
Has anyone used or using donor 12922???



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    It's still early Sasha so maybe Mondays BETA will give you better results... I will certainly pray that's the case for you. Keep us posted *hugs*
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    How are you doing with the wait liljedilou? You are halfway there! :) best of luck!
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    I am sorry Spinrn and Sasha! Keep your heads up!!! I have a feeling that December will be the month for you all! I will pray for healthy sticky baby dust!!

    It looks like we will all be starting together... It's a new year soon and new and exciting things await...

    In my prayers...
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    Wanted to check up on you ladies! How are things going? Are you still planning to insem in dec/jan? Sasha? Spinrn? Lilje?

    Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!!
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    Yes, Talia. I am planning my next iui in late December or early January depending on my cycle.
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    Good new Sasha! I will also be starting in early Jan. I was going to start in dec but wanted to wait for the holidays to pass before trying. Looks like i will be going on clomid (50mg) because of my fsh level and not so perfect progesterone level. Well they are a tad too high! Best of luck, maybe we will both be blessed around the same time!!
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    Glad to see everyone is doing well, and good luck to those who are starting/continuing this winter. I've had 2 months of IUI with no luck so far; it's very discouraging. I'm going to try again in the next couple of weeks, which should give me an answer around Christmas. Hopefully the third time is a charm. Good luck everyone!
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    Hi Everyone... I am back in the game for this cycle too! I am on cycle day 6. Started Clomid yesterday. Good Luck to everyone and lets keep one another posted! :)
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    Hey Spinrn,

    Yeah...glad you are back in the game! I am on cycle day 1 today and will be taking clomid starting friday. I've never taken it...how long after your surge do you usually insem?

    Best of luck!!
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    Hi Talia! I didn't monitor for LH surge last time.. We used a trigger shot and inseminated 36 hrs after. I liked it that way.. Took a lot of work and added stress off me lol :) is this your first try?
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    Hey Spinrn! Yes this will be my first insemination...I am only on clomid, no trigger. I asked the dr. about it but being that I don't have issues with ovulation, they didn't think it was needed. I don't know!!!

    I think my midwife will inseminate 24-28 hrs past surge.

    Please keep me posted!!!

    Best of luck!!!
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    Today is the day! Let the 2ww begin! :)
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    Yay spinrn!!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a you! Wishing you lots of sticky baby dust!!!

    I am on cd 9 today...so I should be inseminating sometime next week!
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    Yay Talia! According to my math I think you should have inseminated yesterday or today maybe??
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    Congrats Sprinrn! Hope you are doing well!!

    Wondering if anyone purchased his baby photos and would like to share?
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    Sorry! I didn't realize there were 2 more pages to this thread! Well wishes this time around Spinrn!
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    Hi ladies, I just wanted to check in & see if anyone has been successful yet. I'm about to do my fifth & final insemination with this donor. So far I haven't been lucky. My doc recommended trying a different donor, maybe twice, then start saving for IVF. I've already been on a double dose of Clomid for 6 months. I'm praying this last IUI is successful. For one, it is stressful to have to find another donor (this one is sold out anyways), and two, I can NOT afford IVF. Please tell me someone has been successful!!
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    Hi liljedilou-

    I am sorry you haven't had much luck with this donor, as I'm sure you are really set on using him (being how many times you have used him) I have to say that he does have great counts and I was successful my first IUI (I'm now 7 weeks).

    I also correspond with another woman who lives in NY who is 20 or so weeks with this donor and having a boy!

    Maybe switching donors would help you....you never know! Some people don't mix with others I guess!!!

    Best of luck and I hope this next cycle is a success for you!!!

    Lots of baby dust!!!
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    How did everything work out? I purchased donor 12922 today & had it overnighted for possible weekend insemination. I am doing IUI naturally, possibly with only the use of an HCG trigger.

    Sasha95 & liljedilou any luck?
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