TWW, anyone with me?



  • LNM - Congrats, thats such great news!
    2 wishful mommies - where did you read the study? I'd love to see it - since i'm obsessed with reading all the info out there haha!
    Rebecca - how are you? Are you out this month?
    Livvy - welcome! Was your cycle negative this time? Did you choose your donor from here and if so are you going to try this month?

    AFM -We had an interesting experience yesterday. I got a positive OPK in the afternoon and headed to my RE for an ultrasound and bloods, the ultrasound showed that the lining isn't ready and there are 4 follies around 10mm - so presumably a false positive OPK, and indeed it was negative again this morning. We are waiting for the bloods to confirm I didn't already ovulate, but I don't think that can be possible as I've been testing since Tuesday. What I'm wondering now is, if I'm going to O later this month, why on earth are there 4 in there, all the same size? I'm not on any medication so WTF? I guess we just keep testing and wait and see again, if I get another positive OPK I suppose we go in and see how many have matured. Very weird!
  • Hey prbs2002--good luck with your journey--it is so frustrating that there are false positive/negatives with OPKs and pregnancy tests, when they claim they're 99% effective. But I guess that's at detecting "normal" hormone levels, whatever that means. I wish you and your partner lots of good luck!!

    My cycle was negative after all. I got my period Thursday night so I wasn't surprised when I got a blood test Fri that showed negative. The donor we chose was from Xytex Cryo and only had 1 vial. Good news is, I like the donor we found on here even better and he's got 125 vials. One of them has to work for me, right?;) Yeah, we're gonna try again when I ovulate later this month.

    Ladies, eat lots of pineapple (helps strengthen the uterus's lining and eat lots of yams (boosts fertility). I don't care that my friends/family have teased me for buying into this--I'll do whatever it takes!
  • Livvy - sorry it was a BFN, but happy to have you here! I figure out of 125 there's got to be one for you!
    My RE said she thinks I will ovulate on Tuesday or Weds based on bloods, so keeping my fingers crossed. I've read about the pineapple, in particular the core, but never heard about the yams! I also read that eating 3 Brazil nuts every day is good for implantation and sunflower seeds and also raspberry leaf tea, but I think maybe I'm going nuts with all this info! I think I'm going to have a very strange diet in the future! I also read on an IVF forum that they all swear by McDonalds fries after the embryo transfer, so who knows!
  • Congrats LNM!!! I'll look it up for you when I'm back in the country. We're in Europe until November! I was told to limit caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, but I'm in Italy. That's impossible!
  • We are officially in the TWW again! Went in for bloods and ultrasound this am, we had 2 follies and after the bloods confirmed all is ready to launch we had iui 1 this afternoon, back for #2 tomorrow morning. This is our first time with our new donor, I am so grateful that CCB sorted out our donor issue so fast and made sure our vials were with our RE in time, I was so worried we would have to miss this cycle but here we are!
  • Julie... Welcome back to the TWW... It is crazy how slow the TWW goes, but how fast the next 2 weeks before the iui go! Fingers crossed for your BFP this month!

    Yes, we are officially out. I started AF last Monday, so we are on cycle day 9 and I just took my last dose of Clomid this morning. I was hoping not to need the meds but after the miscarriage and another unsuccessful round...and only having 2 vials left, I decided we would see if my body responds to it. We go for u/s on Monday...and iui could be next Tuesday. We will also be using an Ovidrel trigger shot to force ovulation. Fingers crossed all of this stuff works and this will be our lucky #2!

    Good luck to everyone getting ready to try or currently in the wait! Know you are not alone!
  • Thanks Rebecca. Sorry you are out this month, this is such a long and bumpy journey, sorry you ended up using meds, I know you didn't want to go down that path, however if it increases your chances and makes good use of the vials you have, hopefully this will be the one! Do you use one vial each time, or will they both be used in this cycle?
    My RE does the 2 back to back insems, which does use up those vials pretty fast! This was our first with our new donor, so hopefully this is the change up we needed! the TWW is the slowest two weeks ever, it is torture, like you say, the two weeks before the iui just vanished!! Our only disappointment was that since my first CP I seem to be ovulating later than I used to and having a slightly longer cycle, so rather than doing the iui on day 14, we are ending up doing it on day 18! This month this meant we missed doing it over the holiday weekend (so my wife could be there) so it was just me as ever on Tuesday and Wednesday!
  • Hey ladies!!!!

    TWW is over since Monday. BFP all the way!!!!! Hcg levels at 562!!!!! I'm totally pregnant!!!! 5 weeks in fact...that is so mind blowing!!!! Have our first sono on Oct. 30 where we will know if there is 1 or 2...even gonna hear heartbeat. Crazy excited!!!!

