Has anyone purchased 13598?



  • Hi Girls,

    So, today didnt go so well for me at the dcotors. They did not see a dominating follicle and im already on CD 17 so as you guys know.. its not looking promising. They are going to call me this afternoon with the blood work results so we should know more then but pretty sure its a no go for this cycle.

    I'm so confused I don't understand why this happened since my levels and egg quality were both good. So, now I don't know whats going to happen.

    Anyhow, How are you guys doing?

    Jenny, are you going crazy in your 2ww yet?

    Sarah, I hope everything goes well tomorrow, I will have my fingers crossed for you. So, I take it that you got the "goods" now? Did you go with 13598?

    Throwing baby dust at you guys.. make sure to grab it!

    Have a good weekend.

  • Hey ladies,
    I went in Saturday for my IUI. Everything went fine. We ended up going with another donor that my partner really liked 12958. So let's see if 3rd times a charm. So far it;s only 3DPIUI and haven't really felt anything so we will see. Good luck to you ladies and hope to hear soe good news from you soon.
  • Kellie
    I am sorry that this round may not work out for you. I know how much skipping a cycle sucks.
    So happy for you that you are now in the 2ww . Did you have a good count?

    As for me I am 9 days past iui and I am going insane. I know it's to early to test but I want to. But I am hitting that point that I am getting ready to be disappointed. If I get my bfp it will be the best news ever, but I am scared it will be another bfn. I did have a lot of cramping yesterday that could be good or bad, I just don't want to look to much into anything at this point.

    Good luck to you all

  • Kellie,
    I am sorry that things didn't go so well at the doctors the other day. Have you heard anything about the blood tests? I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

    I can only imagine how insane you must be going with the 2WW it really sucks having to wait. will be sending lots of baby dust your way.

    The numbers weren't bad this time. I used 12958 and pre-freeze on the paperwork he was 63 million and 53% motility, my RE said that post thaw he was 53 million and 33% motility. I have been so anxious, I just wish this tww would fly by... the good thing is people have been out sick at work the last 2 days so it's kept me a little more busy at least.

    Best of luck to all.
  • Hi Girls..

    How are you both holding up?

    Jenny - have you reached your breaking point yet? Try to hang in there the 2ww is almost over. I am praying for you to get a BFP!

    Sarah - I'm glad everything went well. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    So, my update... I had a very long intense weekend. I had to do bloodwork everyday since they were not able to see a dominant follicle.. but turns out that my blood test were showing that I did have one even though they couldnt see it. So, we had our IUI on Monday.. However, I'm not feeling to confident that it went well. Everything just seemed so off but what do I know I can only listen to the doctors. I questioned all of them but they all kept saying I was good to go. So, I guess we will see as I too have now entered the daunting 2ww.

    So, since this is my first time. Can either of you tell me if its normal to be extremely bloated and feel like im severely pmsing? And my stomach still hurts. I had cramping the first 2 days but today its not so bad. Just my attitude is :(
    so, have I lost it or is this how it works?

    HELP ME!!!!!!

    Good luck girls. Keep me posted.. Fingers crossed!!!

  • Kellie

    That is normal I always am sore for a few days after. As for being bloated I feel like that almost the entire time. You never know until af shows. I am just happy you still got to try
    I go for my beta this week so I will let you know.

    I am so happy you had such great numbers. How are you doing the first week is almost over. For me the second is what is so hard. I guess I know that I can not test in the first week so I don't go crazy. I keep my test in my night stand so I don't look at the in the morning everyday. Put them out of site out of mind.

    Keep your fingers crossed for me, I will be sending baby dust to both of you.

    Good luck
  • BFP on two test frer and ic's . Had blood test beta was 15 but I am still 4 days early so I have to go back for two more betas to make sure everything is progressing good. I will let you know how things go

  • Jenny - Thats great news! I'm so happy for you guys. Congrats! I'm sure everything will be fine. Getting pregnant is half the battle.

    I don't know how you guys didn't lose your mind during this 2ww.. I am dying! :( I cant even sleep. I haven't slept more then 2 hrs a night since Sunday. So much anxiety.

