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    So we got ANOTHER bfn :/ ugh... And it sucks. But on to next month :( but how are you doing?! Everything ready? :)
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    Mrs. smith - oh no! Dang it! I would switch RE's or move on to IVF! The meds work well with your body and they have to time ovulation down to the nail so you won't miss that eggie! I really think that will work better for you, and you can always convert back over to an IUI like I did if you were understimulated! But that way they for sure with the timing!

    As for me everything is going well! We had a blast at the baby shower and her dad got everything set up already he's so awesome. I got all my big things out the way no I just need her small things and a hospital bag and we'll be ready for her arrival. Oh another thing I found out I have gestational diabetes which is weird I'm not over weight and I've only gained 18lbs so far ,but my waking blood sugar is slightly elevated so dr wants me to check 4times a day which sucks. I have another growth and development ultrasound in two weeks at my 34 week appt I guess he'll tell me if I will deliver natural or via c-section. W/e the case I'm soooooo ready. I have not been wanting to work I just been so focused on preparing for delivery! But anyways enough about me lol I'm still rooting for you girly!
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    Yeah my wife and I said we would try once more than move REs. I'm on my 3rd day of clomid today and these headaches are no joke! Hopefully this is the last time with these side affects!

    And OMG how exciting!!!! I better your husband is ecstatic!
    Sucks about the diabetics, be careful. But luckily you're in the finally stages and you can almost meet your little girl!!!
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    I have an 8 month old from this donor. I think we may have been the first pregnancy/birth
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    Mrs. Smith - I hope everything works out for you love! You are so strong and have come so far. I wish you nothing but blessings.

    Mary Rose - congrats again! Any plans for another?
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    Hi hazel!!! How are you? You're almost due!!!
    I wanted to share with you that I got my BFP TODAY!!!! :) we are soooooo happy!!! Thank you for all your good wishes and blessing!!!
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    Ha! I knew it! OMG congrats girly so happy for you!!!!! I bet you guys are so excited ! I can't wait to have this little girl I'm nervous and excited. I'm still working which is exshauting I'm hoping I get lucky and go at like 38 weeks:-). I think I'm gunna drink some red raspberry leaf tea. I'm so happy for you again congrats!
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    Thank You!!!! The feeling of a BFP is amazing!!! Lol. And omg I can only imagine how you feel!!! Hopefully you can be off soon. And yes! I heard that works! And hiking and sex! Lol. Ahhhh I can't wait for you to deliver!
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    Hey Mrs. Smith! We had her! She is so beautiful I'm in so in love. I went in 8/31 to be induced but I had to have an emergency c-section 9/1 it was 20hrs of labor but I got my gift at the end.
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    Omg Hazel CONGRATULATIONS to you guys!!! How exciting. OMG I'm soooooo excited for you! I bet she's beautiful! :) I hate how unpredictable labor can be! Ugh. But like you said you got your gift at the end! My wife and I were just talking about how slow time is going lol. I'm only 7 weeks and 4 days! Lol... How is your hubby doing? I'm sure he's over the moon! Congrats again! I'll be checking for regular updates! I know we spoke about it before but let me know if you want to link up on FB :)
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    Hazel! How are you doing?! How is the baby and how is motherhood treating you? I hope all is well! I wanted to tell you that we're having a boy!!! I'm so excited! I feel like pregnancy is so slow when it's your own lol. Hope to hear from you soon!
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    Mrs. Smith! Hey girl! OMG it's a BOY! How exciting I can't remember didn't you say you wanted a boy ? My husband wants a boy now lol. I told him we would have to wait a awhile. I'm so happy for you guys. It seemed like my pregnancy took forever too ,but that's just cause us IUI gals found out early. If you send me your email address I'll send you a picture of my little butterfly. She is my whole world!
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    Hazel!!!! Yes we totally wanted at boy!!! :) I can imagine your husband does too. They all do lol. Are you guys planning on using the same donor later on? When I called to report my pregnancy they told me he's not donating anymore :/ and very true finding out early is a downfall, I'm only 13 weeks and I swear I'm like 26 weeks lol. OMG I would LOVE to see her. You can email me at Connie42109@yahoo.com :)
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