    Baby dust headed your way..

    - LNM
  • Hey Julie! My iui with DD was on day 18! So hopefully that will be lucky for you. I have used progesterone support during the TWW because I have a short luteal phase, meaning I ovulate late and do not have 14 days between ovulation and my period, as is most typical. Did you RE suggest that? I have my fingers crossed for you! We only use 1 vial each time, hopefully this will be our lucky month. And yours too!

    LNM - That is the best news! I am so excited for you! Funny enough, my first u/s with DD was on October 30th as well! And seeing that little bean and her tiny heartbeat was honestly the most emotional, amazing, perfect moment in my life! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! Maybe you will be seeing 2 little beans!!!

    Continued positive wishes and baby dust to all!
  • Hi again!

    Got a call from nurse with concerning news....2nd Hcg did not double as expected...could be that they are slow & we need to recheck on Monday but otherwise ot is bad because it could be a chemical pregnancy or ectopic. Went from crazy excited to crazy scared. Praying for the best...

  • Could not wait until Monday. Got the Hcg levels today. They went up to 1,041 but that is not double so the Dr wants a sonogram next Friday when I should be 6 weeks pregnant. Still not out of the woods...

    - LNM
  • LNM, sorry for all the worry, I don't know much about Hcg levels, but that still seems pretty high. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, I know its going to be a torturous wait for you both waiting for the sonogram. Will they continue to take bloods to see whats going on?
  • No more blood levels until Friday when they repeat Hcg & do first sonogram. Worried about having a blighted ovum or an ectopic. Now all confused about my pregnancy symptoms because they can happen just because of the hormone levels and do not guarantee a viable pregnancy is happening...hoping for the best but quite scared to be going thru this after all the excitement of the first call...
  • Hello ladies! So sorry to hear about your BFN pols and prbs! I'm still holding out hope for both of you for next cycle!!! This is such a draining, but worthy journey!

    LNM- My fingers are crossed for you. Sounds like it couldn't be a chemical as this numbers aren't usually high and don't uptrend from what I've learned. Could be a blighted ovum or ectopic but I'm really sending you positive vibes that you're little bean is just taking his or her own time. Fingers crossed for you! I don't know if you're on FB but I found a group called "IVF Support" that has been really helpful in learning about this process. Don't know if you would be interested in joining. Keep us updated!
  • Rebecca - must be almost time for your iui! Keeping my FX for you, soon we will be in the TWW together again!

    LNM - So exciting! I hope everything goes well for you - any symptoms yet?

    AFM - no symptoms of any kind, but only 6dpiui (2nd one anyway) so I figure that's pretty normal, just impatient!

    Baby dust all round!
  • Just had my 2nd IUI (first try with this donor) so here I am in the TWW! Baby dust to everyone else here!!
  • Hey everyone! Welcome me back to the TWW! We just had our IUI this morning at 11:45. Fingers crossed for good timing and healthy swimmers! Everything seemed to be perfect this time, so hopefully we will get a BFP two weeks from now!

    How are you feeling Julie? Any 7 dpiui, right? How long are you going to be able to hold out before testing?

    LNM, I am hoping you hear positive news from your u/s on Friday. I am sending you my thoughts and good wishes!

    Welcome Butterfly! Welcome to the longest 2 weeks ever! Lol! Keep us updated on how your are feeling!
  • yay! Good luck Rebecca, we are TWW buddies again, FX for you!
    Good luck Butterfly, welcome to two weeks of torture!
    Yup, 7dpiui for me, I felt some pain and "tugging" on my right side yesterday evening, I'm hoping it might have been implantation, nothing today so I'm trying not to read too much into anything. I will hold off testing as long as I can, the earliest I will give myself a cheapie pass will be maybe 10dpiui!! What are you guys planning re testing?
    Here's to good swimmers and sticky babies!
  • Hi everyone! I have been following this post for a while. Your strength is inspiring! I am 6 dpiui today. Wishing everyone a BFP! Baby dust all around!
  • Hi lyssy! Welcome to our thread and the TWW as well! So glad to have you join us! Was this your first iui? How are you feeling?

    Julie, hoping that was implantation for you! 10dpiui is soon! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Hopefully the first time with a new donor will be lucky...and sticky!

    This time is a little different for us because I used the trigger shot, which is a dose of HCG to force ovulation. As a result, if I took a test right now, it would be a BF(fake)P! The medicine needs to metabolize in my body and it can take up to 12 days, and sometimes longer, depending on the person. So I need to be very careful testing too soon... Or I have to test it out, which is taking cheap tests and watching the positive line disappear over days until it is gone. Then going forward testing would be safe. Not sure which to do. Does anyone have experience or advice? Thanks in advance!

