Anyone doing/planning IUI advanced maternal age?
Posts: 5
I was planning on beginning the IUI process imminently, but have suffered a back injury. I will be 39 in May and I am obviously concerned about my age and conceiving via IUI, looking for any stories, info, suggestions from others who are there or have been there :)
I was planning on beginning the IUI process imminently, but have suffered a back injury. I will be 39 in May and I am obviously concerned about my age and conceiving via IUI, looking for any stories, info, suggestions from others who are there or have been there :)
My partner worries about being too tired.
I suffer from high blood pressure and am on meds that have been slowly reduced in dosage. Eventually off them or switched to one that is ok wpregnancy. This has been my main concern. I am not obese, just slightly abou 10 pounds over weight, so the high blood pressure is not from an unhealthy lifestyle.
Other than that i was jut concerned w bringing in a child to this world not knowing who their father is until hey r 18. We asked a friend to donate who said no (which we supported) so now we r faced w using a stranger.
Other than thr high blood pressure my dr said there shouldnt be any concerns w conceiving w y age. But if i obecome pregnant i will be high risk and be monitored more closley.
Hope this helps a little. Where r u locted.
I am healthy, though overweight with a minor thyroid condition that is under control...and a regular(30) cycle and postive opks for the last 4 months I've tested. We also plan on using a younger donor based on some research I came across.
Still looking to share stories about ttc with women over 38...using their own eggs and frozen sperm?....
You hear soooo much negativity :(
Thanks again :)
I started taking Vitafol One prenatal pills about a month before I was going to begin treatment. I also asked if there were any vitamins that can assist strengthening my eggs so I also began taking Vitamin D, Dhea, and CoQ10, then when I was able to do treatment. I took shots (Gonal F) followed by the Overdrel the day before my two consecutive IUIs. Crossing my fingers it works.
I started taking Vitafol One prenatal pills about a month before I was going to begin treatment. I also asked if there were any vitamins that can assist strengthening my eggs so I also began taking Vitamin D, Dhea, and CoQ10, then when I was able to do treatment. I took shots (Gonal F) followed by the Overdrel the day before my two consecutive IUIs. Crossing my fingers it works.
Indigoo how did your IUI go?
i hope you all have good news.
My partner is 38 and her doc, said her uterus and overies are younger and healthy. Don't be afraid with the age. More and more people are having kids after 37 and they are perfectly healthy. 2 of my friends had their first at 37 and one had her second at 40. My mom had me at 43 and I'm the most normal one of all! :) When we started the process our doc. said to start taking the prenatal many months before.
Best wishes!
Littleone where do you go to get free IVF??
I know there is a program at that is a discount program not sure if it is only NY but it gives discounts for IUI and IVF. NY state also offers an Infertility grant program - NYS DOH infertility program. I know there are grants out there but may differ per state. I didn't qualify for anything because I did a mini stim/mini IVF and thats not a tradiationl IVF
oh thanks for the information. I'll look into it. What's a mini stim/mini IVF?
how is your journey going?