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    Thanks so much!This mornings call was the best Easter gift we have ever gotten!
    We are excited but guarded. They got 11 eggs. 10 were mature and 9 fertilized with 8 fertilizing normally. Last round we only had 10 to start with and 5 at this point so we are very pleased. They will call very early Tuesday to tell us if we should come in then or Thursday. Two more sleeps until our next update, can't wait to hear how they grow.

    GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! I hope you get a picture of your perfect little embie..rest and let your body do the rest. i will be thinking of you! let us know how it all goes.
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    Hi Ladies! Sorry, I started a thread and then went MIA for a while. I really hate when that happens. However, time has gone by and we have had our ER & ET and the dreaded 2WW. We are BFN...the process was easy to go thru up until we got to the ER part. Needless to say I ovulated early on one side :( We thought of it as a blessing that for some reason we didn't loose everything. We got 5 eggs, 3 Mature & 3 Fertilized...by day 3 all 3 were still thriving so we were even happier. They pushed back until day 5 and then said they would call with transfer time...Well day 5 came, and we got our call...they weren't doing great and we weren't going to transfer so they wanted to wait to day 6 to see what was going on. We transfered on day 6 2 blasts...then headed home and started our waiting game again...We hoped & prayed, but our results came back last Wednesday negative. We have talked & cried & cried some more, but ready to do our cycle consult to get answers. I would have never imagined something to be so emotionally overtaking, but no regrets!

    I wish you ladies good luck with your cycles! I will be watching and catching up on you!

    Kimi & momx2...I am rooting for you! Watching the progress!

    Talk to you soon!
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    I am so sorry.
    I have been wondering how you all were. Dp and went through an ivf bfn in December and I have to agree it was the hardest thing other losing my mother that I have ever gone though. It was like no other bfn...we were already attached to those beans. We cried for days...then they called to talk us through what they think happened and encouraged us to try again. We did not know what to do....but the doors opened up and here we are again.So... hang in there, cry as much as you need and love each other lots. I would be glad to talk to you anytime. I know it helped to have another online friend that had a failed ivf to talk to so...let me know. You both are in my thoughts. I am so sorry, I really am.
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    After 3 failed clomid cycles 3 injectible cycles one of which was cancelled here I am. I have developed a cyst so this month was out. I am only 34 but have had a period since 5th grade so my eggs are as I was told aging....I have spent thousands on treatment, medications and donor shipments. Now I am broke and am desperate to move to IVF. Waiting seems like an eternity.

    I wish you the best of luck and once I move on to my IVF well I hope you will be mommies and able to give me advice.

    I am nervous about everything and pray for a financial miracle. My husbands business that was successful for many years took a turn for the worse and now this. How in the heck are you ladies handling all the stress? I hate to sound so negative but I really don't think anyone can really understand this process unless you are going through it. If I hear one more time, it will happen when it is supposed to I might puke.

    Anyway, the real reason for this post was to just get some education in meds you guys were taking. I know I will have to take lupron, bravelle gonal f and maybe menopur.

    Questions questions questions. IVF can be so overwhelming.
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    Well, we went in Monday for our ET... We got there fairly early & so they told us they'd call the lab & see if they could push things up a little. After a few minutes, we were called into the doctor's office. He informed us that the little embryo never progressed past the 10 cell day 3 stage. He suggested that we give it a little more time to see if it would try to grow, so he sent us home and told us he'd call us in the afternoon. If in fact, the embryo showed some effort to try to grow some more, we'd go ahead and consider transferring it late that afternoon.

    About 2:15, we got the call that there was no change in our little embryo. While the option was there to go ahead and transfer the embryo as is, the doctor felt that there was <5% chance that it would result in a pregnancy. He felt it was likely the result of a chromosomal or other defect, so we decided not to proceed with the transfer. While we want a pregnancy so badly, we want it to be healthy and have a great start.

    But we have a new plan - We discussed taking a month off, but I'd rather have something to look forward to rather than continuing to dwell on this loss. While it's not an actual miscarriage, the feeling is similar.

