TWW, anyone with me?



  • BFFN. That stands for big #)!@_#@ fat negative.

    Truth be told, I don't know when my period's supposed to be here. My phone app says Wednesday, so I tested 3 days early. But being on progesterone delays my period, so I don't know when my actual period should be coming. it's been 14 days since my last IUI, so today should be good to test, right? My head is spinning.

    Even besides the BFN, I just looked @ my explanation of bennies and I am panicking--I have Carefirst Blue Choice which is a PPO plan and I *think* the reason my X ray in January and other monitoring stuff costs a lot more money now is b/c I have to meet my $250 deductible. Hopefully after that, these costs will be covered again. The insurance stuff is really overwhelming--what are you ladies finding when it comes to coverage?

    My financial counselor at the clinic said I had unlimited IUIs and then something about six attempts per live birth. I don't speak insurance language.

    Cari, glad you are trying pineapple trick:) it didn't work for me, clearly, but my donor had 4.5 motile sperm--not a lot. Is your wife taking progesterone while she is on her period? I had to stop it in order to even GET my period, and no, my flow was not abnormally heavy.

    Keep strong, ladies!
  • LIvvy I am not going to lie that f%^*(king sucks!!! I was really hoping for a BFP for you. Ugh why is this so stinking hard we deserve babies! We are good people and deserve this to work. My wife went off the progesterone after we got the BFN but her period has just been super heavy this cycle which I think is somehow related to being on it.

    Our insurance has been so weird with benefits. They called us after we saw our doc and said fertility treatment isn't covered because Abby is considered single. Ok, wtf. So after many tears they have been covering most everything except $300 every ultrasound because whatever is getting billed is for fertility stuff and it says not covered. Surprisingly they have covered the IUIs when they said they wouldn't until we have had four failed attempts. So I have no clue, I am going with it. Our bills haven't been outrageous yet. Insurance sucks. I am not sure how many failed IUI cycles we have to have for IVF. Who knows. They haven't covered our trigger shot so that has been on us.

  • BFFN for me too, I pretty much figured with all the spotting this month, but it still sucks. I'm just unsure whether to try clomid again this month or go back to natural as all those follies didn't really help.
    Definitely going to try the pineapple core, thanks LIvvy. So sorry you are out too, I thought at least one of us would have got a BFP this month!
    I have definitely decided that clomid or not, I am pushing for progesterone, I'm sure it can't do any harm, and I really think that on some of my cycles I have possibly conceived but then not successfully implanted. I need to advocate more for myself with my RE, I am feeling they are very reticent. Time to kick butt and not sit back waiting for the supposed professionals to make all the choices/suggestions as these people will have me doing back to back unmedicated IUIs until I am 60 at this rate!!
    (Rant over!)
  • How are you all doing? I am just frustrated with this process. I just don't get it why it is so friction hard to get pregnant. Why is timing so difficult. We are doing bloodworm and ultrasound on Monday hoping to inseminate Wed and Thurs. Trying to stay positive but it is so hard. And is it just me or is everyone around you guys pregnant? Like everyone is announcing on Facebook or just in general pregnant. It sucks that is what we want more then anything and it is just not happening. If we do not get pregnant this cycle we are taking two months off to travel in April, so we are hoping and praying February is our month and we can make the thing stick and we are announcing to you all BFP. Sigh.
  • Hey all-

    Julie, I am sorry about the spotting and Cari, GOOD LUCK this week. Hah, it does feel like everyone and their mother is pregnant. Do you guys think it helps straight people to have tons of sex around the time of ovulation? I guess that's why I assume a lot of my friends were lucky on the first try.

    Someone told me having 2 IUIs in one cycle is also no more successful. To me it seems like it would be. Just wondering what your thoughts are--Julie, sounds like you would rather play it safe and go for 2 since you can. I don't think my clinic would let me.

    And yes, we really do need to advocate. I can't believe how little banks and clinics advise their clients. Several times I've had to stop them and say, "but wait, shouldn't I..." and then they respond, "oh, that's true." So speak up about that progesterone!

    My doctor is actually awesome and very empathetic. She said Clomid thinned my lining a TINY bit, so she's going to put me on a different drug that doesn't thin the lining that also helps fatten up the eggs. Forget what it is called.

    Thanks for checking in everyone:) We will get through this together!
  • Ugh! All of these BFFNs are so frustrating! I am so sorry for each of you! And I understand completely how you are feeling. I know it is easier said than done, but once you have you child in your arms, you will understand your journey and know that everything that happened was worth it.

    Also, I apologize for being so distant. I am struggling this month, and really this week, because my due date from our miscarried baby would have been Friday. I feel more and more sad as the day approaches. I am trying to hold on to hope for the future, but really having a difficult time.

    And we are 1 week from our IUI...halfway there and praying for a BFP this month!

    Thanks for all of your support! I couldn't get through this without you all!

    Take care and baby dust,
  • Rebecca, I'm so sorry, that is a really tough one. We would have been due around now too which has been weighing heavily with me, but our miscarriage was so much earlier than you, so I can only imagine how hard it is for you. I'm glad your IUI is soon, it will give you something positive to focus on.

