Posts: 31
Hello all, I figured I would start a new thread for any ladies who are just entering their two week wait. My wife and I have had a very lengthy journey as most here have. But this round will most likely be our final attempt and the TWW in the past has been nearly unbearable, so I thought it would be nice to speak with ladies who are going through the same thing around the same time frame for support. I had my Hcg trigger shot on Monday 7/10 and first insemination this morning 7/12 at approximately 0745 hours. We will be doing another IUI tomorrow 7/13 as well and so begins the dreaded two very long week wait. Anyone else in the same boat timeline wise?
Also, since we used Gonal and hcg we are also using the progesterone which makes it even more difficult since the last time I was prescribed the progesterone after the side effects completely mimicked the symptoms of early pregnancy.
To all in this of luck and lots of baby dust!!!
Also, since we used Gonal and hcg we are also using the progesterone which makes it even more difficult since the last time I was prescribed the progesterone after the side effects completely mimicked the symptoms of early pregnancy.
To all in this of luck and lots of baby dust!!!
I too am in the TWW. I had my IUI 7/7. Its slow going so far for me, nothing interesting to report yet. :)
good luck tomorrow as well. fingers crossed for you guys
I also had my 5th IUI on 07JUL17. This time we did not use the trigger shot as I was ovulating on my own when I went to the doctors office Thursday 06JUL17. We were initially going to try to do a natural cycle, but when I went in for my first ultrasound during this cycle to check on follie size, it showed nothing. So my doctor then prescribed me Gonal F, 87.5, for 8 days. When I went in that's when the ultrasound showed both one follicle and beginning stages of ovulation. My doctor than sent me to lab to have bloodwork done to confirm ovulation. I got a call Thursday night that said IUI would be Friday and no trigger shot needed.
I am also on progesterone right now. I am 5dpiui and only thing to really report on is sore breasts.
Good luck to you ladies! Sending a ton of baby dust and good vibes yalls way!
The TWW is a killer for sure! We can make it though!! Stay strong! When do yall plan on testing?
This was my first attempt, first IUI. I wish I knew what the numbers were but I forgot to ask and it was over so quick that by the time I realized that they didn't tell me, I was already half way home. I kinda remember that during my ultrasound two days earlier I had two follicles and they were both around the same size, I think around 20ish.
I am not sure when I am going to test. what about you? I guess I will do one the day before I go in for my bloodwork, maybe???
Good luck in getting through this and next week. :)
Best of luck, you ladies are on the same day! That's exciting!!!
At my final ultrasound we did right before the trigger shot, I had three follicles on my right side ... one fire site at 20, and the two other possibles at 17, and 16mm in diameter... my dr, pegged my estradiol levels perfectly and said he would "guess" educatedly that I had two follicles actually ovulate and produce eggs based off my bloodwork, tomorrow at some point I will get more bloodwork to confirm the levels again and show I for sure ovulated!
This will be our first time having more than one follicle- so it's exciting ... our donor numbers were 44million and 59% motility... they were ok... had better/ but we just need ONE out of all of those to actually make it to the finish line right?!?!
Firefly, I was the same way- never paid attention the first cycle but now - this is old hat (wish that weren't true!)
You ladies are almost halfway done with the wait!
lfippin - Three follicles?! That is great!! I've never seen three follicles! Last cycle, my 4th IUI, was the first time I had two HUGE follicles on my right side and was so excited and amazed! Lol. What great news from your doctor! Sending you tons of baby dust and positive vibes as well!
As for me, since I was already ovulating, it was hard to get an actual size on the one follicle that showed on ultrasound. It was pretty big though. When we went in for our IUI, we were told that there was 17mil swimmers that were strong and swimming in the right direction! The breakdown was 64mil concentrated with 52% motile. Out of that 52%, 47% were quick and 5% were sluggish. Making overall 17mil swimmers! The most we have ever had, between two donors we have used, was 18mil swimmers, which was our 4th IUI.
Almost half way through this TWW!! I go for acupuncture this weekend. I hope you ladies continue to sanely make it through the TWW. Keep updating! Love to hear how things are going!
