
ualtigger...how's it going?



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    Tomorrow... but wondering if I will... as of right now, the heifer is LATE. My first IUI I was four days late... wondering if I'll wait the four days and see what happens... well, ladies... what do you think??
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    tigger...come on girl...you know we're dying to know! This BFP has been a long time coming! :)

    No, seriously...you do what's best for you...we'll be patiently waiting to hear the results!

    Good luck, dear!
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    Will let you guys know this afternoon or tomorrow morning... @ wk right now and didn't test this morning.
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    Did do my BBT though... got 97.72 this morning and 97.82 yesterday... we'll see...
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    Tigger- you better post as soon as you know anything!!!! We're waiting!!!
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    Maybe next time... going to bed... too tired and sad...
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    I am so sorry tigger...I know how awful it is. We've had 3 BFNs and they are just devastating, every single time. You are, and have been, in our prayers, both my wife's and mine. Take care of yourself, okay? Sending REALLY BIG HUGS your way.
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    J: Thanks hon... and... the... PITY PARTY'S OVER!! Time to get back to work!! Okay... said I'd only do IUI twice so on to IVF we go!!
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    tigger...I'm sorry...my heart goes out to you. What were your numbers this time? Were they above the guarantee?
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    Tigger - I'm really sorry to hear the news.....my heart goes out to you as well. Hang in there.....R
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    Thanks everybody... I just wanted yesterday over with... but, ready to get back at it now... just on a different track now.

    MaC: Just above 10.1 this time but the motility was 47% versus 36% the last time. Going to be changing RE's as well... since this one didn't tell me vital info concerning that surgery he was so hot for me to have, I don't trust him to do the IVF.

    Enough about me... how's Reece doing?
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    Tigger sorry to hear the news. I am in the same boat as you are. I have not yet got my BFP just the BFN's I got my 7th this morning. I feel as though I have waisted a bunch of money. I too am going to move on to IVF, but having trouble doing the research. Looking for a good refund program. That way I don't continue to waste my money. Hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted. I am going to take a break and save for IVF we will probably start back up in the summer. Good Luck Kelly
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    tigger...hummm...are you out of vials or do you still have more on this donor? Maybe a different donor would help too.

    Reece is hanging in there...we hope to make it to next week and induce late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Yea!

    cholland...I'm sorry that you've had to experience this heartache again too...I agree that it's time to move on to IVF. I'd say that the refund program is the best way to go. Good luck and KUP.
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    MaC: Glad to hear about Reece Tigger Nicole!! :)Since my prayers weren't answered this time, I doubled the ones for her... He's going to get tired of me eventually and give me what I'm asking for.:)

    And no, I still have one left with him. But... don't forget... I'm ten years older than you are... so there's that issue as well. With IVF, if I can still use my own eggs, I'll be doing a assisted hatching procedure to help the boys penetrate the egg. If I go with a donor I would definitely have a better chance but I would like to try once with my own eggs if I still can. If not, I already have my egg donor picked out... I intend to be pregnant THIS year, not NEXT year.

    cho: Sorry about the 7th BFN... had hopes for you too.
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    Waiting for my new global referral. Hoping to get it this week. I'm deciding between the University of Chicago and North Shore Fertility... leaning heavily towards NSF because they state on their website that they cater to same sex couples and both docs in charge are women.

    They also said they would consider letting me try with my own eggs as well but will make the determination once I have a consult with the doctor... other places have told me "no" just based on my age including where I was... they want to do testing before making that determination... which I DEFINITELY like.

    So... hoping to get started next month with IVF... how're you gals doing?
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    Alexis I'm really excited for you! You will have to keep us posted on your IVF journey. That's great that NSF caters to same sex couples, that's so rare! Keep us posted. I'll be sending you truck loads of baby dust!
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    Looking into University of Chicago as well... that one is at the top of the list that my ob gave me and seems that they specialize in older moms as well... hoping to get my referral tomorrow since my primary is in then and I have a short work day.
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    Boy, these folks work fast!! I heard from insurance provider on Thurs... seems I don't need another referral to change docs so I made my decision to go with Dr. Kim at the University of Chicago based on their experience with older moms. Called yesterday thinking I'd have to wait a while to be seen... NOT... have my first appointment on the 29th!!! I had to wait TWO months for the one at U of I!! And heifer is due on the 26th... might be back to work in October since I should surge TWICE that month.
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    Going to see Dr. Kim on Tuesday... must have been under a lot of stress lately or really nervous cause the heifer showed TWO days early this cycle.

    How's everybody doing??
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    Tomorrow I start again... have my appt at 1330 CST... sorry 1:30 in the afternoon... forget most of you guys don't speak 23 hr... and a wee bit nervous. Let you know how things are going... nephews Sean and Johnathan are running around the pool right now... gotta go!! :)
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    Okay... for the LAST time... we NEED spell check or DELETE... EDIT... something!! I know we don't have 23 hours in a day!!! :)
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    Hey tigger...I'm checking in while Reece is napping! Whew, motherhood is a full time job! Glad to hear that you're seeing another RE and I'm excited for you. Bless you heart...may this be your last stop before boarding the BFP train! You deserve it!

    Good luck and KUP!

    Misty, Carla and Reece
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    Met with my new RE... going to try a medicated IUI for my last try with my own eggs and then move to a egg donor. Looks like my son and daughter will have potentially THREE parents instead of two... one-third mine is STILL mine!!

    While I am hoping that the medicated IUI will be what I need, I am ready to move on if it isn't. Dr. Kim told me that 85% of women over 45 cannot conceive naturally... I'm just hoping with meds that I'm in the 15% group that can although IVF is not an option with my own eggs at my age... too much risk for very little chance of success. When she saw my age, she did a double take and said I don't look 46... hoping with meds that my eggs don't act like they're that old too!! :)

    So, hoping to get back to kiddie making next month since I have a DOUBLE surge... tracking the first one right now.
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    Just detected the FIRST surge of this month... should have another roughly 25 days from now... hope to be ready to have my last IUI by then. Getting my medical records transferred to my new RE right now so it will cut down on all the paperwork they have to file if they start from scratch.

    How's everybody else doing?
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    Best of luck!!! Fingers crossed!!!
    and a truckload of:

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    Endo: Thanks a lot hon... listening to a jazz track by Marcus Johnson... something I'm trying to really do... it's called "Cherish the Journey." and, when I get my BFP, I will have lots of memories to tell my kids of the journey it took to get them here.
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    Just heard from girlfriend using the handle of liberation on another thread... she has a son with my donor... so happy to finally hear from someone who has had success with him... and she says he's gorgeous!! His name is Julian and he's a year old now.

    AFM: Eager for the next surge and hoping to have started my injectibles by then... have to get my medical records to my new RE before I can start. If they haven't received my records this week, I'll have to go and GET them since I anticipate the heifer showing up on the 20th this month and I think I have to start on day 3 with those...
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    Good luck babe!!
    It IS quite a journey- I have been keeping a journal since I decided to do AI on June 5th. I think it will be a neat thing to share with my future child and hopefully help explain why I opted to go this route.

    Best wishes and KUP!!!
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    The heifer started this morning. Have to call RE in the morning to see what the next steps are. I talked to them on Friday... still hadn't received my records yet but told me that we can still proceed since I've gotten my new referral... just would have made things a bit easier. The records have been mailed but haven't arrived at the office yet.

    So... here we go... hoping with meds that I do better this time!!
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    Tigger...Reece hasn't allowed me much internet time, (Motherhood is a full time job) but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and I'll keep checking in on your journey.

    Take Care,
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