
IUI #4 and unusual 14 week wait

I had my IUI #4 today. I am hoping for success this time. However, I got news this week to make this much longer than just a 2ww. I haven't had a hard time getting pregnant and am hoping this cycle isn't any different than the past. I had 2 GREAT follicles this cycle. So maybe twins???

However, I found out I am a carrier to a chromosome disorder which can cause recurrent miscarriages. This is the answer to my past 3 miscarriages but it's hard news to digest. My RE suggests IVF with PGD which I can't even think about right now. I guess if this cycle doesn't work it will be something to consider.

But for now I wait for 2 weeks to find out if I'm pregnant and then another 12 weeks to know if the baby/babies are healthy and I won't miscarry.

Anyone in their 2ww with me????

I'm praying for success this time around!


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    Hey becky. I have been thinking about you. How are you doing? I am about to be in tww with you this week. IUI #3 will probably be on Tuesday or Wednesday. On Friday had 4 follicles, 14, 12, 10 1/2, 10. I am not worried about multiples at this point. I just want to get pregnant again and keep it. My mc was hard on me. Lets stay up beat. I am praying that this one or two stick for you. Prayers and Blessings.
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    good luck to you both, you've been through alot, we are all praying for you !
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    Thank you metsfan. How are you doing? It's been awhile. Hope things are well.
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    Thank you a_walton and metsfan for your support and prayers. I need as many as possible, just like so many others on here.

    a_walton, I hope this one works for you too. I know too well how difficult a miscarriage is. Your hopes get so high and you fall in love in just one second of looking at that stick. I'll be anxious to hear what your follicle sizes were on your last u/s before the IUI. Do you do a trigger shot before IUI? I wish you all the best and will be saying a prayer for you too. You should have a pretty good chance with all those! It will be nice to be waiting together again.
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    I'm hanging in there, Im in my 2ww but dont think it worked this cycle as im feeling like AF if going to rear its ugly head.. lol... Im moving on to IVF if it doesnt work this cycle, I will be 40 tomorrow tuesday, so its time to move on to IVF at this rate
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    Happy Birthday metsfan!!!!!

    Becky-my follicle counts today were; 1@17 and 3@16. I will most likely trigger on Tuesday night at midnight , so Wednesday morning.

    GL and FX'd for us all. I will be praying for us. Baby Dust ;)
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    thanks a_walton2 !!! :)
    woke up on my bday today to AF :(
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    I am sorry. IF sucks. So now its onto IVF? How do you feel about that? i think i will do one more cycle, if this one does not work, then onto thinking about donor eggs. RE tossed that out in the beginning of this whole journey because of my age she says. I just might get a second opinion before going there though. Yes, I will get second opinion. It can't hurt.

    My IUI is Thursday morning. My e2 was over 900 yesterday with 4 follicles. Follicle count this morning were, 19, 17, 17, 16. E2 reading later this afternoon. I will trigger tonight. So I am hopeful. FX'd.
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    Oh, Metsfan, I'm so sorry. What a lousy birthday gift.

    a_walton, I wish you the best this time around. How can you go wrong with so many follicles! My RE's office would have canceled with so many. But then again I get pregnant real easy. I think this is going to be it for you!
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    I think they would have cancelled, but I guess they factored my age into equation, I'm 39, they are just going for it. Since I was pregnant and miscarried 2 months ago before this IUI, I have a good chance.
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    That's great. I would have been begging them to go forward if I ended up with that many...at least at this point.

    Have a great morning and welcome to the 2ww!
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    thanks :) ... yes i am moving on to IVF... im now officially 40...fingers crossed a_walton2 and becky1141 !!! :)
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    Thanks metsfan.
    Well ladies blood work for E2 on Monday was 900. Follicles on Tuesday were 1@19 , 2@17, and 1 still @16. Looks like they all were mature. IUI today and the biggest was 27. We caught them just in time. I was afraid cause I felt funny yesterday on my left side, were the follicles were. But all is good. TWW has begun. GOOD LUCK. Baby Dust. FX'd that this is it for us.
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    Today is 13 days past IUI and my beta was 72. Most people would be thrilled with this, but I am not able to get excited yet. I'm glad to get past hurdle #1 but many more to go. I get my 2nd drawn on Sunday but won't get the results until Tuesday due to the holiday. I am so nervous and scared. It's going to be a a long 10 weeks to find out if things are going to be ok this time.

