
Women in mid-40's

I am in my 2WW. I was inseminated on 4/22 and my HCG shot was 4/20. I used donor 03698. I am 43 years-old and the doctors have not been very positive. I only had 2 follicles one was 17 and the other was 21. Are there any other women out there who are in the 40's that have had success? I have always wanted a child since I was a kid. This would be my first and I pray everyday hoping for a small miracle to come true. I have been bloated since day 2 and it has yet to subside. I do get small cramps in my lower back area and have had some twinges in my utereus area. I have been feeling pretty hopeful, but I haven't been getting a lot of positive feedback from my doctor, so it is concerning. I am just told there is a small chance. I am just hopeful that there is someone out there who decided on a baby later in life who can give me some feedback.


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    I am 45 and about to get started. I thought I should go straight to IVF but my RE says not so fast and wants to try IUI first... my day 3 FSH was 12.8 when I went for the blood wk on the 30th... hoping that's not so bad for my age although I know it's not the best.

    I wish you much success... there are several 40'ers, our age and older, who I hope will respond, who have given me hope that I can have my own children also...
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    Why did you RE tell you not so fast on doing IVF? Mine, gave me the options and agreed with me on straight to IVF because at our age, time is of the essence....I'm 41 and starting IVF injections this week!! Yikes, excited, but scared of the meds...
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    Thanks for letting me know that there are others out there my age. I wanted to do IVF but we don't have the 25,000 dollars plus that Kaiser said it would cost me to do it. I was told that was my best case chance. Do either of you know of any programs out there that can help with the cost? I am still hoping that this works. Best of luck to you both!
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    It seems that I am ovulating since I have regular periods plus I kept my use of BCP to a minimum (it's been over twenty years since I last took them) and they want to try a less invasive tack before IVF. I don't intend to try more than IUI's before moving to IVF... I guess they're trying to do the less expensive and invasive methods first.
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    I only intend to try IUI twice before moving on...
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    What state do u live in? I know my RE has grants that helps people afford it. My friend got approved for one of them and they paid $5k instead of the full amount. On the web, look up East Coast Fertility--maybe you can contact them about such grants if u don't live in the NY area...just an idea...


    Smart move re: trying only twice that way...I decided to go for the "gusto" you might say, cuz all the meds just make me nervous--hormonally speaking (guess I am a big chicken at heart! Admire the determination of all of u who keep at it!)
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    I live in California. Thank you for the information. Well, this morning it looks like I have started my period, so at this point the IUI didn't work. I am completely devasted. Continued luck to you and ualtigger.
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    I am so sorry ryoung!! My thoughts are with you...
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    sorry that AF showed up... but like my little
    inner voice keeps telling me... as long as AF is still coming around, there's still a chance!! Dang, it's so hard when that happens to try again... just remember that anything worth having is seldom easy.

    I ordered my "man" :-) today... he should be here on Thurs. I start OPK'ing tommorrow... hope to have my IUI next week... or sooner. I have to call as soon as my surge is detected to schedule the AI.
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    I am so confused today. It's been very emotional and now I am asked if I want to start the procedure all over again this month. However, I was told by the doctor the last time I saw him to take a month off, since the medication at times can cause cyst on the ovaries. Today, I am getting told another story. I am thinking of waiting this month out and try next month. This really does take a toll on you. I had no idea. I am so scared to make a bad decision at this point. Thanks to both of you for the kind words. :) Good luck ualtigger!! I will be saying a prayer for you both.
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    I'd listen to the doctor... plus if you're stressing there's a chance that you don't ovulate.
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    Well I can't even get out of the gate!

    I was suppose to start my first time around stim meds, since I got AF today, got an ultrasound and blood done only to find out this month I have 2 cysts on one ovary and 4 small one's on the other....!! I have to go back on Thurs and do a repeat for them to decide if I am goin to be totally cancelled for this month....