    I'm feeling like my iui was unsuccessful. I feel like I just have a very severe case of pms. Like its WAY worse then usual. Kinda bummed!

    But now, you havin given me some hope! So, THANK YOU for that.

    Congrats again.. and, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you.... just to make sure everything is ok.

  • Congrats Jenny,
    I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your last 2 betas to double double double.

    Sorry you are not sleeping, I am sure if you have to try again it will be much easier. But I will be praying it works for you first time. But yes the bloating happended with me all 3 times.

    I am doing good. 7 days out, I have been feeling like AF is going to come with some mild cramping and some lower back pain last night and today. But I am not due for AF until next Wednesday, so we will see. Other than that nothing much really. I did get all emotional today when my BFF told me she has to put her cat down tomorrow. But I think I would have been the same regardless.

    I am still sendng baby dust to all and lots of prayers.

  • Thank you both. I am so happy but it is still does not feel real. I did go for a beta on Friday my hog went fro 15 to 40 so we are progressing. I still have two more beta hcg test just to be safe.

    Kellie everything will work out in the end the first one was the hardest tww but a lot of people get bfp the first go. So keep your head up and you will be rewarded in the end

    I felt like my af was coming the entire week before the bfp, I still feel very heavy. My lower back hurt and I have really bad acid reflux.

    Good luck to you all
    Lots of baby dust
  • Hi Girls..

    Today I actually feel pretty good. I finally got some sleep last night thank god! The bloating went away along with all the cramps, back pain and everything else that was hurting. Not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing but we'll find out eventually.

    Jenny - Glad to here everything is good and that you are progressing. You must be so excited! You probably have anxiety like me now..lol.

    Sarah - hang in there, I'm praying that you do not get your AF this month. We are hoping for a BFP instead. Like Jenny said, she felt like hers was coming too and it didnt so, you never know.. Fingers crossed!

    Catch the baby dust girls.. I'm throwing tons of it your way.

  • Hi Jenny and Kellie,
    Well AF is sue today, but so far nothing. I did let Lisa convince me to take a HPT this morning and it came back not pregnant. But we aren't due to test until Sunday the 20th, so unless AF does show up before then I will hold off on testing again until Sunday. But if it's not positive this timne we will try again with my cycle at the end of May since we will be moving on to injectable meds.

    Kellie how is your TWW going?
    Jenny how is your pregnancy going? How were your last two betas? When do you get your first ultrasound?

    Sarah :)
  • Hey sarah sorry things may not work out but you never know till af shows i took the first responce and got a positive they say it is the best for early testing.just dont loose hope it took me 5 cycles 3on meds to get my bfp. :) I thought it would never happen for us.

    Kellie are you crazy again yet or are you still feeling good. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to survive the two week wait. And I am waiting for bfp for both of you.

    Beta is good I had only one more it jumped to 220 from 40 in two and a half days so my doc was happy enough to schedule an ultrasound on the 29th can't wait to hear and see the heart beat.
    We also have an 8 year old daughter and we are waiting to tell her until after we are farther along. I could not imagine if something happens to have to tell her and explain. So we are staying safe with telling her.

    Baby dust all around
  • Hi Girls..

    Believe it or not, I am actually doing much better with the second half of this 2ww then with the first half. I'm pretty convinced that my AF is on its way tho so maybe thats why I'm ok. Who knows!! I did get the urge to test yesterday but I didnt. I'm only 10 days out so prob wont show anyway. Maybe I will on sat if I still have the urge. AF is due Monday, if it doesnt show blood test will be on Weds.

    Sarah, I am praying that you get a BFP and that the hpt was just a bonk test! It does happen. Until AF shows, there is still hope! So, hang in there.. maybe today will be your lucky day :)

    Jenny, Glad to hear you're doing well and things are moving along. Wow, an ultra sound to hear a heartbeat. Thats amazing..I can only imagine how exciting that must be.

    Catch the baby dust... :)
  • Hello Ladies,
    So AF was due yesterday and hasn't shown up yet. I didn't want to test today and use my last test. So I am just going to wait until Sunday if AF doesn't show up before then.

