
ualtigger...how's it going?



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    Well, it's official... be sitting this one out... AGAIN... for the THIRD time.

    The earliest we can do the proceedure is the 23rd... and I should ovulate or have already by then... it would be pointless to do the IUI since with all the fluid that will be draining from my system, it would just wash everything out.

    So... August it is... will give my system time to clear and relax again...

    On a good note, when I get my BFP, I'd have my little one near Mommy day... how cool is that?!! :)
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    W: I KNEW you hadn't tested yet... didn't feel any shout tremors this morning...

    Heifer... I'm tightening my grip... gonns make it tough for you this time!! :)
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    Tigger...glad to hear you have something to look forward to soon.
    August is upon us and you will be doing IUI soon so hang in there.
    Better to know what's going on with your body and your Dr. knowing the fine details to help tune your body for successful mommy-hood. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and thank you so much for the continued support and humor. Question: Is the heifer Aunt Flo by any chance? : )
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    Yep... that's what I call her... heifer... polite word for a five letter one I won't say!! :)
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    I stopped by the store on the way home and bought a 3 pack of First Response Early Detection. It was negative but as I mentioned to Jesselynn...it's not bothering me for some reason. I'll be shocked if I'm not pregnant but not devastated. I have 2 sticks left for my camping weekend and then there's the lab work Monday.
    I'm ALWAYS a 26 day cycle...NEVER 29, 30 or 31! I also noticed discharge in my panties today ( I know...TMI...) but I usually don't have that before my period and I was told it's an early sign of pregnancy. So, we'll see soon enough.

    I'll let you know when and what I find out before or on Monday which will be 14dpiui and CD32.
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    Oh...I'm sure it didn't help that I felt like I had a full bladder but when I pee'd on the stick it was more like a tablespoon. Not enough I'm sure. What's with that! I feel so bloated in the uterus like I need to pee constantly.
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    tigger...sorry about you not being able to try again until August, but we're believing that August is your month!

    Wendy...hang in there...I still believe you're going to get your BFP! Enjoy your camping trip!
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    MaC: Me too... every time I think about what I COULD have gone through... I think about how determined my Mom was... if she had given up, I wouldn't be here now... and that keeps me from getting down when I get told I need to do something else or I find something else that needs to be done.

    I keep taking these quizzes... hope they're telling me something... every time I take one that allegedly tells you what the sex of your baby will be, I get the EXACT same results... twins... one of each... boy, would cut down on a LOT of work for my second child!! :)

    W: Know you're still outta town... still got heifer in my grip...
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    Wendy...please hurry home and give us an update! :)
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    Hi, gals... just getting back from the hospital... they kept me overnight since I was having problems with the sedation that they used... slept through most of the proceedure.

    Ester and Grace (my nurse and doctor for the proceedure) said everything went excellent... the right tube was opened with no problems and I should have a extra boost with fertility for the next six months.

    I feel that I ovulated yesterday... got the smiley face and dbl lines on Wednesday... the cramping I had in my lower left groin area is gone now... so definitely looking forward to August!!
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    Just counted on heifer calendar... if my cycle is as usual, I should get my LH surge on the 17th...

    Wendy: How're you doing, girlfriend?

    MaC: How's everybody?
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    tigger...glad to hear that every thing went well and I hope that this brings you one step closer to that BFP!

    We're doing well...we go back to the doctor tomorrow. We had our baby shower on Saturday and everything went great. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. :)
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    I haven't looked forward to the heifer coming this much since I was scheduled for my first IUI... should show up on the 5th if the heifer watch is correct so I'm anticipating to surge about the 17th since it's been averaging 12 days into my cycle... and I'm NOT going to be working any extra hours @ wk so I can be ready to go once I get it... plan to take the day of and the day after off.

    Wendy: How're you? I hope you and DP have changed your mind... I still say you should be looking into malpractice... girl, you should be glad I don't live close by... I'd be going bonkers on these folks for this. Please, PLEASE get a new RE, ASAP... we don't want to miss too many chances, okay??

