@Sampsom she said it was 30 something. I was only 12 days post iui. I'm going back tomorrow to make sure it increases. I hoping that this nugget is holding on tight.
Freckley - I'm on CD 4. I started Follistim on 10/23 150 through today and Sat/Sun 125. Monday we'll see how many follicles and size to determine when to trigger next week. I'm so excited for us...this is our month :)
Sunshinegal That number is probably why the tests were working at times and not at others. I think a majority of them are 25 or 40. I was 13 days past IUI when I went in for the blood work and repeated 2 days later.
Michelle how you doing? CD 6 here and I think AF has finally left the building! THANK GOD! Do you have your appointment Monday? I am so excited to hear how it went. I am going in Thursday and I am hoping for IUI next weekend! :)
@freckley- I will hear from the doctor on Monday about the beta results. I'm still quite anxious as that will tell if things are progressing. It's like the anxiety doesn't end but shifts which I guess is normal. Keep us posted on how you are doing, follicles, size etc. you too michelle!!
Sampson how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet? I've been peeing a lot, have had some crampimg, and one bout of morning sickness so far. It's hard not knowing what all the physical sensations mean. Sampson how many follicles did you have? I had two.
Sunshinegal... I do not feel pregnant at all except for sore boobs. I am in my 6th week now and go in on Wednesday for an Ultrasound. On the day of trigger I had 2 follicles that were of quality size. 18mm and 24mm I had a few other smaller ones but they did not measure them. I felt like the nurse was not all that great because she said that I had one on my left and nothing on my right.... I said well that is weird after all that medication I only have 1?!?!?! then she found the 18mm. So who knows if I had more and she was just not finding them. Ill know more on Wednesday but the doctor seems to think my numbers are just 1.. he also added that some people have low levels and have multiples and some have high numbers and only have 1... Ill have to go back and look at my numbers.. I think the first beta was 127 and the 2nd was 312
I cant wait to find out what you guys are having!! AHHH so exciting! and I cant wait for michelle and I to join you guys. I am on cycle day 7 and having killer side effects from clomid this cycle! ugghh hot flashes loss of appetite trouble sleeping and constantly tired! I am so ready to be pregnant!
Sunshine make sure to update us when you know your beta!
Sampson glad your pregnancy is going well so far! I cant wait to hear about your ultrasound!
My first beta was in 30's and second in 90's. Do they count days of pregnancy differently if you do iui? I mean I didn't have the iui until cycle day 17 so am I really almost 5 wks pregnant or early 4 wks. Just wondering if my levels are too low? Should I be concerned?
This is all so exciting! I can't wait for your ultrasounds sunshinegal & Sampson!!!
I'm doing good. RE checkup was good today. I have 5 follicles - 3 on the right and 2 on the left. Looks like 3 of them will reach maturity, or at least we think now. I go back in wed to re-check and decide when to trigger and IUI.
First I want to say congrats to Sampson and sunshine and a big good luck to freckley and Michelle! I came across this thread when searching my first choice donor number. I noticed he only has ICI vials left. Did you all purchase IUI or have them washed by your RE? It says to call but I haven't yet to find out when they will release more vials. Also, is the maximum births 10 families here still?
Welcome Bella!! I bought iui and as far as I know the person who prepared the speciman for the iui didn't wash it again. He just thawed it and then wrote down things about the sample. If your doctor is going to wash the sperm anyway I would think you would want to get ici. Wouldn't washing an already washed sample decrease the number of motile sperm? Is talk with your doc. And thank you'
Michelle- So excited for you and the 5 follies!! YAY!!! I am excited to hear the update tomorrow, I go in thursday so we are back to back with eachother!! I am super excited for this cycle, tonight will be my 3rd injection of gonal-f, I have had some CRAZY side effects from the clomid this time, thank god I am done with my dose cause it made me crazy and anxious this last week, feeling better now but still not 100% hopefully it will continue to wear off!!
Sunshine- so exciting about your betas!! YAY
Bella- welcome, I bought IUI vials and they just thawed them at my RE office. I know that the IUI vials have a garauntee on count, I am not sure about the ICI vials. I think i read somewhere that they are releasing more vials on him in November! let us know what you decide, I love this little group we have going its really supportive and makes you feel a little less alone in this process! :)
Michelle- Dont forget to update tomorrow!! I am so happy that we will be in the 2ww together again!! will be sooooo nice to not do it alone!
Welcome Bella! I purchased IUI, think the donor may have more available later this year...the client service dept should be able to let you know. Good luck!
Sampson- that's great! How did it go today?
Freckley, I am scheduled for IUI on Sat! I trigger tomorrow night. I have 4 good follicles :). When do you go in? So happy well be doing this together this month!
Sunshinegal - hope you are feeling good and no major morning sickness.
Sampson- YAY!! make sure to update on how your little bean is doing!! so exciting for you!!
Michelle- YAY for 4 follicles!! that is awesome!! I go in tomorrow at 3pm, I am super excited, I do my last injection of Gonal F tonight! So fingers and toes crossed that tomorrow I have a few good follicles! I know my nurse had said that she thought I would do IUI on Saturday also!! How awesome would that be if we got pregnant the same day by the same donor!! :) that would be pretty awesome!
Sampson and sunshine how far apart are you guys in the pregnancy?
