
39, soon 40, very, very late implantation - will it work?

I'm 39, single, and figured I can't afford to loose my time (physically) to meet Mr. (or Mrs.) Right, so decided to take charge of motherhood by myself. I have in no way troubles to meet people, I have just not met *that* person. Perhaps I've been too picky, or expecting too much, but I simply have never felt ready or willing to settle down seriously w anyone. I rather stay single than in a half good/half bad relationship, especially if it would lead to a painful separation later on. Perhaps being a child of divorced parents have made me extra mindful about selecting as well. At 39, I've discovered that my market value has greatly decreased. While I had to fend people off before, now I have to actively try if I want to meet someone, and having perhaps been "spoiled" before, it's an art I have not mastered. I need to go to a charm school I think... ;) and in the meantime, try on my own.

As per my doctor hormone levels are good, I am physically healthy and younger than my actual age. I don't smoke, I'm not overweight, I've never tried a drug (not even pot), and I drink moderately. I like a good glass of red or bubbles, but very, very rarely get to intoxicated. In other words, everything looked good.
At first I was very confident. Of course it was going to work!
After my 4th "failed" insemination, not as confident anymore. I've been on Clomid on 4 rounds of 5, attempt number 4 excluded - wanted to see if a "natural" egg would work.

Had my 5th IUI on July 26th. Tested negative 13 days post IUI thus have been sure I wasn't pregnant. I decided to move on nad do one last insemination over X-mas NYE (I live in a country where you can not legally do inseminations, so I'm stuck to my holidays for treatments (and luckily I have many being a teacher). So I continued with my life. Without pregnancy symptoms I've been surfing, climbing a volcano, and so on. Sometimes exhausted myself. I have had no pregnancy symptoms at all, this further confirmed my belief that the insemination was unsuccessful.

As it yesterday, Aug 31st, was +6 1/2 weeks ago since my last period I tested again, lo and behold, to my utter surprise it was positive!

Now of course I'm slightly (but not very) worried about my lifestyle.

* I have consumed alcohol three times post IUI; one time I got close to tipsy (but definitely not drunk), the other two not even remotely close to feeling the effect of the alcohol.
* I got a urinary tract infection the day I tested negative and took antibiotics through day 13-19 after insemination.
* As I thought I wasn't pregnant I've been careless w nutritional supplements. Up until IUI I took prenatal vitamins daily for at least 3 months. For the last 2 weeks I haven't at all.
* I got an acute retinal necrosis due a virus (varicella zoster) many months ago, and though I'm almost off the medicine by now, I still have taken Aciclovir and antiviral eye drops first daily and from a week ago every other day. That further worries me. My eye doc told me to get off the medicine, but I've been on them since insemination in July...

All these worries are probably not bad or anything to worry abt at all, yet I wish I would have done that last pregnancy test much earlier than y'day.

As per several websites late implantation very often leads to miscarriage. In my case it def. was a very late implantation as I still tested negative 13 days after. If hypothetically I ovulated 1 or 2 days post insemination. Though I got a booster shot and my body was supposed to release the egg almost at the time of insemination (my doc had at previous times done the insemination slightly before, but decided to this time try as close to ovulation as possible). So if I indeed ovulated 1-2 days after, it still took the blastocyst at least 11 days to start implanting... If, instead, fertilization occurred on the day of, it means that it took a minimum of 13(!) days for implantation. This is where most of my worries lie. Will I, now when I finally succeeded this far, lose it?
Has anyone out there had successful implantations as late as 13 days or more yet still had a healthy pregnancy and delivery?

Good luck to all of you. I would love to go through this WITH someone, if there's anyone out there to share the ride w me?
I am not sharing this with near and dear ones until I've passed 3 months (with a couple of exceptions, but the ppl I've shared this w are guy friends and they cannot advice or support me the way a GF, or someone in the same boat as me, would.

On a last note, using the date of insemination as the date conception to calculate date of delivery, I am due on my 40th birthday. Now that would be some birthday preset! :)


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    Wow! I have no idea, but wish you the best of luck. There was someone on another site that had a very low beta. But they kept testing and the number kept rising. And sound like all is well.
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    Call your doctor and see what they say. I had a barely pink line on my 13dpiui. I also tested several other times prior to that. Did you test any time past the day 13 IUI? When I went in on day 13 dpi my beta was only 60 which is low and barely picked up on the stick. I went in Monday which was 4 days after my first beta and the number was over 600 which was good.

    Most pregnant woman still maintain an active lifestyle while pregnant. I was told that I could do anything that I wanted to if I had done it prior to getting pregnant. Walking 3 miles a day, jogging etc if I was doing it before pregnancy.

