TWW starting today...

Completed an IUI with Donor #13258 today. Anyone else in their tww?


  • Hopefully mine starts Wed
  • Yes , so am I. My IUI was in 5/3. Fingers crossed for all of us!!
  • So you're almost done @sweety =) Any symptoms? I've heard its hard to tell since they both feel like getting AF...
  • I honestly feel like im gonna get AF. I took a test today and the ovidrel is out of my system. Today im 9dpiui. I dont know what to think. I really hope im preggers. This is my 5th iui. Do you feel anything? Keep in touch.
  • I've felt an ache near my right ovary the past 3 days but I'm not sure what the difference between AF and Preg symptoms are = Outside of the ache and slight headaches (which I don't normally get) I don't feel any different. This is my first iui and from what I've read its best to wait until 16dpiui to be certain so there's still a chance. Stay positive!

    Oh, and how do you count dpiui? I thought today was 3dpiui for me but a woman who competed hers on mother's day too is saying she's 4dpiui.

    @KBT How'd it go?
  • Micah14 thanks for asking. I go back tomorrow. My follicle one was 22 but my estrogen levels the DRr didn't think was high enough yet. Tomorrow another blood draw and ultrasound just praying I didn't ovulate sometime today or even tomorrow.
  • So they do blood tests to determine your ovulation? Mine just had me do an OPK...hope I didn't waste a month.
  • Yes my doctor is looking at my bloodwork to determine my peak ovulations. If the timing is right, regardless of how ovulation is determined, no month is a wasted month, each month is a new opportunity to create life. I hope mine isn't a missed opportunity. I did my own OPK, my dr never mentioned, my peak happened already. If this is true, I'm not sure what to do because my two vials are sitting in the office and they don't have storage
  • Kbt, if you had your iui on 5/11 than today it would be 3dpiui which is 5/14/14, assuming that on the 11th you ovulated.
    I still havent gotten af, i hope t does not come. I do feel stabbing pains in my breasts though, this is a the first. They are not sore, i dont know whats going on, lol. How are you feeling? Do you feel anything? Cross my fingers for all of us
  • Micah, do you only have one follie? How long are your cycles, if they are long then you probanly ovulate later. Anyway, goodluck
  • Im sorry i have the names mixed around the first message is for micah and second for kbt, sorry lol
  • Kbt you need ask your doctor more questions. It is indeed very confusing.
  • @sweety, I'll see what the story is in a few hours. Yes they only saw one in my left that was maturing. My estrogen wasn't at an acceptable level for my RE. My cycle is typically 30 days, so yes ovulation is a day or two later. Last cycle I monitored my with an OPK and my high peak was day 13/14, I am trusting the ultrasound, bloodwork and drs analysis is the more accurate.

    I didn't think about the what if I miss ovulation what happens to the valve. I am certain I am not the first who may have missed. They do have a research lab and small sperm bank (less than 20 donors). When asked they said they don't do storage, I need to find out if that's short term long term or both

    Good luck I will post the outcome later on
  • Goodluck KBT. I'm sure they have contingency plans for women who miss or have a late ovulation. You can't be the first.
    @Sweety So I'm 4dpiui today and nothing big to report. Breasts aren't sore, still having the aching and slight headaches, but other than that nothing. It's still early so I'm trying hard not to assume too much. You're about 12dpiui right? How long before you test?
  • Thanks Micah14 for letting me know about this thread- not sure how I missed it! I am 2dpiui and am ready for the wait to be over! This is our first IUI try- we used Femera, Gonel F and a trigger shot. Anyone else use meds this cycle?
  • So here is my update from today's appointment, thankfully I haven't ovulated. The follicle measured on Tues my dr believes wasn't viable thus the low estrogen levels considering the size. They did locate another follicle that was 18mm in size. I asked if I had ovulated because we no longer saw the larger follicle. They said based on bloodwork and the area of the uterus called the cul de sac, no. Apparently when you ovulate fluid gathers in that region. The game plan is Ovidrel tomorrow morning, IUI sat and sun. With the ultrasound they are also checking thickness of my lining.

    @micah, out if curiosity for your course if treatment, have your dr done any bloodwork or ultrasounds or solely OPK?
  • @KBT My RE suggested that I do 3 unmedicated cycles before we begin medications. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover it so I'm doing it all out of pocket. They requested an inital blood workup to test for stds, cmv status, etc and did an ultrasound last year (which came up normal) but other than that I'm tracking my status with BBTs every morning and OPKs during my ovulation week. Seriously considering asking for clomid or another low level fertility med for my next cycle if this one doesn't pan out though.

    Question: I was told that the OPK is VERY accurate at measuring ovulation. Do you know if it's possible to get a positive result on the OPK but the ultrasound still say you haven't ovulated 24hrs later?
  • I'm not sure this is my first experience. Are you using the brand that shows peak and high peak? My plan with my dr is one natural, one med then IVF. My insurance only covers so many treatments until age of 40, which is on the fall. Thus the reason I decided to go with a donor, my friend and I were not at a point for me to wait for him to make up his mind or wait and then oct we figure out it's not working. He said he has no problem raising another persons child, so I have decided to move forward with a donor

    We will claim this time a success for everyone
  • Oh okay. So you've already done the natural cycle @KBT? I started last year with my partner but then she realized she "wasn't ready" so now I'm doing it solo. I just turned 27 so I think the docs believe it's going to be "easy". My fear is that I waste vials doing unmedicated and don't have any fast cash to buy more in time. He seems to be very popular =/ A

    I'm using the ClearBlue Advanced's the one with the smiley faces.
  • This cycle is natural but just Ovidrel to trigger ovulation. I understand with the cost of the vials. We will be hopefully, so we won't stress and think of plan B should we see AF. Buts not gonna happen
  • I like the way you think! =) This time will fly by...
  • Ok ladies,
    Sad to say that Af just arrived. I'm so sad, this was my 5th. I want to do IVF, but its so darn expensive.
  • @sweety sorry to hear that. What are your doctors thoughts? Does your Re have financing options for IVF? Look at how many more attempts of IUI are you willing to do and then weigh the cost. Around how much is IVF? 10k??
  • @Sweety...don't quote me on this but I heard that some insurance companies will cover IVF as long as you can prove that you've attempted a certain number of IUIs. Hang in there.
  • @Fingers Crossed How are you doing today? I think I'm the only one doing completely unmedicated.
  • So for me Ovidrel this morning, iui tomorrow and Sunday. Then next Friday a progesterone test then the following Friday a pregnancy test.

    I just want to thank everyone here in advance because I haven't told my support crew of family and friends. They know I was considering a donor but know I've been struggling with the decision because I started seeing a former boyfriend again.

    So to chat and share with people experiencing the same thing is great.
  • Babydust for you this weekend @KBT. I know from experience that TTC and dating can be very confusing but you're making the right decision. Let us know how it goes.
  • Thanks Micah! Do you have follow up dates with you dr?
  • No. It seems like because of my age they're taking a real hands off approach =/ I haven't even met with my RE since I started TTC again. The nurse told me to check May 27th and then "let them know".
  • We shall see what the 27th will hold. Fingers crossed
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