Donor 13353?

Anyone have success stories with 13353? First IUI tomorrow….


  • Yes, just search the boards on this donor number. You will see plenty. One woman gave birth to his son Friday. I got pregnant in my first IUI with him but miscarried at 11 weeks. I am trying again and in my 2ww. There was another woman who posted she was pregnant. If she is still carrying she is about 18 weeks. Welcome to the club, we are happy to have you.
  • Hi Amanduh , I did get pregnant again, please keep us posted. Crossing my fingers.
  • Sweettheartt, that is AWESOME! Sooo happy for you! I am 8dpiui so waiting. Did you any symptoms? When did you get your first BFP?
  • First BFP was two days before period was due so I got on 3/19. Symptoms were similar to last time. Lots of cramping, upset stomach, both a week before. A little nausea on the day I found out. New symptom lots of extra saliva.
  • Hey Sweetyheartt, AF visited me today. We plan to tray again in a couple of weeks. Hope you're doing great!
  • I'm sorry to hear that but I'm confident it will happen for you with this donor. If you can start using acupuncture it made all the difference for me especially the day before and the day after insemination. I
  • Congratulations Sweettheartt! I'm sorry Amanduh, I'm also in my 2 tww... and from the looks of it, I feel like I'm going to get AF very soon, 2 days to go. This would be my second IUI (no meds) with donor 13353. I'm curious to know when you girl's RE does your IUI? Mine are done at 24 hours. Hope all great! :)
  • Hi Augustskys, I am on round 2 with 13353. I had my first baseline ultrasound yesterday and another on Tuesday followed my insemination Thursday or Friday. My RE does a trigger and single IUI 36 hours later. For both cycles I have also taken 100mg Clomid. Best of luck to you also!
  • Injectables then trigger shot night before. Twelve hours later inseminate, 24 hrs after that inseminate again.
  • Thanks ladies! Unfortunately, af showed up this morning. Will probably shoot with meds in couple weeks... 3rd times a charm! Hope all is well!
  • Ok, good luck and keep trying. The persistent woman becomes the mother. This preg is my 6th try.
  • Thank you! My doctor is starting me on Clomid tomorrow and will be having acupuncture sessions as well. Which i actually should have started a few months back. I really want to stick with donor 13353, but doc wants me to switch especially after 3 months and not successful. How many times did you try with him before getting pregnant?
  • He got me pregnant on the first try, I miscarried at 8 weeks, and he got me pregnant again one month later with this pregnancy. I had tried two donors previous four times total. I hear what your dr is saying with switching after 3 times and I'm a big advocate of that, as well. But I feel such confidence in this donor for getting me pregnant back to back, who is 39 and never been pregnant that I can't help but want to shout, give the boy a chance.
  • PS I don't think the sperm is your hold up I think it's the Clomid. I never got pregnant till I switched to injectables. My RE says Clomid makes the uterus more hostile. He's a Harvard educated RE with tons of accolades so I believe what he says. He took over my care from another dr who had me on Clomid.
  • Sweettheartt, how are things going with you? Any new symptoms? or has it been smooth sailing? I hope smooth and no nausea!

    I had my 3rd u/s today (1 more than I expected since my follicles were not reacting to the Clomid and growing as quickly as last cycle) to see if my follicles grew from last week. Today I had 2 on the right 14 and 18 and 3 on the left 12, 14, & 16- with an 8.5 lining. The RE decided it was best to add another wait day before my IUI to let them grow a little more. IUI will be on Monday 4/12/14.

    Love reading your updates,

  • Hi Amanda,
    Just have a bad cold right now. The weirdest symptom is all the extra saliva. I used to say it and not spray it but now I'm spraying every time I'm saying. The vivid dreams are fun. Lots of romantic dreams shall we say. Plenty of nausea and dry heaves. I threw up in a supermarket parking lot in front of people the other day. The exhaustion kicked in this week and I took Wednesday off from work. Well I am super excited about getting pregnancy company from you so my fingers are crossed.
  • Hi Sweetheartt, I'm defineteley sticking with this donor. I really don't think it's sperm too. Will see if the clomid works this cycle, if not I'll l have to go with injectibles. My next IUI (3rd) is on 4/17th doc said no trigger. I was really nervous taking clomid had been reading of all these side effects, thankfully I had none.

    I'm so happy for your pregnancy and your updates gives me such hope, especially for this donor which I have grown very fond of.

    Amanduh lots of baby dust!! Keep us posted.
  • Hey friends, 2nd IUI went well today... I didn't feel a thing and the whole procedure was less than 5 minutes. DS count was 25 mil and 47% motility. I am not sure if that is good or not? What have the numbers been for you two in the past?

