Donor 17541 of 2 units, Anyone need?
I have high success rate with this donor in embryo. I am 41 yr 10 month at the time of doing fertilization. Got 6 embryo and 4 passes genetic test (PTG-A) for the first time of IVF.
I have 2 vials of IUI Premium available.
Looking for off load of 80% of the price I paid. You pay for transfer shipping.
I have succussed on my IVF journey. Don't need the extra 2 vials of this Donor. Want to send to someone really need this. It's the final inventory for this donor!
Please contact 858 354 6782 directly.
Willing to share it with 30% of cost I paid.
They are well kept in the lab of a fertility clinic. As this donor I like a lot, don't want to just dispose the tube. I got success just through one IVF. Got the extra want to share with people who really need it. Let me know. Please text 858 354 6782 directly. (no calls, thx).