any single teachers out there?



  • Karen - What kind of grants are out there for IVF?
  • I am not terribly educated about it - but I googled it and found this. It is for New Yorkers. You will have to research it in your own state.

    My friend just got coverage up to $20,000.

    Here are some adoption sites - there's also the Dave Thomas fund.
  • Thanks so much, Karen. :)
  • Well... I had the HSG test today (holy cramping, Batman!) and the tubes look good but they said the fibroid is going to have to go. Sono tomorrow so I guess I'll know more after that. I'm already disappointed because a surgery is probably going to push my first IUI back (I was hoping to have it in November). Ergh.
  • I am so sorry to hear that it will be postponed. I understand my first IUI did not work. You are in my prayers.
  • Hey teachers... just wondering how things are going for everyone.

    Had the surgery - got the fibroid out, along with a few other things taken care of. Only the right tube is fully functioning, so I'm dealing with that. Hoping this will be my IUI cycle!
  • I had a chemical pregnancy after my first IUI so now I am waiting for my body to heal before starting my next IUI and it looks like it will be sometime in Decemeber. Will be much more cautious about sharing the process next time with others until I am free of miscarrying. This process is a giant rollercoaster ride. Good luck to all of you ladies. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck Abbyjenna. Baby dust to you.
  • Hi all. I had a BFN after my 4th IUI cycle.
    Moving onto IVF in early January.....
    TNC, I am so sorry about your chemical miscarriage.
    Good luck AbbyJenna and everyone else!
  • After taking a couple months off as well, I am probably trying again in January/February with clomid and more monitoring this time. I had 3 unsuccessful unmedicated attempts. Any advice on clomid would be appreciated.

    Best wishes to all.
  • good morning,

    I am not a teacher but single and will have to go thru the IUI in the middle of a working week. I work the night shift so will have 4-5 hours of sleep after the procedure (I hope!). No one knows I am doing it to minimize issues. Any tips of the procedure day?
  • The IUI is a simple procedure. Once everything is ready (thawed) it only takes a few minutes. I had 2 IUI's back to back. Unmedicated and got pregnant. 16 weeks tomorrow. Good luck.
  • Hi NB,

    I hope you had a great holiday! Was the back to back IUI planned in advanced or did you test after the first IUI and had a surge (smiley face)and decided to repeat. ow was it to wait for the resuls? Did you do amnio? Will love to hear more,
  • Hi A,

    I had the first IUI and tested again that evening. I had another smiley so I went again the next day for the 2nd IUI. I also switched donors and had much better luck with the second donor. The first one had low motility according to my doc. after a failed IVF cycle.

    I do have a scheduled amnio in 2 weeks and I'm still up in the air about having it done. I have some friends who did it and others who didn't.
    A doctor friend of mine suggested it and of course my ob thinks it's important too. Will decide that day once I have all the blood work in and talk to the high risk doc( going because I'm 38)

    Keep in touch. Would love to hear how things are going.
  • Good evening nbound,

    I hope 2011 will start with good news and I will have my first IUI in few weeks. As for the amnio, I was anti at first but then realized that I would like to provide my future kid the best quality of life. When time comes if there will be any doubt in the US or blood work I will do amnio.
    Wishing you lots of luck!!
  • I just my bloodwork results back and everything looks great. They still recommend getting the amnio and I'm going to do it.