    I hope you are surviving your 2ww a_walton!
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    Hi becky, I am surviving. Congratulations...I'll jump for joy for you right now.
    Well I know I should not have but figured the trigger should be out of my system, it's been 11 days past trigger, so I broke down and tested. I was gonna wait till Sunday, but I just had to do it. My HPT was +. But will test again on Monday just to be sure I'm not seeing things. But I too, will be very cautious. Lets keep our fingers crossed and GL to the both of us
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    That's awesome a_walton! Hopefully we will both get a baby to stick this time around. I can't tell you how scared and paranoid I am. And this will last for quite some time for me. Will you get to go for an u/s at 6 weeks for a heartbeat? If so, you should have some comfort in the next couple of weeks. But I'm sure if you're anything like me, it's hard to find comfort. Although even after 2 miscarriages I was pretty happy and calm once I saw a heartbeat last time. Unfortunately I have a lot more going on than you do.

    Congrats again! I'll be anxious to hear how the next test goes and what your HcG levels are if you go for bloodwork.
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    Becky and a_walton ,
    So happy to hear the positives. Hoping all goes well !!
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    My first beta was 72 on day 13. My second beta on day 15 was 176. That is a 38 hour doubling time. So far so good. I have my first u/s next Thursday. It is just for location, no heartbeat yet, but I'll at least know if things are measuring correctly. It really is going to be a long 10 weeks, but things are looking good so far!!!

    How are you doing a_walton? Did you test again? Do you go for a blood test soon?
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    Hi becky. Well I took FRER yesterday, and it was a double line. This morning took clearblue digital and it says PREGNANT. so now I wait till tomorrow morning for beta. I had to know before beta. But that's not my problem, I can get pregnant, it's keeping it. So I am cautiously thrilled.
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    I am so excited for you both!!! Good luck through the next few weeks!
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    I am so excited for you both!!! Good luck through the next few weeks!
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    Thanks Hopefulnewbie!

    a_walton, Congrats on your official "pregnant". I'll be anxious to hear what your beta is today. I completely understand your thoughts on "it's easy to get pregnant". I'm the exact same way. I basically got pregnant every time but also miscarried every time. I'm really hopping this is finally it, but I'm still not getting excited. Let me know your beta. I wish you good numbers!!!!
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    Hello becky and everyone, well beta came in low on Thursday, 25. By Saturday, beta #2, numbers going down. Beta #3 Monday morning. Another cp. Mixed emotions today. I cant even think. Words, right now, I can't even express.
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    Oh, a_walton. My heart breaks for you. I know how terrible it is for this to happen again. It is so heartbreaking and I know how you feel. I wish there were words to make it better, but there really isn’t. I’m sending you hugs and I will say an extra prayer for you tonight.

    I was crying myself tonight. I was a mess this weekend. I had a few small pregnancy symptoms Thursday and Friday and then this weekend they kind of went away. I am so scared that I am having miscarriage number 4. I know symptoms can come and go and there is a chance that things are ok but I also know there is a bigger chance for me that things may not be fine. I won’t know until Thursday and there’s nothing I can do but wait. I’m so scared.
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    It's official now. I miscarried, again. This is so hard. I am numb, confused, I have questions, but can't even think straight. What's my next move? IDK. I have the WT Really F appt on Thursday. What should I ask besides, WHY? This is two in a row now, June/ September.

    FX'd becky. I will pray that this little one stays around.How's your daughter taking to this pregnancy?
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    a_walton, I know how hard it is and how frustrating. It's so emotionally difficult it can't even be put into words. That is why I am not celebrating this pregnancy for at least another 6 weeks which is so hard.

