2ww Buddies

I'm having my 2nd IUI (medicated with Menopur) today and I'm looking for some 2ww buddies.


  • I will be having a Medicated IUI on tuesday or wednesday. I would love to have someone to do my TWW with !!!

    What donor did you use?

    Baby dust,
  • I'll be having my 4th (sigh) IUI tomorrow. It will be unmedicated, except for the trigger shot; if this one doesn't take. I'll move on to Clomid. Good luck ladies! I'll keep my fingers crossed for all of us!
  • Hello Ms. M404 and eeh876! So glad that I'll have some buddies to talk to who are going through the same process. Good luck to both of you!
    Ms. M404, is this your first IUI? Btw, I used Donor 12677.

    eeh876, do you still do follie checks for unmediated IUI?
  • Well, hello sibling4lala!

    Sending patience your way- I know how hard it is to get through these two weeks. I hope you have things to keep you nice and busy- I know that helped me!

    Up until this one I had just been using an ovulation kit from the store. This time they did do an ultrasound to measure the follicle before the trigger shot.

    It was a bit of a drama, because my ovulation was off, the follicle was too small to do the procedure on the day we had planned, and I just barely got my IUI done before the shipping tank for my sample would have stopped cooling. But everything looked good today, so I'm happy.

    Quite an adventure we're all on, right? ;-)

    Ms M404, I hope your IUI goes smoothly!
  • Hi Ladies,

    Sibling tomorrow will be my 9th IUI(my 4th medicated).

    I am hoping this TWW goes really quickly and that the holiday will provide a nice distraction.

    eeh thank you for the positive thoughts!

    Baby dust to you all!
  • Well, not quite to the 2ww yet. I go tomorrow for my sonogram. If I have a good follicle, I should do IUI Thursday or Friday. So, I am definately hoping I can be your 2ww buddy.
  • Sorry that I've been MIA for a few days.
    Austingurl, I would love to be 2ww buddies. Good luck with your IUI.

    Eeh, so glad you were able to get the IUI done. I was scared that my IUI would be cancelled because I produced so many follies this time. I only had one big 20mm and several others that ranged in size from 14.9 to 9. My right ovary decided to play hide and seek at the last US so I'm unsure of the follies sizes on that side but on 3 days before the trigger I had a 15.5mm and several ranging from 12.9 to 11.7 so hopefully some grew to maturation by the time I ovulated.

    I was so anxious to know if I was preggo or not during the last week. Boy, did I learn my lesson. I decided to POAS 11dp the trigger and I got a BFP. I heard that the HCG metabolizes out of the system within 10 days so, although I didn't want to get my hopes up too high, I was having a lot of prego symptoms so I was convinced that it was a true positive. I POAS everyday afterwards, morning and night, and it was still positive. I made myself believe that the line wasn't getting lighter. Ha! Well I couldn't wait until my beta testing so 12dpo, I asked one of the providers I work with to write an order for a beta. The number was a very disappointing 3. I didn't even need to retest because AF showing her ugly face on the day that I was truly supposed to test. So this time I will truly wait instead of getting my anxiety up so high.
    Does anyone have a similar story?
  • Best of luck to all. I've just started my first cycle with injectables. I have 3 failed IUIs with Clomid. Should go in for my IUI next Friday/Saturday.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • Kaylababy, lots of baby dust to you!
    Austingurl, how'd ur IUI go?
  • It went great! My doctor said the sperm count was the best she has ever seen in donor sperm. Now I have to wait 2 weeks. I am so glad the holidays are coming up because hopefully it will make time go faster.

    What's the soonest anyone has taken a test and gotten accurate results? My doctor said try not to take one until two weeks from tomorrow. I don't think I have the patience for that:)
  • I've always waited the full two weeks. I felt that doing it early would only be torturing myself even more. Do your best to keep busy and wait.

    Good Luck!
  • I'm going in for a monitoring u/s Tuesday and will likely be doing an IUI on Thanksgiving. My first IUI was unsuccessful but I'm trying the same donor again and hoping for a BFP!

    I did not make it through the last TWW very gracefully. I'm hoping, but doubting, that this time it'll go by faster.
  • Good luck kaylababy, austingurl, and cc2011!

    sibling4lala- I appreciate you sharing your story about taking the test too early. All of my other attempts have been natural, so I tested early and just got a bunch of negatives. Now that I have the possibility of false positives, I am trying to wait.

    Kaylababy, I'm taking your advice and trying to keep busy. The holidays certainly help! I can test right after Thanksgiving. :-)

    Ms M404, I hope you are doing well.

    Keeping fingers and toes crossed for all of us! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, all.
  • Austingurl - that's great! Crossing my fingers for you.