    Kellie I am glad the 2nd half of the TWW is not as crazy fo you. Still keeping my fingers crossed and sending lots of baby dust your way.

    Jenny thanks for the encouragement, it's only been 3 tries for us so if it ends up being a negative we will definitely try again. :) I bet you are so excited for your ultrasound. I agree with you telling your daughter once you are futher along. :)

  • Well I got a little eager and tested yesterday. It was a BFN.. but I was only 10 days out so still kinda early but I feel like the test was right. Feeling bummed :( feels like AF is on its way.

    Sarah, how are you holding up? You must be going nutz wondering whats going on. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you! Maybe you will have a wonderful easter surprise :)

    Baby dust all around..

  • Hey ladies :)
    yeah the TWW was a lot easier than the last couple days. I tested again this morning since AF still hasn't shown up and it was negative again. So we shall continue to wait LOL
    A friend at my office is about 10 weeks pregnant right now and she told me she tested negative for 3 weeks before she got her BFP. So I guess at this point anything is possible. I will just continue to try to stay relaxed and positive and see what happens.
  • Hello ladies
    Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I hope you both had a great weekend.

  • Hi Jenny,

    I'm doing ok, nearing the end of this dreadful 2ww. AF is due today but sometimes it comes a day late.. If it doesnt come by Weds then I will go thurs for my beta. Still feels like AF is coming tho.. but I'm hoping it doesnt.

    How are you doing?

    Sarah - did you try testing again?

  • Good morning ladies,
    Well AF decided to show up late Friday night. So now we move onto the next one which will be in May.
    How are you ladies doing? Hope you both had nice weekends.
  • Sarah
    I am so sorry to hear that af showed up. I know how heart breaking that is, but as hard as it is keep your head up you need to stay positive for the next try. And every now and again go in a room and scream as loud as you can. You may feel crazy doing it but it will help.

    how are you ? What happened ? Did after show up?

    Hopefully for the future for all of us

    As for me I am a nervous wreck. I am so afraid that after all this something will happen. Every time I go to the restroom I am so afraid I will see blood. I dont think. It is real yet maybe it will help when we have the ultrasound on the 29th I know I will feel better as soon as I am past the first trimester but I am so scared right now. I have had two M/c in the past and I can't get over the feeling.

  • Jenny,
    Hang in there. I know it must be hard getting through each day wondering what's going on in there. Try to stay stress free and I will continue to send positive sticky baby vibes your way.

    Kellie how are you doing at the end of your TWW?
    Well I will use the next 3.5 weeks to get back to my workout routine and hopefully lose a few pounds in the meantime and have been looking into accupuncture and hoping to stay relaxed and look forward to my next AF showing up to try again.

    Good luck ladies and thanks for being here to "talk" to.
  • Sarah, So sorry to hear that AF showed up.. You seem to have the right attitude though which is great! Who would'nt love to lose a few pounds right.. I know would. I'm sending so much baby dust your way that you're going to need a vacuum to suck it all up :)

    Jenny, I can only imagine how you are feeling.. Its like getting over one hurdle only to have to deal with another one.. Your ultrasound is right around the corner. I bet you will feel so much better once you see that everything is looking good. Try not to let your mind get the best of you. I know..easier said then done.. but I know you can do it!!

    As so me, AF did not show up. I took 3 HPT and all came back with a faint line.. which according to the box that means im pregnant..but, I do not want to get to excited until the dr. confrims that I am. I have to call them today so I can go in for my blood test. I was in shock! Couldn't believe what I was seeing. Now, I just hope its true and that everything keeps progressing.

    Thanks so much for being there for me.. I can't wait until all of our families are complete.

    Baby dust to all of us..

  • Kellie that is so great I am so happy for you. It looked so faint when I took my first that's thought I was imagining it. I didn't even say anything took it again the next day and It was for sure a line. But I found out so early that my hcg was only 15 but then it more than doubled every two days. So if the hcg is low don't get worried they will have you come in for multiple blood work. I am so happy lots of sticky dust for us both

    Are you moving onto meds this next try. They helped me ovulate by day 14 I didn't on my own until day 17 or 18. As for the acupuncture I looked into it and I have read a lot of success stories with it I was going to try it,but then I got my bfp. I also ate lots of sweet potatoes before, and pineapple core once a day everyday until the bfp.i am very much a believer in food effects everything in you body and I have read a lot of holistic fertility and the sweet potatoes and pineapples seam to be the thing. It also helps to give you something to do during the tww, good luck to you. Keep us posted on what's going on.

