Any pregnancies with 11687
Posts: 24
I know that he is newer but any luck with 11687? He shows no pregnancies but hoping for something.
Sending lots of baby dust!!
Lots of baby dust to you!!! Keep us posted.
Littleabe: Sorry about your BFN! Keep your head up!
Our 2nd IUI is scheduled for this Monday the 13th. Hopefully all goes well this time.
I have chosen donor 11687 as well and will not be starting my IUI until January :( Wishing everyone the best of luck!
GOOD LUCK on your third IUI!!! I am sending you all the baby dust I can muster in your direction :) Let me know how it goes!
Thank you so much! We will keep you posted!
We are officially on our TWW (two week wait). We had our 3rd IUI today. Lots of baby dust our way please. We have a good feeling this time.
okay, 3rd times a charm! i'm wishing you baby magic.. keep us posted.... its great to read the "success stories". I'm not starting my first IUI until october and i'm only able to buy 4 "shots", so i hope by my third time, the magic happens, so i'm not sweating it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First AKST... good luck and lots of baby dust to you. As for us, we had a positive test but it ended in a chemical pregnancy (not good). So we will be on to round 4 in due time. Best wishes to all.
Sorry to hear your news. Good luck next time around & keep us posted!
My partner and I just got back from our RE's and our first IUI with 11420 resulted in a BFN. We're a little bummed, but I'm ready to try again. We are considering doing a vial exchange to 11687. Is anyone willing to share Audio and any other info? We have the LP on him, but would love to hear him before we decide. Thanks! Amanda & Lianna from San Antonio
Has anyone sent you the audio on 11687? Give me your e-mail and I will send.
We would be curious too, how many others have had a successful pregancy from this donor?
Tons of baby dust to all of those who are trying like us!
I too am optimistic about #11687. I am doing a donor egg IVF cycle in January and look forward to hearing who has had success with him by then!
I just noticed that under 11687's donor profile, it states that he is now retired from the program. That is too bad because I was hoping to purchase more vials of this donor :( Hope you all are having good luck so far!
Take care :)
Just curious who is currently pregnant with 11687? I just did an IVF cycle and am 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. Anyone else?