    MaC: How are you, DP and Reece Tigger Nicole :) doing? I can't wait until I get as close as you are to having her!! Still getting the same answers on my quizzes... one of each!! It's strange... I already made my registry @ Wal-Mart... one for a son, the other for a daughter... I'm a RABID pink hater so she'll be in lavender and yellow... and her brother in blue and green... which they BOTH can share!! :)
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    ualtigger...We actually go to the doctor this afternoon which we will begin NST's (non stress tests) on Reece. Hopefully all will go as planned. They are just concerned about her because of my BP. I'll update later on.

    We had our big shower this past Saturday and your comment reminded me of a shirt someone got her...keep in mind, everything else was 99% pink...this one shirt was black and in pink writing it said "I can't wear Pink everyday"! I love that little shirt! It's so cute! My family has gone pink crazy because I have all nephews...no neices. :)
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    She's okay... been saying lots of prayers for you guys (?!) gals (!!)... I consider you all my sisters here.

    My mom already knows she's going to have trouble with me and pink... since any shade of BLUE is MY favorite color!!

    Looking to buy a house as soon as I get through my first trimester so I have time to get their things together... notice I said THEIR... hoping all my quizzes are right!! :)
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    The doctor actually sent us to L&D today because of some cramping that I was having. They done the NST and after 2 hours of monitoring, they assure me that Reece is doing great. The NST usually lasts 20 minutes, but Reece was being stubborn and didn't want to move around. So, they made me eat a cookie and drink some pop to hype her up. Boy...that sure worked! She loved the sugar rush! I was having some tiny contractions, they think Braxton Hicks...they checked my cervix (not so pleasant at 31 weeks)and it's still closed up tight! They told me to take it easy, drink lots of water and keep an eye on her movements. They also said that with my age and history that I could go into labor at any point, so I think I better get a bag packed just in case. We want to make it to at least 36 weeks though...we'll see what happens. :)
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    Hang in there girl. It's going to be okay. Try to listen to some relaxing meditative music like we listen to when we get massaged.
    Gentle flowing streams, trickling water, harps and wind instruments. It is so calming to us as adults that I've used it on my foster babies so maybe it will help little Reece and you relax.

    Just keep monitoring her movement to keep her safe and don't hesitate or second guess something that doesn't feel right.
    Tune in to you instincts and you both will be okay.

    I'll put in a request for an Angel to watch over you both and keep you safe...they hear me and I know you'll be okay.

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    MaC: Reece is strong willed already!! "I'm NOT moving... can't you see a sista trying to SLEEP here??!!" I bet she hasn't had that much sugar ever!! At least she's okay... praying for SIX more weeks for good measure. And I cast a "yep" vote for having a bag packed at home plus keeping one in the car also... I get the feeling when Reece wants OUT, you're NOT going to be anywhere NEAR home!! :)

    Wendy: How you doin', girlfriend? Found that new RE yet? :) I'm not giving up on you and DP having your babies, you know...

    AFM: Counting the days until heifer shows up... driving Mark crazy... he's threatened to snatch every calendar off the wall if I don't stop looking at them!! :)
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    Thanks for the Angel, Wendy...we'll take all the help we can get. She's making up for it today...she's moving all over. :O)

    Tigger...you're right...we'll probably be no where near home! I'll have a bag packed before bed tonight.
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    THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE OF THE LONGEST WEEKS OF MY LIFE!!!! GAAAHH!! Okay, rant over :)... how's everybody today??
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    I'm doing great! I have my new RE consult on Aug. 18th so we'll see what he says. Why are they always men?
    Any who...now my DP is suggesting (almost insistant) that she get pregnant first. Funny how the one's that don't have the motherly instinct and always say they don't want to carry a baby...change their minds once they get excited over someone else going through the TWW. Gotta love it. I'll get that baby of mine one way or the other...by me or her. There's a benefit of a two female household.
    She's going to schedule a consult with my RE as well. We even have my best friend soliciting her 25 yr old "hunky...down-right-gorgeous and athletic" son to consider being a sperm donor since we ran out and will take a financial hit ordering more vials from CCB.
    Either way it will work out just fine.


    Let me know how you ladies are doing!
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    W: Girl, I wondered about that too... just like most nurses are women... two days to go!! Now watch heifer mess with me and be late!!

