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    Ahhhhhh yay!!!!! I should be having my iui around that time :) how exciting!!!! How have you been feeling? I'll definitely be looking out for an update on the 20th :)
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    Tiered, Sore boobs, Cranky, Cramping,Tiered lol heighten sense of smell that's about it for now just tiered :-). This girl I work with is having a boy she said the whole first month she had cramping (No blood) and her Dr said it was normal , but she's having a boy. Neways all the other girls pregnant at the job are having girls no crampin lol. I said oh boy (it's a boy lol). But yea Looking forward to your BFP! Remember just visualize your baby , conception and Pray! I'm excited for ya! I know we will have beautiful babies Boy/ or Princess :-).
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    Ahhhh the joys of pregnancy lol. I can't wait! And is it weird that I feel like we're both having boys? lol, along with our other donor sister we know about that is also having a boy :) I know my wife would be ecstatic. But either way we will have the cutest babies ever!!! I'm finishing my last dose of clomid today....ahhhhh the time is getting closer!!!! :)
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    Not weird at all! I feel like I just know. And your time is getting closer. You're lucky you get to skip the shots and take a pill . Go Clomid Go!
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    Omg yes!!! I'm getting more nervous as the time gets closer lol. And yes the only shot I'm doing it the trigger shot. Hopefully that's all it'll take!
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    Yea I that too?. So you'll have to wait a little longer to test. I had to wait 15DPIUI but well worth the wait. And don't be nervous you'll do just fine. How's the other girl doing?
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    I know and I don't know how I'm going to do it but my wife says it's a good thing that I have to wait lol. She's doing great! 26 weeks now :)
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    The wait is bitter sweet. I temp in the morning but that might make you crazy lol. I'm 6 wks now yay. That's good to know she's doing good, gives me comfort. I don't have any morning sickness though I hope that's not a bad thing, I just can't wait till my Scan next week it will calm me. I asked to have levels tested again tomorrow I'm just cautious and don't know what to expect being that I've never been pregnant. My husband says I need to relax lol.
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    Lol. I totally get where you're coming from. I have 2 kids and I know I'll still freak out! I can't wait till your
    Scan either! Lol. And our IUI is scheduled for Friday or Saturday the latest!!! Yay!!! I'm even more nervous now!!!
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    Well srry I didn't see this sooner but fingers crossed for you!! Wishing you the best girl! Baby dust to ya!
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    Thank you!!!! 5 days in and I'm dyinggggg lol. 9 more days till beta!!!!! But I'm sure I'll test before than! Ha
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    Yea I'm excited for your BFP! We know you're fertile so this will be a sure shot for you guys ;-)! My scan went great! Baby is measuring right on track Heartbeat 143BPM and we got to hear the heartbeat God is good. We graduated from our RE's office f/u appt is in four weeks and I can't wait till that Ultasound I'll be 10 and a half weeks and baby will start looking like a baby lol. Never felt more blessed and I know your blessing is in the making!
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    Hi hazel!!!! Well I got a BFN along with AF yesterday morning.... :( we're bummed but I'm starting another round of clomid on Monday. I know next month will be our month! So how are you doing?
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    So srry to hear this sweetie. This month will be your month ! I'm rooting for you guys. And I'm doing good my energy is coming bck and I have my 10 wk ultrasound this Thursday . Just can't wait till I'm in my second Trimester!!
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    Hey hazel! How are you?!!! It's been a few weeks! Hope all is well! As for me I had another BFN :( going for a double IUI this month and my clomid was increased so hopefully this is it!!!
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    Oh no I'm so srry to hear that. I hope this third time is a charm?. Ask your RE about injectibles I was given a low dose and they worked well for me. I had one egg. I use to call it the little eggie that could lol. I'm having a gender reveal party this weekend I'm so excited to see what we're having. I'll let you known. Wish you well.
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    Mrs. Smith - It's a Girl!!!!
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    Hi hazel!!!! Omg congratulations on your baby girl!!!! How exciting!!!! As for me, I'm 7 and 6 days post today! This 2ww is killing me!!! Lol. But yes hopefully third times a charm!!!
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    Mrs.Smith how'd it go? And how is the other girl doing? I'm 20 weeks now so she should be due or had him right?
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    Hi hazel!!!! Omg I can't believe how fast time is going! 20 weeks!!! That's amazing!! As for us we had another bfn :( we're taking a break now. But hope to try again in July. And yes!!! She had him and he is soooooooo adorable!!! Did you ever get a chance to add me on fb or ig? I can give you hers as well. I don't think she'll mind
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    This is my first time doing this but I have a beautiful 8 month old daughter using donor 14013. We bought 3 vials and got pregnant on the very first try!
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    Hi Mary Rose!!! Congratulations on your baby girl!!! I'm currently on my TWW from my 4th IUI from donor 14013! My wife and I are not giving up and definitely don't want to change donors. It's been rough (especially last try we had to get a refund because his number were really low, did a back to back IUI). But THANK YOU for letting us know. Everytime we find out about another pregnancy or birth it's so encouraging. Hopefully we can keep in touch :)
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    Mrs. smith hi! Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. But given our situation it's different then yours my husband isn't comfortable with me disclosing our identity. :-(. Maybe he'll change it later down the road. But I'm rooting for you and this is your time now girl!!

    Mary Rose congrats on your baby girl! I'm 30 weeks right now and 30 yrs old today lol. My pregnancy has been so great and definitely a blessing.
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    Hey hazel!!! Omg I TOTTALY get it!!! But how are you feeling?! Almost ready!!!! Ahhhhhh so exciting!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope all has been well!!! And THANK YOU for the good vibes! :)
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    I'm just ready to be done lol! I work full-time and at first I was doing so much overtime to prepare for her but this third trimester has been draining. No major changes just fatigue. But on another note our maternity shoot is tomorrow and the baby shower is next Sunday!! I'm so excited for this. So now I'm in my 10 week count down! I wonder if she will come early. All her ultrasounds she has been hiding her face lol she's gunna make us wait till her birthday ??.
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    And thankx for the birthday wish!
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    How's your TWW coming along any symptoms?!?! How big were your follies?!? It only takes 1!! I had 1 (21inch) and it ended up being my little sunshine. What day is this for you? Are you planning on testing early? It seems like this was just yesterday for me . I know this will work for you guys though you have come so far!! Baby dust to you!!
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    Mary Rose- how is that baby girl of yours doing? Can you give us a little background history? You were one of the ones they were talking about when I called and they said this Donor has live births! How amazing
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    Hazel, omg I can only imagine how ready you are!!! Lol. Ugh I'm sooooooo jealous lol. Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff coming up! And after the baby shower you'll spend the rest of your time getting all your gift situated and making sure you're really ready :) omg time has gone by soooo fast! Seems like yesterday you told me about your BFP!!! So I'm on day 7 today... No symptoms :( and of course I want to test soooo bad. I'm going to try and hold out till at least day 11 lol. But I'm not to hopeful this cycle. 2 follies, one 21 and one 18. I just felt like timing was off. And his numbers were low again, I know it only takes one but we'll see :/ and THANK YOUUUUU for the baby dust :) I will def keep you updated :) Have a good holiday weekend!!!
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    Mrs Smith- You got this girl! Both those follies are good sizes. Is your dr keeping track of your ovulation? My dr had ours pinpointed down to the hour lol I felt ovulation I was driving . And yes dear it only takes one! Don't give up hope and keep praying. Keep me posted and I'll let you know how the baby shower goes. I'm so excited to meet our little princess she is always kicking and this pregnancy has been good for the most part. Just nervous about delivery ahh.
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