    Our RE is considering 2 different protocols for our next IVF cycle - either a lurpon flare protocol or an estrogen (something) protocol. Hopefully whatever protocol we go with will give us more follicles to work with.

    LesleyAmanda - Sorry for the loss, but I do agree that I have no regrets either. Will you try again? I am seriously thinking of trying acupuncture this time... Heard it can be very beneficial and I figure it certainly can't hurt.

    Melanie - Will be keeping my fingers crossed that things so well Friday! Have you heard how your day 3 embryos are doing??

    Hill - Sorry you are having to consider IVF. It is way more stressful and emotionally taxing than the IUIs ever were. I hope you find a way to make it work though, if that's what you want to do.

    Kimberly & T
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    I am so sorry your embie did not grow any further. It is a loss and while you do need to look forward to something take time with dp and heal. Please let me if you ever need to talk.
    I think the acupuncture helped dp this time round.
    Keep me posted on what you all decide.

    Our cycle is still moving forward, we are looking at Thursday. I'll KUP.

    Hill- I would love to talk some more, I have to go right now but will post to you about dp's protocol when I can.

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    I just wanted to wish everyone luck! Momx2....I am sending you both sticky baby dust for those embies! You both deserve it so much!!!!
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    Prayers and baby dust for you guys... love and luck for the next time.
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    And as to how we handle the stress... you're on the site for that... we can understand what you're going through... because we are too.
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    nice to see you! It's been a while...I can not get over how your girls have grown!

    Thanks for luck you know dp and I will take it...I'll keep ya posted!


    meds from both ivfs were, bcp's, lupron, gonalF multi-dose,luveris and now dp is on prog in oil shots, and baby asp. She will be on the p shots until pg test then for 10 more weeks. Her meds ran us about 2300.00 each try.
    How do we deal with the stress....we take breaks, we eat icecream sometimes...go out to eat after a big let down since our ivf budget does not allow many nights out and we talk alot! We walk and do couples yoga too. Coulpes yoga we added with this cycle. Dp goes to acupuncture...also added this cycle and that has really helped her stress. We each have one friend we confide in and that helps too...hang in there...it can be a long bumpy ride but I hear it is sooooo worth it!

    Good luck!

    Kimi and La,
    Thinking of you all!

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    Melanie: Thanks for your kind words...As you know how hard it is to swallow the BFN, we are having a meeting with our RE to talk about the cycle...I think that will make us both feel a lot better and then what to do next. I am sorry to hear about your's & DP BFN, but hoping this cycle brings you many joys! Keep us posted & good luck tomorrow!!! :) Can't wait to hear your good news!

    Kim: I am so sorry to hear about your embie...I was hoping it was going to be "the one" for you guys. Keep your head high and take the time to process and heal...I know it's hard thing to take in. Keep us posted on the plans for your future. You think you will try IVF again?

    Hill: IVF is an emotional process, but like I have said before...NO REGRETS! All the emotion, breakdowns and so on, the process was worth everything. I was on Lupron, Bravelle & Menupor and the the HCG trigger. After retreival we started progesterone oil shots and suppositories. I recommend keeping your stress as low as possible...I know it's hard going through this, but your body is doing so much during this time. Take time & just breathe! :) Good luck on your journey...Keep us posted!

    Talk to you soon girls! Thinking of you all!

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    Hey girls,
    wanted to let you know DP is home and resting nicely...those happy pills they gave her to relax her and her body have done the trick. Things went much better this time around, even the docs were extra pleased and asked what we did different!
    Two blastos are resting in her as we speak. We will know tomorrow what made it to freeze.
    So...here's hoping! We will know in a little over a week.

    Thanks for the kind wishes from you all. Kimi and Lesleyamanda...it is very sweet that through your recent pain you would still check up on us and send such kind messages. I feel belssed I jumped on this thread a couple of weeks ago and that I have gotten to know you all.
    Thank you...really, thank you! My thoughts are still with you both.
    Amanda...good luck to you and dp when you talk to the doc. That was a hard appt for us...but in reality it helped us develop a new plan and move forward and it got us to the cycle we are in now.
    But it was still hard...we went out to dinner that night and enjoyed a couple of drinks for sure.