Not much to report other then I have no symptoms AT ALL. I feel completely normal like its any other week. Which kinda makes me nervous, but I know that sometimes thats just how it is and am trying to not think too much into it.
I am kinda looking at my first attempt as getting it out of the way so my "real" attempt is one month closer. But obviously it would still be nice if this turned out to be the "real" one. :)
Anyways I'm off for a swim... Hope you ladies are doing well.
West- how are you feeling?
One full week done for you ladies as of today! :)
I am feeling pretty good today. Still sore breasts, also feeling very tired throughout the day, sneezing a lot, and some minor cramps in my lower abdomen. Oh yeah, very emotional as well. I wanna cry about EVERYTHING! hahaha. I'm excited about my acupuncture appt tomorrow!
Firefly419 - Don't lose hope. I have heard from a lot of women that they had absolutely no symptoms when they got their BFP. Then I have heard that some women have every symptom possible. As we always say, it's not over until it's over. Meaning when AF comes. We are officially half way through or TWW!!! That's exciting! I will actually be testing on 10dpiui, which is Monday. Still sending you lots of baby dust!! Keep your head up!
lfippin - How are you feeling?! I know it's still early for you, but I also know how progesterone is. Lol. How did your second IUI go yesterday? Is this the first time you did two IUIs? Sending you a lot of baby dust!!
schuyler - Welcome to the TWW! Congrats to you and your wife on y'alls first ever IUI! How exciting! It's nice that you did a cycle unmedicated, so you will not be having side effects that medication gives you. Side effects that make you believe you are pregnant, but it's really just the medication. Fun stuff... Sending a ton of baby dust and positive vibes y'alls way! Keep us updated on how things are during the next two wonderful weeks! Best thing you can do is keep yourself busy!
I did well on Thursday but all day after I was in so much pain, I almost left work... today is really the first day I m not so bloated and cramping... I am super tired and sneezing a lot as well... I feel like the start of a cold is coming runny nose kinda stuff... other than that I'm good... (maybe t.m.i) but my nipples were super sensative yesterday which I'm taking as a good sign since I just started the progesterone last night!
So I'm prepping myself for the progesterone side effects now.. trying to stay busy and keep my head busy ... oh yeah- and I had a very vivid dream last night that my wife and I told my mother I was pregnant.... and it did not go well! Haha
Keeping my fingers crossed already for your test Monday!!!!
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Sch- congrats on your first IUI. I just had my first recently as well. I'm currently just over halfway through the TWW :)
West- I'm so excited to hear how your test goes tomorrow!!!!!
Ifi- I hope the pain went down more over the weekend. How is the progesterone going?
Hope this week is a positive one for everyone :)
I know it's waaaay too early for any symptoms, but I've been super bloaty/gassy (sorry tmi!) in the evenings. I think this maaaay be due to the pineapple I've been consuming each day like the good little girl I am (trying all the tricks with this one). It's the only thing I'm doing differently. My body has never been a big fruit fan, so I'm going to try eating my slice throughout today rather than ll at once at lunchtime.
How are you ladies doing??
Also, Firefly, my sister in law has had two children and she felt next to nothing with both until the last month, so don't panic about not feeling anything! Also sounds like you're super early, too, to be feeling anything anyway :)
West-Best of luck today on your test wishing you sooooooooo much baby dust!!!! And hoping for that positive to be so strong there's not doubt even at 10dpiui!
Firefly- How are you feeling? Even if you have absolutely no symptoms or anything that may be a good thing. Sometimes implantation happens at night too - so you'd be sleeping and not even know it happened! Maybe that's a sign you'll have a super smooth pregnancy!
As for me...I have had some pretty vivid dreams the past couple of nights. I am experiencing extreme temperature changes; one minute I am super hot then I am extremely cold. I had a strange ache in my right mid-foot all day yesterday. My chest is still extremely swollen and sensitive to touch.I am still sluggish and tired which is abnormal for me. My gums seam swollen as well, and bleed more than usual when I floss. I woke up this morning extremely nauseous. All of which are side effects of the progesterone which of coarse is a little crazy-making. Tomorrow I may try to motivate and take the dog for a walk at a state park down's hoping!