    Livvy, I know EVERYONE says there is no benefit to 2, but that's what our RE does and it does make me feel better since if our timing ends up being a little out with the first, its like getting another chance to catch the egg before it's too late. I guess just because the egg has such a short life and the frozen sperm have a short life too, its like pretty slim odds anyway. I'm sure its all in my mind, but at this stage I will take it if it makes my mind feel better!! Like you say, straight couples TTC definitely do have a ton of sex around ovulation, plus our little samples are not even one full deposit (sorry, lol)
  • Thanks Julie! I appreciate your thoughts and kind words. Also, sorry to have been confusing...I am one week into my TWW, as our IUI was last Wednesday! Testing in a week!
  • Hey all. I have my 2nd iui attempt this afternoon. Had to take 22 clomid pills this month and I have 2 follicles. One is measuring 26 the other 24. Fingers crossed. Hope all is well
  • Baby dust to all of you! We are 5 days into our TWW on our fourth IUI cycle. PRAYING we are lucky this month. It was my first month on Clomid.

    "The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth" has practically been my bible the last few months. The author says it's always better to do two IUIs. She said if finances are a concern it would be better to skip a month of one IUI so you can do two IUIs the next. My wife and I have been following this advise for the most part but did decide to do only one IUI last cycle because we couldn't afford two. I agonized over the timing even more so than I normally do! So we went back to two IUIs per cycle.
  • Thanks for sharing 2mamas - I am definitely going to read that! You and Pols12 must be almost at the same stage post IUI, I am keeping my FX for you both.

    Sorry Rebecca, I misread that! I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping this is the month you and your wife get your BFP.

    Mrg - good luck, 2 follicles is great! I have never heard of having to take so many clomid pills though!
  • Rebecca, 2mamas, and Mrg, I am praying for you all this month:)

    I had to laugh when I read the 22 clomid thing, too...My goodness, did you feel any side effects? Some people can't take it at ALL! But those follies are nice 'n fat, so I have hope for you.

    I am also going to read the book you recommend, 2mamas. I certainly see the rationale behind 2 IUIs.

    My doctor is putting me on Femara. I guess my lining was a WEE bit thinner than she'd like, and that med is used off-label for hyper stimulation w/o thinning your lining.

    Wife just needs to get over the fact that this means we might have a Scorpio. She had a bad ex who was a Scorpio and can't seem to let that go:)
  • Clomid time again. I was seriously thinking of just letting nature take her course as this worked the first time, but I think I am going to cave. My script says days 3-7, but I have read that some people get told 5-9. Anyone got any theories about why the different days and if one is better than the other?
    Livvy - interested to hear about your experiences with Femara. My wife is a Scorpio, so I promise it is not all bad!! Umm actually my ex was one too... and she couldn't let go, I wonder if your wife and I share a crazy ex ;-)!!
    My wife is a Scorpio and my son is a Capricorn, so I have a feeling we may have another of one of those joining us if we are lucky. I always wanted a spring or summer baby because I thought that would be a nice birthday, an my poor son always suffered from the whole birthday right after Christmas thing. But right now, after all this, I DON'T CARE - I will take any birthday and any star sign, any gender and any number of babies!!!
  • How are you all hanging in there? When are the tests Rebecca, 2 mamas, and Mrg? I hope you all get some BFP. We need some BFP to this feed.

    We tried to have a zen weekend as we go in for ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow to determine when we can inseminate. If she hasn't already ovulated which has happened to us before it will be this week. Hoping this is our time! This will be our last unmedicated cycles so we want it to work and have a BFP mid February. Oh what fun it would be to have it around Valentine's day. :) Anyways, hoping the baby dust starts working for this feed again. Too many disappointing BFFNs.

    Thinking about all of you and I hope your weekend was relaxing.

  • Hi Ladies - I'm looking for a little advice/someone to rant to. I have been taking clomid since Friday, but I had some very bad news over the weekend regarding my Aunt which means I am having to go overseas to support my Mother. Basically my aunt has battled cancer for a number of years and was taken into hospital for a minor procedure (unrelated to the cancer) and is now in a coma. She is my mother's younger sister and my mother is devastated, so I have decided the best thing to do is to go over to be with her. Selfishly I am also aware that I will be there for my fertile window. What would you do? Do I just accept that this month is out for us, or do I try to get a few ICI vials shipped internationally and try an 'at home' insemination while I am away. (I'm not actually even sure what the international shipping situation is, but if I decide its something I might do, I will call and try to get CCB on board).
    Sorry for the big long grumble, I just know that you are all in exactly the right place to tell me honestly what you would do.
    I'm keeping my FX for everyone in the TWW, baby dust to you all. Cari, I hope you find you guys are in good time, and you are in the TWW soon!
  • Cari, how sweet would it be to get a BFP around Valentine's Day! I have my fingers crossed for you! Please keep us updated on when your TWW begins. I'll test late this week/weekend. My wife's birthday is late this week and it would be such an incredible gift to have a BFP!