    Ahh, to be over 40 and starting this...
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    My RE told me that if I don't ovulate tomorrow to call them so they can do a ultrasound on Friday... if my ovulation pattern is correct, I would ovulate this weekend and Monday would be too late for this month... here's to hoping my follicles look okay. He will give me a trigger shot so I can go in for IUI on Monday if things seem okay.
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    Well... I didn't ovulate today so I'm going in for the ultrasound. My RE has Ovidrel on order at the pharmacy just in case... hopefully my follies are large enough that we can just do the IUI tomorrow. Here we go & hoping I only have to do this once!!
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    Found that I have two follicles... one on each side... both of them @ 11 so far. My RE doesn't think I will ovulate this weekend (I hope not) so I have to wait for the surge which we are hoping won't be for about three more days to give them a chance to grow more. They want to see at least 17 but I've heard that 12 is viable... what have you ladies heard?
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    I'm not sure about the follicle sizes, but I wanted to ask...is your RE not in the office on weekends? By your posts, it appears that they won't be back in the office until Monday. I'm just concerned because I know that we done our IUI on a Saturday and it doesn't sound like that's an option for you.
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    No, they're not for first timers... only if you have already gotten PG & need to be monitored are Saturday & Sunday possible. I'm currently unmedicated which is probably why Sat & Sun isn't a option for me right now... if you're on meds already there are more options.
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    We weren't medicated either and needed IUI on Saturday. So, if you're nmedicated and need IUI on the weekend, what do they do? Are you just out of luck that month?
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    I guess so. I'm guessing that's why they had me come in for the ultrasound yesterday and had the Ovidrel standing by in case they needed to trigger me. From what I understand, Ovidrel causes you to ovulate about 36 hours after you get the shot... which would have gotten me almost
    through the weekend. They would have had me take the shot Saturday night/early Sunday morning.
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    But I would guess that if I had triggered Friday, they had a plan in place to IUI me on Sunday... why else would I get the shot??
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    Did the OPT... no smiley face... that's a good thing!!
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    Got the smiley face today... tested twice two hours apart... I almost made it through the weekend!! Can see my doctor tomorrow!! Was worried about getting it yesterday but I can relax now.
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    Did the IUI today... had my nurse, Debbie, do it. She was so gentle, even when she put in the speculum (which usually makes me squirm since my cervix is small) that I hardly felt anything until the swimmers went in... then I felt a pressure but nothing uncomfortable... I was actually asleep up to then!! :-)
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    hi there!

    I'm another mid-40's (45) - I went straight IVF b/c I was told my chances were so minimal. I got preg the first time, twin girls. It can happen at our age - it really can! Keep positive and never give up hope. You might want to explore IVF sooner rather than later b/c age is an issue for us! Best of luck!!!
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    hi there!

    I'm another mid-40's (45) - I went straight IVF b/c I was told my chances were so minimal. I got preg the first time, twin girls. It can happen at our age - it really can! Keep positive and never give up hope. You might want to explore IVF sooner rather than later b/c age is an issue for us! Best of luck!!!
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    I'm the same as you are...45. I went in talking straight to IVF but my RE took a look a my tests and said, whoa not so fast... so I did a IUI.

    My nurse, Debbie, was so surprised when I went in that I got the positive LH on Sunday afternoon and on Monday, my cervix was wide open with TONS of mucus... seems that when I get my +, I'd better be AI within 24 hours of it. My cycles are short... 26 days from start to restarting again.
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    Llori...CONGRATULATIONS on your BFP with TWINS! Yeah! How far along are you?
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    Hi All,

    I am starting w/meds and IUI first due to insurance coverage constraints. IVF not covered and out of our price range otherwise. RE was not thrilled about egg quality of fortysomethings as a concept but tests came back good for me so its IUI for three cycles to start. @ 42 the good news is I've had children when I was younger but can I pull it off one more time? We'll see...stay tuned.

    Good Luck Everyone
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    How're my fellow (?!) SISTER 40 somethings doing? I'm finally clear to start on my second IUI... hoping to get my BFP next month!!
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    I have my 2nd opinion RE appointment on the 18th and am looking forward to it.

    Best of luck to you all and will look forward to hearing about you all.

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