Donor #11050



  • Hi Ivy, well I hope that is the case. My DR asked me to go in on the 14th day after insemination for a blood test which is today, but no other monitoring. Is your doctor doing something different?
  • Hi Ida,
    My doctor pretty much told me to come in on the 29th which is 17days after my second insemination if I haven't gotten my period yet. That's it. There are other clinics here in NYC that have daily monitoring. Part of the process that should be important that I did not think about before I chose the clinic that I am with right now is that I did not think to ask if they had any monitoring during these two weeks. It is very important to check hormone levels during these two weeks to ensure that they are high enough to support implantation and if not then they can give you whatever you need. Make sure you call your doctor's office and ask them to check you progesterone levels to see if they are adequate. (I didn't mean to worry you.)
  • Simplesteps, I wanted to let you know about a high FSH bulletin board. It is a wonderful group of women and there are a lot of success stories. Just thought you might want to check it out!

    I post on that board as well as the over 40 board. Best of luck to you!!
  • Ivy, I hear you about the monitoring others receive during the 2WW, I too have read about it on other boards and I feel left out. My progesterone level was checked before the IUI and it was normal. I will for sure mention it to my doctor my next IUI so that I am monitored during the 2WW. The challenge for me is that the doctors office I am using are the only REs in my area participating with my insurance company. I wish money was not an issue and I could just choose any doctor. I think I'm done for this cycle because I started spotting yesterday, though no period yet. You are due to test for your 1st IUI today, how is it?

    Tmccollum, thanks for the link to the high FSH and over 40 boards, it is great to hear from others with the challenges.
  • Merry Christmas Ida,
    I spotted earlier today (actually on the 24th) but when I took my Basal Temperature it was higher than it was the day before. Implantation maybe? Have you continued spotting? I'm going to bed now and I will test in the morning
    (it is 12:35am Christmas Day). I'll keep you posted.
  • Oh and by the way, I spoke to my mom and she said that many women have some form of spotting or bleeding thier first month and even sometimes their second month but it is not the same as their regular period. She also told me that sometimes even though the home pregnancy test says that it is negative the blood test will show that you may actually be pregnant. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you sis!!
  • Hi Ivy, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your spotting was implantational bleeding. Unfortunately for me, I am officially done for this cycle because AF finally arrived on Christmas day, what a christmas present? I am motivated though and already planning for another IUI. If nothing else, I can now better interpret what is going on with my body.
  • Hi Ida,
    My Christmas was spent with family and friends. It was nice. How was yours? I am still spotting with cramps but no full period yet. I'm also experiencing mood swings and breast tenderness. I tested again yesterday and it said negative. I have no clue at this point whats going on. I'll know for sure by Monday afternoon.
    I'm sorry that you did not get pregnant this cycle. They say it usually takes at least 3 cycles of trying before getting pregnant. I wish you the best of luck for this next cycle. Did you start taking Clomid again?
  • Thank you Ivy for your empathy. There is still hope for you though as long as no AF. Like you said before, you can still be pregnant even with a negative urine test; I hope the blood test will bring you a BFP.
    I have started taking clomid again today, the RE increased the dosage to 150mg and I started on CD 3 instead of CD 5. I hope I can tolerate the higher dosage the next 4 days because I had terrible cramps this morning. I like our donor but I am considering changing donors in hopes of having a better chance because this whole IUI process is very draining and expensive. I will let you know when I make a decision.
  • HI Ida,
    I'm not pregnant. The blood test confirmed it today and on Sunday I woke up with a full period. I'm starting Clomid again tonight. I think that it will happen when it is meant to happen for us. I'm going to be staying with our donor for at least 2 more cycles. If nothing happens then I will be switching donors as well. My doctor increased my dosage of clomind to 200mg. Let's see how it will work this time around. on the plus side I will get a chance to have a glass of champagne on New Years Eve. Have a great day tomorrow Ida.
  • Hi Ivy, I'm sorry it didn't work for you either; hopefully the second round will be it for us. The good thing is that we don't have to wait for long to start over again, and we know what to expect now, so it will probably be easier for us handle. Happy New Year and have all the champagne you can handle! Keep me posted.
  • Hi Ida,
    How was your New Year's Eve? Did you have lots of bubbly? I had a little. I had a good time with my friends. How have you been feeling on Clomid this time around? Any changes?
    - Ive
  • Hi Ivy,

    Wish me good luck, I just had my 2nd IUI today and I did go with our same donor. I am hoping the 2nd time is the charm and I promise myself not to be too stressed during the 2WW. I ended doing just fine on the clomid, I had that minor cramp I mentioned before only during the 1st day on clomid. The higher dose actually helped me a bit because I have 3 follicles this time around.