    Julie, I would explore international shipping with CCB if I were you. They may or may not do it and if they do it might be too expensive but you should at least find out. Hopefully you can make it work!

  • I test on the 10th and/or 11th. The wait is killing me.
  • Good luck Mrg, I hope this is your positive month!
    Thanks 2mamas, CCB answered it for me - they do not ship to the UK due to some different rules and regulations there. Roll on March for me, I will be rooting for everyone on here and looking out for some BFPs for you all!
  • Hey everyone! Another negative month for us. Which obviously sucks... Feeling pretty yucky, but know in my heart that it will happen, because I am certain our sweet daughter is meant to be a big sister! I will not give up hope!

    Fingers crossed for others with upcoming tests...

    Julie, sorry to hear about your aunt and that you have to skip the month...I am sure it feels like adding insult to injury.

    Keep your chins up! That's what we are trying to do!

    Take care,
  • Rebecca, so sorry to hear about your negative. It really sucks. I am glad you are holding onto hope that it will happen. It is so easy to get completely discouraged when the BFN comes.

    Julie I hope a month off with travel even though stressful will bring new hope and excitement next month when it is time to try again.

    Mrg, you hanging in there? The 10th is just right around the corner.

    2mamas, how you holding up? I am hoping for that birthday BFP!

    We are officially back in the TWW. We did IUIs yesterday and today. Pretty uneventful IUIs. We both seemed more relaxed and excited this time around. I hope the positivity brings us the BFP! I was making Abby giggle so it was fun or as fun as it could be. Our pregnancy test is the 15th. We will not do a home pregnancy test this time. Abby is off of work that day so she will pass along the news hopefully a BFP! I am just ready for this to be it already. We were totally too tired to do the pineapple thing yesterday after our IUI starting it today. Hopefully it works. We love our clinic but would love to not see it for a little bit.

  • Rebecca, I'm so sorry. March will be our month!
    Good luck Cari & Abby, I hope this is your BFP.
    My aunt sadly died this morning, so my trip back will be for a funeral. I am devastated that I didn't even make it back in time to say goodbye. Thank you all for your support, and I will be rooting for you all this month.
  • Julie, I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.

  • Has anyone experienced pain/pressure on the right side by the ovary? I'm 6 days past iui and I'm just wondering if it's normal? Didn't feel it with first iui.
  • So sorry for your loss Julie. It sucks not being able to say goodbye.

    Question is it normal to spot after a iui. This is Abby's fifth iui and the only time she has spotted. It's too early for embedding.

  • Hi ladies, just wanting to say hello. Do you think we should start a new 2ww thread for good luck? I feel like this one is tainted!

    Cari, my fingers are crossed for you. I am happy you are trying the pineapple trick, although who on earth ever knows what ultimately makes for a BFP! I have no idea if spotting happens after an IUI, but I hope someone else does. I did read the trauma of an IUI can cause it sometimes. And for me, having had 4 BFNs, I can tell you sometimes I've spotted and sometimes no...So who knows.

    Julie, I am REALLY sorry about your aunt, and that you couldn't say goodbye. Kind of puts some of this into perspective, at least for me.

    Rebecca, sorry Feb did not work out. I'm telling you, let's start a new thread if everyone agrees for better luck! How long did it take for you to get pregnant with your daughter? Was it just IUIs or did you try IVF?

    Mrg, we are rooting for you! Not sure about the cramping thing and what it means. I heard sometimes you feel cramping when the egg is being fertilized? That'd be cool:)

    My IUI will probably be on Thursday the 11th. I am taking Femara this time to thicken up my lining. Kinda sad I won't produce 6 eggs like I did with Clomid, but then I come to my senses and realize sextuplets would be a nightmare.

    <3 Livvy
  • Thank u all for the positive thoughts. What about a slight body temperature? Checking it frequently and it's always around 99.8. I try not to point out every single thing.
  • First IUI today. Headed in for another tomorrow, so the countdown begins. The waiting game is treacherous!
  • Mrg I am not sure if your regular temperature going up is a sign of anything. I do know if you were keeping track with a body basal thermometer that you use very first thing in the morning. Like literally the first thing you do after you have been asleep and not restless. If that temp goes up from your normal and keeps going up it means you are pregnant. We definitely tracked with body basal temp for awhile but got some wacky numbers so stopped but attended a class to learn. I hope that helps. And you kick us off with a BFP!
  • Welcome to the fun DCmama!!! This board will hopefully be an encouraging place while you are in the TWW! We will be in the wait together. We had our inseminations Tues and Wed this week. So prayers and baby dust all around. Hoping this is our time.
  • nth of BFN! I tested this morning and got a negative. I suspected this might be the case as my BBT dropped two days ago. We are so disappointed and trying not to be discouraged. :(

    My doctor recommended a HSG. Have any of you done that? Does it hurt? How much did it cost you? I suspect it's going to be around $800.
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