Has anyone used or using donor 12922???

I will be inseminating using donor #12922 and was wondering if there were others who have used or are using this donor in the future? I'd love to connect with someone/people!



  • I will be using this donor late this month!! Did you have any luck with this donor?
  • I bought several of his vials and am planning to be inseminating in nov/dec. Please keep me posted with your progress! Good luck!!!
  • We will be using this donor as well :). Scheduled for IUI on the 24th.. Good Luck to you both!
  • Good luck to you too!! Keep us posted!!
  • Ultrasound today showed 6 eggs!!! Cant wait for monday! Sasha have you tried yet?? GOOD LUCK! :)
  • Spinrn-How was your iui? Would love to know his numbers!!! Best of luck!!! I will be inseminating soon!
  • I also just purchased this donor. I will be doing my first IUI in a few weeks!
  • IUI went well :) I didnt even ask his numbers... Im kinda new to this and dont really know all the questions to ask. Its my first try. I also didnt know that 6 follicles was dangerous... Im kinda surprised that my doc went ahead with the insemination. Im in the 2 week wait now. Praying that it takes but praying for no more than 2! Cant test til the 8th :- When I talk to them again I will ask about numbers and let you know!! Good Luck Ladies!
  • I have 3 mature follicles so I triggered yesterday, I go in the morning for my iui!!!!! EEK.......and then the wait begins....I will ask about his numbers......
  • Yay Sasha!!! Good luck and yes...please let us know how things go!!! Sticky baby dust to you!!!

    I will be inseminating in early december...can't wait!!!
  • Iui this morning!!! His numbers were 128 million b4 wash and 65 million after wash with 85% motility!! Now the tww!!!
  • Yay his number are good! Good luck to you Sasha! The TWW is awful but looks like it paid off for me!! BFP today!!! Pray it sticks!!!
  • Congrats on your BFP!!! I'll keep saying a little prayer for you!!
  • I second the prayers- Congrats to you spinrn!

    By the way, where are you all from? Hopefully one day we can all have a halfsies playmate!!!
  • Thank you ladies for the prayers! They are much needed and much appreciated! I am sending them right back along with TONS of baby dust! I am going in for a BETA tomorrow. I'm a little worried cause I'm cramping a LOT like AF is coming... But I have also heard from quite a few people that they cramped too. Keeping my fingers crossed :)

    I live in a tiny town on the gulf coast of FL called Dunedin. It's just north of Clearwater in the Tampa Bay area :) I would love to have a halfsies playdate one day!
  • Awesome! I will be checking the boards every so often and will keep in touch with anyone wanting to.

    Best of luck ladies! Congrats again spirrn!!

    BTW..I live in Portland Oregon!!!
  • That sounds awesome, I'm from Houston Texas
  • I met a lady on facebook that is planning to use this donor also. She is military but lives in El Paso TX right now :)
  • It's OFFICIAL!!! I'm preggers! HCG is right where it needs to be and progesterone is off the charts!! Yay! Now prayin for just 1... Or 2 ;)

    How are u doing with the 2ww Sasha??
  • Congrats!!! So happy for you!! So far so good, just trying to keep my mind occupied..... I start the progesterone Suppositories tonight...not really looking forward to those. Did you have any early symptoms?
  • spinrm1980 is there a Facebook group for ccb?
  • Early symptoms... GAS! LOL I hate to say if but from about 8dpiui i felt like a balloon. It was very painful at times. And constipation. Its better now. Now im just crampy. And I realized at around 8dpiui also that my nipples were SUPER sensitive. Not painful so much but I notified every time that i even accidentally brushed them lol. I had a hard time deciding if I really might be preggo or if it was AF. But the gas was the key difference i think.

    And I just went to the CCBs facebook page and a lady had posted asking if anyone was using 12922 and i started a private convo with her. I didnt "like" the page because I dont want it to show up on my wall. Im not ready for the facebook world to know my business :)
  • Congrats & good luck to you all. I've just had a round of Clomid, hoping to ovulate any day now & go in for my first IUI. It's comforting to see pregnancies already for others though, I've been pretty nervous! How many tries so far? I'm from St. Louis, MO.
  • I will be buying 2 vials today. I am hoping that two is enough. I am the fertile one so I think the two will do. Ladies, let's keep in touch and baby dust to everyone!

    Be Well and God Bless
  • Good luck to you Sasha...it seems as though he has very good counts!

    Spinrn-So excited to hear about your journey and pregnancy. Congrats again!

    Shuzauntie- Welcome! Good luck in your journey and I agree, I would def. like to keep in touch with you all in your journey. I am all for having halfsies!!!
    BTW-I am fertile (well my family is so I assume I would be) but you never know! I am only planning on one child, but I bought 5 just in case. If you can afford to buy more, I would suggest it because you never know when they will retire from the program!

    Ladies...I will not be starting until december, but am excited for everyone! I hope you ladies keep posting on your progress here!
  • Congrats and good luck to everyone! I had My first IUI with this donor today after a cycle of Clomid. Now 2ww, keeping fingers crossed. Oh, I'm from St. Louis (Go Cardinals!).
  • Couldn't hold out any longer so I tested and just got my BFP!!! Praying it sticks!!!
  • Yay Sasha!!! Congrats!!! Keep us updated!!!
  • That's wonderful Sasha!! Congrats!!

    Unfortunately my BETA went down from last week. Ultrasound today showed nothing :( mc is imminent.. Devastated :( can't try again until December.

    And good luck liljedilou! I wish u all the best!
  • My BFP was short lived... Beta on Monday to confirm.... Chemical pregnancy......I only bought one vial, and I'm not willing to change donors so it will be December or January before I can try again.. So depressing....
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