    Baby dust for all,
  • HI Pols, this is my first iui. I have had some cramping, but trying not to read into. This is definitely the longest two weeks ever!
  • Hi Rebecca - I have heard that many people test out the trigger on cheapies so it starts really strong in the early days and you see it reduce so you know it is leaving your system. I think it then either goes BFN for a bit which means you know for sure any BFP after that is 100% real, or even if it just gets really faint, then gets strong again. Definitely makes it more stressful though!
    Personally I would test it out just because I have no self control when it comes to pee sticks haha!

    Hi Lyssy - you are just few days behind me! When do you expect to test? I keep thinking any cramping is implantation as this week is when it should happen and is way too early for AF!

    Tomorrow is day 10, so I will do a cheap test, I certainly don't expect to see anything as it's still early, but I figure I will try anyway and keep my FRERs for day 14 and beyond.

    LNM - Thinking of you for your u/s tomorrow, hoping you just had slower numbers and little bean is snuggled in there for the duration.

    Baby Dust to everyone!
  • Hey ya'll, I actually think I was calculating my dpiui wrong (I was counting my IUI day as day 1). SO i think today is actually 6 dbiui for me. I wan't to hold out to day 14 but my wife wants me to test we will see. Last month my progesterone was lower than expected after ovulation, so I am going in tomorrow for some bloodwork...and if needed will take progesterone.I took Letrozole this month to help with the progesterone so hopefully my levels are fine. Today I had a weird "pinching nerve" kinda cramp in my right hip. Im not sure if that means anything.

    Julie- when do you plan on testing? Are you having any symptoms?

    Rebecca- What day are you now? Are you going wait the 12 days?

    LNM- FX that all is going well with your levels.

    Baby Dust all around!
  • Also, what kinds of pregnancy tests do ya'll use?
  • Lyssy, I use Wondfo cheap ones for the early testing, then FRERs at 14 days and Clear Blue digital after that. (Wow, when I write it down it looks like OCD testing!!) I think the wondfo and FRERs detect Hcg at 25 whereas the CB digital are 50 which is why I use them later.
    Good luck!
  • LNM - Good luck today. I hope everything works out ok.
    BFN for me, but it is only 10dpiui, still a bit early (in the past I've been BFN right up until day 14) so will keep trying!
  • So I decided to test the trigger out. It is so weird to see a blazing positive and not be able to get excited about it. 3 days later and it is still there but fading quickly. I am using Dollar Store brand tests for that, but also use FRER and ClearBlue Digital. Clearly, I am also obsessed with peeing on a stick! Lol! Like Julie said, the digital tests are not as sensitive, so I use them later to confirm. As for the FRER , I do not like them nearly as much with the curved handle, but can't find the old version anywhere.

    Julie, sorry about your negative today... Just means you get to POAS again tomorrow ??

    LNM, I am thinking of you and sending happy and positive thoughts your way! FX!
  • Hello ladies!!!!

    Good news!!!!! Sonogram went as we had hoped. We were so nervous. My heart was pounding. Sonogram tech started explaining all the things we were supposed to see that were all there...1 tiny baby with a beating heart at exactly 6 wks as should be.... Woooohooooo!!!! Tears in our exciting!!!! So we got the famous purple bag from our clinic for when someone has their first OB appt. All the nurses were glad to see that my numbers did not predict the result. Doc said everything looked great but just to be safe he will check in on Nov. 2 for a repeat sonogram at 7 weeks and 3 days. So...we move forward in our journey to be of luck and baby dust to you all. Thanks for the support because I must say it is great to have you all.


    - LNM
  • LNM - Congratulations! What a relief for you both! You must be over the moon, keep us updated with your progress, it's exciting to hear about your success.

    Rebecca - hope your trigger is getting out of your system so you can start testing for real. I tested again this morning, still BFN, but as we know from the past it's still early for me, just frustrating as I keep reading about people testing positive from day 8 and feeling so symptom free seems a bit worrying. I think we are both POAS addicts! My bathroom cabinet has Wondfos, FRERs, Clearblue digitals and some internet brand I cant remember.... I see a problem there!! I'm not keen on the curved FRER either, maybe the old ones are available online?

    Lyssy - I hope your days are going by faster than mine! As soon as the first week is over I find every single day crawls by!
  • Keeping ya'll in my thoughts for good news soon and sending hoorays to all who have gotten good news recently!

    I'm on 4dpiui and time could not be crawling slower!

    So weird, last IUI (my first) I was so hyper-aware of my body and thought I had so many symptoms right away. Then BFN.

    This time...nothing.

    I'm okay with feeling nothing, it's just so different from last time. Not reading anything into it. I guess this has just kind of become a routine, how my life has become segmented into two week chunks of tracking/preparation and then the waiting.
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