Once again, thank you ladies for joining this and sharing your experiences with me and all of us... it's a bigger help than I anticipated!
NCMoms - Fingers crossed for you and your wife! Sounds like everything lined up perfectly. Can't wait to hear your updates!
5dpiui today. Time is craaaaawling!
Hope you all had a good start to the week.
No real news from me.... Still no symptoms to report.
I am on day.... I don't even know.... ummm 11 I think. I get my bloodwork on Friday.
Good Luck everyone :)
NCMoms- welcome to the lovely TWW. Hopefully second time is the charm for you two.
Schuyler- yeah I wish I could count all of these symptoms as for sure BFP coming - but unfortunately they're also all side-effects of the progesterone :( So it's so difficult to tell...I hope it's not all in vain again! Starting to kind of lose faith because I had more side-effects last time with the progesterone - so I don't know exactly what is happening inside of my own body - and I think that's the most frustrating part of this whole process because I tend to almost kinda pride myself on being someone who is very in tune with my own body ... and I am alllllll thrown off and spun around... so it's hard. (as you all know)
Yeah - I agree - time is crawling so very slowly - but I'm 5-6 who knows...
I'm not sure if we will be doing any HPT this cycle...I'm not sure if i'm really ready for that emotional roller coaster of "is it positive? no??? ok, I'm heart broken and then convince myself it's too soon to test....or if it's positive I convince myself it's reading the Hcg trigger shot and is a chemical pregnancy!"
However, has anyone used and found a HPT (home pregnancy test) that they've liked and found accurate results from? because now that we/I am typing all of this I want to just try soon!
Firefly...Friday is just around the corner for you!!!
This TWW really messes with your head, huh??
Obviously I've had no experience with HPTs but I've heard pink dye tests and non-digitals are best for early detection. Cheapies like Wondfo or Easy@Home are good and so is the FRER.
NCMoms - Totally understand! That's what boards like this and the internet in general are for!!
So AF arrived yesterday for me which means July was not my month. But I am super exited to try again and hopefully August will be my month :) I was supposed to go in for my blood work tomorrow so I will call and see what my next steps are to get going again.
Schuyler - yay no more pineapple!! Hopefully your tummy can settle some.
NC- in a few days you will be halfway.... whoohoo!
Ifippin - You must be half way done by now right?
Good luck ladies :)
I'm 7dpo and feeling great today. A little crampy this morning, but super mild. All day/night heartburn yesterday, but I think that was leftover reaction from the stupid effing pineapple. Other than that, no symptoms at all!
Sorry I've been a little MIA. This week I have taken charge of a different clinic and it's been a little hectic moving offices, getting to know the staff, and ultimately laying out how things are gonna be. But anyways, I did test on Monday and got a BFN. I will be testing again tomorrow morning. No AF yet, but I'm not sure if that's because of the progesterone that I am on. Has anyone had a late period due to progesterone? My boobs are still very very sore and enlarged. Other than that, mild cramping here and there.
How are you ladies doing?
Firefly419 - I'm so sorry to hear about AF showing. They say it takes 3-4 IUIs to have a successful one. I am on IUI 5, so who knows. Timing is just really crucial. That's the hard part.
WestFamBam - My partner's AF was late after the first IUI. We believe because of the progesterone. The Dr seems to think everything worked last time except for the implementation sticking. If no AF tomorrow, I would test again.
schuyler- Glad to hear you're feeling better after the pineapple.
This time has been different. My partner hasn't really had any major cramping or sore breaats or anything so far. Only 9 more days!! Ugh!
NCMoms - Hopefully no symptoms are a good sign! Glad neither of you are stressing. At least it's summer :)
According to my charting, my temp dipped today. This is really typical for me 8dpo. Pretty sure it's a sign that AF is on her way in a couple of days. Will have to be more aggressive with my midwife in pursuing progesterone testing next cycle. My LP is just too darn short.
I went to my apt today and they did an ultrasound and found 2 cysts (probably from the clomid) so I am going to wait until August to attempt my second try.
How is everyone doing??? Sending happy thoughts to those of you closing in on your end of TWW!