    And what's wrong with BOTH of you trying at the same time??? Wait... twins, triplets, quads and quints... hmm... instant house full of kids!! And all with the same dad and moms!! :)

    MaC: How's Reece doing? That sugar rush wear off yet? :)
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    Glad to hear that you have an appointment with a new RE. I hope they are just what you need to get a BFP. As for DP wanting to try now...hummm...that's a tough one for me. I always wanted to be the carrier...a dream of mine since a child. So, when it came time for us to TTC, there wasn't any question that I would try first...my age was a big factor in that. Carla is 2 years younger than I am, so we talked and decided that if I couldn't get pregnant after trying every avenue, then she would try. Or, if I did get pregnant and later we wanted another child, she could TTC our second child. It's really an individual decision for you and Sandy...no one can tell you what is right for you. Good luck, dear.


    Two days to go, huh? Yeah! After all that you've been through, I'm hoping this is the month for your BFP! I'm excited to see if your dreams are correct!

    AFU...we're doing great...hanging in there and counting down the days! We're getting ready to go to Lowes and buy Reece a new closet system. I have all of her clothes hanging up and don't like it. I want the system that has several hanging racks and shelves. Our little girl needs more room for all of her clothes and shoes. :) We have a large walk-in closet upstairs and I told Carla if it was downstairs I would trade our clothes out for hers! We go back to the doctor on the 6th and we're excited to get to see Reece again.

    Take care girls.
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    Thanks ladies. Nice to hear from you. I'm feeling confident about it. Either way it will work out fine.

    Sending a guardian Angel to you Tigger so she can smack that heifer upside the head so she won't be delayed.

    Keep me posted on your attempt.

    Misty, I read your post update. Like I said...Hang in there girlfriend it will be okay. : )
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    Thanks, Wendy...I know it will all work out...I just want what's best for Reece. :)
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    Heifer is here!! However... I might be sitting this out for the FOURTH time. Seems like the fibroid that I have is 3" in diameter and might be pressing into my uterine cavity... contemplating whether or not to have surgery to be sure or going with my IUI... I don't think I can do both... tentatively scheduled for the 24th & I should surge the week prior to it.

    So, girls, what do you think... should I get my IUI done or the surgery done? Ester & Grace, my nurse and doctor for the tubal recannalization, are going to look at the images that were taken and see what the fibroid appears to be doing on the 12th which, because of my age, I have to meet with the folks who knock you out (can't spell that word to save my life!!) and I guess they'll be able to show it to me. I got the images on a medical CD but I can't tell what the heck I'm looking at!!

    THIS IS ONLY ANOTHER TEST!! THIS IS ONLY ANOTHER TEST!! I have to keep telling myself that otherwise I'll go berserk... there, that calmed me down somewhat. I told Mark... he's more upset than me...
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    How's everybody else??
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    Tigger...I can't believe this! I'm sending shrinking vibes your way! These things need to go! You have been tested enough!

    KUP on what the docs say...
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    MaC: I'll take all the good vibes I can get... I had a crying fit at work yesterday... everybody who knows me... and I know a LOT of people here thanks to my normal personality... knew something seriously was wrong. Feel a lot better today... just reminded myself that I would feel a whole lot worse getting pregnant and then losing my little one(s) if I didn't take care of a problem I KNOW that I have... IF I need to... will find out when I get the films read on the 12th.

    Curse of reading... found that fibroids grow when your estrogen and progesterone levels aren't equaling each other out... they are caused my estrogen dominance and, by supplementing my progesterone, that also helps shrink them... and vitex (Chaste Tree) is THE number one herb said to shrink them for sure... so this one that is there is probably the one I USED to be able to see through my skin. Gotten smaller but not small enough.

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    Gosh dang it! I hate to hear that your fibroid isn't cooperating with your plans. I will say that I had a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp last year (same procedure as when they remove a fibroid) and it relly wasn't bad. They did put me asleep. but it was a day surgery and was feeling fine the next day.I had to sit out the remainder of that cycle (procedure needed to be done prior to cd10), but started my 1st IVF cycle the following cycle. You may seriously want to consider having it removed so that you waste 1 more cycle but then you know it it gone!
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