Donor 13789

Is anyone else using donor 13789?


  • I think I am going to purchase some in the next week. Let me know how it goes for you.
  • I will update next week once I've had my IUIs done. Hoping this is the one! Let me know if you decide on him too.
  • Did you try others before?
  • Yes. I had 2 unsuccessful tries with a different donor.
  • We used him and just got out BFP! Did you end up going with this donor?
  • Congrats on your BFP!!! I have my first of back to back IUIs with this donor this morning. My new RE says I have terrible odds of success based on my age, but I want to try a few times with this donor before we switch to my wife who is younger. I would really love this to work so I can have our first child then she can carry our future children. Praying for a miracle but knowing we will switch to her eases a bit of the worry.
    Please keep me posted on your pregnancy - I believe you are the first with our donor!!! So excited for you! Was this your first attempt?
  • Hello, I was also interested in this donor but him being new with no confirmed pregnancies worried me a bit, even though he's new.
    ReikiGirl3, CONGRATULATIONS! can I ask, do you know how his motility was? Did it just take you one round?
  • anything new or updates with users of 13789? I am currently 4/5 dpiui.
  • had my first iui today. the motility was 40%, but I forgot how many mil there were. frankie any news on yours?
  • I was not successful this time. My bloodwork showed HCG level of only 10. AF was 9 days late so i was hopeful. Don't let that discourage you though. I was only given a 1% chance of success due to age. We are still going to use this donor, but switch to my wife trying a few IUIs with him before moving to IVF using her eggs and me to carry. We have been given a 65% chance of success with either of those options because she is younger. I would love to carry, but praying she gets pregnant via IUI to save the cost of IVF. Good luck to you and keep me posted on your progress :) Wishing you success with this awesome donor!
  • Just checking in on fellow users of Donor 13789...any new progress or updates?
    We are counting down to the first IUI for my wife. should be sometime next week :) I was not successful using this donor most likely due to my age, but she is younger and we are very hopeful.
    Please let me know how everyone using this donor is doing. We are very excited and hopeful right now and wish everyone the best of luck :)
  • I am going for my bloodwork tmrw. :o
  • How long will they take to give blood work results back? Do you call them or will they call you?
  • Hi everyone. Any news?
    I ended up having one last IUI Friday bc of the timing of my ovulation. My wife ovulated before her appointment & I got my positive opk just in time.
    Wishing everyone here the best luck. Hoping we all have beautiful babies:) our donor is adorable and sounds like a good guy. Why does this take so long?????
  • Sorry I haven't been on! 13 weeks now and had our first trimester screening and all was good! Very active baby. We were successful the first try with this donor. We had just switched from another donor that it didn't work.
    Frankie2013, were you successful with your IUI? I don't remember his specific numbers but his final motile count was 12million.
    GOod luck to everyone! I will check in more frequently.
  • Hi, my 1st IUI was unsuccessful. I had to get a cyst removed in May and now I have another one, so they cancelled my 2nd cycle. I probably won't be able to try again until November. Fall is a really busy time for me. Frankie, sorry to hear about your BFN. Hopefully things work out for your wife.
  • I had one last IUI July 11. Blood test came back negative after 2 weeks but I still haven't gotten AF and hpts are negative. Tomorrow will be CD46. My wife should have her first IUI sometime this coming week. Took her last dose of clomid yesterday. Now we wait for her positive opk.
    I'm so excited that our donor was successful. Everyone please keep updating okay? This is such an exciting (stressful) process :)
  • Well, today is my CD47. still no AF. however, at end of July I had a negative blood test. I had another blood test done today, but for FSH, not pregnancy. Today my wife had her first IUI with Donor 13789. We are praying it works using her as the carrier. Wouldn't it be amazing if I really was somehow pregnant and so is she? ok, totally irrational wishful thinking on my part (not getting AF leads to these odd ideas) but it would be awesome. I have a great feeling she will be pregnant soon and it will be wonderful.
    Praying we all have our families soon. Please keep me posted on your progress and i will keep posting on ours. Even if no one is reading, it still is a good stress reliever to type this stuff out :)
  • The donor is beautiful?

    Feel lonely to be from another country and depend on Google translator to talk to you! :/

    Nobody talks to me or take any questions. I believe in using American banks semen.
  • My update...
    For me cycle day 58. Still no AF. Doc did blood test a week or so ago for fsh and said level was good, not started menopause, so why no AF??? Ugh.
    For my wife we are currently 11dpiui. Negative hpt yesterday but hoping it is still just too early for a positive to show up.

    Any updates from the rest of you? Wishing the best for everyone. :)

    Mfsantos - yes his childhood pictures are adorable. Very cute child :)
  • My update...
    For me cycle day 58. Still no AF. Doc did blood test a week or so ago for fsh and said level was good, not started menopause, so why no AF??? Ugh.
    For my wife we are currently 11dpiui. Negative hpt yesterday but hoping it is still just too early for a positive to show up.

    Any updates from the rest of you? Wishing the best for everyone. :)
  • How is everyone doing? We found out that we are having a BOY! We are very excited!!
  • So excited for you!!! You are very lucky :)
    as for me...still waiting-I have every symptom possible it seems, but that is just my mind playing tricks on me. I wish I would just get AF so I can quit worrying about it. My wife is 15dpiui but tested negative at 13dpiui so we are waiting for her AF as well so we can start her new cycle.
    Any tips how to have a better chance next cycle?
  • would anyone be willing to share this donor's childhood photos with us? we are looking to switch donors and are thinking of using this one. previous 2 IUIs with a different donor = BFN. Thanks in advance!!
  • I am sending them now. :)
  • My partner and I are going to use 13789 for our nex IUI. We have tried 4 times before w/ 2 different donors.
    Anybody have motility or sperm counts they would like to share? Hoping this donor is super fertile. We fell in love with his profile. Seems like a well rounded guy (-:
  • Hi all. Wondering if anyone has any updates. We go tomorrow for an U/S and bloodwork. Hoping to start our cycle for reciprocal IVF. We have been waiting for my wife's cysts to go away. We are using her eggs and I will carry. We are so ready to get this started, it seems like time goes by so slowly during this process TTC but then you look back and find that so much time has passed and you are still waiting for a positive result.
    Praying everyone gets their dreams fulfilled:)
  • My wife and I are expecting a baby girl in June! We did IVF with PGS testing and got back 4 normal embryos using this donor...2 girls and 2 boys! We transferred 1 girl back (to me) and the other 3 are frozen for future use. After 2 ICI's, 1 IUI, 7 rounds of IVF, and 1 miscarriage we are beyond ready to meet our daughter. Best wishes to all still chasing their baby dream!
  • Hello,

    My wife and I did our first IUI with donor 13789 back on Nov 2nd and just got our second positive blood test. We go for the third on Thursday and then schedule an ultrasound. First try! We were shocked it worked so fast, prepared for it to take several months at least. Count was 19 mil. At this point, we are just hoping it "sticks".

    Any updates Frankie2013?
  • Excited for everyone who got a bfp. I got an iui a week ago and the count was 60 mil w 50% motility. One week wait.
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