    Talk to your docotr and let us know what is going on. Congrats.
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    Hi ladies,

    I tested negative on day 13 after insemination. And tested positive this past Saturday, 5 weeks + 1 day after insemination. So as of Saturday, 36 days past IUI, it was positive...
    All the time in between I was sure I was NOT pregnant (and lived thereafter; surfing, hard core trekking, took an Aleve if headache, antivirals for my eye infection, and so on).

    Yup, I'm planning to maintain an active life style throughout my pregnancy. Want to be a strong and fit mom :) However I will not get to the point of exhausting myself. Will kindly listen to my body and work out regularly, but moderately.

    To my surprise when I called and booked my first doctor's appt y'day, I was told that I was not in a hurry, as I'm "only" beginning week 7 (counting from first day of last period), and that week 9 or 10 was OK for the first appt... Anyhow, I got an appointment for what will be my week, 8 and hope to, in the meantime, keep what's inside of me.

    In hopes... For all of us on this site :)
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    yay, congrats. I wish I test positive this month after my insemination.
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    ella... Congrats. I was there to. They don't have you come in. Did they do a beta test? Check that the HCG levels are going up. I am sure you will be fine, the best appt will be 12 weeks where they do the Nuchal Test/Ultrasound to make measurements on the baby. Good luck and keep us up to date.
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    Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies! :) As I have a Dr's appt. on Sat. I'll just (impatiently) wait until then...
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    How did the appointment go? Everything ok?
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    Went on an ultra sound today. Good AND bad news. There were TWO of them. Not surprised at all as I (believe it or not) thought the whole time that it would be two. This was confirmed at my last appointment when my hormone levels were all unusually high (=usual sign of twins, or in rare cases; complications).

    One measured 10 weeks + 1 day and w 174/bpm, the other measured 6weeks w no heart beats detectable. Thus it looks like one left life 4 weeks ago, and the one is still there. The doc told me to not rule anything out, but it really wasn't likely that the little one is alive, or if so, healthy. I have my next ultra sound in 3 weeks. So now, I can't wait for that one... It'll be a looong, hard wait...

    Hope all the rest of you are doing well in your journeys!

    Much love! <3
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    Please keep us posted. I'm sad for the little bean that has passed, but I'm happy you still have one sticky bean hanging in there:)
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    Thanks Austingurl! I'm praying that no. 2 is a FIGHTER! :)

    Ultrasound scheduled for Sat Oct 19th. It'll be a loooong wait, but if everything looks good then, I should be able to relax more, as I will then have passed the critical first 12 weeks. (Should by then be 13 weeks and 6 days if the ultrasound measured correctly this past Monday).

    Hope everything is going well w the rest of you ladies!

    Now, to put my mind om something else, a well deserved vacation and going to Amsterdam! :)
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    Ellamora... Sorry about the twin. That happened to my SIL and she went on to carry a healthy boy who is almost 10. Keep us up to date and enjoy your vacation.
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    Thanks Anissa :)

    I had my annual health check up this Saturday and succeeded to get an extra ultrasound for free. (We say that what is impossible in the rest of the world is possible in China, and what is possible in the world in the rest of the world is imposible in China.) Everything looks good w the one remaining. Heart still beating and it had grown 8 days in size since Monday - to then (Saturday) the size of 11 weeks + 2 days...
    She/he was moving, and head, torso, legs, etc could be seen. Every thing looked good as per ultra sound specialist :)
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    Good Im so glad for you ellamona
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    Thanks ladies! :)

    Can't wait to next Sat. and the next ultra sound. Have been really worried the last couple of days. Afraid number two has left too. I'm not getting bigger at all, rather the last couple of days I feel that the tiny little bit of belly I had/have (which actually looks more like fat - which makes sense as I haven't worked out for two months due to mad workload, traveling and moving) is shrinking!

    Been googling and have learned that there are instances where women miscarry and carry the dead fetus for up 6 weeks w/o knowing, as the body doesn't recognize it. Thus it doesn't start to abort/miscarry it, as it still thinks it's pregnant; hormone levels stay up, boobs continue to grow, etc…Myself I'm still symptom free, no sore or bigger breasts, no enlarged or darkened areolae, no nausea, no food aversions/cravings, no heightened sensitivity to smell, no frequent running to the bathroom, and on and on. Was bit tired before but that's getting better.
    Google is a curse and a blessing - so much info to sort out the relevance of.

    If on Sat. everything indeed look good I'll by then be ~14 weeks and can hopefully relax more…

    (Dear God, make time pass by quicker!)

    And then next; chromosomal/genetic disorder testing and so on.

