I am doing well. I have started the process for my 5th IUI and still remain as hopeful as possible. My 3 day ultrasound was good and everything looked great so I started my meds and will have another ultrasound next Wednesday.
Knkmoms- I am doing well. It is hard to get so excited to just be let down once again. I am trying to stay strong and optimistic that it will happen. Thank you for asking :)
Good morning ladies. This morning I am a nervous nelly. I am having symptoms of my period starting so we may be looking at another appointment here in a few weeks. Melissa, you are an inspiration girl how much longer are you going to try? I have faith that something good will happen soon.
Amanda and Lisa, I hope this round works out :-) for you gals *fingers crossed* keep us posted. I have a question for everyone. So it has been public to our friends and family that we are TTC, last night jen and I were at a friends house and a couple in our circle of friends announced they are pregnant. At first I was happy for them but then it shiftedto anger and jealousy simply because they have not been together very long and said they don't want kids together. Would anyone else feel the same? I think every child born is a blessing and a beautiful thing but it bugs me for some reason with their situation. Everyone have a great Sunday Katie
Aslgirl4lifekt- I don't plan on stopping until I am pregnant...I guess. I don't have any known fertility issues and I want more children and my son really wants a little brother or sister or both :) I would never want him to be a only child. I used to work for an OBGYN group so I talked to the doctors there and they recommended me trying for a year before thinking about IVF. I may be broke by the time that comes, but it will be worth it :)
good luck to all those ending(or beginning)your 2ww! *baby dust*
We're at 13 days post IUI and negative test yesterday :(. Hopefully implantation took a little longer this time and we'll get a BFP in a few days and not my AF!
Hi everyone! I had my ultrasound today and have one good sized follicle on my right side. I will be doing my trigger shot tonight and have my IUI on Sunday morning. Any of you that are using meds how long after your trigger shot do you go for IUI?
That is also what I normally do, but last try the doctor wanted to let my follicles grow a little more so I triggered in the morning and went the next morning so 24 hours later. This was the one time I got pregnant, but ended in a chemical pregnancy.
So today is 10dpIUI and took a test and it was a BFN. I am totally depressed as this was my last try. I am going to crawl into a hole and ball my eyes out. My 14 day test is scheduled for the 28th but, I have had cramps and boobs sore. Which were the same signs as last time and had a BFN with the first IUI.
Wellsbull- I am so sorry to hear that. It is a hard process to go through and getting those negatives are a killer. When I got my positive I was thrilled, but that didn't last long. They say it generally takes your average healthy person 3-4 tries. If you don't mind me asking why are you stopping after two attempts? If this is overstepping not a problem. I am on my 5th try and I know I am meant to have another child and am not willing to give up until I financially have to. We are all here for support as we all know the feeling.
How is everyone doing? Wellsbull I hope the time comes soon that you are able to try again. Melissa what has been going on with you? Jen and I are gearing up for our second attempt this upcoming week. I really feel like it will be monday but we won't know till I test.our Dr seems to think we need to come in the day before I peak but I think we should wait till the day after I test peak. If this attempt does not work we are using a trigger shot. Baby dust to everyone. Katie
Aslgirl4lifekt- I am doing well. I am 6dpiui and am trying to stay positive and hopeful. I am thinking if this round doesn't work asking the doctors to try injectables.
Went in today for an ultrasound I have not surgerd and it is cycle day 15, I have a 18mm follicle which is great, I typically surge day 15 or 16 so fingers crossed I wake up tomorrow and that is what happens so we can inseminate Wednesday :-) baby dust to all
Did you surge today? I am 9dpiui and think I will start testing on day 11piui as that is when I got my positive last cycle. Good luck and I hope your procedure goes well :)
I got another faint positive today! I am crossing my fingers and toes that this is it :) I will call my Doctor on Monday if he weekend goes smoothly and schedule my Beta.
I took a clear blue test today to see if I would get a pregnant and I did :) I scheduled my beta for Monday and Wednesday. It's hard to not be happy, but I don't want to be let down again. I am hopeful :) Baby dust!
Baby dust to everyone!
Melissa, you are an inspiration girl how much longer are you going to try? I have faith that something good will happen soon.
Amanda and Lisa, I hope this round works out :-) for you gals *fingers crossed* keep us posted.
I have a question for everyone. So it has been public to our friends and family that we are TTC, last night jen and I were at a friends house and a couple in our circle of friends announced they are pregnant. At first I was happy for them but then it shiftedto anger and jealousy simply because they have not been together very long and said they don't want kids together. Would anyone else feel the same? I think every child born is a blessing and a beautiful thing but it bugs me for some reason with their situation. Everyone have a great Sunday
We're at 13 days post IUI and negative test yesterday :(. Hopefully implantation took a little longer this time and we'll get a BFP in a few days and not my AF!
Had our second IUI today and we are back in the waiting game. I hope this is our time. I wish everyone luck.
Baby dust to all :)
So today is 10dpIUI and took a test and it was a BFN. I am totally depressed as this was my last try. I am going to crawl into a hole and ball my eyes out. My 14 day test is scheduled for the 28th but, I have had cramps and boobs sore. Which were the same signs as last time and had a BFN with the first IUI.
Baby dust to everyone!