So....I really think I'm pregnant. I'm more bloated than I've ever been in my life and I'm burping at least 200 times a day. This is not normal....unless...I'm preggers!! It's weird, for some reason, I feel scared to test. Last time I tested almost every day because I wanted to know when the HCG shot was out of my symptom. This time since I think I might be, I'm scared to take it.
Any symptoms? How is your week going besides being the longest one ever?
I feel the same way. I have been having a lot of symptoms so I am really hoping we are pregnant! I tested to make sure the shot is out of my system and it is. My week is going good so far just want it to be over :)
Ok ladies, My fingers are crossed! Let me know ASAP. I just had my ultrasound today on cd10 for my first iui. I had a one 9 mm follie on right and two 5 mm follies on left, and by the way clomid makes me feel soooo sick, it's yukky. Did you guys take meds?
I took Clomid 50mg cd3-7. My follie check was cd12 and I had. 20mm on right and 21mm in left. I used Ovidrel trigger shot that night and had IUI 36 hrs later. I'm hoping third time is the charm!!!! Good luck and baby dust to you!!!
Melissa - I'm tired of this TWW! I am emotional today. I feel like I'm having symptoms, but I worry that it's all in my head. I did take a two hour nap today which I absolutely never do. I'm trying to stay positive.
What about you? How are you feeling? Did you test anymore?
Today I haven't had many symptoms and I am also wondering if it is all in my head. I was super tired a few days ago and I hate napping, but was taking them daily. I am feeling great today. I did take a test this morning even though I was against it as its early. It was negative. We are almost there! Are you going to test Monday still?
I'm temped to just go buy some tests (those early ones) and test, but I'm scared. A friend of mine just came over and I was describing my symptoms and she said that they were the same as what she had before she knew she was pregnant. It's breasts are sore but on the sides, closer to my armpit and only when you push on them and they feel heavy or full. She said that is exactly what she felt early on...made me feel a little more positive.
I think Monday is the day (unless I break down today). To test or not to test...that is the question!!
I should have just waited like I wanted, but my partner convinced me to do it because she couldn't wait any longer. It was a waist. I am greeting nervous I just want a positive :) I'm not sure how I am going to feel if its not.
My burping got a little better actually. I did take a Pepcid Complete the other day when it was really bad and that helped. I asked my friend who is pregnant and an L&D nurse and she said you can take it.
All these symptoms will be worth it when we are preggers!!!
You too!!! I actually tested again this morning and got a BFN. I don't know why I do this to myself! I'm trying not to be worried and keep saying its just too early. How are your symptoms today?
I tested this morning also. I think this whole process just makes us all a little crazy! It's hard to want something so bad and go through everything in the process takes to get let down. This morning I was making my son breakfast and he wanted pancakes and bacon and I was having such a hard time cooking it. When I was pregnant with him I couldn't be around cooking meat the smell made me soooo sick. I am hoping all these signs mean something if not my mind is playing tricks on me :(
Well we have to stay positive that these signs are because of our little beans. My latest obsession....I think my areolas are getting bigger. I almost wish I would have measured them before!! Lmao! Do you remember what day you got a positive with your son?
My so was a very unplanned pregnancy at 21 so I didn't have to go through all of this, but I got a positive the day after my missed period. I worked at the OBGYN so was lucky enough that they drew a Beta that day and I was terrified. I can't wait for this experience to be so different. It was a very hard experience as I was so scared of my parents and they both wanted me to have an abortion so it was a hard time :(
I'm thinking I might wait until Wednesday to test. I say that but who knows what I will do when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I just think it will be better for me emotionally. If I get another negative, it's just going to get me down. Are you still testing tomorrow?
I am not sure. I know I should wait, but it's so hard! It is really hard on me emotionally when it's negative. It's so hard for me when I see babies everyday almost. I just want to steal
Sorry ladies. Thread jacking. You both should wait till at least the day before scheduled beta or day of beta. It will give you at least time to process the outcome, whichever way it goes. Some do not get a positive until day of beta. I have my FX'd for you both. Wish you both loads of baby dust. GL ;)
Any pregnancy symptoms yet? Let me know, baby dust to you guys
Any symptoms? How is your week going besides being the longest one ever?
Sweety- thanks for the baby dust!!!
My fingers are crossed! Let me know ASAP. I just had my ultrasound today on cd10 for my first iui. I had a one 9 mm follie on right and two 5 mm follies on left, and by the way clomid makes me feel soooo sick, it's yukky. Did you guys take meds?
Correction it was cd7 and not cd10 with my small follies. So, i guess i'm happy.
What about you? How are you feeling? Did you test anymore?
Prayers and baby dust!
I think Monday is the day (unless I break down today). To test or not to test...that is the question!!
All these symptoms will be worth it when we are preggers!!!