Donor 14067
Posts: 42
Just had my very first IUI this morning with this donor, just waiting now during my 2WW.
Anyone have any luck with him? They said the sample looked great, keeping my fingers crossed, but trying to just tell myself it's not going to happen on the first try so I'm not disappointed. It's going to be the longest 2 weeks ever.
Anyone have any luck with him? They said the sample looked great, keeping my fingers crossed, but trying to just tell myself it's not going to happen on the first try so I'm not disappointed. It's going to be the longest 2 weeks ever.
Have your samples had good numbers with count and mobility?
How did your 6th attempt go, wishing you all the luck and baby dust!! Please let me know!!!
Please keep me posted! I'll be going in for my third attempt in 2 weeks!
I'm 33 and don't know how many of my friends and family members baby showers I've sat through, it truly brings tears to my eyes to think about sitting at my own shower getting ready to start our family. I'm really trying to be patient, but we all know this process is an emotional roller coaster. I'm very thankful for this group, knowing I'm not alone is very comforting. And being able to talk to those going through the same thing is amazing!!
How did number 6 turn out, I hope it was successful! I'm still waiting for my surge to appear on my ovulation kit, should be any day now!
I am taking a break this cycle to work on lowering my prolactin level (which is most likely what is making it difficult to conceive). Keep me posted and good luck to you!!!
Our doctor started me on Clomid, only on day 2 of taking it. Also had blood drawn and an ultra sound. Blood work results will be back next week, the ultra sound showed everything good. My doctor thinks the meds will help a lot and believes that one of these last two attempts will be sucessful.....i hope so. Ill be going in for the 4th attempt in about 2 weeks.
Are your prolactin levels down?
This whole process is heart wrenching and extremely frustrating. To make matters worse i just started a new job and cannot ask for time off right now. So i am praying that i ovulate on my day off or else i cant go. So much stress, planning, and disappointment. When are you expected to try again?
I'll be going in for my next attempt next week, Wed or Thursday. I'll keep you posted!!
Did you go in yet?? My fingers are crossed! Let me know!!
Did your work schedule allow you to go in??? My fingers are crossed for you!
I was posting all of these because I didn't see them being posted, then it hit me to look for a "page 2". I then saw all my posts and saw that you answered my question!! So glad you were able to get off work at your new job, praying you get a BFP!!! Keep me posted!!
I did feel different! Last week I noticed I was very hungry, I would eat and be hungry in 1-2 hours, which is very unlike me. I also was getting heartburn, something I've never had an issue with. I was also burping a lot which I thought was strange! I didn't experience and nausea until this morning when I was drinking my coffee. I also had a lot of cramping.
Sending baby dust your way!!!