I'm a 40 African American and married. I'm attempting IUI since my husband's sperm is not viable or detectable. Haven't tried yet but praying it will work and praying baby will be carried to full time and healthy. I'm also praying that it will work on the first try because I do NOT have alot of money and my insurance does not cover due to my age. I'm doing this on faith alone because I have bills to pay and really can not afford to do this. Eggs are good so insurance decision is unfair. I know I need alot but I'm trusting God for a miracle! Word of advice.....don't wait so long like I did if you want your insurance to cover. Most states cut off fertility treatment coverage at age 40!
Sorry. Didn't know how to post directly to dernst. That's encouraging to know that eggs can still be viable and usable at that age. I'm 40 and SO SCARED I'm too old. Thanks for the bit of hope. I can't afford IVF but hopefully IUI will suffice. I have no insurance coverage to cover since the state of Connecticut thinks at 40 a woman is too old and won't pay for any treatment past age 39.
I am 26 and will hopefully start my first IUI around March with donor 11687. I was 20 years old when I had my first child from a previous marriage - and now I will be undergoing an IUI as a single mother.
I am 25 now, I was 23 when I started my IUI's. I am now pregnant with my first child. 7th IUI(Follistim Injections) was on my birthday and it was a winner!
Habs I am over 40 also and need AA sperm which is hard enough with the limited numbers of ethnic donors.. I will pray for you as we both continue on this journey to parenthood..
I will be 42 next month. I had a clear HSG, normal FSH level, low AMH, polyp found on saline-assisted vaginal ultrasound :-( This will delay my trying IUI in March probably. Anyone out there with successful IUI in their 40s?
that awesome dernst. I am 47 and trying with my own eggs and doctor wants me to do IVF although saying 10% success rate. This is my dream - that is so wonderful. What donor did you choose? This is so hard and how much does it cost for 2 vials for IVF cycles. Thanks so much
I am 38. I started this process at 37. Man, time flies! I'll be going in for my 5th IUI either in January for February. I'll be using injectables for the first time.
I'm 22.
Babydust to all!!! <;-)
Had my 1st IUI this month.
I am 26 and will hopefully start my first IUI around March with donor 11687. I was 20 years old when I had my first child from a previous marriage - and now I will be undergoing an IUI as a single mother.
Good luck to you all!
I am over 40 also and need AA sperm which is hard enough with the limited numbers of ethnic donors.. I will pray for you as we both continue on this journey to parenthood..
Happy Holidays and a fertile New Year.