Good luck Freckley and michelle!!! Baby dust to you both!
I am doing ok. I have had some cramping and pulling sensations. This being my first pregnancy I get nervous about everything. Oh and I have to pee all the time!
I would be the same way sunshine!! I hope that your mind is eased when you can see your little bean on ultrasound! I am getting nervous for tomorrow, I am really hoping that I have some good follies!!!
Hi Freckley13, I am in the process of switching donors, and am thinking about this donor. Would you mind sharing his baby photos with me? My email is stacy.g@earthlink.net. :-)
Hi Freckley13, I am in the process of switching donors and am considering this donor. Would you mind sharing his baby photos with me? My email is stacy.g@earthlink.net.:-)
So I have not so good news from the ultrasound today, ughhhhh
So I have 15 follicles but none or close to maturity, so i am going to continue to stim for a week and then I go back in for an ultrasound next friday!! Pretty bummed, I dont know why my body responds sometimes and then not others.
I am going to be doing Femara 3-7 and then gonal f 7-10
Heres hoping next week is better news!!
Michelle bummed we wont be cycle buddies, but I think this month will still be our cycle!!!
Michelle its up to me and you this month!!
CD 5 woohoo
I am hoping that the Gonal-F that i will start on sunday will give me a few great follicles!!
Freckley and michelle keep us posted.
Have a great weekend ladies!
Fingers crossed for lots of follicles for us both (ok not too many but just enough)
I am sending you sticky baby dust Sunshine! let us know how that BETA is!!
Michelle how you doing? CD 6 here and I think AF has finally left the building! THANK GOD!
Do you have your appointment Monday? I am so excited to hear how it went. I am going in Thursday and I am hoping for IUI next weekend! :)
Sampson how are you feeling? Any symptoms yet? I've been peeing a lot, have had some crampimg, and one bout of morning sickness so far. It's hard not knowing what all the physical sensations mean. Sampson how many follicles did you have? I had two.
Baby dust to you all.
On the day of trigger I had 2 follicles that were of quality size. 18mm and 24mm I had a few other smaller ones but they did not measure them. I felt like the nurse was not all that great because she said that I had one on my left and nothing on my right.... I said well that is weird after all that medication I only have 1?!?!?! then she found the 18mm. So who knows if I had more and she was just not finding them.
Ill know more on Wednesday but the doctor seems to think my numbers are just 1.. he also added that some people have low levels and have multiples and some have high numbers and only have 1...
Ill have to go back and look at my numbers.. I think the first beta was 127 and the 2nd was 312
Sunshine make sure to update us when you know your beta!
Sampson glad your pregnancy is going well so far! I cant wait to hear about your ultrasound!
Have a great day ladies, I start gonal f tonight!
Freckley and michelle how are you two doing?
I'm doing good. RE checkup was good today. I have 5 follicles - 3 on the right and 2 on the left. Looks like 3 of them will reach maturity, or at least we think now. I go back in wed to re-check and decide when to trigger and IUI.
Freckley, how are you doing?
Michelle- So excited for you and the 5 follies!! YAY!!! I am excited to hear the update tomorrow, I go in thursday so we are back to back with eachother!! I am super excited for this cycle, tonight will be my 3rd injection of gonal-f, I have had some CRAZY side effects from the clomid this time, thank god I am done with my dose cause it made me crazy and anxious this last week, feeling better now but still not 100% hopefully it will continue to wear off!!
Sunshine- so exciting about your betas!! YAY
Bella- welcome, I bought IUI vials and they just thawed them at my RE office. I know that the IUI vials have a garauntee on count, I am not sure about the ICI vials. I think i read somewhere that they are releasing more vials on him in November! let us know what you decide, I love this little group we have going its really supportive and makes you feel a little less alone in this process! :)
Michelle- Dont forget to update tomorrow!! I am so happy that we will be in the 2ww together again!! will be sooooo nice to not do it alone!
Good luck freckly and michelle.... hopefully this week will be your IUI
Sampson- that's great! How did it go today?
Freckley, I am scheduled for IUI on Sat! I trigger tomorrow night. I have 4 good follicles :). When do you go in? So happy well be doing this together this month!
Sunshinegal - hope you are feeling good and no major morning sickness.
Michelle- YAY for 4 follicles!! that is awesome!! I go in tomorrow at 3pm, I am super excited, I do my last injection of Gonal F tonight! So fingers and toes crossed that tomorrow I have a few good follicles! I know my nurse had said that she thought I would do IUI on Saturday also!!
How awesome would that be if we got pregnant the same day by the same donor!! :) that would be pretty awesome!
Sampson and sunshine how far apart are you guys in the pregnancy?
I am doing ok. I have had some cramping and pulling sensations. This being my first pregnancy I get nervous about everything. Oh and I have to pee all the time!
I am getting nervous for tomorrow, I am really hoping that I have some good follies!!!
So I have not so good news from the ultrasound today, ughhhhh
So I have 15 follicles but none or close to maturity, so i am going to continue to stim for a week and then I go back in for an ultrasound next friday!! Pretty bummed, I dont know why my body responds sometimes and then not others.
I am going to be doing Femara 3-7 and then gonal f 7-10
Heres hoping next week is better news!!
Michelle bummed we wont be cycle buddies, but I think this month will still be our cycle!!!