Sorry ladies. This can be such a frustrating road. Maybe you'll have better luck , sdlove.
I'd like it if we kept this thread going into our next cycles, or started a new one. I have appreciated the support. I'd love to hear how we all get pregnant on our next try (yay, positive thinking!), and sibling, I'd love it if you kept us posted.
Just waiting for my ovidrel and prometrium to show up this morning. Hopefully the prometrium will help, it'll be my first cycle using it. I expect to get the go ahead from the doctor to trigger next Friday with IUI on Saturday. Then it's on to another TWW.
Being that I'm a testing addict, I would test. I couldn't wait the whole weekend to find out :)
I knew before my blood test (AF showed up too) but my nurse still made me come in before she would schedule anything else for me.
I swear this time I won't test until NYE, but it'll take a lot to keep me busy enough not to test early. I really wish I could test on Christmas, but It'll be too early.
Tested on tuesday 12/6 and got a bfn and still waiting for af to show but nothing yet. I am ready to give this another try. Does anyone know if clomid and trigger will throw off your body's cycle. I am really regular and my period was due on the 7th.
Clomid and trigger didn't mess with my cycle. Well it lengthened my luteal phase by a day, but seeing as how mine was short, adding a day actually made it more 'normal'.
I was able to order some vials today! So I'm pretty sure I'll be doing my 3rd IUI this Saturday. I go in Friday for my u/s to check on my follicles but I'm pretty sure I'll be triggering Friday.
I'm feeling optimistic after today's ultrasound. I think my body is finally getting back to 'normal' after being on continuous BC for 5 years.
My first cycle my largest follicle was only 15mm, but I was already starting to ovulate so I triggered that day.
My second cycle my follicles were all large, even some over 30mm.
This time I have one good looking 18mm follicle, the others are 12 and under. Dr prescribed estrace that I start tonight, then IUI tomorrow and I'll be on estrace and prometrium until 12/30 when I go in for a blood pregnancy test.
Just wanted to say good luck to everyone. I am skipping this month and have been busy switching to a new job so I haven't posted in a few weeks, but I am thinking about you ladies and sending good vibes out.
I'm 3DPO and so far it's been going decently fast. This weekend was so full of activities. I haven't even been 'testing' out the trigger shot. I feel less optimistic then I did the last time, I don't even feel like I'm in the 2WW.
8DPO now, I shouldn't have, but I did test Friday, Saturday and today. Last cycle I tested out my trigger shot and it was out 7DPO. This time I've had a second line all three days. The line today wasn't any darker and wasn't any lighter, so I'm totally confused right now. I guess I'll have to wait until this Friday when I go in for my blood test.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmasam!!! I took this montth and thought I would do my next cycle in January. To my suprise AF showed up 8 days early...can you imagine. Well I am sidelined right now because of a cyst. Which is what messed up my cycle in the first place. So I will be back on the TWW with you all in the New Year.
Hi Ladies! Yes, cc2011, I did see the heartbeat. Going strong at 161 bpm. I had another u/s last Friday and even saw some slight movements;). They are watching me closely with weekly u/s's because the sac is small and measuring 2 weeks behind. Trying my best to stay positive. I'm crossing my fingers that you'll have that BFP on Friday! Baby dust coming your way!
It's a BFN for this cycle. Doctor wants me to come in and discuss what's next. I think we are doing the same thing for next cycle, though going in for monitoring CD9 instead of CD11. But we'll talk about what's next if next cycle (#4) doesn't work.
Back in the 2ww. Feeling pretty positive right now; not to be superstitious, but lots of little things have been happening that make me feel like the stars are aligning. ;-)
And the next two weeks will be super busy, which is good.
Hope all is well with you, sibling4lala, and I hope to see the rest of you on here with great news this/ next month!!!!!
I'm still waiting to ovulate. I'm late in doing so this cycle. I've already had 3 u/s and bloodwork done and go in for a 4th tomorrow. I'm hoping this means my eggs are taking their time to be good quality eggs. I feel I normally ovulate early.
Good luck eeh, I'm looking forward to hearing of your BFP!
Sdlove, when do you test?
I'd like it if we kept this thread going into our next cycles, or started a new one. I have appreciated the support. I'd love to hear how we all get pregnant on our next try (yay, positive thinking!), and sibling, I'd love it if you kept us posted.
Just a thought. ;-)
Baby dust sdlove!
I knew before my blood test (AF showed up too) but my nurse still made me come in before she would schedule anything else for me.
I swear this time I won't test until NYE, but it'll take a lot to keep me busy enough not to test early. I really wish I could test on Christmas, but It'll be too early.
Hugs and early baby dust to all of you!
Lots of baby dust to us all for our next cycles! Keep in touch.
Glad it worked out, cc2011! Good luck on Sat.
My first cycle my largest follicle was only 15mm, but I was already starting to ovulate so I triggered that day.
My second cycle my follicles were all large, even some over 30mm.
This time I have one good looking 18mm follicle, the others are 12 and under. Dr prescribed estrace that I start tonight, then IUI tomorrow and I'll be on estrace and prometrium until 12/30 when I go in for a blood pregnancy test.
I'm 3DPO and so far it's been going decently fast. This weekend was so full of activities. I haven't even been 'testing' out the trigger shot. I feel less optimistic then I did the last time, I don't even feel like I'm in the 2WW.
Is anyone else in the wait again?
cc2011- good luck, hon. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. I start Clomid next week, and will be in the wait again the first week of Jan.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmasam!!! I took this montth and thought I would do my next cycle in January. To my suprise AF showed up 8 days early...can you imagine. Well I am sidelined right now because of a cyst. Which is what messed up my cycle in the first place. So I will be back on the TWW with you all in the New Year.
Baby dust to all,
Yes, cc2011, I did see the heartbeat. Going strong at 161 bpm. I had another u/s last Friday and even saw some slight movements;). They are watching me closely with weekly u/s's because the sac is small and measuring 2 weeks behind. Trying my best to stay positive. I'm crossing my fingers that you'll have that BFP on Friday! Baby dust coming your way!
Still thinking positive thoughts for you to have a BFP Friday!
ms m404-
I'm sorry hon. Hope to see you back up here with the 2ww soon!
Exciting to hear the heartbeat! My fingers and toes are crossed for everything to run smoothly for the rest of your pregnancy.
And the next two weeks will be super busy, which is good.
Hope all is well with you, sibling4lala, and I hope to see the rest of you on here with great news this/ next month!!!!!
Good luck eeh, I'm looking forward to hearing of your BFP!