    Yes, I wish you the best for 2011 and hope to hear about an upcoming pregnancy for you.
  • Good news nbound!! Have amazing 2011!!
  • Hi All single mom/teacher.
    i did several iui and my son was born 11-10 I am on maternity leave now. Sorry I waited so long motherhood is great! I began April of 2009 missed the cycle b/c I ovulated, had a chemical pregnancy in May, no luck in June or July, positive from Aug try but miscarried in October, tried again last December only to have fed ex not deliver on xmas eve I went to pu went to my 1st iui after my miscarriage on 12-26 to find out when I pu they gave me anothef patients container I had to go back to fed ex and had the iui 2 hours late :( no luck in Dec or Jan but Feb 26 was the one, my son was conceived that dat (btw I was oing to call out of work b/c we had a snow storm but the schools were closed at 5am that morning! Never give up I am so glad I was persistent! I had a wonderful pregnancy (didnt do the amnio just first/second trimester screens).
    OK my son is up and ready to eat:) baby dust to you all........
  • I just had the amnio on Friday and I'm feeling overall very good. Some slight cramps which are normal. I was not sure I'd go through with it but I really trusted my doctor and I'm glad I did it.I'm having a baby girl and I couldn't be any happier. Thanks for all the support from this group. As a single soon to be mom and teacher I still have my moments where I wish there was a dad but I'm so happy I didn't wait. I hope to meet a great guy after this baby comes. It does feel nice taking a break from the dating frenzy and just focusing on my new little girl.
    Just because you make a decision to go this route doesn't mean you give up on finding Mr. Right. Good luck to all.
  • nbound good afternoon,

    That's good news. Now take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy and the good night sleep. Keep us posted!!
  • Congrats Susan. I am so thrilled for you!
  • Good morning nbound,

    It official I joined the 2ww. I had my IUI yesterday and with no smiley face at night I don't need to repeat it but wait....
    Feel weird but excited!!
    Let it be a blessed wait!!
  • Hey Ladies... Been gone for a while. I was waiting to announce the my first round of IUI's worked... but I lost the baby at 8 weeks. well, officially it stopped growing at 6w 1d, but its heart stopped somewhere around Monday. I had a D&E today and now I'm trying to start looking forward to starting... again. Ugh.

    Susan - SO happy for you! What was the amnio like? It scares me...
  • Oh, that is so sad AbbyJenna. I am really sorry to hear that. :-(
  • Abbyjenna - My heart goes out to you. How are you coping with your loss? Wishing you all the strength to get through this tough time and to continue with your journey as you start again.

    I had the amnio 2 weeks ago and just received the results on Wed. Although she tested negative for downs, she has an "extra piece" of a chromosome that they hope is just genetically passed from me (waiting for my blood test results to see). If it's from me then she should be fine. If not then there's a little more to be concerned about. I'm really scared. I'm 1/2 way through and just want a healthy girl.

    Will post more when I find out this coming week.

    DrA good luck with the tww. How exciting.
  • Thanks Susan-

    I'm coping. I cried and cried and cried for a few days. Then got kind of numb. Now I'm sort of in between those states. I'm trying to put on a happy face and look forward to next time, though.

    What do they mean by an extra piece of chromosome? I'm sure she'll be fine :) maybe it'll make her a superhero or something :)
  • nbound hello,

    I am happy to hear that there is no downs but what chromosome does she have extra? Do they know the number?
    Wishing you luck and a normal healthy princess!!
  • I'm praying for a healthy outcome for you Susan.
  • I was so happy to find this group on the chat forums. I am an OT in the schools, so although technically not a teacher I basically function the same way. I am going to be 32 in March and am beginning to look through the donor insemination process. I see all of these acronyms and such in many of the posts, would anyone be willing to explain what they mean? Things such as BFN, 2ww, and smiley faces? I am really looking for any and all information about how to go about the IUI process.

    Thanks for being out there!
  • Hi Sara! OT counts as teacher :)

    There's a great list of acronyms on Facebook, if you're there. It's on some of the private pages, and also on the Callifornia Cryobank Facebook page. Here's a link:!/note.php?note_id=421121022848

    The most important ones are
    TWW (2ww)- two week wait (between IUI and finding out if it worked)
    BFN / BFP - Big fat no and big fat positive (pregnancy test results)
    smiley faces have to do with ovulation predictor kits I think.
    If you want, some ladies on here just started a private facebook group specifically for the single crowd. I think we already have about 3 teachers (which is saying a lot, since it's brand new and there aren't a lot of members yet). Email me - and I'll tell you how to join.
  • Dr A -

    Believe it or not I am still testing to see what the chromosome issue is. They say it could be what they refer to as genetic "junk" which I'm hoping. I will hopefully have some final results this week. It's been a grueling 2 week wait to find out if my little girl is healthy.

    Thanks Karen for your positive thoughts. :)
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