IUI #4 and unusual 14 week wait



  • hang in there Becky1141 !! .. i know its hard...
  • Becky, how's it going? How are you feeling?

    AFM- I am doing. RE appt went well. Will be seeing a Naturopathic Dr. next week. She'll run a lot of test including rpl. I am told to ask my RE for an endo biopsy. Something about a protein that I maybe missing. It's all so confusing. I am afraid that when all this calms down, its going to hit me, and i will not know what to do then.

    Hang in there. Blessings and Prayers. I will ttyl.
  • Unfortunately my wait is over and things didn't work out again this time. I went for a 7 1/2 week u/s on Friday and there was no heartbeat. There was a heartbeat at my 6 1/2 week u/s but the heart rate was only 108 and the yolk sac was slightly enlarged. They wanted to see me in a week because they said things were borderline. I go in for another D&C on Monday. This is my 4th miscarriage. I am afraid this may have been my last chance doing things this way. My FSH and AMH levels were very poor in August and there is a good chance my eggs aren't any good. I will have testing on this baby to see what happened. But it seems using my eggs may be out of the question for the future. Now I'm not sure what to do. I could use donor eggs and donor sperm which would be quite expensive. Or I could try to adopt an embryo which is also expensive and a lot more difficult as a single mom. I've been doing lots of research but will have several months to decide since I'll be out of commission after the D&C anyway.
  • Great to see the good news. Good luck to you both.
  • Becky I am so sorry to read this. I know words are of little comfort at the moment. I am sending you great big ((((HUGS)))). You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Thanks a_walton. Hugs are always welcome!! I know you understand how difficult this can be as you've also had a rough journey so far. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I hope you are healing yourself, physically and emotionally (as much as possible).
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