th cycle trying. I'm with you eeh this is very frustrating anymore.
  • I hope this weekend does it for you, cc2011. Good luck!

    Now if I can just make it through this weekend...
  • I've read this entire thread and you ladies are very inspiring. I'm happy for you who have received your BFP and hopeful for all the rest!! I will be going in for my first IUI this week and am trying not to get all of my hopes up, but am still excited for the possibility. Has anyone used donor 12676?

    Baby dust to you all!
  • I got my surge late Saturday so inseminated Sunday afternoon. I tend to ovulate on the earlier side of my surging, so I hope we caught the egg this time.

    Let the TWW begin!
  • BFP this morning (yesterday, actually)!

    I wanted to wait to post until I went in for my beta test today. The numbers are within the right range, but on the low side. The nurse suggested that I remain cautiously optimistic. I wanted to be super excited, but I'll take what I can get! ;-)

    I go in for beta #2 on Thursday. As long as it doubles today's numbers won't matter and I'll be super happy. Let the new 3 day wait begin! ;-)

    Good luck to the rest of you! I have high hopes for us all!
  • Congrats eeh! That's so exciting!! Good luck with your 3 day wait. I'm starting to think this whole process is about good luck and an endless series of waiting. Wait for a period, wait to ovulate, the tww, the 3 day wait, the 12 week wait, the 9 month wait. A good lesson in patience for when we are all single mothers!

    I had my 2nd IUI this morning, so I'm officially in my own tww. Who came up with "cautiously optimistic" anyway? Some might say that to be cautious is to be wary which sounds pretty pessimistic to me! I get the idea, but how the heck are you supposed to actually achieve cautious optimism?? :)
  • Thanks shonarb73! I guess "cautiously optimistic" is better than "don't get too attached", right? The close friends I have shared with are all super optimistic for me though; so I'm feeling pretty good. ;-)

    Good luck to you in your own wait, hon! We'll keep each other posted. :-)
  • Congrats eeh!!!!! And lots of baby dust to everyone!!!!

    I just finished my first 2ww and it was the longest 2 weeks of my life!!! I really hope the next 4 weeks go by much quicker! I'm on to my 2nd round of clomid and iui and hopefully my last. On the positive side I was really happy I actually ovulated so that's a step in the right direction. :-)

    Good luck to us all and eeh keep us posted!

    Lots of baby dust and luck all around! Patience too :-)
  • For all of those that have been successful....how long after your hcg trigger do you get your IUI? I have read anywhere from 24-46 hours. My last unsuccessful IUI was done 22 hours after my hcg trigger. Too soon? Any thoughts? Tips?

    Anyone do B2B IUIs?

    Baby dust baby dust baby dust and lots of BFPs!
  • eeh, OMG! CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you! You have been everyone's chearleader on this thread and I'm so glad that you got your BFP! Keep that positive feeling going;) I'll check back in to see how you're doing.

    actorres, I had my IUI 36 hours after trigger.
  • Congrats eeh. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering if you were going to get your BFP soon, so I logged on to check and voila!

    sibling how's your little bean doing? Growing like a weed yet? :)
  • Congratulation eeh, how exciting!!!
  • Thanks ladies!

    I didn't want to post until my news was a bit better. My first beta had a pretty low number (61). I just had my second test done today, and while the nurse still wants higher numbers, it more than tripled so I guess its doing what it is supposed to. ;-)

    I have my next beta on Sunday. We're hoping the number is super high then. :-D

    Actorres, I also had my IUI at 36 hours after trigger as well. It seems to be a lucky number!
  • Hi cc2011!! I'm doing great. I'm 17 weeks now so my little bean is now a big pomelo. Lol. Anxiously waiting on my amnio results but other than that, baby is growing right on target. You're next!! Baby dust!

    ee, very happy to hear your numbers went up! Yayyyy!
  • I just had my 3rd IUI yesterday at 36 hours after trigger....hope that's my lucky number too!!
  • Amnio results shows a HEALTHY BABY GIRL!!!
  • AWESOME Sibling! I am sooooo happy for you!!!! I'd like a girl too, but as long as it is healthy, who cares- that's what is most important. I'm glad you are keeping us posted- I love hearing about your journey!

    My most recent beta test had the jump I was looking for. Yay! So one more test on Wednesday for good measure, and if its good then next week is my first sono! I'm finally starting to feel like this is real.
  • congrats sibling!!! I go back and forth on if I want a girl or boy but I know I honestly don't care as long as I have a healthy baby!! I am 5 days since my IUI and hope I can join the expectant mommy crowd soon!
  • Thank you ladies! I feel somewhat guilty posting my success when there are so many still trying but I still feel part of the "2ww buddies" thread family so thank you for asking about me and supporting my journey.

