Donor 13353?



  • Sweettheartt / Augustskys,

    Just chucking to see how you ladies are doing.... things are good here. I am going on saturday morning for my third IUI with our donor. Augustskys, how are you doing? haven't heard from you since the last cycle..... Sweett, whats new on your front?
  • Hi Girls,
    I am in good spirits in general but frustrated with this whole fertility thing. Cause now I've experienced twice all the effort to get pregnant and lost the baby twice. Still waiting on the reason why. I purchased a new donor but I want to try again but I'm just not feeling rushed to do so. I feel like I've been thru a lot. But I will.
  • Good luck Amanda.
  • Hi girls, not sure if you were able to read my updated message above. Had some trouble with "reply" button.

    GL tomorrow Amanduh. No BFP and no procedure this month due to cyst. From Clomid. Changing my donor and had an HSG done today, tubes are fine no blockage so I'm confused as to why I'm not getting pregnant. Anyway I'm trying again on my next cycle with injectibles and hope for the one!

    Good luck ladies! :)
  • August give it time. It took 5 times to hit for me. I prefer injectables.
  • Hi, just wanted to update y'all.... It has been 13 days and my wife and I decided today was the day to test. I still feel scared and guarded to be excited but it came out positive with a pretty dark line. I instantly had an this excited feeling and then a really anxious feeling about the chance of any problems. I hope and pray this is it!
  • Amanduh, any word? I had my first IUI tody with this donor, I had one preciously with 13729, no luck.

    Just wanted to let you all know, so sorry Sweetheartt for your two miscarriages, I have been reading the thread. :( Perseverance is key in this process and everything will work out for the best.

    Out of curiosity, has anyone had a live birth by 13353? There is 1 woman on the Facebook Group CCB friends ( who has conceived by him and has posted some photos of the baby, if you want to join. It is nice to see the faces behind the names and who is using which donor.

    Babydust to all, Falco
  • Falco, gave blood for my first beta yesterday (17 dpiui) and got the results today. I am pregnant (officially!) and the beta was 1,164. My Doctor said they look for anything over 30. So I think that is pretty good!
  • Amanda so happy for you!!!! On a different note I rec'd the results (finally) of the fetal testing for my miscarriage. It was a normal female. Why I miscarried is not known right now. I guess they will do further tests but it wasn't a problem with the baby genetically.
  • Hi ladies, so happy for you Amanduh! Just wanted to update you guys. RE started me on injectibles for the first time on Wednesday, I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if I'm reacting to injectibles. I'm hoping this is the month! Fingers crossed. Baby dust to you all! :)
  • I'm having issues with replying again, i apologize if I reply twice.

    Congratulations Amanduh! So happy for you. Just wanted to update y'all... My RE started me on injectibles on Wednesday for the first time. I have an U/S tomorrow to see how I'm reacting to Follistim. Baby dust to you all! :)
  • We have 4 vials from Donor #13353 and now his sperm is all sold out. We're looking to either buy more from someone who has extra, or sell ours to someone who is looking.

    Please contact us at

  • Just to update you ladies, I'm pregnant yet again but by a new donor. Hoping this one sticks.
  • Hello friends,

    Does anyone have any vials from donor 13353 that they are looking to sell?

    Many thanks, and good luck to all!
  • Sweettheart , congratulatios!!! Baby dust on you
  • We just did IVF with 13353. 5 day Embryo transfer on Sunday. We are hopeful and excited. Will keep everyone posted.
  • Hi All, Congrats to everyone on their successes and the strength within! We are users of 13729 and will need additional vials for IUI. Looking to see if anyones family is complete that may allow us to purchase extra vials for this donor they may have. Fingers crossed!! Lots of luck to everyone.

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