    How are things with you, should be getting your IUI soon?
  • Hi Ida,
    How are things? Happy New Year! I was not pregnant and am due for another insemination either at the end of this week or the begining of next. It will be a long shot for me. I have 4 large follicles on my left ovary (the tube is blocked) and 4 small ones on the right. So it is not looking good for this cycle. I am trying not to lose hope though. Did you have another insemination done? Did you keep our donor or did you switch. They say that it takes on average 3 to 4 cycles before you get pregnant. What makes you want to change our donor? Just curious.
  • Hi Ivy, you must not have seen my post above; I had my IUI yesterday and so far so good. You know, don't worry too much about the big follies being on your blocked tube, chances are the follies on your left will grow larger by the time you have your insemination. If not, my doctor had told me that there is still a chance that the good tube can pick up from the other side that is blocked, so just go ahead and have your procedure and the best of luck to you.

    I actually almost went with another donor until I ordered that donor's long profile and realized they have some skin condition problem. I just didn't want to keep on losing money for nothing just in case our donor is not a right match for me... I hope I am successful this cycle if not, then I am definitely switching donors if nothing else for better luck.

    So Ivy, are you planning on doing anything differently this time around?
  • Simplesteps and Iventura...

    I have been following this post and I just wanted to wish you both the best of luck. I can hear the excitement that you are feeling in the words that you write. :)

    Simplesteps...I think it's wonderful that you are going to be a SMC! I made that same decision several years ago and I told myself that I wanted a baby by age 35; with or without a partner. I did end up meeting my girlfriend shortly after that, so we are having this baby together. But, had I not met her, I would still be trying to conceive on my own! I'm proud of you!

    My partner and I go for our first insemination this weekend. I think it will be Saturday or Sunday. We are so excited. We are trying our first cycle naturally. I am going to be the one to carry the baby...I am 35 years old and will be 36 in June. As for our counts, the bank said that he has 58 million, but I didn't ask if that was pre or post thaw.

    Anyways, good luck to both of you girls and hopefully we won't be far behind you.

  • Hi Ida,
    I wish you the best of luck!! I hope this is it for you. This time around I'm not as focused on every little thing my body is feeling. I'm also getting more sleep. By the way, my doctor told me the same thing yours did that the egg can actually cross over. That seems crazy to me but the last thing we should lose is hope. I'm excited but not as excited as I was last month. If I don't get pregnant this cycle I will be trying a natural cycle next month and the month after that to see what happens. I can understand you wanting to use a different donor. FOr me, this donor has everything I was looking for so I want to stick with him for at least 6 cycles before I give up on him. What are you doing differently this month?

    Misty and Carla,
    COngratulations and good luck on your up coming insemination! Are you guys also using donor 11050? I was also determnined to be a single mom but then my girlfriend came along too. She is really supportive of my choice to have a baby. We've been together for 2 years so she is ready to have a baby too. It is so weird that I will be turning 36 in June as well. What day do you turn 36?
  • MistyandCarla, thanks for your support. We are all in this for the same reason, ultimately to be mothers, and I am very grateful that CA Cryobank can make it possible for us. I think the count is pre count, because they don't thaw the specimen until a few minutes before the IUI. I wish you success with your 1st IUI, it can happen. Keep us posted.

    Ivy, like your I am very relaxed this time around and have had only 1 pinch since the procedure. I am a little worried though about the fact that just before my IUI, they offered me to drink enough water to fill my bladder and because of this I had to empty my bladder less than an hour later. I noticed that I had some discharge that looked like the specimen when I emptied my bladder and I am concerned that I lost everything that was inseminated. I hope this is not the case and I just have to wait and see what develops. Were you required to fill bladder before your IUI?
  • Ida, I was encouraged to empty my bladder before my IUI. THat is strange that they would ask you to fill your bladder? Did they give you a reason for this? My doctor said that the specimen has no where to go once it is put in your uterus. THey say you can go about your business and do as you like and it will stay up there. I really hope your specimen did not fall out. I'm glad you are more relaxed and have felt nothing more than a pinch. I will not be inseminating this cycle because I only produced large follicles on my left (blocked) side. So he said it made no sense to try to inseminate this cycle. I had a really bad nightmare last night so I was kind of relieved when he said that there would be no insemination this month. I will try again next cycle but in the meantime I am going to workout, get massages, and hang out in the sauna. Yay! There is a bright side. When is your 2ww over? I'm excited for you. I wish you babies!
  • Hi Ivy,
    You know I did not ask at the time; I became concerned after the fact. I have read online that filling the bladder before IUI gives the DR easy access to the cervix, something like that. Anyway, I will definitely bring it up my next office visit. Today is day 6 post IUI and I have been so busy and that helps keep my mind off the 2WW. I'll miss having a 2WW buddy in you this cycle but have all the fun you can during your break. Take care I will keep you posted.
  • Iventura and simplesteps,

