TWW, anyone with me?



  • Hey Emerge, we're IUI twins! I am 5dpiui and this is also my 2nd IUI. I ALSO thought I had a zillion symptoms and yet, nada. But we did find out our donor had 2 million sperm, which is ridiculously low. The clinic was surprised the bank sold the vial to us, and actually that particular bank guarantees 12 million motile sperm, so we're getting a refund. Anyway, this current vial has 9 million, so I'm happy. But truth be told, I feel no different than I normally would, and that's not good or bad...It helps to know there's another woman out there in exactly the same boat as me. Keep me posted and sending tons of baby dust your way!
  • Hey Livvy-
    Glad you wrote and that I have an IUI twin! :) So awesome you're getting your refund and got better numbers this time! I had switched donors after last time for less than optimal numbers. Was very pleased this time. Just hoping our timing was right!

    Let me know how you're doing this week and baby dust to you as well! :)

    Hopefully 2nd time is THE time for both of us!
  • Hi Emerge, it does drag by so slowly! Good luck to you! Livvy, I just noticed what you said about counting from the day after iui rather than the day of - I have been doing that too, so maybe I started testing a bit too early, however I am now 13dpiui (or 12 if we go from the day after) and still BFN - hoping I am just doing my usual and not showing + until day 14. Other than being more tired than usual I have no symptoms so I am not feeling like this is my month, but trying to stay positive as I also have no AF symptoms. It's not over till it's over, right!

    Rebecca - how are you doing? Is the trigger gone or reducing at least?
  • I is confusing to count dpiui or dpo. Common sense says dpiui should begin the day after the iui, but my doc always says, so today is Day 1... In that case I am 7dpiui and 7 dpo, plus 8 days passed the trigger shot. This morning there is barely a shadow of a line, so by tomorrow morning, I expect to see a totally white BFN. And then hopefully I will see the line begin to reappear and darken. Fingers crossed that this is everyone's month for a BFP! I have had a little nausea already, but I am pretty sure that is from the progesterone and nothing else.

    Wishing everyone well!
  • Oh goodness, ladies, you have given me something else to obsess about!! (i.e. when does day 1 piui start?).

    Prbs, have you had a baby before using IUI, it sounds like?

    Emerge, thanks for the support. I'm trying to focus on other things, like work and even Halloween, but in the back of my mind it's all about the baby. I'm eating my body weight in pineapple and sweet potatoes--I don't care if this is an old wive's tale!

    Keep me posted and I'll continue sending baby dust your way...
  • Sweet potatoes? I've not heard that one! Will have to try that! I've been going crazy taking zinc and B6 and eating pineapple core... but I have a bad feeling AF is coming! Livvy, I conceived but had an early miscarriage with IUI, so I have been comparing symptoms (maybe wrongly since it didn't work out!) this time has been almost symptom free, I am just going to keep testing until AF comes along.
    Rebecca - I always counted from the day of IUI also, but I guess it depends if you know exactly when you ovulated (which you will with the trigger?) SO happy the trigger is pretty much out of your system now, at least the next time you test it will be for real!! For me - roll on day 14 and see if my record stands!
  • I did the pineapple the first 5 days. I also heard soaking your feet in warm water is a thing...who knows. Today makes
    11 dpiui for me. Im happy to know I wasn't the only one counting wrong in the beginning. I tested last night and this morning and still BFN. Trying to stay positive and hold out hope.
  • Oh wow I hadn't heard about the foods to eat! If this isn't my time to get pregnant, will have to try the foods next time. I'm all about the wives' tales and woo woo stuff...whatever it takes, right?

    7dpiui over here and going nuts. Trying to think about other things but it's hard. I have a short cycle and AF is expected on Friday. Hoping so hard she does not come to visit this time!
  • Lyssy, the warm water might be a thing! I saw somewhere that keeping warm is important and Chinese medicine says that losing heat through the feet is bad for implantation. I think maybe I have crossed over into obsessed and crazy!! I'm delaying testing today as FMU rarely works for me either for OPK or pregnancy tests. I think really I'm just putting off another BFN, I think I'm probably out this month but in denial! FX for you - it's early yet!
  • AF beat me to it, no need to try again today. Very disappointed as we had convinced ourselves that the new donor was the change up we needed. Oh well, on to #4. I am thinking of talking to my RE about changing things up although also taking some more ownership of the process myself with some weight loss and improving my diet together with taking any and all vitamins recommended for fertility and implantation. Any advice or suggestions would be gratefully accepted!

    Lyssy, Rebecca, LNM, Emerge (sorry if I missed anyone) I'm keeping everything crossed for you! 2wishfulmommies - maybe we will be TWW companions in November?
  • Hi All,

    I'm glad this exists. I have been clueless of the lingo and find myself googling what some of you ladies are talking I guess I'm only 2pdiui if we are counting day after iui. This is our 5th try of iui. My other TWW were more bearable, this one not so much already.