  • Thanks Jenny, That gave me a little relief knowing it happened to you too. Did you use 13598 for this iui?

    Sarah - start eating pineapple and sweet potatoes by the boat full!! We are determined to get you pregnant!

  • Hey kellie how are you today? Did you go to the doc yet and have an hcg test done?

    I did use donor 13598 2nd try with him...bfp

  • Hi ladies,

    Kellie I am so happy to hear your got a BFP!! yahoo!! Sending you sticky baby dust to keep that little guy in there and healthy.

    Thanks for the info on the sweet potatoes and pineapple. I will surely try it. It can't hurt that's for sure.

    yes, I am moving onto meds this next try and I made an appt with the accupuncturist for next Thursday so I am throwing everything in this try. I am not sure exactly what meds we will be using but do know they are injectables becasue the clomid the first IUI thinned out the lining on my uterus too much.

    Me and the wifey are talking about going back to 13598 the next try also. So I will keep you posted.

    Kellie did you get your Beta yet?

    Jenny I will be thinking about you until the ultrasound. You will have to let us know how it goes. Hope you both have a great weekend. We are getting away this weekend and heading up the CA coast for a mini vacation :)

  • I am so excited and nervous about the ultrasound, but I do that to my self.

    As for the sweet potatoes eat them before the iui , then the pineapple everyday until you get your bfp. Good luck. As for the meds And the acupuncture hope they help. I have hear so much great things . The mini vacation should help you both relax and get ready for the next try. Enjoy each other soon you will have a beautiful baby to keep you company. ( and very tired)

  • Hi Girls..

    Sorry I went MIA.. It was a crazy weekend!!
    Yes, I had my first and second beta test done. Thurs was my first one and my hcg was 69. I had my second one on sat and it was 147. I have my 3rd one this friday. My progesterone was low tho so they started me on meds for that. I was freaking out as usual but I'm doing better now.

    I never realized how freaking scary pregnancy could be. I am paranoid about everything!!

    Jenny - How are you feeling? Are you having any morning sickness or anything? My gf actually picked 13598.. I call it the super sperm!! lol.. We're not married but have been together for almost 9 years. I'm not sure why we never got married. Maybe that will be our next big thing! We shall see.. One thing at a time tho..baby first! :)

    Sarah - How are you doing? How was your mini vacation? I would love to take a vacation myself right about now but there isnt much to do in CT. We usually have to travel out of CT to really enjoy ourselves.

    I don't know much about the meds side of things but I'm praying that they help and you get your BFP in May. I know its frustrating when people keep telling you to stay positive. Its way easier said then done but you seem to be a pretty positive person so I just know this is going to work out for you and we will be here with you waiting for that BFP!!!

    Have a great day girls.. Stay strong!

  • Hi Ladies,

    Hope you all enjoyed your weekends.

    Kellie I am excited to hear about your next beta on Friday. I am so happy you got a BFP.

    Jenny I am so nervous with you about your ultrasound tomorrow.
    I feel like I am living with you girls through your pregnancies and all. It's so exciting to hear of others having success. Lisa and I are very hopeful we will get our BFP soon. I tease her all the time that if she tried she would get preggo on the first try just becasue she has no desire to be pregnant :)

    I will start eating sweet potatoes and then the pineapple after the IUI.

    I have never been to the east coast so I take your word about CT. You should come visit Cali some day.
    We had a nice trip up North to San Simeon and got to visit Hearst Castle and relax at the beach. It's so different up there away frm the hustle of southern california.
    Well Lisa and I have been doing some thinking and sounds like we may be trying again with 13598 in May. I will keep you posted. We have about 3 more weeks until my cycle stars again, until then I look forward to hearing how things are going with you two ladies :)