    Hope everybody else are doing well in their journeys :)

    Peace, Love, Life!
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    (Obviously, I should perhaps add; as I never really had any symptoms, I shouldn't be surprised if I don't have them now either, as now (starting trimester 2) is the time when many symptoms disappear for the poor ladies who do suffer morning sickness and so on. In other words, it could be totally natural that the only thing (my tiredness) is getting slightly better...

    I certainly don't want to run and throw up every day, but it's the not knowing what's going on that's hard to handle. I believe that WITH symptoms I'd be more convinced that indeed there IS something in there still growing...)
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    and a last addition for today:

    as i have a quite a small frame, i feel that i "should" show earlier. i'm certainly not tiny, but smaller than average. i'm 1.68cm and weigh 52-53kg (~115lb and 5ft 6in). with a bmi of ~18.7 (due to a thin bone structure) and slightly higher body fat % of 24.1

    had i been bigger, the little on inside would have more space to hide out for a while longer, no?

    so why don't i look preggers? :/

    oh, please saturday come fast!
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    Ella how did the ultrasound go? Praying that everything works out for you. Congrats and KMFX'd for you.
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    Yay, ultrasound went well! :)

    The boy (to soon to know, I know, but ultrasound specialist thought so) measured 14weeks + 1 day. Neck size good, heart rate at 150 BPM... All good for this stage

    Will get answers from lab on blood work and urine test next week (for example Down's syndrome).

    I guess got to be just lucky still not having any symptoms :)

    Weeeee! Mr. Zen Sebastian Émile, your mama can't wait to meet you (or alternatively, if the ultra sound gave us the wrong info today, Miss Saga, Zoë, JiaLi)!
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    Yay, ultrasound went well! :)

    The boy (to soon to know, I know, but ultrasound specialist thought so) measured 14weeks + 1 day. Neck size good, heart rate at 150 BPM... All good for this stage

    Will get answers from lab on blood work and urine test next week (for example Down's syndrome).

    I guess got to be just lucky still not having any symptoms :)

    Weeeee! Mr. Zen Sebastian Émile, your mama can't wait to meet you (or alternatively, if the ultra sound gave us the wrong info today, Miss Saga, Zoë, JiaLi)!
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    Ultrasound went well, thanks! :)

    A what ultrasound specialist described as "maybe a boy" (???) of 14 weeks and 1 day was seen.
    I know it's too early to tell gender, but in any case, someone was in there, alive n kickin!

    Will get answers on blood work and urine net week (Down's syndrome for example).

    For now, I am happy and relieved though!

    It seems like I'm one lucky woman not having any (uncomfortable) symptoms...

    Yay for me, my doc in Bangkok, donor number 13463, and all of you ladies who have cheered me on! :)

    Wish you my luck and then some!

    Pray for me and Mr. Zen Sebastian Émile (alternatively, if ultrasound was wrong, Miss Saga Zoë JiaLi) for a good and healthy remaining 26 weeks!

    Love and best wished to ya'll!

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    sorry for multiple answers, at first the first one didn't show, so went back and resent (2nd identical copy), that didn't show either, so retyped another (the 3rd) message...

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    Weeeee, got my results of the maternity DNA triple test (aneuploidy testing of chromosomes 13, 18, 21) back today and I no longer need to worry about:

    Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
    Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
    Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)

    Yay, happy mom to be (17 weeks preggers tmrw)!

    Stay positive all of you out there - IT MIGHT JUST BE YOUR TURN NEXT! :)

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    Congratulations. I hope for you all the best.
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    Congratulations Ellamona!
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    Just read these, congrats ellamona!
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    Thank you all :)

    She started kicking last week (or I guess the week before when it sometimes felt as if popping tiny popcorns in my belly, but last week it was clearly something moving inside). Not much movement the last 2-3 days but trying not to worry.

    20 weeks and 4 days today. Midterm (level 2) ultra sound on Saturday :)

    Weeee! Pray w me for positive results on my ultra sound! :)
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    Wondering how things turned out?
    BTW, I was 103 pounds and 5'3" with my first pregnancy. I didn't show at least until 4 - 5 months, and even then only slightly. I really popped out about my 6th month. Until then, nobody even knew I was pregnant!!!
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    Everything is going great thanks! :)

    I'm 29 weeks now and have a totally pain free pregnancy. I started to show @ around 18 weeks. My colleague told me two (other) colleagues had asked about me at 18+5 so that day I decided to share the news with the world and make it official.

    As per later ultrasounds I've found out that that previous ultrasound (see above) was wrong. It's a girl!
    Due on my 40th birthday Saga (Swedish for "fairytale" - I'm Swedish), Zoë (Greek for "life" - this will be her given name and a celebration of life) JiaLi (Chinese ?? for "good and pretty/beautiful" - as I live in China I want to honor the country she will be born in) is expected to make her arrival.

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