Went with this Donor !!fingers crossed Start my meds 11/30/15 for IVF and if all goes as planned a Transfer date around 12/16/15!


  • My wife and I picked this donor too!!! First IUI mid December :)
  • Well good luck ! How many vials did you get? Are you doing an Medicated cycle? Looks like we both will have BFP's soon!
  • We decided yesterday to try in January instead :( we have a lot going on the beginning of December. My wife doesn't want me to be stressed at all. We haven't bought them yet. But just doing 2 and doing back to back iui's. Going to be on clomid. Yes we'll definitely have BFPs soon!!! Good luck to you too!!! BABY DUST!!!
  • Yea we bought two as well. We're also using my husband's sperm and have the donor just in case. Srry you got pushed bck but it gives you time to prepare! I'll keep ya posted!
  • Oh ok! Hopefully your Hubbys is enough! :) yes I will def be preparing... And will keep you posted as well! :) good luck!!!
  • I hope he is but lol just in case. Thankx you too!
  • Nicole does this donor have any live births and gender reported yet?
  • Anyone with a reply?!?
  • Hi hazel! When I asked a few weeks ago Nicole replied on 10/29 and said he has less than 5 reported pregnancies and no reported births yet because he was added about a year ago. (9/2014) if I remember correctly. I found someone that is currently pregnant with this donor and is having a boy! :) how is your process going? Did you have your transfer?
  • Hi Mrs Smith! I actually talked to a rep over the phone they were really pleasant answered all my questions. They said he has reported pregnancies and live births !!! So excited that's all I wanted to hear! Wow did you find the woman that is pregnant on here? I would like to ask if ithis was their 1st try with the IUI and what their numbers were ? My IVF was converted to IUI so we ended up using this donor and are pretty excited. RE said his numbers and motility was great! I'm in my two week wait now and I have a really good feeling about this. I've been praying constantly and I had a vivid dream I'm having a Boy. (I've always wanted a girl :-)). But I'll take either as long as their healthy. You still starting next month???
  • Hi hazel!!! It's great to hear that he has live births already! I actually found her on FB on the CCB friends group :) I asked her how many times she used this donor before her BFP and she said 2 :) so that's great news. I didn't ask about numbers tho :/ it's great to hear your RE said he has great numbers and motility! Great to hear you're on your TWW!!!! How exciting! I'll definitely be praying for you! And yes my wife and I are still on for next month :) I'm ovulating this week so we'll be doing our IUI around this time next month. I can't wait! BABY DUST!!!
  • That's awesome! Looks like we all will be preggo 2gather :-). This is such a blessing for me and my husband it takes a noble humble man to do something like this I'm lucky to have him :-). We have to put our trust in god right now and believe that he has answered our prayers.

    On another note I wonder how many other siblings are out there? I think to myself often how beautiful and healthy this baby will be . If you don't mind me asking what made you guys go with this donor ?
  • Yes we will be!!! :) you are very lucky to have him! Lots of respect to him!
    Every chance I get I look for ways to find women that babe used this donor or want to. I wonder about the resemblance all the siblings will have to each other. My wife often dreams about us having a son. (She doesn't tell me much because she says the dream won't come true lol). It took us a looonnngg time to choose. My wife is Jamaican and there's not that many African American to choose from so as time went on we just started to figure out who we "connected" more with and after reading all of his family history and everything that's avilable on the profile we just really liked him :)
  • Ok Thankx for sharing! Yea I looked at all of the donor websites my RE referred us to and more ! It's sad that the African American population in the donor world is so scarce. I narrowed it down to him and another donor on fairfax but it came down to their resembling features. My Husband looks identical to the donor look alike Iman Sherpamnt and when I seen the Donors childhood photos I seen why they choose Nick the other look alike he has his skin color, but my husband has a lot of the facial features :-) and my husband is tall that's a problem we kept running into as well the donor is 6'1 so that's great. After reading the extended profile and listening to the donor conversation I was in! The whole fresh prince fanny pack made me laugh so hard when I listened to the conversation my husband has a similar personality. Tell your wife her dreams are spot on bc I keep having them and seeing a happy healthy baby. While doing the IUI I visualized conception and a happy baby. I will keep you in my prayers as well Baby Dust to the of us ! I'm eating my pineapple core right now to help prepare for implantation !!
  • Omg that awesome that you guys were able to find someone with a lot of similarities, that's even better! We're really excited and confident with our choice :) and I know both of our babies will be beautiful and healthy. We should definitely keep in touch through out this process and thank you for the baby dust! Don't forget to drink your Pomegranate juice!!!! :)
  • Lol K. Yea we definelty need to keep in touch the other woman too! I hope all is well with her !
  • Yes she's doing great. We follow each other on social media. Look for me on FB and/or IG. Connie Smith on FB and toinfinityandbeyond703 on IG.
  • Hi All -

    Donor 14013 now has 5 or more reported pregnancies. He also has reported births.

    Best of luck to you and please don't forget to report your pregnancies & births!

    You can use this form or give a quick call to Client Services. We love to hear the good news! :)



  • Thankx Nicole I definitely will :-). Mrs Smith I couldn't find you on either ?
  • Hazel our Instagram got deleted :( we've been going back and forth with the help center to get our page back but I might just start all over :( and I'm still on FB. Maybe if you try searching my email connie42109 at yahoo.com :)... How is your TWW going?
  • Hazel Instagram deleted our account :( I'm trying to figure out why and hoping to get it back. But I'm definitely on FB. You can try searching my email, Connie42109 at yahoo.com... How is your TWW going?!!!
  • Hazel we got our Instagram back!!! It took me forever to figure out were my message went so I wrote it again lol. Then I found out there was a second page to our thread lol. So how is your TWW going? Have you tested? Hope you had a good Christmas!!!
  • Hey Mrs Smith idk if you tried to post something but I can't see anything but Nicole's last comment ?
  • lol I feel dumb! I just figured out we had a second page lmao! Yea the holiday was great! I hope yours was well! My RE had me take 3 boosters spread out of HCG I did get a BFP but I don't know if it's the booster ! hoping and praying it's my little embie that could :-). I have a really good feeling, my temp shot back up and I'm 14DPIUI who hoo! I go in for my beta tomorrow feels so surreal I'm right on the brink!!! Prayers up.
  • Lol don't feel dumb the same exact thing happened to me!!! Lol, that's why I wrote the same message twice. Hahaha! Christmas was great. Very quiet lol. And OMG I'm praying it's an embie!!!! I KNOW it is!!! How exciting!!!! Definitely let me know how it goes today!!! I'll be praying every second!!!! Good luck!!!!! :)
  • Mrs Smith!! We are pregnant !!!!!!!!
  • OMG!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YES!!! We are over the top excited for you guys!!!! Yay!!!! Now hopefully I'm next soon!!! Again congratulations times a million!!!! :)
  • Thank you so much !! I still can't believe I have a BABY growing in me! And to have success the first try!! Girl nothing but God's blessing!! I'm so excited yesssssss! And I will be praying for you guys! Baby Dust;-).
  • Thank you!!!!! Make sure you stay in touch!!! :)
  • Mrs Smith- My Second Beta was 1,789 Whoop! First Ultrasound 01/20 Get to hear my baby's heartbeat:-).
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