    About the accurate testing, try the Dollar Tree hpt's. They are amazingly sensitive. It was still picking up a positive (though false) reading with an HCG level of 5. The cheapie internet hpt's read negative but the Dollar Tree ones were the winners.

    When does everyone test? I test on Turkey Day. Good luck to you cc2011!
  • Thanks EEh876 and sibling4lala!

    I'm really hoping for some decent size follicles tomorrow. I'm going in for monitoring a day earlier than last time since my LH was already on the rise CD12. My largest follicle was only 15mm but they had me trigger anyway that day.

    Not sure what going in a day earlier will do to get my follicles larger, but keeping my fingers crossed for a successful IUI this week.

    I'll be looking for a BFP by Dec. 8th.
  • Went in for my monitoring u/s this morning. I was told I have already started to ovulate on my own (it's only CD11). I just administered the trigger shot and will go in tomorrow for my IUI.

    My last IUI I feel my follicles were too small, with the largest at 15mm. This time I have (if I read the screen right) a few at 30+mm. So they may be just cysts instead of good follicles, but maybe there is one in there some where that will give me my BFP!

    Can't wait to start hearing of those BFP!

    Baby dust to all!
  • good luck to all. Just had my iui this morning after clomid and trigger shot. Now the tww....Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Good luck to everyone. It's a great feeling to log on every night and talk to others waiting and impatient just like I am:) I hope we all have good news in a few weeks.
  • Good luck cc2011 and tingod!

    Austingurl, I agree that it is nice to have support through all of this. Hopefully it will happen soon for all of us!
  • How is everyone doing?

    cc2011 and tingod, I'll be crossing my fingers and toes for you! Lots of baby dust coming your way;)

    Ok, I did something that I said I was NOT going to do. I was cleaning up my bathroom today and came across one last Dollar Tree store hpt. I really tried to resist the urge to test but I gave in, telling myself that I will not run to the store and buy a bunch more so that I can POAS day and night (like the last time). Soooo....I went for it and right away that line came up DARK! I said I learned my lesson from the last time so I convinced myself that it's the leftover hCG and didn't do my happy dance...yet. Although, on my last cycle when I tested, I started testing 9dpiui and the line, of course, got lighter and lighter each day. By 12dpiui the line took longer to show up and I had to look at it under the brightest light possible. This time, I'm 12dpiui and that line popped right up and I'm sure I would've been able to see it in a dimly lit room.

    I only have 2 more days to wait to take my beta so I'm not doing any more hpt's until then. There's still a strong chance that the hpt picked up the leftover hCG because I metabolize it slowly but either way I will be letting you all know the turnout.

    Good Luck everyone!
  • So I found out that the labs are closed tomorrow for the holiday. How can I wait a whole day past the day I'm supposed to find out???? I work in a hospital and have access to some backdoor blood draws if needed. So I had one of the lab techs, who comes up to my floor, draw my blood for my beta. Would one day really make a difference??? She told me to call in for the results in 2 hours. Of course, I called in exactly 2 hours. I nearly choked when she said my beta was 150!!!!! OMG!!! In shock, I just sat there and laughed and cried at the same time. Going to test again the day after Turkey Day to see if the numbers double. Wish me luck and I'll take some prayers too;)
  • Wow sibling4lala!
    Sending luck and prayers your way! I'm (cautiously) so happy for you! :-)
  • I had a promising IUI today. 8.9 million sperm at 43% mobility and I felt ovulation pains all day. It's a little early I know, but I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic about this cycle.
  • Okay, this is my first iui so it's my first 2ww. I had the iui on Friday. I have been cramping all day. No spotting, but cramping in the lower abdomen. Basically, it's an occasional sharp pain. I took femara and an hgc shot with my iui. Could they cause the cramping? Or could it be from the iui? I've read about implantation cramping but don't want to get my hopes too high. Could there be another cause? Anyone else experience this?
  • I had a promising IUI today. 8.9 million sperm at 43% mobility and I felt ovulation pains all day. It's a little early I know, but I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic about this cycle.
  • Congrats sibling4lala! How exciting!

    Austingurl, the only time i've had such pains, are on ovulation day. I have yet to experience a pregnancy, so I'm not sure what implantation pains might feel like. But keeping my FX that's what you are experiencing. Seems like it could be around this time that the earlier implantations take place.
  • Congrats sibling4lala!!!!
  • Thank you very much ladies!! Praying that the numbers go up by Friday and that it's not leftover HCG.
  • BFP!!! Just found out that my 2nd beta is 371! So excited. Let's hear some more BFP's. Good luck ladies!!
  • That's awesome sibling!

    I hope I can catch a bit of your luck. Only 2 DPO here so I have another week before I can even think about looking for a BFP.
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