    Talk to you all soon!
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    Melanie: Here is to you and the DP that those 2 embies snuggle in for 9 months and you have the joys of a family! I can't wait to hear your updates.

    We are all here for the support of each other, no matter the hurdles we cross to get there...It is worth all of it!

    I will keep you posted on what the RE says in a couple weeks when we have our appointment...Hopefully by that time we will hear you & DP's exciting BFP news!

    Enjoy! Talk to you all soon!

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    Melanie~ Sooo glad that things went well!!! I hope at least one of those embies are snuggling in nice an tight! What are your thoughts on twins? At first my DP was freaked at the thought, but now we are super excited at the possibility and hope that we are lucky enough to have that happen (when the time comes). I hope several make it to the freezer!

    Amanda~ Yes, we will try another IVF cycle. Are currently waiting on AF, then will call the RE to see what the next plan is. Last time we spoke he was going to do a little more research to decide what protocol he wanted to put us on next to hopefully give us the best response. Luckily, despite the disappointments and heartbreaks, we can still be energized about the next cycle, right?? I'm calling this past cycle our "dry-run"!

    Best wishes to all!
    Kimberly & T
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    Thanks girls!:)
    We are very excited too and very hopeful yet still aware that it is not 100%.Dp will be on bedrest today again and has acupuncture in the morning. Those embies should be implanting any day now!
    We are waiting to hear how many are getting frozen. That is extra thrilling for us because the hope is this one takes and I will get to try with the frozen embies. The outcome this time has been way better than we ever expected.


    WE WOULD LOVE TWINS! We have been at this for three years and if our plan had worked from the get go we would be having baby #2 right now...so we are not afraid at all. We have a wonderful support system too full of family and friends and good friends who just had twin girls that could guide us. One perfect baby will be an answer to our prayers and fulfill our dreams though! So our motto is one or more ...! The doc said yesterday our chance of twins is 30-40% with this day 5 transfer. OMG! That is almost the chance we had last time of a singleton...amazing how different this cycle is. That is why I am so glad you and LA are willing to try again, each cycle is so different....

    Amanda....glad you have your follow appt. We kept a notepad in the kitchen during the wait for that one to jot down any questions that came up as we processed. It was helpful, we did not feel so lost when we went in. Ofcourse the big ? of why was never really answered just lots of speculation and what to try differently. KUP.

    Sending good thoughts!
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    Kimi723- Sorry to hear about your news. I know it can be hard buy I am happy to see you are going to try again. (I will pry harder next time and I do think acupuncture helps a lot)

    momx2-Congratulations... hoping for implantation and a easy going nine months :)

    Evaline & Amy
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    Thanks Livyn4fun!DITTO that!

    We found out today we had three frozen, we are thrilled that there will be another chance w/o all the stims and all and pray that they can be used for baby#2.
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    Melanie: Just popping in to see how you and DP are holding up! When is the 2WW over?

    Kim: So glad to hear you will be trying again!

    Talk to you all soon!

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    We will know in 6 more days! Dp had e2 and prog check today. It is a good thing we will have work to get our mind off things. The next 6 days will be hard to get through, as you know. I feel blessed that we have that much more time to hope and dream of these little ones before we know.

    How are you all doing? Still taking it easy I hope.

    Thinking of you all..
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    Hey Girls! I just wanted to pop on and let you know that I have been keeping you in my thoughts!

    Good Luck Melanie!!! Are you guys going to do HPT's?

    Talk to you all soon!

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    Hi Evaline, Melanie, & Amanda~

    Hoping everything is going well with all!

    Melanie~ How are you girls holding up??? Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Amanda~ Will you be trying another IVF cycle? Or are you waiting on your appointment with your RE to make that decision??

    As for me, AF came this weekend, so I started back my birth control pills on Monday. The plan is to do a lupron flare protocol for this next cycle. Will begin the lupron on 5/13, then the stims on 5/15. I like that I won't be quite so suppressed this cycle, hopefully that will give me better results. My 1st acupuncture appointment is next week!