    Hello, girls. We had our insemination done on Saturday and are now in the TWW. Nope, we didn't use 11050. We actually used a donor from a bank that is connected to our RE's office. We were going to use a donor from this site, but I got too nervous about the shipping and the thawing. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my specimen is at the same facility that my doctor is. Their rooms are connected and the bank just opens a door in the exam room and brings the specimen right into your room. My count was 27.4 million and 72% motility. My doctor said that the numbers were good...I guess we'll see. :)

    Ivy, I'm sorry that you weren't able to inseminate this time, but I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason and it sounds as though after your nightmare, you are sort of relieved too. Hopefully your follicles will produce beautifully on your next cycle and we'll be celebrating your BFP! Also, my birthday is the 15th. When is yours?

    Simplesteps, doctor had me empty my bladder before the insemination too. We're not far behind each's to both of us getting BFP's! :)

    Misty and Carla
  • Hi Ida and MIsty and Carla
    Maybe you guys can explain what some of these abbreveations are? RE, BFP, and PE. I keep making up my own words to these abbreviations. Haha.
    You are quite correct. Everything happens for a reason. I went to a new clinic yesterday and he gave me some interesting news. He informed me that there is a test that usually clears out blocked tubes. It is an HSG with recannalization. He said they insert a catherter into the fallopian tube. (SCARY) but I figure it is worth a try?
    By the way there is a facebook group forming that is completely private. CCB Friends. You request to be admitted into the group but have to have a facebook account which is free.
  • Hi Ivy,

    I believe BFP means Big Fat Pregnancy, at least that's what I read on some site and RE is Reproductive Endocrinologist. It can sometimes get misleading with all these abreviations. It is always a good idea to get a second opinion, are you going with HSG with recannalization?

    MistyandCarla, the numbers look very good for your specimen, best of luck to you. How have you been feeling so far? I will be testing tomorrow for the first time, 9 days post IUI. I know it is still early and I want to see if the HCG is still in my system.
  • Hi Ida,
    Sorry it has been so long since I logged on. How are you? How did your HPT go? Have you had your bloodwork taken yet? I'm excited to hear your results. I am going to have the HSG done but I can't make my appointment to have it done until I get my period. By the way, you might want to join the CCB Friends facebook group. Good luck honey. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Hi Ivy,

    I am 16dpiui today and I just got a call from my DR that my hcg level is 33! I took a urine test yesterday and it showed a very faint line and then I went to see my doctor for the blood work. The dr that did the blood work is my regular physician and I have just made a call to my RE's office to see how to proceed from here.

    So I am thrilled right now but very cautious. Reading all the boards during the last 5 months, I never thought a day like today will come considering my age, one blocked tube and high fsh. This cycle is a complete opposite of my last cycle; no cramp period-like pains. I hope your AF is here soon so that you can start your next cycle and share very good news with me. I will keep you posted.
  • OH MY GOODNIESS!!!!! I'm sooo very excited for you!! I'm going to keep my finger and toes even my eyes crossed for you! PLease keep me posted. That is the best news I've heard all day! MWAH!! (Kisses to the cheeks as we Dominican women do)
  • Oh Ivy thanks bunches for your support. I feel so special and blessed. I am going in tomorrow for my second beta and I am crossing my fingers that the number will at least double.
  • We are blessed to be able to 1) have each other through this. 2) be able to be able to afford something like this so that we can have our babies. In the past SMC's had to either adopt of fine themselves some dude to try to get them pregnant then ditch them. Thank god those days are gone for us. Good luck tomorrow!
  • Hi Ivy,

    You are right about that, we are blessed in so many ways. I am especially grateful to be able to share this journey with you. Going through the same journey at the same time, I feel like you understand exactly what I am going through. I just got my lab results back and I could not wait to share it with you. My beta today is 218 so it has more than doubled and I am so very happy! Please keep me posted with new developments, I want nothing more than the same end result for you too.
  • simplesteps...CONGRATULATIONS on your BFP!!!!! I also got a BFP on the 21st!!!! We are so thrilled! Your BETA numbers look great! I had mine done yesterday at 17 DPO and it was 298...I go in again tomorrow for the second one. So, how are you feeling? are things going for you? Where are you at in your cycle?
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