    What other foods should I be eating? I too welcome all woo woo suggestions!

    Good luck all!
  • The body heat one is new to me, and I definitely just put a sweatshirt on! Thanks for the tip.

    So something strange happened yesterday but I am no longer going to jump to conclusions. Several drops of blood came out when I used the bathroom. This never happens this far away from my period, but then again, I had drops of blood several days before my expected period last cycle, and that is ALSO out of the ordinary--yet I got a BFN last cycle.

    I am hopeful at this point and also absolutely going nuts!!

    Prbs, are you taking prenatals? That should help. Also, pineapple core? I have only been eating actual pineapple. Oh goodness, haha. Good luck! I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage:( Do you do the trigger shots? That'll up your odds.

    Sweet potatoes apparently up your fertility and also are associated with twins, but I"m sure very loosely. Still ;)
  • Livvy...stay hopeful!!!

    What kind of findings has everyone found regarding flying during TWW. My doctor and nurses say it's ok. I can't help but question it.
  • 12 dpiui today and still a BFN. Tomorrow I am due for AF to arrive so I am starting to get anxious.Trying to stay positive, but as the days pass it gets more difficult.

    Julie have you talked to your RE about changing things up yet?

    GdWilling, from what I have read travel is okay. When in doubt, I trust my RE.

    Baby Dust!
  • Hey Lyssy, FX for you, you may get a + in the next couple of days, maybe it's implantation bleeding? I think there are different theories about the actual pineapple and the core, I think the core is supposed to help implantation, also Brazil nuts are supposed to help produce progesterone but I have been taking prenatals for what feels like forever!!
    I have not talked to my RE yet, DW and I have been discussing changing RE. I like them well enough, I think they are fine when I'm there and I now have a relationship with them so I don't really want to go to a new place and start all over but she doesn't like them and thinks they are not good at follow up and thinks they order tests etc just to make money, but then she has only been with me to the clinic a couple of times. Idk. I was hoping it would all work this time and it would be a non issue. Ordered myself some evening primrose oil capsules as I read that is good in the 2 weeks before ovulation to help the eggs, I now have so many vitamins and supplements I'm feeling a bit crazy!! So far everything has been unmedicated, no trigger but this is what I really need to discuss with my RE (or the new one). She seemed totally convinced they were correctly following my cycle with US and bloods etc, but I will take any help I can get!

    GdWilling - I delayed my summer IUIs because I had a lot of travel, my RE didn't think it would be a problem although she did say that travel and stress can mess with your cycles a bit. We are now going to be in the position of making a similar choice if we have IUIs in November and December as we are kind of expected to visit family in Europe over Christmas. So many obligations!
  • Hey Julie, I am so very sorry to hear that this wasn't your month. I was really hoping it would be. I am sure that you and your wife will make the best decision for you, but from my experience and that of my friends, it really makes a difference if you like and trust your RE and everyone else in the office. Keep your chin up! It will work out for you...I just know!

    My trigger is out...and now I am trying to wait a few days to test. But I am not sure my will power is that strong! Trying to stay distracted!

    FX and Baby Dust to all!
  • Thanks Rebecca. Maybe you can share your protocol with me? I know you did Clomid and trigger, but when in your cycle do you start Clomid? I can't remember if you said already, so apologies if I'm asking you to repeat yourself, but did you end up with more than 1 follie? One of my fears of medication is of producing too many and having to miss another IUI cycle to avoid being octomom!! We have discussed it and decided to stick with our RE as I am comfortable with her and moving could cost us time, but I am just trying to do the research so I know what I am looking for when I go in as I think she might be a little reluctant to medicate as she is always really positive about what's going on in there. Calling her later today anyway to hopefully meet her tomorrow or Monday as AF hasn't "really" started, just been spotting for the past few days so not really cycle day 1 (sorry for tmi!)

    FX for you, I hope you can hold out for a while at least as the POAS thing is a real addiction but it is pretty sad every time you see a negative, even when you know it is way too early!! I'm sure with the meds this will be your month!!
  • Well AF showed up last night, so we will be trying again in November. We are feeling pretty heart broken because we were convinced we were pregnant. My RE said the the fertility medicine that I was on probably gave me all the symptoms of pregnancy without the actual pregnancy. We have an apt tomorrow morning to come up with a new plan for November.

    FX for the rest of you!!
  • lyssy, I am super sorry you got a BFN. This is all so nerve wracking. I hope you'll keep coming to this board for support. I am going to take a preg test tomorrow morning (even tho my expected period is Tuesday) and if it's negative, I will definitely need to lean on you guys.
  • Hey Julie - I took Clomid (50mg) on days 5-10, and then had u/s on days 12 and 15. On day 15 my lead follicle was 24mm and there was another that was 16, the trigger may have released only the lead or both. We triggered using Ovidrel (250) on Day 15 and did iui on day 16. Then I began Crinone as a progesterone supplement on the evening of day18. We will see if it works, but to be honest, my mothers intuition isn't giving me a good feeling about it this month.