    Best wishes to all!
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    Hey girls!

    No we are not doing hpts, so the countdown to sat morning is getting CLOSER! We are going nuts but trying to stay busy!

    Kimberly, your timing of starting acu sounds perfect with your new cycle you are starting...keep us posted on how that is going. You are already so close to your next cycle...I am sending good thoughts you way!

    Sending good thoughts to you both, will post this weekend if we have good news.

    Thanks for keeping your fx for us.

    Have a great weekend!

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    Girls ...did you see my other post?!
    We did it, got our BFP this morning. Beta was 100 and POAS today was +.....Thank you for all the good wishes and babydust. I really hope to stay in touch with you both.

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    Melanie: That is awesome & GREAT news! Congrats to you and DP! I am sure you are over the moon with excitement...I was waiting to hear your good news! Beta number looks good...Could be twins :) Keep in touch! Don't be a stranger!

    Kim: Yes we are going to try IVF again, we have our consult this week with the doctor to discuss the cycle! I am interested in what he has to say. We are going to try accupuncture this time as well...It helps from what they say so we will see.

    Talk to you girls soon!

    Again...CONGRATS Melanie!

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    Thanks Amanda! We are over the moon, still in shock really...but overjoyed for sure.

    YES...do try acupuncture...we feel certain it made a difference for dp and her stress level this time around.There is no doubt that is part of how we got where we are today!

    Good luck with your appt. this week, KUP!

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    Hey Melanie: I saw the news that your beta went up to 246...That is awesome news! I am thinking there are twins/triplets in there!!! :) When do you have the ultrasound? I am sure you and DP are so estatic! Sending well wishes for a happy & healthy 9 months! :)

    We have our cycle consult tomorrow and I have a list of questions...like 15! I am ready to see what the RE has to say about what do we do now. I will let you know more tomorrow when we find out. Thank you for your kind thoughts...We know how bumpy this road can be and the support of the people that come into our paths for a reason means a lot...So Thank You again!!! :)

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    Hey Ladies...

    We had our consult with the doctor yesterday...We feel better about things and got some answers...Makes a BFN a lot easier to swallow. We will be trying again in July and we are so excited!

    How are you girls?

    Talk to you soon!

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    I am so glad things went well yesterday! I am also so glad that you are trying again this summer!
    That is wonderful, gives you plenty of time to relax and enjoy summer activities and then hunker down in the cool AC for the tww.

    We are good, hpts still+ ( we plan to don one or two a week until u/s)and last BETA is tomorrow, u/s is the 22nd! Three weeks!!! The reality is still setting in....I think the u/s will and when we tell our family next week that it will start to really sink in that we will be mommies. We are still in awe.
    If tomorrows beta is good we are allowing ourselves to buy "the book", What to expect...

    Kimi, livyn....how are you all?
    Kimi, have you met with the doc anymore?

    Have a great weekend ladies!
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    I am super excited for you!!! As someone that has been at this for awhile, it is sometimes hard to hear about others getting pregnant - especially on their 1st time or two. Makes me a little bitter (although I really struggle not to be). However, after all that you have been through, it is really nice to hear that you have finally reached your goal ! I am sure that everything you have been through is immediately worth it! I hope to follow in your footsteps soon!!

    Glad to hear you have a new plan! July is a long way away, but will still be here before you know it! What protocol are you going with this time?

    I had my 1st acupuncture session yesterday. I enjoyed it (once I was able to calm down and relax) and even fell asleep! Here's to continued IVF successes!!

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    Thanks Kim, That was very sweet of you to say. and .....YES!!! IT was all IMMEDIATELY WORTH IT! I hope you are able to know that yourself VERY soon!
    I am glad you enjoyed your first acu session, dp fell asleep in her first few visits too. The first time I went with her and sat in the room with her I did too! It was raining , and the soft music and all, I guess is what sucked me in! :)She was always so relaxed after them.
    How often are you going? Dp went weekly. Then around the transfer twice that week.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing.
    Have a great weekend!
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