Donor 13789



  • Congrats on the BFP Baby Panda & good luck kiwi22, I will be thinking about you:)
    We are just starting 'phase one' of our reciprocal IVF with my wife's eggs and me carrying. According to the plan, we should have everything done by the 2nd week of January. Seems so far away, but praying it will work for us.
    Please everyone keep updating :)
  • Did two HPTs and both positive! Could have had the blood test tmrw but going on Friday to confirm.
  • Congratulations!!!! So excited for you :)
    Hoping to add to the list of positives in January once we get this IVF underway :)
    Keep us posted on your progress please :)
  • Congratulations to all! Seems to be lots of BFP on here! Does anyone have any vials of this donor 13789 left that they are not using? We waited too long and now he is sold out :( Thanks in advance!
  • If anyone has additional vials, please let me know thanks. Blood test was positive!
  • Well, just found out I start Lupron injections on the 15th...Starting to get excited :)
    Congrats to you kiwi22 on your postive :) Great news!!!
  • I posted this under another topic or something as well, but wanted to ask here. Yesterday the RE told me to take prenatal vitamins and 800 mcg of folic acid daily (which i have been since before the IUIs) but they told me yesterday to take a baby aspirin each day now. Do any of you know what that is for? Did you do it? I'm just curious how it helps.
  • Google the baby aspirin thing. I saw it but you kind of need to read the full explanation. How is everything going?
  • How is everyone doing? We are 34 weeks today with a little boy! Can't wait for February!
  • Right now I'm still taking lupron shots each day waiting for the next step for our IVF. Hopefully we get moving soon. This waiting seems forever...
    So excited for you! February is getting close!! Do you have everything ready?
  • Joining this thread late, but wanted to share that my wife and I are 7 weeks pregnant with twins from donor 13789. Hope everyone is having success, and wishing you all the best of luck!
  • Congratulations! Did you do IUI or IVF? We saw our RE today and got our calendar. We should have egg retrieval between January 20-22 and then the transfer 3-5 days after that. Getting closer but still seems like such a long wait. My wife starts the stims Friday and I keep taking my lupron so at least we are doing something each day to make it seem like it's happening :)
    Keep us posted on how you are and feel free to share your journey up to this pregnancy :) love to hear these stories and since it's our donor as well it is double exciting :)
  • It's been going slowly, but we are getting closer. My wife still taking all her shots and they think the egg retrieval will be this coming Sunday, 1/25 and the transfer to me 3-5 days after. Praying for fertilization and at least one (or 2) to be our baby!
    Does anyone have updates or just feel like sharing?
  • We transferred 2 embryos 01/28/15. Waiting for our beta this Friday. If anyone sees this, please say some prayers for us. Thanks :)
  • Today's beta = NEGATIVE.
  • Hi all. Just purchased the last 2 vials and anxious for our first iui, hopefully this month. Would love to hear any updates with the pregnancies and from those TTC with this donor. Thanks :)!
  • Hi,
    Oh I thought I got the last 3. They keep finding more I guess. I got pregnant twice if you count a chemical. I did have one late 1st trimester miscarriage. My doctor is positive and says this donor is working. I'll try again when I get my period. Good luck.
  • Kiwi22, thanks for the update. I hope you get one that sticks. Keep us updated :-) I will post how my iui goes this month. On clomid and going for ultrasound on wed. I think this donor is a good choice. He seems well rounded and like he has a good head on his shoulders (and pretty cute too!)
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