    Yayyy on the increasing beta numbers ee!! Better get used to the realness of it all because you definitely have a little life growing in you;). Continue to keep us posted.

    Crossing my fingers and toes for you jaimec! Tons of baby dust blowing your way!
  • YAY! A baby girl! I wish I was so lucky. AF got me today, so it's on to cycle #6.

    Any news yet jaimec?
  • Grrr, sorry cc2011!

    Cycle 6 was the one for me, so I'm hoping that it is your magic number too!

    jaimec and shonarb, hope things are going well with you two...
  • Thanks for asking eeh, but things aren't so great. I tested negative today (14dpiui) and while no af yet I'm def pmsing. I've actually cried big crocodile tears with sobbing twice since the bfn, which is quite a shock because 1) I'm NOT a crier and 2) I had no idea I would be this devastated by a 2nd failure. I went through the tww pretty gracefully (except weekends) and thought I was prepared to just dive right into round 3. I think it's the $$ that has me stressed out. Insurance paid a whopping $500 (should be grateful it wasn't $0) and I've been able to pay for vials, ultrasounds, iuis, etc as I went, but I just got bills for hsg (nearly $1000) and some labs that weren't covered and some unrelated medical bills all of which will pretty much tap out my savings. Last week my car got crunched so I have to pay for that, too. So, I don't think I will be able to manage another try for another month or two. The idea of letting more time go by stresses me out because I know my fertility is dwindling away as I close in on 40. I know a lot of women have been trying a lot longer than I have and I feel like a big baby, but today I just want to throw in the towel and resign myself to the reality of never having a child. I'm hoping that feeling will change, but right now it just seems hopeless. Could really use a pep talk and some success stories (esp from "mature" moms-to-be)...thanks for listening.
  • Oh, Shonarb73, I'm so sorry.

    You shouldn't feel bad about being stressed out and upset. I went to chat with a counselor a few weeks back because I was feeling down about my progress, and she said that this whole process is ridiculously hard and stressful (which we all know). Have your cry and be upset and feel what you have to feel. I'm sure your pms isn't helping. You'll find your way back to a good place, I'm sure.

    As for the time factor, I'm not quite in the same place as you; I'm a little younger. But the lion's share of the ladies on this page are your age or older, and I have seen several success stories from ladies that are in their early 40's. Obviously there is no guarantee in any of this, but I think getting yourself back into a decent financial spot in a month or two will let you come back to this process with less stress, and I think your stress level is more important than a month or two. I took a one month break after my 4th try, and I came back feeling ready for another round or two- and it seems to have worked out. ;-)

    Anyway, this is long, so I'll stop now. I hope it was a little helpful. I'll be thinking of you, and sending positive thoughts.
  • Congrats sibling on your healthy baby girl sonogram:)

    I am on to round 4. Already on the meds and an appoitment schduled for Friday for my day 12 sonogram. Shonarb, don't give up and don't feel bad for crying. I think we have all done that a time or two. I considered taking a month off this time just to give myself a break, but I decided to try March. A month off isn't the worse thing in the world. I didn't try in December for work reasons, but it gave me a month to kinda think things through and get in a good frame of mind.
  • so sorry shonarb!! I think a lot of us on here, me anyway, feel like since we have science involved it should happen quickly....but that's not the case. When I was crying in my doctor's office last month, the nurse pointed out that even though I'm thinking about it daily because of meds, constant appointments, etc. I had really only tried twice....so while it seems like it's been going on forever, it hasn't been that many attempts. It's a wonder so many women "accidentally" get pregnant!!
  • Okay, I had my pity party last night and feel much better today. Thanks for the words of encouragement - you guys are the best! I don't think I would feel comfortable whining to any of my family or friends about this. Although my boss/friend stopped by to ask me if there was any news and I did express my disappointment and she tried to tell me my overly emotional reaction must be a sign of pregnancy. Fat chance! More like pms and unrealistic expectations.
  • That's what we're here for! Glad you feel better, hon.
  • last nights HPT was negative....I am holding out hope that maybe it's still early.
  • Jaimec I can related my tests have been negative and I believe I am on day 25. Well see, if I do not get AF by Thur I will test again first thing in the AM. I am feeling blue. So Hugs to you. Good luck.
  • hugs to you too Anissa! I am on day 32. I go to the doctor tomorrow for a blood test and will get those results on Friday. It sucks because I started with 3 vials thinking I would never need them all...but have used all three and am considering switching donors if it didn't work this month. I really like the one I picked, but maybe it's just not meant to happen with him.
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