    Grateful for any prayers and baby dust! I hate the 2ww! :/
  • Hey Amanda,

    I'm glad things went well. I can't remember my last IUI count of ds after wash to be honest. I do remember the doc say it was normal though. My IUI is on Thursday, will be in the 2ww together!

    Lots prayers and baby dust your way!Keep us posted!

    Hope you are feeling better Sweettheartt :)
  • Hi Girls, I'm excited to get company. 25 mil is fabulous because they only guarantee 10 million. I'm sure the motility was good as it was both times for me. Last week was very exhausting. This week I'm off work so I've been resting and I've been a bit nauseous but those are good signs. On Thursday I hit 8 weeks.
  • I tried IUI with donor 13353 (gosh, his baby picture is SO cute!) two months ago but unfortunately did not become pregnant.

    Now I've drained my savings to try IVF-- just started injectables on 4/15-- and I'm so hoping my dream of becoming a mother comes true!

    The issue is my fiance has chromosomal issues as well as low motility with his sperm, so IVF will help with the motility and PGD/S will assess if the embryos are viable before transfer. The docs don't understand why I would want to use donor sperm in addition to my fiance's, but don't you think it's wise not to put all your eggs in one basket (so to speak)?

    If IVF fails to have any viable embryos for transfer, I just wasted a lot of money. If I'm able to generate 6-10 follicles, can anyone see a downside of fertilizing at least 3 with donor 13353-- in the hopes of having a backup chance of a healthy embryo?

    If using my sperm from both my fiance and donor sperm doesn't work, then I'll know it's me. Maternal age is a factor, but I would have to pay for IVF all over again to try with donor sperm if his doesn't work. I'm sure the docs aren't trying to get more money from me, so why would they frown upon this solution?

    My guy will love the baby even if it's not biologically his and we can always genetically test to confirm biology so there is no what's the downside?
  • I don't see a downside but the Cryobank makes doctors sign a contract that they won't use two different semen at the same time. On a side note, I just found out I'm having my second miscarriage with 13353, so at this point I'm going to try to find out what's causing it and use a different donor.
  • Sweettheartt, I am so so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you...
  • Thanks Amanda, just disappointed in sure it's just an age factor but it makes me wish I started trying at 35 instead of 38. Any word on you yet ?
  • Sweattheartt, I hope this doesn't derail you! Still thinking of you everyday.

    I had my IUI on 4/14/14 so tomorrow is 11 or 12 days depending how you count it (day of or day after).... I have been avoiding an HPT to maintain my sanity but I think I will do my first tomorrow morning. I am not feeling hopeful but I hope I am wrong. I have had constant very mild cramping this time in my tww, similar to ovulation cramps. I did not have this the first go but I have no idea if that is a symptom or not. I also had a scare that I had ovulated before the IUI because I took an OPK the day of my trigger and got the blinking smiley but my Dr said it was perfect timing to take my trigger and IUI 36 hours later.... I am not convinced I didn't ovulate beforehand.... time will tell! I will keep you posted. How are you holding up? Are you still planning to switch donors? Any new ones in mind?
  • I'm doing ok. Disappointed but until you pass the first 12 weeks it's hard to get too excited. After two miscarriages with the same donor, although I'm sure the loss is to do with my age, I'm sure my doc would want me to try a different donor. I have donor 13779 in mind I like a lot about him except he wants to be anonymous. I just don't understand how there is no curiosity about offspring or willingness to answer children's questions or to show an adult photo in the future. Maybe he would change his mind. I don't have a second choice since I like 13779's positive traits. I think it's time for you to take a test.
  • Sweattheartt I'm sorry to hear what happened. Keep staying positive. As I always look forward to your motivational posts. My prayers to you.
  • Hey Friends, as I sit and enjoy a glass of wine I wanted to tell you that ol heifer, Aunt Flow, visited me today.... I thought she was going to forget I existed but no such luck. Cycle #2 over and moving onto to the next. Know what the average number of cycles is for IUI? I have no known fertility issues and I am 33.
  • Ok Ladies. Well we certainly all got dealt a bad hand of cards this month. Amanda, they say it takes 3-4 cycles on average but I got pregnant on my fifth and sixth. I think it's so random. Before I chose 13353, I chose two other donors with no luck. The donor right before him, I got inseminated by and then online I found out that there was this whole group of women who were in some kind of local support group in their city. Anyway a bunch of the women in that group, which was about 4 women were all preggers by this same donor, the one I used. So apparently these group of women all fell pregnant so easily by this donor. I didn't . But frankly it was just as well. I think that's too much of a new agey pseudo family for my taste. Now imagine if my child wanted to know siblings and found out a whole group of them grew up together in the same city?
  • Well girls, no BFP for me. RE said we had to break this month bc of a cyst from the clomid last month. I start injectibles next cycle, HSG tomorrow, I'm still continuing acupuncture, and switching donors. Hopefully, 4th IUI is the one! :)
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