    What tests have you had done so far? Are you going to an RE or are you just going to an ob/gyn? I had so many tests done its not even funny. I would definitely ask why they think both miscarriages were at implantation. It could be any number of reasons at that time. It could be hormone levels, blood clotting, killer cell, and I'm sure many other things. For me it ended up being a chromosomal issue on my end that I never knew about. If you haven't had the normal bloodwork to check on hormone levels and thyroid levels I would definitely start there. Let me know what they have to say.

    Thanks for your prayers. My daughter has no idea I've been trying to get pregnant for the past year and a half. She has been asking me for even longer than that for a baby brother or sister. Thank goodness I never told her. I know how devastating this has been for me. I can't imagine how hard it would have been to her to think she was getting her baby sibling 3 times so far and then have it die. I never planned on telling her until around 12 weeks. I am hoping I will have enough answers by 12 weeks to feel comfortable to tell her whenever I may get that far. This whole thing has been hard enough for me to wrap my head around, let alone an 8 year old.

    I will continue to say prayers for you. I know the waiting is a killer also. Not only do you lose another baby, but then you need to wait until they'll let you try again. I hate all the waiting. Try to stay strong and hang in there.
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    Hi becky, yes I am with an RE. I will definitely ask why this is happening at implantation. I haven't had any test yet for this time. I see RE on Thursday. Hopefully she'll run some test and say I can start next month. Wishful thinking right?

    I am just so frustrated. Can I ask you, how long it took your body to get back to somewhat normalcy after miscarriage? My first, all I had were they swollen veiny breast. Now I have all these veins going up from my feet to pelvic area. I even found spider veins on ankles. When do these all go away? I just have protruding veins everywhere. I am still having pelvic twinges on both sides. I just want these reminders to go away already. I am sorry. Needed to vent a little.

    Thank you for listening.
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    My first miscarriage wasn't found until I was 9 weeks but the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. I ended up taking some meds at home in order to miscarry at home which I would never do again. it took FOREVER for my body to get back to normal after that. I had to do weekly blood work to follow my HcG back to 0 and it took about 8 weeks. That was a different situation and I didn't try again right after that.

    My second miscarriage was a chemical. My levels never doubled and were back to 0 after 5 weeks. I wasn't allowed to try again until my cycle after I was at 0. So it was about 9 weeks until I tried again.

    My third miscarriage was found at my 10 week appointment and the baby stopped growing at 9 weeks 2 days. This one was really devastating because I actually saw a heartbeat at 7 weeks and finally thought this one was ok. Because I was so far along I had to have a D&C which I would have opted to do anyway. I wasn't allowed to try until my 2nd period after my D&C which was about 10 weeks after my D&C.

    The waiting kills me. I wait to find out if the baby is ok and then when the baby isn't ok I have to wait to start over again. I hate it. I never thought I'd ever have so much trouble because I got pregnant with my daughter on the first try and never had a problem. That was 8 years ago and now I guess I realize that I was just really lucky at that point.

    I really am sorry for your losses. It's such a terrible experience. I hope they can find out what is going on with your miscarriages. It would at least give you a reason, maybe not make it easier but you'd at least know why.

    I wish you lots of luck tomorrow!
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    Becky, how are doing ?
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    Thanks for checking on me Sweety. I have my good moments and my bad moments. I had my 5 1/2 week u/s yesterday. Everything is measuring good. There was a gestational sac and a yolk sac. That's all they expected to see. I go back next Friday for another u/s and hopefully see a heartbeat.

    You'd think I'd feel better after yesterday's u/s but I really don't. I guess I really won't feel better until after my testing at 10 or 11 weeks. I am paranoid about every little thing. I don't have too many pregnancy symptoms, I never have. However, when the ones I do have do not show for a few hours or a day I am so scared and crying. For example I was going to the bathroom every 1-2 hours the past few days and today it wasn't as often. That same thing happened last week and things were still ok but it's so scary. These next 6 weeks can't go fast enough. I count down the hours until my next appt which is only 7 days away, but 7 days is a long time after you've been though what I have been and know my odds aren't nearly as good as most.

    But I am feeling as happy as I can be for the good u/s yesterday. I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best!
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