Posts: 76
Please tell me how many reported pregnancies and live births this donor has. I've seen some conflicting reports on these boards and would just like the facts please. Thanks
We have more than 5 reported pregnancies and less than 5 reported births for Donor 11325.
Yes, he has more than 1 reported birth. He has a significant number of reported pregnancies and only one reported loss.
For the record... Assuming a 23-25 year old, healthy male as the contributor to a pregnancy (our average donor), the vast majority of miscarriages are tied to maternal issues (age, egg quality, etc.) and or spontanious anomalies not directly related to either the egg or the sperm. Basically, looking at a donor's losses gives you no real indication of future potential for miscarriage relative to any other donor -- especially when you don't know the age, etc. of the other recipients reporting the losses.
I don't know if that helps you, but hopefully it puts you at ease with continuing with 11325.
Best of luck,
I also noticed on this donor's profile that he was born in 1971 so that makes him almost 40 years old not 23-25.
Congratualtions! Thank you for sharing the great news. I'm sure it is an inspiration to many of our readers. Please be sure to officially report your pregnancy and birth to us (if you haven't already).
Best wishes,