Donor 15551

How many reported pregnancies for donor 15551? How many reported births?


  • @UTMOMS We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies and births. Donor 15551 has more than 5 reported pregnancies and currently less than 5 births.


    California Cryobank

  • @UTMOMS did you end up going with donor 15551? I'm almost certain that's the donor I am going with :)

  • I went with donor 15551 and you are the only people I have found talking about him! I am currently 32 weeks with a baby girl.

  • We did not end up going with donor 15551. Congratulations Dogmama! That's very exciting!

  • @Dogmomma that is so so exciting!! Wishing you all the best luck in your last few weeks! We are going to do our first round of IUI with 15551 next month! So fun to find someone else who choose the same donor :)

  • Hello! We are planning to go with 15551 as well

  • Oh Wow @Wishful11 ! So exciting!! I can't wait for our first try in a couple of weeks! So fun to find other people using the same donor. Makes this all a little more exciting! Do you have any sense what your time frame is?? Apologize in advance if that's too personal of a question!

  • We went with donor 15551 and have a wonderful, almost 4 month old baby boy!

  • @Nallek so exciting!! I’m 17 weeks with donor 15551. We’re going to be surprised about the sex. So fun to hear about your little boy!!

  • LoveBeingMomLoveBeingMom Posts: 3
    edited July 21, 2022 2:42AM

    @Nallek I have a baby girl born May 2021 with donor 15551! I am part of a FB group chat with 3 other moms and there is a fourth in the UK! Feel free to reach out if you would like :) I’m in Connecticut.

  • LoveBeingMomLoveBeingMom Posts: 3
    edited July 21, 2022 2:42AM

    @Wishful11 Hi!! Did you end up choosing donor 15551? If so, I have a baby girl born May 2021 with donor 15551! I am part of a FB group chat with 3 other moms and there is a fourth in the UK! Feel free to reach out if you would like :) I’m in Connecticut.

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