    If you were to begin any type of fertility meds, the dose would be very low and unlikely to turn you into the next Octomom! Lol! Clomid does raise the chance for twins, but only by a few percent. And the chase for triplets or more is not increased by the Clomid in particular. There are other meds with a much greater rate for multiples. Let us know what your doc says or suggest. FX for you!

    Lyssy - Sorry to hear that! I know how hard it is, but try to stay positve and believe it will happen! Let us know what your new plan is!

    Livvy - Good luck tomorrow! Sending positive thoughts your way! Let us know how it goes! And just know, even if it is negative, you still have time this month! It's not over until AF is here!
  • Aww, lyssy, I'm really sorry, it really is awful after the suspense and all the effort to end up with a negative.
    Sorry Lyssy and Livvy - I just realized I have mixed your names up on a few occasions! Phantom pregnancy brain! FX for you LIvvy - I do hope this is your month, we need some good news!

    Rebecca - thanks so much for the info. My RE called me today and said they really do not want to put me on meds, they are claiming it will mess up my cycles and they seem to think I will respond "overly well" to meds and be a multiples risk. I'm not quite sure how to take that as EVERYONE seems to be on meds, so we need to decide if we are just going to trust them this month or push for more. FX for you - you must be only on day 10 so hopefully there's a little bean in there just settling in for a 9 month stay! 24mm sounds fantastic.
  • I found this link online - if you have any interest in supplements etc this seems to have a ton of info! If you scroll down the comments there is a huge long post with a thousand things on it, personally I think its way over the top but there may be individual supplements or combinations which suit each person. I have picked off my choice of things to try! Now if baby dust could only be a vitamin... ;-)
  • Livvy (my IUI twin)-
    Sending tons of baby dust your way. I would not lose hope if BFN tomorrow. It's not over til AF comes!

    I'm holding on to hope as well. AF was due for me today and nothing yet! However since I have a short cycle it means it's too early past possible implantation to test. I'm going to test tomorrow anyway but, like I said, as long as AF stays away...

    Hoping we can be preggo twins too! Hang in there and let us know how things are going!
  • Hey ladies--I took the preg test yesterday AM and....BFN. I am vacillating b/t a pity party and realizing it's not anything I can control. My period isn't supposed to come 'til Tuesday, so Emerge, you're right--it could be wrong. I do have some cramps right now, which tends to happen before my period. In any event, time will just have to tell.

    Emerge, I have high hopes for you this month! I'm glad to hear you are late:) Keep us posted.

    Baby dust to all!
  • Hi everyone!

    My RE wants to try a monitored cycle this month. (Last month I took Letrozole but was not monitored). So I will take Letrozole CD 3-7, and go in on CD 12 for monitoring. If my follicles are ready they will give me the trigger shot in the office. If not, I will take take it home and administer it myself. After the IUI she will check my progesterone and supplement as needed. I am on CD 4 today. We are hoping that this is our month!

    FX for everyone! Hope that y'all soon have good news to share!
  • I got my period this morning:(

    Do people actually get pregnant via IUI without all of these drugs? Feeling kinda blue.
  • Livvy-
    I'm in the same boat. My period came this morning. Three days late. I was so hopeful just to be let down. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't your time either.

    As far as needing meds, it's such an individual thing. I will probably move to more aggressive methods now that twice I've failed natural cycle. Planning to regroup with my RE soon.

    Take good care of yourself.

    Sending baby dust to everyone else in TWW here.
  • So sorry for all the BFNs, it's so disappointing. Re the meds, I asked my RE and she said no, she is convinced meds are not the right route but agreed to reconsider if iui#4 doesn't work. As Emerge says, it is so individual for each person, but sometimes it does look like everyone is using something, I would have thought that iui would be a good method without any help because the swimmers are already taking the elevator and not needing to contend with any hostile conditions!!
    Livvy - a good number of people do get pregnant via unmedicated iui, I certainly did on my first attempt although it did end in miscarriage. I know pols12 has had success also.
    I hope everyone has better luck in November, I am taking my vitamins and raspberry leaf tea and trying to prep my body for a mid November iui.

    Rebecca - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - I am hoping you are a success story in amongst all the BFNs.
  • I had originally planned to to do a natural IUI with no meds; however, my body was not making enough progesterone so I had no choice. I do think that IUIs are successful all the time unmediated, as long as everything is working correctly. My RE recently told me that the average woman conceiving at home with a male has a 22-30% chance to get pregnant per month. And Similarly IUIs have a 22% success rate the first time. So hope isn't lost!! It is very depressing when AF shows up. It is like you feel a loss for someone that wasn't there. But I'm trying to stay positive and look ahead. Hoping that we all have BFP before 2016!
  • Julie, what does raspberry leaf tea do?
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